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Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...


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halv I have a question.. I got it all to load in finally.. now when I am in admin mode in InfiSTAR it loads fine and works fine.. when I remove myself from the run.sqf when I load in fresh to the server after suiciding to make sure I'm fresh I get the spawn dialog option on the pedestals for a sec then infistar loads up on the server (I am not an admin at this point because I removed my GUID) and it disappears and all I see at the pedestal is the Inventory selection ring around it.. I have the addition of the 7777 for the dialogs idd in the run.sqf but still happening. The spawndialog.hpp is added in the description file above my infistar



Thats at the top of my description.ext


#include "addons\halv_spawn\spawndialog.hpp"

#include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"

author = "Epoch Mod Team";

class Header




[] execVM "addons\halv_spawn\init.sqf"




/* Use allowed Dialogs ? */ _UDW = true;    /* true or false */

/* _allowedDialogs: Insert IDDs here to prevent them from being closed! Default ArmA3 and Altis-Life idds should be in already. */

_allowedDialogs = [-1,602,7777];



I had to add an exception 22 to the scripts.txt and an exception 40 as well.. just seems like something in infistar is stopping it. As I said it loads up briefly and I get the select spawn point dialog and then it disappears and I cant get it back till I do a full restart on the server. So far it appears I've done everything correct. now I'm just stumped

/*  Remove Actions Objs  */ _OAO = false;
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that worked thank you Halv.. one last bug to squash 


#12 ";_para setdir direction _unit;_vel = velocity _unit;_unit moveindriver _para;_para lock false;if (_unit == player) then {"


not sure how to right the exception for that... I did have it as on line 13  !=";_para setdir direction _unit;_vel = velocity _unit;_unit moveindriver _para;_para lock false;if (_unit == player) then {"


tried that and got it again...


then tried 


!";_para setdir direction _unit;_vel = velocity _unit;_unit moveindriver _para;_para lock false;if (_unit == player) then {"


still got it...

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that worked thank you Halv.. one last bug to squash 


#12 ";_para setdir direction _unit;_vel = velocity _unit;_unit moveindriver _para;_para lock false;if (_unit == player) then {"


not sure how to right the exception for that... I did have it as on line 13  !=";_para setdir direction _unit;_vel = velocity _unit;_unit moveindriver _para;_para lock false;if (_unit == player) then {"


tried that and got it again...


then tried 


!";_para setdir direction _unit;_vel = velocity _unit;_unit moveindriver _para;_para lock false;if (_unit == player) then {"


still got it...


sorry i havent answered ... im working on a better way to do halo spawns so this will not trigger.


untill then i think there is an aswer for this somewhere in the thread if you look through it.

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reworked the halo jump function and is not using bis_fnc_halo anymore. (should result in less kicks from unknown fuctions/scripts)

added persistant "Last used gearset" that saves over restarts.

changed so players do not need to relog to refresh for locked spawns from bodys (to allow players to remove the body, if you also update/use my killfeed)

changed some minor details to improve performance a tiny bit on server boot (nothing major).

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for everybody who run into problems with "infinistar", should have a look into his "run.sqf" @line 167,168,169 and 179
and take care to set them from "true" to "false" otherwhile you cant see a menu!


/* Remove Actions Plr */ _OAP = false; /* true or false */ /* Remove ALL Actions on Player Object: (mousewheel actions) needs to be false for AltisLife for e.g. gathering */

/* Remove Actions Objs */ _OAO = false; /* true or false */ /* Remove ALL Actions on Objects near Player: (mousewheel actions) needs to be false when using e.g. IgiLoad */

/* Check Attached Objs */ _CAO = false; /* true or false */ /* needs to be false when using e.g. IgiLoad */

/* Revert MouseWheel */ _RMW = false; /* true or false */ /* recommended: true Removes custom MouseWheelbins and sets back the default ones */

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/* Check Attached Objs */ _CAO = false; /* true or false */ /* needs to be false when using e.g. IgiLoad */

/* Revert MouseWheel */ _RMW = false; /* true or false */ /* recommended: true Removes custom MouseWheelbins and sets back the default ones */


these two are not needed for this script, but im assuming ppl already know how to configure anthacks ...



hi again thanks for the help got it working as such but when others join the game I go to were they are but they cant see me and I cant see them at all any ideas ?





im not sure exactly sure what you mean by this?

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these two are not needed for this script, but im assuming ppl already know how to configure anthacks ...




im not sure exactly sure what you mean by this?


/* Check Attached Objs */ _CAO = false; /* true or false */ /* needs to be false when using e.g. IgiLoad */

>>true, i needed this only for my IgiLoad and it is not needed!

/* Revert MouseWheel */ _RMW = false; /* true or false */ /* recommended: true Removes custom MouseWheelbins and sets back the default ones */

>>after choose "HALO spawn" i was only able to scroll again to open the chute, so i keep an eye into my log and see i was blocked by Infinistar (again) with the revert option.

and btw. thank you for this nice Work. I know you had a lot of work and your time must be rare. But if maybe you have an Idea where i can get a "Sahrani.h" to choose spawnpoints, or should i build my own one?

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and btw. thank you for this nice Work. I know you had a lot of work and your time must be rare. But if maybe you have an Idea where i can get a "Sahrani.h" to choose spawnpoints, or should i build my own one?


just make your own locations, its quite easy and most will have a nearby town name attached without anything done

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hi sorry I mean on my server with my friends I goto were they are but we cant see one another but we are on the same server if you get what I mean now


sounds like you messed something up big time or your server is not installed correctly ... dont you have any errors in your rpt files?

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ok all is working  infistar and the Halv Spawn But.  the Spawn Dialog then i Click on the  this. dont open the. but all is Editet  in the Run Sqf. i think Infistar  hate Halv spawn .. but i love it this :D


did you remeber this:


/* Use allowed Dialogs ? */ _UDW = true;    /* true or false */
/* _allowedDialogs: Insert IDDs here to prevent them from being closed! Default ArmA3 and Altis-Life idds should be in already. */
_allowedDialogs = [-1,602,7777];
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How can I disable the selection of players weapon & item?



