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(RELEASE) Loyalty reward system


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what does this script do?


The loyalty system rewards players who play on your server with 10000 coins after an 30 minutes this amount is multiplied by 1 every 30 minutes (can be configured how ever you like)





To install copy the code below and name it fn_rewardLoyalty.sqf and place it in your mission pbo

multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
	if ( _i == 1) then 
		_reward = (10000 * multiPlyWith);
		player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
		_msg = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on Mayhem! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: </t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>", name player, _reward];
		hint _msg;
		multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
		_i = 0;
	sleep 1800;
	_i = _i + 1;

open your init and call it using 

execVM "Custom\fn_rewardLoyalty.sqf"

 change the path if you do not use a custom folder.


just configure how often and how much a player gets in the rewardloyalty.sqf


This was used in arma 3 so i give credit to the original author JoSchaap i only got it working in arma 2.

it wont let upload a screen shot so you will have to install to see it.



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you also could set some global variables in there and set them in your init.sqf, so it would be more convinient and less confusing for some admins :)

How about an alternive version where you reward players with goldbars for users without single currancy?

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  • 4 weeks later...

How to go about to add this safezone, base check??

Its a nice script and I would like to have it running, but worry about camping mofos who will abuse it.

If someone could tell me it would be great and alot of thx to the author for making this.



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You guys should be ashamed, really. auzgamer did spend time to make this and he shared it with the Community (with us!) - and all you do is harass. Don't tell him everything is shit, give him some ideas or help on how to do it better. I hope the people know, hwo i mean...

Make Love, not War!

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  • 1 month later...

You guys should be ashamed, really. auzgamer did spend time to make this and he shared it with the Community (with us!) - and all you do is harass. Don't tell him everything is shit, give him some ideas or help on how to do it better. I hope the people know, hwo i mean...

Make Love, not War!




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Well if you are not a coder how can you judge this script then?

It is doing exactly what it should, means it is a good script.

The shite you having there is because of your debug monitor, I posted a solution for that on the first page.

So rather then offend people who try to help you should better understand why is it working like it does, even if you are not a coder, by simply looking at the code you could read it or at least be thankful for the help you get here.

This probably won't your last issue and they're always the same people helping here others, so better don't mess up with them ;P

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