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[INFO] DZE Configs & Variables / Init



This Topic will give you all default options you can change in your init.sqf/variables.sqf to personalize your server without putting any script in.



If I made any mistakes, please clearify and I will change it!



Simple add the line in the top half of your init.sqf to change values (unless stated otherwise)




DZE_SelfTransfuse = false; // default value

TRUE: Allows player to right click on a bloodbag to use a bloodbag on himself.



Selfbloodbag values

DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [12000, 15, 300]; // default value

If  DZE_SelfTransfuse is set to true, this will define the value of that bloodbag,

1st value is the ammount of blood you get from the bag;

2nd value is the infection chance in %

3th value is the cooldown in seconds



 Max Animals

dayz_maxAnimals = 5;

Amount of animals per player. They will despawn like zombies if no one is there.




timezoneswitch = 0; 

Changes the murdermenu times with this offset in hours.



Zombie settings
dayz_maxLocalZombies = 40;

Max number of zombies spawned per player.

dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit = 40;
Starting global max zombie count, this will increase for each player within 400m (Default: 40)
dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease = 10;
This is the amount of global zombie limit increase per player within 400m (Default: 10)
dayz_maxZeds = 500;

Total zombie server limit 

dayz_zedSpawnVehCount = dayz_maxLocalZombies / 2;

Zombies spawn from a vehicle (if a player is in it)

dayz_spawnAirCount = 0;


dayz_zedsAttackVehicles = true;

Zombies attack vehicles or not.



Player Zombie

DZE_PlayerZed = true;

Allows the player zo spawn as a zombie when he died of an infection.




DZE_GodModeBase = false;

Buildables will be indestructable from the NEXT restart they were placed if set to true.



DayZ Epoch Debug For Servers

DZEdebug = false;

If set to true, the server RPT file will have alot more info on what happends on the server. ( For debugging).


Wiki explenation:



true will enable debug so that road debris and new vehicle spawns are visible via map markers. Also debug will enable "Save to arma.RPT" that allows access of a tool to obtain lootpos information for buildings used for adding support for additional maps. (Default: false)



DZE debug damage

DZEDebug_Damage = true;

Dont really know, i guess that nothing gets damage when Debug = true?



Vehicle parachute trading


Enable purchased vehicle parachute spawning setting this to true. 



Tame Dogs

dayz_tameDogs = false;

If true, you can tame dogs ( with cooked meat right?).



Sell Distance LAND Vehicle

dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 10;

Ammount in meters how far an LAND vehicle has to be from trader to be sellable.



Sell Distance SEA Vehicle

dayz_sellDistance_boat = 30;

Ammount in meters how far an SEA vehicle has to be from trader to be sellable.



Sell Distance AIR Vehicle

dayz_sellDistance_air = 40;

Ammount in meters how far an AIR vehicle has to be from trader to be sellable.



Para Spawn Player

dayz_paraSpawn = false;

If true, players will spawn in the air, dont forget to open your parachute!




dayz_minpos = -20000;
dayz_maxpos = 20000;

The max and min distance from center of the map where a player can logout and still spawn on the same position when loggin in. Does this also affect the radiation you get when passing these places ( I dont think so)?




DZE_checkNearbyRadius = 30;

Distance where the building limits will look for objects.

DZE_BuildingLimit = 150;

Ammount of builables allowed in this distance.

DZE_BuildOnRoads = false;

Allow/Disallow building on roads.

DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0.09;

Ammount of damage a builable must have before being able to be maintained.

DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 0;

Ammount of animations you have to do before something gets build. ( always +1) so number 0 = 1 step, number 1 = 2 steps)

DZE_PlotPole = [30,45];

1st value is the radius of a plotpole

2nd value is the radius where the next plot can be build.

DZE_maintainRange = ((DZE_PlotPole select 0)+20);

If you maintain this is going to be the range where it maintains. Default: (plotradius + 20 meters)

DZE_requireplot = 1;

1= Need a plot to build, 0 = you can build anywhere.

DZE_AntiWallLimit = 3;

Not really sure about this. Amoount of tries u can get to get trough a wall before u get killed ?


Humanity Showing

DZE_HumanityTargetDistance = 25;

The distance where it becomes visible if a player is bandit or hero ( blue red names).



Friendls Saving

DZE_FriendlySaving = true;

Save the friend to the database or not.



Custom loot tables.

DZE_MissionLootTable = false;

Set to true of you want to use own loot tables ( include them in description.ext ofcrouse)



Config traders

DZE_ConfigTrader = false;

Set to true if you want to use config traders. Include them in your description.ext)




DZE_LootSpawnTimer = 10;

Not really sure. The time that takes to start spawning loot in an area?



Heli Lift

DZE_HeliLift = true;

Allow/disallow default epoch heli lifting



Full moon nights

dayz_fullMoonNights = false;

If true nights wont be pitch black, moonlight will make it doable.



Vehicle Ammo Saving

DZE_vehicleAmmo = 0;

0 : amo in vehicles weapons will reset on restart. 1:ammo will save and respawn on restart.



Access backpack in trader area.

DZE_BackpackGuard = true;

If true, it closes the gear menu when close to another player in trader area's




DZE_CleanNull = false;

No idea.


Customize Death Messages
Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)
DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;
Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)
DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;
Enables global title text messaging of player deaths.
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;

Vehicles allow without ObjecId and ObjectUID

DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"]; // EDIT THIS INSIDE THE VARIABLES.SQF , otherwise overwritten

Force Save vehicles

DZE_AllowForceSave = false;

If true players get a scroll wheel option to force a save of a vehicle to database.



Cargo Check

DZE_AllowCargoCheck = true;

Allow a player to check cargo on a vehicle.