//start screen 0 = start on select gear screen, anything else will start it on select map screen
_halv_spawn_startmode = 0;

//if false then gear select screen/button is disabled
_halv_allowgearselect = true;

//if false, this disables adding gear, so no gear is added 
//if gear select is disabled and this is false, no random gear is added to player on spawn
//to add random gear from the arrays, set this to true and disable gear selection
_addgear = true;

//this is to clear all gear, before adding the new gear
//best to keep this true, if you allow gear selection
//if you do not allow gear selection, set this to false, or player will start with nothing
_removedefault = true;

//if true, it will always adds a map to the player on spawn (else player will not have a map, if not added to list)
_addmap = true;

and/or you can remove all the items in all the arrays of spawn_gear_settings.sqf

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Hi is it possible to change the donor / reg  to donor / admin or something like that, dont want players thinking if they register on my forums that they can then get different items to choose (lol as if that hasn't already happened)




i would encorage that if i was you, but either way you can change most text strings in stringtable.xml

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My credits don't display. They worked for a little then stooped working?


heres my rpt


== C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\arma3server.exe
== "C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive -ip= -port=11802 -profiles=Admin -config=Admin\server.cfg -cfg=Admin\arma3.cfg -name=Admin -autoinit -nolog

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server
Exe timestamp: 2015/06/10 17:01:17
Current time: 2015/06/15 08:36:59

