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Side Missions



So, Im trying to install side missions for my epoch server, but so far I've not had any luck getting it working. It seems that whenever I make any changes to the server pbo it just doesnt work, server wont authenticate and I can press esc and spawn in the middle of nowhere, so Ive obviously done something wrong or its just a bug with dayz.st cos Ive noticed even when I make really simple changes to the server pbo it doesnt work when I re-upload it.. Anyway, if anyone could help me with getting side missions working on the latest epoch it would be much appreciated, thanks.

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Based on information in this thread


amphib version of the bell heli was removed from the dynamic vehicle spawn table.


added another intro song for giggles... (#3) for those curious - yes, did edit to remove pitbull...


updated the readme doc to reflect the changes to the description.ext for side chat  (enable/disable)


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Based on information in this thread


amphib version of the bell heli was removed from the dynamic vehicle spawn table.


added another intro song for giggles... (#3) for those curious - yes, did edit to remove pitbull...


updated the readme doc to reflect the changes to the description.ext for side chat  (enable/disable)


Hi, Jered here,


When I loaded up the files into the server all the players on my server were spawned in the debug plains, but the script addons did work thoug. Please help me out on this.


Jered Kauffman

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usually when you end up in debug land after installing this it's because it was improperly packaged into a pbo

- did you package the file into a PBO, and if so did you use eliteness to do so,   a few posts back someone also mentions a fix in case you want to try that with the prefix file


another simple thing that can cause this is incorrect or missing end line markers  ( ; ) 

if you have edited any lines in the init  or other files, ensure you did not destroy the end of line markers

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usually when you end up in debug land after installing this it's because it was improperly packaged into a pbo

- did you package the file into a PBO, and if so did you use eliteness to do so,   a few posts back someone also mentions a fix in case you want to try that with the prefix file


another simple thing that can cause this is incorrect or missing end line markers  ( ; ) 

if you have edited any lines in the init  or other files, ensure you did not destroy the end of line markers

ok i got it working, but when i reopened my server for testing and when i loaded in all the vehicles werent there and no zombies were spawning.

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heres a copy of of last working server files -

this map pbo contains a bunch of custom buildings , custom spawn locations and other crap -  including working sides/ two types of AI etc

all set to work with DayZ st.


you can enable/disable what you like, and be sure to edit the starting logo as well as the player spawn sqf in the map.





Lol at my MGT.jpg and .ogg file names in there and even more lol at the admin tools with our ex admins player id's....

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hey mass,



  Just want to say 1stly, amazing work ! I currently have a server going in which i have took the parts from yours to add the stuff that i can not do (which is most ). Am having issues with somethings tho.


The new custom buildings i have added are just not spawning anymore?


The admin tool no longer works but had it working the other day and all i have done is added the custom buildings to the init file?


I know you made a walkthrough for idiots but i still get it wrong ^^

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Can anyone make a tut to show how to setup the side missions without just taking his server files.  I'd like to know how to do it, not just have it.


I've seen one of the side missions here on epoch forums that has 4 missions but I've also found a sets on opendayz.net, however the ones found on opendayz.net instruct users to find a certain file or text within a file that I do not have...

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hey mass,



  Just want to say 1stly, amazing work ! I currently have a server going in which i have took the parts from yours to add the stuff that i can not do (which is most ). Am having issues with somethings tho.


The new custom buildings i have added are just not spawning anymore?


The admin tool no longer works but had it working the other day and all i have done is added the custom buildings to the init file?


I know you made a walkthrough for idiots but i still get it wrong ^^



I would start by disabling my custom buildings and addons because a few authors have used the same numbers for builds ,  example


#2002  = something in one script

and then you add another custom building script and that author also used #2002 for his script.. there can't be two buildings #2002... one is going to not spawn.


the admin tool: assuming your using the one supplied in my package,  check your Id's and make sure they are correct both in format and in the numbers you need. also make sure you did not leave off the ( ; )  on the end of any custom building scripts you added




Can anyone make a tut to show how to setup the side missions without just taking his server files.  I'd like to know how to do it, not just have it.


I've seen one of the side missions here on epoch forums that has 4 missions but I've also found a sets on opendayz.net, however the ones found on opendayz.net instruct users to find a certain file or text within a file that I do not have...


  The idea was to give you the working files so you can learn how it looks when it's put together - give you the fundamental building blocks so you can pick them apart, see what makes them work and then from there expand and do your own thing. Files that your not able to locate may be located inside client side PBO files, some times this requires you to pull apart epoch files on your computer to locate them. I have already pulled them out, tossed them into the "custom" folder and made the required changes to the files that call for them, you can search the init or other files for the file name and track them down.

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U Sir, are my GOD !!!!!!


This is so educational!  I havent coded anything since BASIC was popular in the early 1980`s, so to me its like christmas every time u come up with something new 8-) 

Thx for using ur time to help the community out.


Also thx to other helpful tips in the thread. 







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Hi guys


I just rented a server and got it all running but now my infistar menu is gone.

does anybody have idea how to get it back


I've never messed with infistar but I would assume you have to "install" it back into it's proper location (server pbo?) and then call it from the init?  Just a guess, as I said, never played with it. Hopefully they gave you instructions on how to install it when you got it

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I've never messed with infistar but I would assume you have to "install" it back into it's proper location (server pbo?) and then call it from the init?  Just a guess, as I said, never played with it. Hopefully they gave you instructions on how to install it when you got it


hi thanks for your reply i got it working now, indeed i had to reinstal and works.

do you know how i can set god mode on in traders city?



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Hey Mass,


Need some help sir. I followed the instructions provided. Packed the PBO's as instructed and even made sure the PBO Prefix file was included and with correct path.


I still get "Waiting to Authenticate to server" then at about 20-25 seconds loads in debug mode. I did try aborting and going to lobby and going back in but that does the same.


Any ideas?  You help is appreciated.

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Hey Mass,


Need some help sir. I followed the instructions provided. Packed the PBO's as instructed and even made sure the PBO Prefix file was included and with correct path.


I still get "Waiting to Authenticate to server" then at about 20-25 seconds loads in debug mode. I did try aborting and going to lobby and going back in but that does the same.


Any ideas?  You help is appreciated.



try these, don't touch the pbo files (open them in anyway) and see if they do the same thing - if they work, something is wrong with how you are PBOing files.



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Your files work but I do get a config bin warning. Otherwise very playable.  I triple checked my files and I didn't change much at all. I also check the instance number I  had just the number and changed it to bliss_XXXX to see if that helped but that wasn't the issue. I do host with Dayz.st Anything particular about their setup vs your files I need to worry about that may be causing the issue?

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Tried as you suggested and still same problem. I have been using Eliteness. The only changes I made were the following


Changed Websites and TS info

Changed Side chat to enable

Added myself as admin

Changed Instance number back to 11

Added Donation Player loadout


Otherwise the files are the same as yours since I am modifying the and adding the changes above. Can't think of what would be breaking it.

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I took your sample files and unpacked them. I changed only this


TS and website info

added myself as admin


Repacked them using Eliteness and still having same issue. Its gotta be something with repacking them. I have the Eliteness and the DLL in same folder as game directories for repacking. Now sure why its screwing them up. 

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That really is odd -


Try this (dayZ.st only for everyone else reading)


stop your server

reset both your server and map to default

choose advanced - 

only update/upload the server file

then, after that has uploaded and changed,  upload your map file

restart your server


(AKA don't upload them both at the same time)

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