DZE_ForceNameTags = false;

If true it forces YES on the question to show name or not on players close to you.

DZE_ForceNameTagsOff = false;

Forces the answer NO.

DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader = false;

Forces name tag on in trader zones.



DZE_HaloJump = true;

Allow Halo Jumps from air vehicles




DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true;

Enable, disable the epoch weight system.




DZE_Surrender = true

Able to surrender, which drops all weapons and places hands on head ( Default "/" keybind)


OldHeliCrash (

Re-enable old heli crash method with OldHeliCrash = true;

OldHeliCrash = true;


Controls if the player will spawn on shore or not. 1 = Spawn must be on shore, 0 = anywhere. (Default: 1)

spawnShoremode = 1;


Controls how large of an area to search for a suitable spawn location. (Default: 1500)

spawnArea = 1500;


Controls the max overall vehicle limit if this limit is reached no new vehicles will spawn.

MaxVehicleLimit = 50;


Sets the highest possible damage a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 100)

DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 100;


DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 10; // Default: 0

Lowest damage on a spawned vehicle.




Sets the lowest possible fuel level a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 0)

DynamicVehicleFuelLow = 0;


Sets the highest possible fuel level a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 100)

DynamicVehicleFuelHigh = 100;

Dynamic Debris

To change how many debris spawn edit the MaxDynamicDebris variable in the missions init.sqf.

MaxDynamicDebris = 100; // Max number of road debris spawns (Default: 100)

Customize fresh spawn loadout

Server admins can now change default fresh spawn loadout by adding these variables to the mission init.sqf.

DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"];
DefaultWeapons = ["ItemFlashlight"];
DefaultBackpack = "";
DefaultBackpackItems = [""]; //  which accepts both weapons and magazines.// 
DZE_defaultSkin = [["Male skin1","Male skin2"],["Female skin1","Female skin2"]]; //Default player skin for fresh spawns, selected randomly

Ore Veins

MaxMineVeins = 150; // Max Ore Veins

Defines the ammount of oreveins that spawn on the map



Ammo boxes

MaxAmmoBoxes = 25; // Max Ammo boxes

Defines the ammount of ammoboxes next to road.



Database events


Damage for maintain


-- ----------------------------
-- Event structure for setDamageOnAge
-- ----------------------------
CREATE EVENT `setDamageOnAge` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY COMMENT 'This sets damage on a wall so that it can be maintained' DO UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.1 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )
This will "damage" walls, floors, etc every day so they can be maintained.




If i forgot anything please post it here so we can complete this information topic.

Edited by Zupa
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This is a very handy topic , god knows the time we waste installing scripts with functions already implemented on basic epoch.


Isnt the DZE_StaticConstructionCount the number of steps to place a buidable?

On my server is set to 1 so its 1 step building, if its set to 0 i would imagine there is no building animation

Also have these implemented on my server


spawnShoremode = 0; // Default = 1 (on shore)
spawnArea= 1500; // This is the overall area used to determine where to spawn vehicles, road debris, and helicopter crashes. (Default: 10000) 
MaxVehicleLimit = 200; // Controls the max overall vehicle limit if this limit is reached no new vehicles will spawn. 
MaxDynamicDebris = 200; // Default = 100
dayz_MapArea = 18000; // Default = 10000
dayz_minpos = -1000; // Defines acceptable play area if player is outside of area the players position will reset on reconnect. (Default: -20000) 
dayz_maxpos = 26000; // Defines acceptable play area if player is outside of area the players position will reset on reconnect. (Default: 20000) 
MaxMineVeins = 150; // Max Ore Veins
MaxAmmoBoxes = 25; // Max Ammo boxes
dayz_sellDistance_boat = 80;
DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 10; // Default: 0
DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 50; // Default: 100
DynamicVehicleFuelLow = 10;
DynamicVehicleFuelHigh = 35;
DZE_vehicleAmmo = 1; //Default = 0, deletes ammo from vehicles with machine guns every restart if set to 0.
DZE_BackpackGuard = false; //Default = True, deletes backpack contents if logging out or losing connection beside another player if set to true.
DZE_HeliLift = false;     //epoch default heli lifting
DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true;   //remove weight system
DZE_MissionLootTable = true; // custom loot tables ( have to be included in the description.ext file)
DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader = true; //Forces player names in traders
Awesome post Zupa , keep up the good work,
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You forgot these.


[CHANGED] Replaced variable DefaultBackpackWeapon = ""; with DefaultBackpackItems = [""]; which accepts both weapons and magazines. @icomrade

[ADDED] Default player skin for fresh spawns, selected randomly DZE_defaultSkin = [["Male skin1","Male skin2"],["Female skin1","Female skin2"]]. @icomrade

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DZE_LootSpawnTimer = 10;

Not really sure. The time that takes to start spawning loot in an area?






is the time, which needs to elapse till loot-points, which were previously "geared on" or cleared (taken all loot), spawn NEW. IF all players are in a range of 30-120m, no more, no less.



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Does the godmode base command stop you from being able to maintain your base?  Would the items not be removed from the database event removing old objects?


Godmode just prevents the objects from being destroyed by players, the server cleanup is still handled separately.

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If the cleanup is somewhere else, what about the remove object old event in the database?  


If you can't maintain, then you cannot update the timestamps, no?  Won't it all vanish?


Godmode itself doesn't prevent your ability to maintain, but you need to make sure the setDamageonAge event is scheduled:
-- ----------------------------
-- Event structure for setDamageOnAge
-- ----------------------------
CREATE EVENT `setDamageOnAge` ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY COMMENT 'This sets damage on a wall so that it can be maintained' DO UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.1 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )
This will "damage" walls, floors, etc every day so they can be maintained.
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