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.46.131175

Allocator: C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

8:36:59 ManagerConfig()
8:36:59 Error when creating WIC imaging factory:
    Error: 0x80040154
8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_GUNS
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_ROCKETS
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_MISSILES
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_BOMBS
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_GUNS
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_ROCKETS
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_MISSILES
8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_BOMBS
8:37:00 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:00 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:00 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:09 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:11 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/
8:37:11 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->HouseBase, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->Thing, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ThingX/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->House, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House_F/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->House_F, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House_Small_F/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RifleBaseLowStandActions, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/Actions/RifleBaseStandActions/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->StandBase, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/
8:37:12 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/
8:37:12 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/
8:37:12 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/
8:37:12 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).
8:37:12 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/
8:37:12 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/
8:37:12 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/
8:37:12 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/
8:37:12 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->BulletCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/CA_Magazine/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->ReammoBox, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgVehicles/WeaponHolder/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CowsSlot/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/PointerSlot/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->PistolCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->WeaponSlotsInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->ReammoBox, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bag_Base/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->ThingX, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/WeaponHolderSimulated/
8:37:12 Updating base class ->Ship, by a3\boat_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ship_F/
8:37:13 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/
8:37:13 Updating base class RscText->RscIGUIValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfo/CA_Speed_Freefall/
8:37:13 Updating base class RscText->RscIGUIValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfo/CA_Alt_Freefall/
8:37:13 Updating base class RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon->RscUnitInfo, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
8:37:13 Updating base class RscOptics_AV_driverNoWeapon->RscUnitInfo, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscOptics_AV_driver/
8:37:13 Updating base class RscUnitInfoAirRTDFullNoWeapon->RscUnitInfoAir, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAirRTDFull/
8:37:13 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:13 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:14 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.
8:37:14 Initializing Steam Manager
8:37:14 ManagerConfig()
8:37:14 unable to load subscribed content list. list will be updated from steam
8:37:14 unable to load published content list. list will be updated from steam
8:37:14 unable to load cached items meta info. save and update functionality will be broken
8:37:14 Steam Manager initialized.
8:37:14 ==== Loaded addons ====
8:37:14 dta\bin.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 dta\core.pbo - 72362
8:37:14 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 83717
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3eai.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_infistar.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_server.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_wai.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a2_epoch_weapons.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_2.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_code.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_config.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_functions.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_language.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_structures.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_underground.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles_1.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_weapons.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\anims_f_mark.ebo - 83739
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\characters_f_mark.ebo - 83678
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\data_f_mark.ebo - 82269
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.ebo - 81923
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.ebo - 81923
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\functions_f_mark.ebo - 82819
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\functions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83754
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mark.ebo - 83732
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83732
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\language_f_mark.ebo - 83711
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83714
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mark.ebo - 83494
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_data.ebo - 83115
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_video.ebo - 81429
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83640
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark_data.ebo - 81558
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\modules_f_mark.ebo - 81710
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\modules_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83640
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\music_f_mark.ebo - 81958
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\music_f_mark_music.ebo - 81930
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\sounds_f_mark.ebo - 83408
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\static_f_mark.ebo - 83658
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\structures_f_mark.ebo - 83683
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\supplies_f_mark.ebo - 79552
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.ebo - 82421
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83655
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.ebo - 83730
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 83642
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 80475
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 83497
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 80757
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 75138
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 82940
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 83702
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 82940
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 75977
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 75065
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 82939
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 76012
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 76012
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 83090
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 82971
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 76986
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 80475
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 83566
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 80888
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 83708
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 76770
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 75687
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 83577
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 74588
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 83645
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 82971
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 83573
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 82282
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 83104
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 83690
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 80344
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 83335
8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 83335
8:37:14 addons\a3.pbo - unknown
8:37:14 addons\air_f.pbo - 83231
8:37:14 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 83681
8:37:14 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 addons\air_f_rtd.pbo - 76933
8:37:14 addons\animals_f.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 72362
8:37:14 addons\anims_f.pbo - 84018
8:37:14 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 72362
8:37:14 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 83699
8:37:14 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 78608
8:37:14 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 72362
8:37:14 addons\armor_f.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 83130
8:37:14 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 83128
8:37:14 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 83128
8:37:14 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 83677
8:37:14 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\boat_f.pbo - 83667
8:37:14 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 83267
8:37:14 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 82564
8:37:14 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 83643
8:37:14 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 83460
8:37:14 addons\characters_f.pbo - 83549
8:37:14 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 83570
8:37:14 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576
8:37:14 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 83523
8:37:14 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 81235
8:37:14 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\data_f.pbo - 83717
8:37:14 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76960
8:37:14 addons\drones_f.pbo - 83644
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 76110
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 78704
8:37:14 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 78762
8:37:14 addons\editor_f.pbo - 82563
8:37:14 addons\functions_f.pbo - 83807
8:37:14 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83415
8:37:14 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 73434
8:37:14 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 83717
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 83723
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83726
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 83730
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 addons\language_f.pbo - 83686
8:37:14 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 83687
8:37:14 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83688
8:37:14 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 83692
8:37:14 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 83694
8:37:14 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 83695
8:37:14 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 83695
8:37:14 addons\map_altis.pbo - 83614
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 80737
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 79087
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 79087
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 79087
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 79087
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 79087
8:37:14 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\map_data.pbo - 81846
8:37:14 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 83457
8:37:14 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 80737
8:37:14 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 79082
8:37:14 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\map_vr.pbo - 82252
8:37:14 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 82252
8:37:14 addons\misc_f.pbo - 82966
8:37:14 addons\missions_f.pbo - 78843
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 83663
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 83118
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 72362
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 75065
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 83494
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 83750
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 83104
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epc_data.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epc_video.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 82717
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 76877
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\modules_f.pbo - 83636
8:37:14 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 83576
8:37:14 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 80976
8:37:14 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\music_f.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\plants_f.pbo - 80365
8:37:14 addons\roads_f.pbo - 82537
8:37:14 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 80359
8:37:14 addons\signs_f.pbo - 82967
8:37:14 addons\soft_f.pbo - 83658
8:37:14 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 83644
8:37:14 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83358
8:37:14 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 83320
8:37:14 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 83775
8:37:14 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 83703
8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576
8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 82151
8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 82110
8:37:14 addons\static_f.pbo - 83378
8:37:14 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 79398
8:37:14 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 82090
8:37:14 addons\structures_f.pbo - 83611
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82970
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 82554
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 82615
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 83683
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 83732
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 82554
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 83450
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 82969
8:37:14 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 82970
8:37:14 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 73106
8:37:14 addons\ui_f.pbo - 83710
8:37:14 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76325
8:37:14 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 83709
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 83772
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 83667
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 81923
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 83667
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 80958
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 80374
8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 80772
8:37:14 =======================
8:37:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:14 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
8:37:14 modsReadOnly = true
8:37:14 safeModsActivated = false
8:37:14 customMods = true
8:37:14 hash = 'E896FAA026D400593CEBD953782D6C57EB9FC617'
8:37:14 hashShort = 'bada8b9f'
8:37:14 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath
8:37:14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8:37:14 @EpochHive | @EpochHive | false | GAME DIR | 592adfab988fa0355b3679604f38f0badaaa3083 | 34ec149d | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive
8:37:14 Epoch Mod | @Epoch | false | GAME DIR | d0f0fb4075b466f3d9d2e08ab6aae5b517e9f690 | 56613dca | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch
8:37:14 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | |
8:37:14 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | d0c05e486c4cc984946df87a4ef21735a653d121 | 4696236c | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark
8:37:14 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 20e528433bb766997e48a432050c2ae62cbddd54 | aa5c1cd5 | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli
8:37:14 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | ca3f3420a94ec2b85973b00b8c63d4b0574a5c63 | f88c65c6 | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart
8:37:14 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | ca8a5bb58190eb65da6ce6939b9e461ccdde70a5 | 474a0a58 | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator
