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Ghostrider-GRG last won the day on March 28 2021

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    Sabina, Taviana

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  1. Purpose: provide a framework for spawning AI, landscapes and loot using the most up-to-date code and optimzed coding. Functionality: Supports spawning of missions that can range from very simple to highly complex. Mission areas may be defended by infantry, turrets (including AT and AA launchers linked to radar), tanks, APC, anti-Air vehicles and anti-tank vehicles, and most anything inbetween. You may define single or multiple loot chests. Missions can be individualized to spawn specific vehicles, load specific loot into chests, or have AI wear different uniforms. Default missions include a heli/HUMVV crash, scout and hunter missions defended by infantry only, and four grades of more complex missions. A plugin for the 3DEN editor is available that exports your mission layouts as .sqf ready to be plugged into the missions system or tweaked with your own, customized configurations. History: After years of developing and supporting blckeagls mission system I realized it had become complex, was always buggy, and that a rewrite from the ground up could result in a simpler and more stable addon. GMS uses a group of core functions in GMSCore to handle most of the work, but still manages tasks related to mission spawning, monitoring and completion. All unrelated modules of blckeagles, such as the time management system, code to spawn objects, dynamic loot spawner and static loot spawner were removed. The more useful of these were packaged as separate addons for those who wish to use them. Acknowledgements: blckeagles for getting things started. He-Man for many suggestions on coding to stream code to clients and delay addon startup until epoch has loaded. burrito, Azock, Chrom, MetalMelitia and others who provided bug reports during testing. Downloads: Dependencies: GMSCore: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMSCore Download: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMS_RC
  2. For a while now I have wanted to put together an addon that makes available additional storage containers and, in the future, other craftable items like heli pads, additional lights and so forth. To that end, and with quite a lot of help from Grahame, I offer V 0.1 of Extended Base Objects for Epoch. It offers a variety of additional storage containers and an easy method for installation. Installation: download from my github here: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/EB4E Subscribe on Steam here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1475332817 Unpack your mission.pbo using PBO manager or its equivalent. Copy all files from the mapname.epoch folder to the folder created by unpacking your mission. Repack your mission. Copy @EB4E to the same folder containing @Epoch and @epochhive on your server. Copy the key found in @EB4E\Key to the \keys folder on your server. Add "EB4E" to the -mods="@Epoch;blahblah;" parameter for server startup. Players can subscribe to the mod here: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/EB4E
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