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[RELEASE] Recover Skin From Dead Players or AI


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As the topic suggests this allows a player to recover the skin from the dead body. On death, it activates the script which then checks for the players model and adds the clothing parcel associated with it to the inventory, assuming the player has space. If he doesn't, it will then add the item to the players backpack. 


There is an install read me in the .zip file, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to help you. 


download here 


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How would one configure this to work with Overpoch.

already working on a couple overpoch servers. The only way it wont work for a skin is if the skin can't be spawned in game as a clothing parcel

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "loot is added on death". If you don't use the scroll wheel, how do you get the skin from the bandit or player?

What he means is that say if you kill an ai the clothing they're wearing will be put onto ther body so when you go loot there gear ill be in the gear of the body

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "loot is added on death". If you don't use the scroll wheel, how do you get the skin from the bandit or player?



What he means is that say if you kill an ai the clothing they're wearing will be put onto ther body so when you go loot there gear ill be in the gear of the body

Of course, that only happens if you add it to the ai_death.sqf and make necessary changes where needed. the original script applies the skin to the inventory of the player on death.

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This is working much better for me than the Zabn's, It's a little different idea behind it, but think of it as the AI and people create the skin as a loot drop instead of "taking" it from their body. Just a cleaner way to use it since the Zabn's script seems to flash quite frequently. More user friendly for the player. The only place this would run into issues is if the backpack and inventory are full. So far it's much better and people are pretty happy with it.

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Your installreadme is a little confusing. I have a couple questions:


1. Where do i get player_death.sqf from?


2. In Which addons folder do i place the skin folder?


Any chance you'll be making an install guide with more info and examples?

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Your installreadme is a little confusing. I have a couple questions:


1. Where do i get player_death.sqf from?


2. In Which addons folder do i place the skin folder?


Any chance you'll be making an install guide with more info and examples?

Dayz_code pbo like with all compiles (for future reference, any pre-existing files can typically be found in the dayz_code.pbo of your @dayz_epoch folder) you can place the .sqf file anywhere you want, you just have to adjust the filepath. I probably wont, but someone else might.

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Of course, that only happens if you add it to the ai_death.sqf and make necessary changes where needed. the original script applies the skin to the inventory of the player on death.


So the only difference is instead of going up to your dead body and using the scroll menu to "Take Clothes", the skin is already in the inventory of the body?

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For me this will not work.

In my compiles.sqf:

    player_death =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_death.sqf";

In my player_death.sqf excatly on row 81 i put this in:

// Begin adding skin to player body
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Skin\Recoverskin.sqf";
// End adding skin to player body

Maybe here is something wrong??
I only changed the path to the Recoverskin.sqf.

But i think i put the code in the wrong row?

i use the standart player_death.sqf from dayz_code folder.

So i need some help here, becouse this
"then open player_death.sqf and place this code wherever you want, for epoch 1051 it needs to be around line 81 Change the filepath to suit your needs."
from the installreadme is not helping me alot.



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For me this will not work.

In my compiles.sqf:

    player_death =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_death.sqf";

In my player_death.sqf excatly on row 81 i put this in:

// Begin adding skin to player body
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Skin\Recoverskin.sqf";
// End adding skin to player body

Maybe here is something wrong??

I only changed the path to the Recoverskin.sqf.

But i think i put the code in the wrong row?

i use the standart player_death.sqf from dayz_code folder.

So i need some help here, becouse this

"then open player_death.sqf and place this code wherever you want, for epoch 1051 it needs to be around line 81 Change the filepath to suit your needs."

from the installreadme is not helping me alot.




player_death =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_death.sqf";

my player_death.sqf I placed in my custom folder


my player_death.sqf line 81 reads

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\Skin\Recoverskin.sqf";


since custom\skin is where I placed the Recoverskin.sqf

you show your player_death.sqf is in your custom folder and your Recoverskin.sqf is in your scripts folder

is this where your new files are ???

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