8:37:14 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | |
8:37:14 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
8:37:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
8:37:14 InitSound ...
8:37:14 InitSound - complete
8:37:14 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
8:37:14 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
8:37:14 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:14 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script
8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init
8:37:18 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:18 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:19 VoteThreshold must be in 0..1 range. Defaulting to 0.5
8:37:19 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 11802, Steam Query Port: 11803
8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:20 Starting mission:
8:37:20 Mission file: epoch (__cur_mp)
8:37:20 Mission world: altis
8:37:20 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\
8:37:20 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:20 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:31 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
8:37:31 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
8:37:41 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:41 EPE manager release (0|0|0)
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
8:37:41 "Epoch: Init Compiles"
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Initializing A3EAI version 0.7.0 using base path a3eai."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Reading A3EAI configuration file."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI configuration file loaded."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Verified all A3EAI settings in 0.00400162 seconds."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Compiling A3EAI functions."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI functions compiled."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI settings: Debug Level: 0. DebugMarkers: false. WorldName: altis. VerifyClassnames: true. VerifySettings: true."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] AI spawn settings: Static: true. Dynamic: true. Random: true. Air: true. Land: true."
8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI loading completed in 0.147999 seconds."
8:37:42 Connected to Steam servers
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - finaled EPOCH_server_isPAdmin: {true}"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - including AntiHack"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> VERSION: 09-06-2015 infiSTAR.de AHAT (v0188b)"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTING"
8:37:42 Warning Message: Script customconfigfile.sqf not found
8:37:42 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: { _abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a']; _gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1)); _arr = ['D','T','r','b','9','r','d','q','4','d','u','E','M','E','A','m','D','r','S','e','M','G','Q','r','0','e','v','l','8','3']; for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));}; _allRandomGenVars pushBack _gen; _gen }"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _adminbox: r7d4b0M2v702T7q486d"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: q198G6M4l6u3v0l4A2Q5r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_mpPackets: g5T6r1v8d5e1S8M8r4m08"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_AH2_KICKLOG: j6m6D4m6r7r4d0v7M9E"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_AH2_KICKLOGSPAWN: l6E8q6q7m3G747e3v5e9r6Q"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_PVAH_AdminReq: n3u7Q6m6r7e0Q1d3e6d2A54"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BigTokenArray: e883G608A6b995r8Q0r6m"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _server_setTokenR: u9r1A7e9Q0D1u6M5q7m5l1r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _server_checkTokenR: v984q3S7G8r7T6E1e5G6r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _YourPlayerToken: s39799Q4l0M6A4m08641e4l"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _TokenCheck: d1Q8r1M5v7r3u4D305A9824"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_MAIN_BLOCK: p2m6q2T6G2T7M392r6m40348E"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _RUN_ON_CLIENTS: t4v2m4q9r7v8e5T506b787r34"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE: c3r4Q7q2r2b7E8m5D3r6870"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE_C: m2T3G8d8r8T7d848D1b4d"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE_MARKER: j2r792u4q8d1G793r5r1T"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHKickOFF: d796e8M7r5r3M592T5r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH2KICKLOG: p8D5d1M5b6M6e5e6d6d6l6Q"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged: i3e4v880M3d2S6A0G0S046u"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FiredCheck: d601r5v4r5D5M7u2r1G888q2G"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientdo: e4q2m1r1e6S200d801r2u6r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_RunCheckARRAY: b6l007E7q3Q898D5r8d4b"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: p2e5b505D9d7r2r7u7E1T0l8q"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_HackLogArrayRND: u1E587G3A099d1A1r631e"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: i6M8d542l747G5M5A2T5829"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: v3T2d8d04485e8u3G9D6Q"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _TMPBAN: c7r0b1d5q7q1e7d4A98"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _massMessage: u94180d447l6D607e3A7u"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _massSysMessage: m5e7A9d8M2r7r9Q3M189M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: k6m6r9u4l1S2r3E6l6r7r5E"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ninetwo: g6e7d6m9e7M2r3u595D4G4D9v"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ninetwothread: w2r592M9r6d4r6Q3Q74"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _adminsA: j7e5M7q0b2r8Q0b1d9r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MC: q70502M8q731r5S6E0q7m1D69"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MCS: f1S892T4A136r3T09794r3d"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminLoaded: d1b196r1m5d7m4b7d1r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncethree: j9r1b2A1M7r2m6r0D28"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: c1d8S2r4A2e495r7D3d5r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _checkidicheckcheck: x1r4Q4T3S8r3r8D1q7M3T"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastshotmade: a8T144e3S3d3b6u6b8M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _dellocveh: x7D2r8A4Q6E6v499M996e0r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _toBreakDisplays: r2D3D6r4r5D108D0u834D8E"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _inCombatTime: n084e13197l8M202d6D0T"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _inCombatArray: n448r1r1l796M1q7u2u1q1v"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_infiKeyHandler: z5M3Q1d6E508M845T387M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ButtonDownCnt: l6b8r6D5l3r7Q2l3m7b2m"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ButtonDownTime: g5q8M2S18495r6G5d583M3S8M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: y2l5r1v492q141E9D8l2d0d5e"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: c7A8G289M8M5m6r7S542q83"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ZEROZEROZERO: y3D1e9b7T6e5e393M2Q5e"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAKE_VAR_DUMP_RANDOM: d5b147A6M1E5r6e7D8D6E"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAKE_VAR_DUMP_CLIENT: z6E8d0A302r4m5T7d2S"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t1: s1r293D485d3M1M6q7r8u"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t2: p7b6r1A0E3D6r3D8A9v3q2E7M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t3: b8e3u9r5r5q6d4M0E5A"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t4: n0r5d7v5E703r082e7S"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t5: h1M8e0Q8r707M0r2r20"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t6: g6e7E0M4b507m4e4A3q4q7Q2r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t7: e8S6r2d5q7d5M2m3M508M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t8: m1M6D6d7A8r304r2b2d7M6M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t9: x891S5q3r9A1r2e201D8r7b"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t10: e9q0M2r0d6r8D0M7r1A2e6v"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t11: x4r2b298b7Q6Q3D1l5r8D"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t12: h7E2T2A8r6Q8A4d3S330m"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t13: j2m2A1b142l8M5r3l4S4e"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t14: q6r7M4A9M703d9m4e1S"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t15: t7m1q4M3A4Q3r7d1e0e3u"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t16: j799S348D548D305M3b5r7A"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t17: h4S1d3b8G1T5E1q4A9M1m380u"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_endMission: m6G4r8S3l9T7A5b0q8u"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_param: i3d5E7b8v6m1M3G3T8r1d5r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_loop: o2Q1r1r505M347v1r5r1T1r"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_paramIn: n9D6r5029540D187D3r3M"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_returnChildren: h001E8r3q1u4m3m897v6M6d"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _loaded: A3RANDVAR_576564191"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH2_KICKLOG: PVAHR_2d9e2o1a2e9l1r3q"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _RequestToken: PVAHR_6i9v1k1z5b2f2y5c"
8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - loading AntiHack.."
8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_mp
8:37:42 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_spawn
8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_mpexec
8:37:42 "[halv_spawn] waiting for default 'Debug_static_F' to be build in altis @ (236180) [23600.6,18000.8,0]"
8:37:42 "Epoch: Starting ArmA3 Epoch Server, Version"
8:37:42 Unable to get file version size: C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\epochserver.dll
8:37:42 "Epoch: Init Variables"
8:37:42 "Loading config..."
8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - epoch_server_ispadmin
8:37:42 "Epoch: Start Hive, Instance ID: '6415'"
8:37:42 "Epoch: Init PublicEH"
8:37:42 "Epoch: Setup Side Settings"
8:37:42 "Epoch: Setup World Settings for altis"
8:37:42 "Epoch: Set Weather"
8:37:42 Weather was forced to change
8:37:42 "Weather Change: fog: [0.0955267,0.0538123,9.3727] rain: 0.939424 overcast: 0.377223 windx: -3.70643 windz: 4.64879 forced: true"
8:37:43 "Epoch: Loading buildings"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: starting!"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: loading...!"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: compiling and/or sending none-threaded code!"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: none-threaded code compiled and/or sent!"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - AntiHack loaded!"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - run.sqf - AntiHack included!"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - run.sqf - including AdminTools"
8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - run.sqf - AdminTools included!"
8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 starting now!"
8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 looping now!"
8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #3: starting now! - SERVER FPS: 11.0574 - activeSQFScripts: 12"
8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #2: starting now! - SERVER FPS: 11.0574 - activeSQFScripts: 12"
8:37:47 "[A3EAI] Verified 353 unique classnames in 0.182003 seconds."
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload_prone.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_Reload_anim.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_UGL_Reload_anim.rtm
8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
8:38:03 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: UID: 76561198045270511 | TOKEN: wljw54yapiak2wpc - TOKEN CREATED"
8:38:03 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: Michael(76561198045270511) NO OBJECT FOR TOKEN wljw54yapiak2wpc HAS BEEN FOUND.."
8:38:03 Unable to get file version size: .\ARMA_LOG.dll
8:38:03 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| Connected: Michael(76561198045270511) - time: 11.84 - serverTime: 0h 00min | - serverFPS: 11.1421 (v0188b)"
8:38:11 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) Requested a Token! _clientID: 3"
8:38:11 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) TOKEN FOUND! SENT wljw54yapiak2wpc TO OBJECT"
8:38:29 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
8:38:29 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
8:38:29 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
8:38:56 Warning Message: Script mission\missions5.sqf not found
8:39:24 Warning Message: Script x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf not found
8:39:24 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
8:39:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init
8:39:24 "WAI: Initialising missions"
8:39:24 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"
8:39:55 "<infiSTAR.de> 120.081 - Thread #2: waited 120s - SERVER FPS: 11.2755 - activeSQFScripts: 21"
8:39:56 "<infiSTAR.de> 120.458 - Thread #2: TERMINATED - SERVER FPS: 6.52795 - activeSQFScripts: 21"
8:40:22 "Epoch: Loading teleports and static props"
8:40:25 "Epoch: Loading NPC traders"
8:40:26 No speaker given for Wang Ng
8:40:26 "[halv_spawn] found some default teleporters ... _deletedefaultteleporters: 'true'"
8:40:26 No speaker given for Hamidi Ibori
8:40:26 "[halv_spawn] sendt teleporters and default positions to clients, 0 textures build"
8:40:34 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
8:40:34 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
8:40:37 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\concrete.bisurf
8:40:40 "Epoch: Spawning NPC traders"
8:40:40 "Epoch: Loading vehicles"
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitLight not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitHydraulics not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitGear not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerL1 not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerR1 not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitVStabilizer1 not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitTail not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitPitotTube not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitStaticPort not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitEngine2 not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitEngine3 not found in mosquito_epoch
8:40:46 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
8:40:46 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
8:40:48 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\rubber.bisurf
8:40:50 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
8:40:56 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:56 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:40:57 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddDoors - unknown animation source AddDoors
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: GunL_Revolving - unknown animation source GunL_Revolving
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: GunR_Revolving - unknown animation source GunR_Revolving
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddFLIR - unknown animation source AddFLIR
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddGunHolder - unknown animation source AddGunHolder
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: hidePG_1 - unknown animation source Missiles_revolving
8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: zaslehROT - unknown animation source Muzzle_flash
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
8:41:11 "VEH SPAWN TIMER 31.427"
8:41:11 "Epoch: Spawning vehicles"
8:41:12 "Epoch: Loading storage"
8:41:16 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| Disconnected: Michael(76561198045270511) - time: 196.607 - serverTime: 0h 03min | - serverFPS: 15.2381 (v0188b)"
8:41:16 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found
8:41:27 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| Connected: Michael(76561198045270511) - time: 207.214 - serverTime: 0h 03min | - serverFPS: 16.1943 (v0188b)"
8:41:34 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) Requested a Token! _clientID: 3"
8:41:34 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) TOKEN FOUND! SENT wljw54yapiak2wpc TO OBJECT"
8:41:52 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["wljw54yapiak2wpc",["Michael","76561198045270511","COMBATCHECK",1]]"
8:41:56 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["wljw54yapiak2wpc",["Michael","76561198045270511","COMBATCHECK",0]]"
8:42:51 "Storage SPAWN TIMER 98.308"
8:42:51 "Epoch: Loading static loot"
8:42:52 "Epoch: Server Start Complete: 309.474 seconds"
8:42:52 "Loaded Server FSM"
8:42:53 No speaker given for Abdul-Aziz Ghafurzai
8:42:54 Speaker Male10_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
8:42:59 "A3EAI Monitor: Uptime: 0:6:0. FPS: 47.619. Active AI Groups: 11. Respawn Queue: 0 groups. HC Connected: false."
8:42:59 "A3EAI Monitor: Static Spawns: 0. Dynamic Spawns: 0. Random Spawns: 13. Air Patrols: 3. Land Patrols: 8."
8:43:03 "<infiSTAR.de> 303.038 - Thread #3: TERMINATED - SERVER FPS: 46.3768 - activeSQFScripts: 19"

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My credits don't display. They worked for a little then stooped working?


heres my rpt



== C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\arma3server.exe

== "C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive -ip= -port=11802 -profiles=Admin -config=Admin\server.cfg -cfg=Admin\arma3.cfg -name=Admin -autoinit -nolog

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server

Exe timestamp: 2015/06/10 17:01:17

Current time: 2015/06/15 08:36:59

Type: Public

Branch: Stable

Version: 1.46.131175

Allocator: C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll


8:36:59 ManagerConfig()

8:36:59 Error when creating WIC imaging factory:

    Error: 0x80040154

8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:36:59 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_GUNS

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_ROCKETS

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_MISSILES

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_SWITCH_BOMBS

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_GUNS

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_ROCKETS

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_MISSILES

8:37:00 Cannot register unknown string STR_CONTROLS_TOOLTIPS_SWITCH_BOMBS

8:37:00 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:00 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:00 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:09 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:11 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/

8:37:11 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->HouseBase, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->Thing, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ThingX/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->House, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House_F/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->House_F, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House_Small_F/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RifleBaseLowStandActions, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/Actions/RifleBaseStandActions/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->StandBase, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/

8:37:12 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/

8:37:12 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/

8:37:12 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/

8:37:12 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).

8:37:12 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/

8:37:12 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/

8:37:12 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/

8:37:12 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/

8:37:12 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->BulletCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/CA_Magazine/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->ReammoBox, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgVehicles/WeaponHolder/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CowsSlot/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/PointerSlot/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->PistolCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->WeaponSlotsInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->ReammoBox, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bag_Base/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->ThingX, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/WeaponHolderSimulated/

8:37:12 Updating base class ->Ship, by a3\boat_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ship_F/

8:37:13 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/

8:37:13 Updating base class RscText->RscIGUIValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfo/CA_Speed_Freefall/

8:37:13 Updating base class RscText->RscIGUIValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfo/CA_Alt_Freefall/

8:37:13 Updating base class RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon->RscUnitInfo, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/

8:37:13 Updating base class RscOptics_AV_driverNoWeapon->RscUnitInfo, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscOptics_AV_driver/

8:37:13 Updating base class RscUnitInfoAirRTDFullNoWeapon->RscUnitInfoAir, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAirRTDFull/

8:37:13 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:13 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:14 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.

8:37:14 Initializing Steam Manager

8:37:14 ManagerConfig()

8:37:14 unable to load subscribed content list. list will be updated from steam

8:37:14 unable to load published content list. list will be updated from steam

8:37:14 unable to load cached items meta info. save and update functionality will be broken

8:37:14 Steam Manager initialized.


8:37:14 ==== Loaded addons ====


8:37:14 dta\bin.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 dta\core.pbo - 72362

8:37:14 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 83717

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3eai.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_infistar.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_server.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\addons\a3_epoch_wai.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a2_epoch_weapons.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_2.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_code.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_config.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_functions.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_language.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_structures.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_underground.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles_1.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_weapons.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\anims_f_mark.ebo - 83739

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\characters_f_mark.ebo - 83678

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\data_f_mark.ebo - 82269

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.ebo - 81923

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.ebo - 81923

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\functions_f_mark.ebo - 82819

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\functions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83754

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mark.ebo - 83732

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83732

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\language_f_mark.ebo - 83711

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83714

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mark.ebo - 83494

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_data.ebo - 83115

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_video.ebo - 81429

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83640

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark_data.ebo - 81558

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\modules_f_mark.ebo - 81710

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\modules_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83640

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\music_f_mark.ebo - 81958

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\music_f_mark_music.ebo - 81930

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\sounds_f_mark.ebo - 83408

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\static_f_mark.ebo - 83658

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\structures_f_mark.ebo - 83683

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\supplies_f_mark.ebo - 79552

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.ebo - 82421

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.ebo - 83655

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.ebo - 83730

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 83642

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 80475

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 83497

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 80757

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 75138

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 82940

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 83702

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 82940

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 75977

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 75065

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 82939

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 76012

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 76012

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 83090

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 82971

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 76986

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 80475

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 83566

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 80888

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 83708

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 76770

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 75687

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 83577

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 74588

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 83645

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 82971

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 83573

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 82282

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 83104

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 83690

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 80344

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 83335

8:37:14 C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 83335

8:37:14 addons\a3.pbo - unknown

8:37:14 addons\air_f.pbo - 83231

8:37:14 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 83681

8:37:14 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 addons\air_f_rtd.pbo - 76933

8:37:14 addons\animals_f.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 72362

8:37:14 addons\anims_f.pbo - 84018

8:37:14 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 72362

8:37:14 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 83699

8:37:14 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 78608

8:37:14 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 72362

8:37:14 addons\armor_f.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 83130

8:37:14 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 83128

8:37:14 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 83128

8:37:14 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 83677

8:37:14 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\boat_f.pbo - 83667

8:37:14 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 83267

8:37:14 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 82564

8:37:14 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 83643

8:37:14 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 83460

8:37:14 addons\characters_f.pbo - 83549

8:37:14 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 83570

8:37:14 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576

8:37:14 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 83523

8:37:14 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 81235

8:37:14 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\data_f.pbo - 83717

8:37:14 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76960

8:37:14 addons\drones_f.pbo - 83644

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 76110

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 78704

8:37:14 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 78762

8:37:14 addons\editor_f.pbo - 82563

8:37:14 addons\functions_f.pbo - 83807

8:37:14 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83415

8:37:14 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 73434

8:37:14 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 83717

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 83723

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83726

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 83730

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 addons\language_f.pbo - 83686

8:37:14 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 83687

8:37:14 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83688

8:37:14 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 83692

8:37:14 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 83694

8:37:14 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 83695

8:37:14 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 83695

8:37:14 addons\map_altis.pbo - 83614

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 80737

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 79087

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 79087

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 79087

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 79087

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 79087

8:37:14 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\map_data.pbo - 81846

8:37:14 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 83457

8:37:14 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 80737

8:37:14 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 79082

8:37:14 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\map_vr.pbo - 82252

8:37:14 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 82252

8:37:14 addons\misc_f.pbo - 82966

8:37:14 addons\missions_f.pbo - 78843

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 83663

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 83118

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 72362

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 75065

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 83494

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 83750

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 83104

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epc_data.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_epc_video.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 82717

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 76877

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\modules_f.pbo - 83636

8:37:14 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 83576

8:37:14 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 80976

8:37:14 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\music_f.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\plants_f.pbo - 80365

8:37:14 addons\roads_f.pbo - 82537

8:37:14 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 80359

8:37:14 addons\signs_f.pbo - 82967

8:37:14 addons\soft_f.pbo - 83658

8:37:14 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 83644

8:37:14 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 83358

8:37:14 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 83320

8:37:14 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 83775

8:37:14 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 83703

8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576

8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 82151

8:37:14 addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 82110

8:37:14 addons\static_f.pbo - 83378

8:37:14 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 79398

8:37:14 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 82090

8:37:14 addons\structures_f.pbo - 83611

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82970

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 82554

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 82615

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 83683

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 83732

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 82554

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 83450

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 82969

8:37:14 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 82970

8:37:14 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 73106

8:37:14 addons\ui_f.pbo - 83710

8:37:14 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76325

8:37:14 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 83709

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 83772

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 83667

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 81923

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 83667

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 80958

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 80374

8:37:14 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 80772


8:37:14 =======================


8:37:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:14 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================

8:37:14 modsReadOnly = true

8:37:14 safeModsActivated = false

8:37:14 customMods = true

8:37:14 hash = 'E896FAA026D400593CEBD953782D6C57EB9FC617'

8:37:14 hashShort = 'bada8b9f'

8:37:14 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath

8:37:14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8:37:14 @EpochHive | @EpochHive | false | GAME DIR | 592adfab988fa0355b3679604f38f0badaaa3083 | 34ec149d | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive

8:37:14 Epoch Mod | @Epoch | false | GAME DIR | d0f0fb4075b466f3d9d2e08ab6aae5b517e9f690 | 56613dca | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@Epoch

8:37:14 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | |

8:37:14 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | d0c05e486c4cc984946df87a4ef21735a653d121 | 4696236c | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\mark

8:37:14 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 20e528433bb766997e48a432050c2ae62cbddd54 | aa5c1cd5 | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\heli

8:37:14 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | ca3f3420a94ec2b85973b00b8c63d4b0574a5c63 | f88c65c6 | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\kart

8:37:14 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | ca8a5bb58190eb65da6ce6939b9e461ccdde70a5 | 474a0a58 | C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\curator

8:37:14 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | |

8:37:14 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================

8:37:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window

8:37:14 InitSound ...

8:37:14 InitSound - complete

8:37:14 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...

8:37:14 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.

8:37:14 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:14 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script

8:37:16 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script

8:37:17 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script

8:37:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init

8:37:18 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:18 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:19 VoteThreshold must be in 0..1 range. Defaulting to 0.5

8:37:19 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 11802, Steam Query Port: 11803

8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:19 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:20 Starting mission:

8:37:20 Mission file: epoch (__cur_mp)

8:37:20 Mission world: altis

8:37:20 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\

8:37:20 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:20 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:31 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView

8:37:31 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView

8:37:41 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:41 EPE manager release (0|0|0)

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal

8:37:41 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow

8:37:41 "Epoch: Init Compiles"

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Initializing A3EAI version 0.7.0 using base path a3eai."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Reading A3EAI configuration file."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI configuration file loaded."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Verified all A3EAI settings in 0.00400162 seconds."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] Compiling A3EAI functions."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI functions compiled."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI settings: Debug Level: 0. DebugMarkers: false. WorldName: altis. VerifyClassnames: true. VerifySettings: true."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] AI spawn settings: Static: true. Dynamic: true. Random: true. Air: true. Land: true."

8:37:41 "[A3EAI] A3EAI loading completed in 0.147999 seconds."

8:37:42 Connected to Steam servers

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - finaled EPOCH_server_isPAdmin: {true}"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - run.sqf - including AntiHack"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> VERSION: 09-06-2015 infiSTAR.de AHAT (v0188b)"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - STARTING"

8:37:42 Warning Message: Script customconfigfile.sqf not found

8:37:42 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: { _abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a']; _gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1)); _arr = ['D','T','r','b','9','r','d','q','4','d','u','E','M','E','A','m','D','r','S','e','M','G','Q','r','0','e','v','l','8','3']; for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));}; _allRandomGenVars pushBack _gen; _gen }"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _adminbox: r7d4b0M2v702T7q486d"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: q198G6M4l6u3v0l4A2Q5r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_mpPackets: g5T6r1v8d5e1S8M8r4m08"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_AH2_KICKLOG: j6m6D4m6r7r4d0v7M9E"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_AH2_KICKLOGSPAWN: l6E8q6q7m3G747e3v5e9r6Q"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_PVAH_AdminReq: n3u7Q6m6r7e0Q1d3e6d2A54"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BigTokenArray: e883G608A6b995r8Q0r6m"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _server_setTokenR: u9r1A7e9Q0D1u6M5q7m5l1r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _server_checkTokenR: v984q3S7G8r7T6E1e5G6r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _YourPlayerToken: s39799Q4l0M6A4m08641e4l"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _TokenCheck: d1Q8r1M5v7r3u4D305A9824"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_MAIN_BLOCK: p2m6q2T6G2T7M392r6m40348E"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _RUN_ON_CLIENTS: t4v2m4q9r7v8e5T506b787r34"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE: c3r4Q7q2r2b7E8m5D3r6870"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE_C: m2T3G8d8r8T7d848D1b4d"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE_MARKER: j2r792u4q8d1G793r5r1T"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHKickOFF: d796e8M7r5r3M592T5r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH2KICKLOG: p8D5d1M5b6M6e5e6d6d6l6Q"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged: i3e4v880M3d2S6A0G0S046u"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _FiredCheck: d601r5v4r5D5M7u2r1G888q2G"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientdo: e4q2m1r1e6S200d801r2u6r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_RunCheckARRAY: b6l007E7q3Q898D5r8d4b"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: p2e5b505D9d7r2r7u7E1T0l8q"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_HackLogArrayRND: u1E587G3A099d1A1r631e"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: i6M8d542l747G5M5A2T5829"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: v3T2d8d04485e8u3G9D6Q"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _TMPBAN: c7r0b1d5q7q1e7d4A98"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _massMessage: u94180d447l6D607e3A7u"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _massSysMessage: m5e7A9d8M2r7r9Q3M189M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: k6m6r9u4l1S2r3E6l6r7r5E"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ninetwo: g6e7d6m9e7M2r3u595D4G4D9v"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ninetwothread: w2r592M9r6d4r6Q3Q74"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _adminsA: j7e5M7q0b2r8Q0b1d9r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MC: q70502M8q731r5S6E0q7m1D69"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MCS: f1S892T4A136r3T09794r3d"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminLoaded: d1b196r1m5d7m4b7d1r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncethree: j9r1b2A1M7r2m6r0D28"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: c1d8S2r4A2e495r7D3d5r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _checkidicheckcheck: x1r4Q4T3S8r3r8D1q7M3T"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastshotmade: a8T144e3S3d3b6u6b8M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _dellocveh: x7D2r8A4Q6E6v499M996e0r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _toBreakDisplays: r2D3D6r4r5D108D0u834D8E"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _inCombatTime: n084e13197l8M202d6D0T"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _inCombatArray: n448r1r1l796M1q7u2u1q1v"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_infiKeyHandler: z5M3Q1d6E508M845T387M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ButtonDownCnt: l6b8r6D5l3r7Q2l3m7b2m"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ButtonDownTime: g5q8M2S18495r6G5d583M3S8M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: y2l5r1v492q141E9D8l2d0d5e"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: c7A8G289M8M5m6r7S542q83"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _ZEROZEROZERO: y3D1e9b7T6e5e393M2Q5e"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAKE_VAR_DUMP_RANDOM: d5b147A6M1E5r6e7D8D6E"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _MAKE_VAR_DUMP_CLIENT: z6E8d0A302r4m5T7d2S"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t1: s1r293D485d3M1M6q7r8u"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t2: p7b6r1A0E3D6r3D8A9v3q2E7M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t3: b8e3u9r5r5q6d4M0E5A"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t4: n0r5d7v5E703r082e7S"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t5: h1M8e0Q8r707M0r2r20"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t6: g6e7E0M4b507m4e4A3q4q7Q2r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t7: e8S6r2d5q7d5M2m3M508M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t8: m1M6D6d7A8r304r2b2d7M6M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t9: x891S5q3r9A1r2e201D8r7b"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t10: e9q0M2r0d6r8D0M7r1A2e6v"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t11: x4r2b298b7Q6Q3D1l5r8D"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t12: h7E2T2A8r6Q8A4d3S330m"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t13: j2m2A1b142l8M5r3l4S4e"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t14: q6r7M4A9M703d9m4e1S"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t15: t7m1q4M3A4Q3r7d1e0e3u"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t16: j799S348D548D305M3b5r7A"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _t17: h4S1d3b8G1T5E1q4A9M1m380u"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_endMission: m6G4r8S3l9T7A5b0q8u"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_param: i3d5E7b8v6m1M3G3T8r1d5r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_loop: o2Q1r1r505M347v1r5r1T1r"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_paramIn: n9D6r5029540D187D3r3M"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_returnChildren: h001E8r3q1u4m3m897v6M6d"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _loaded: A3RANDVAR_576564191"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _AH2_KICKLOG: PVAHR_2d9e2o1a2e9l1r3q"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> _RequestToken: PVAHR_6i9v1k1z5b2f2y5c"

8:37:42 "<infiSTAR.de> 0 - loading AntiHack.."

8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_mp

8:37:42 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!

8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_spawn

8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_mpexec

8:37:42 "[halv_spawn] waiting for default 'Debug_static_F' to be build in altis @ (236180) [23600.6,18000.8,0]"

8:37:42 "Epoch: Starting ArmA3 Epoch Server, Version"

8:37:42 Unable to get file version size: C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma3\1166\@EpochHive\epochserver.dll

8:37:42 "Epoch: Init Variables"

8:37:42 "Loading config..."

8:37:42 Attempt to override final function - epoch_server_ispadmin

8:37:42 "Epoch: Start Hive, Instance ID: '6415'"

8:37:42 "Epoch: Init PublicEH"

8:37:42 "Epoch: Setup Side Settings"

8:37:42 "Epoch: Setup World Settings for altis"

8:37:42 "Epoch: Set Weather"

8:37:42 Weather was forced to change

8:37:42 "Weather Change: fog: [0.0955267,0.0538123,9.3727] rain: 0.939424 overcast: 0.377223 windx: -3.70643 windz: 4.64879 forced: true"

8:37:43 "Epoch: Loading buildings"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: starting!"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: loading...!"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: compiling and/or sending none-threaded code!"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - Thread MAIN: none-threaded code compiled and/or sent!"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - AntiHack loaded!"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - run.sqf - AntiHack included!"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - run.sqf - including AdminTools"

8:37:43 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.631 - run.sqf - AdminTools included!"

8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 starting now!"

8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 looping now!"

8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #3: starting now! - SERVER FPS: 11.0574 - activeSQFScripts: 12"

8:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> 1.831 - Thread #2: starting now! - SERVER FPS: 11.0574 - activeSQFScripts: 12"

8:37:47 "[A3EAI] Verified 353 unique classnames in 0.182003 seconds."

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload_prone.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_Reload_anim.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_UGL_Reload_anim.rtm

8:37:50 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm

8:38:03 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: UID: 76561198045270511 | TOKEN: wljw54yapiak2wpc - TOKEN CREATED"

8:38:03 "<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: Michael(76561198045270511) NO OBJECT FOR TOKEN wljw54yapiak2wpc HAS BEEN FOUND.."

8:38:03 Unable to get file version size: .\ARMA_LOG.dll

8:38:03 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| Connected: Michael(76561198045270511) - time: 11.84 - serverTime: 0h 00min | - serverFPS: 11.1421 (v0188b)"

8:38:11 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) Requested a Token! _clientID: 3"

8:38:11 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) TOKEN FOUND! SENT wljw54yapiak2wpc TO OBJECT"

8:38:29 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry

8:38:29 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry

8:38:29 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry

8:38:56 Warning Message: Script mission\missions5.sqf not found

8:39:24 Warning Message: Script x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf not found

8:39:24 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"

8:39:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init

8:39:24 "WAI: Initialising missions"

8:39:24 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"

8:39:55 "<infiSTAR.de> 120.081 - Thread #2: waited 120s - SERVER FPS: 11.2755 - activeSQFScripts: 21"

8:39:56 "<infiSTAR.de> 120.458 - Thread #2: TERMINATED - SERVER FPS: 6.52795 - activeSQFScripts: 21"

8:40:22 "Epoch: Loading teleports and static props"

8:40:25 "Epoch: Loading NPC traders"

8:40:26 No speaker given for Wang Ng

8:40:26 "[halv_spawn] found some default teleporters ... _deletedefaultteleporters: 'true'"

8:40:26 No speaker given for Hamidi Ibori

8:40:26 "[halv_spawn] sendt teleporters and default positions to clients, 0 textures build"

8:40:34 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire

8:40:34 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire

8:40:37 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\concrete.bisurf

8:40:40 "Epoch: Spawning NPC traders"

8:40:40 "Epoch: Loading vehicles"

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitLight not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitHydraulics not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitGear not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerL1 not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerR1 not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitVStabilizer1 not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitTail not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitPitotTube not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitStaticPort not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitEngine2 not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:42 class HitPoints::HitEngine3 not found in mosquito_epoch

8:40:46 Error: Wheel reference not initialized

8:40:46 Error: Wheel reference not initialized

8:40:48 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\rubber.bisurf

8:40:50 Error: Wheel reference not initialized

8:40:56 Error: Wheel reference not initialized

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:56 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:40:57 Error: Wheel reference not initialized

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddDoors - unknown animation source AddDoors

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: GunL_Revolving - unknown animation source GunL_Revolving

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: GunR_Revolving - unknown animation source GunR_Revolving

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddFLIR - unknown animation source AddFLIR

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddGunHolder - unknown animation source AddGunHolder

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: hidePG_1 - unknown animation source Missiles_revolving

8:40:58 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: zaslehROT - unknown animation source Muzzle_flash

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

8:41:11 "VEH SPAWN TIMER 31.427"

8:41:11 "Epoch: Spawning vehicles"

8:41:12 "Epoch: Loading storage"

8:41:16 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| Disconnected: Michael(76561198045270511) - time: 196.607 - serverTime: 0h 03min | - serverFPS: 15.2381 (v0188b)"

8:41:16 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found

8:41:27 "<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| Connected: Michael(76561198045270511) - time: 207.214 - serverTime: 0h 03min | - serverFPS: 16.1943 (v0188b)"

8:41:34 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) Requested a Token! _clientID: 3"

8:41:34 "<infiSTAR.de> RequestToken: Michael(76561198045270511) TOKEN FOUND! SENT wljw54yapiak2wpc TO OBJECT"

8:41:52 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["wljw54yapiak2wpc",["Michael","76561198045270511","COMBATCHECK",1]]"

8:41:56 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH2_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["wljw54yapiak2wpc",["Michael","76561198045270511","COMBATCHECK",0]]"

8:42:51 "Storage SPAWN TIMER 98.308"

8:42:51 "Epoch: Loading static loot"

8:42:52 "Epoch: Server Start Complete: 309.474 seconds"

8:42:52 "Loaded Server FSM"

8:42:53 No speaker given for Abdul-Aziz Ghafurzai

8:42:54 Speaker Male10_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes

8:42:59 "A3EAI Monitor: Uptime: 0:6:0. FPS: 47.619. Active AI Groups: 11. Respawn Queue: 0 groups. HC Connected: false."

8:42:59 "A3EAI Monitor: Static Spawns: 0. Dynamic Spawns: 0. Random Spawns: 13. Air Patrols: 3. Land Patrols: 8."

8:43:03 "<infiSTAR.de> 303.038 - Thread #3: TERMINATED - SERVER FPS: 46.3768 - activeSQFScripts: 19"


you need to look in the clients rpt file to find errors about the credits, it would also help me help you if i could see what you have done to the credits script itself.

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Ever since 1.46 it seems very hard to target the signs and get the spawn option on the action key. Has anyone else had this problem? You seem to have to aim kinda low and to the left to hit it and it's very picky about you being right on the spot.

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Ever since 1.46 it seems very hard to target the signs and get the spawn option on the action key. Has anyone else had this problem? You seem to have to aim kinda low and to the left to hit it and it's very picky about you being right on the spot.


personally i switched back to the default teleporter pods to allow my players to spawn in the safezones aswell (tho without gear), so not really ... but you could go and change the object to something bigger that will be easier to get a cursortarget on.

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