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(RELEASE) Loyalty reward system


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On 1/11/2016 at 9:48 PM, OmigaaaD said:

So i made some quick modifications to the script to check for safezones but i have not tried it yet, we're using Andre's Safezones


multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
	if ( _i == 1) then 
		if	(inSafeZone = true) exitWith {
				_msg2 = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on THGz! You are in a Safezone! No reward this time!</t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>"];
				hint _msg2;
		} else {
			_reward = (5000 * multiPlyWith);
			player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
			_msg = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on THGz! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: </t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>", name player, _reward];
			hint _msg;
			multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
			_i = 0;
	sleep 1800;
	_i = _i + 1;


Edit: Does not work, gonna redo it when im not as tired :P

Did this work for anyone?

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I made a change for this nice script.

With this u can buy bonds from trader and get every 20min an amount of money. (is for Coins system)

1-create a sqf called licence.sqf and drop in custom\bonus\


private ["_playerPos","_neartrader","_costs","_haslicence"];

call gear_ui_init;
_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_neartrader = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
_costs = 5000;
_haslicence = "ItemBook2" in magazines player;

if (_haslicence) exitWith {cutText [format["already have a licensee"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};

if (_neartrader) then {
    if !([ player,_costs] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
        titleText [format["Needs%1 %2 to buy this license.",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText [format["bought %1  %2 %3",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    player addMagazine "ItemBook2";
    sleep 5;

2-create a sqf called bonus.sqf and drop in custom\bonus\


private ["_playerPos","_nearbank","_costs","_hasbonus","_reward","_msg","_LastUsedTime","_Time"];

call gear_ui_init;
_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearbank = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
_costs = 5000;
_hasbonus = "ItemBook2" in magazines player;
_LastUsedTime = 3600;
_Time = time - lastlaunch;

if !(_hasbonus) exitWith {cutText [format["Need a license to buy a bonus"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};



if(_Time < _LastUsedTime) exitWith {
    cutText [format["already have a bonus wait %1 seconds !",(round(_Time - _LastUsedTime))], "PLAIN DOWN"];

if (_nearbank) then {
    if !([ player,_costs] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
        titleText [format["Needss %1 %2 to buy .",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText [format["bought %1  %2 %3",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];

    lastlaunch = time;
multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
    if ( _i == 1) then
        _reward = (5000 * multiPlyWith);
        player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
        _msg = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Pay Day!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 Tnks for buy Bonus: </t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>", name player, _reward];
        hint _msg;
        multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 0;
        _i = 0;
    sleep 1200;
    _i = _i + 1;


3-go at bottom of your fn_selfActions.sqf and paste



_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearbank = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
if (_nearbank) then {
        if (s_player_lic1 < 0) then {
            s_player_lic1 = player addaction[("<t color=""#3399cc"">" + ("Buy License") +"</t>"),"custom\bonus\license.sqf"];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_lic1;
        s_player_lic1 = -1;


_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearbank = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
if (_nearbank) then {
        if (s_player_bon1 < 0) then {
            s_player_bon1 = player addaction[("<t color=""#3399cc"">" + ("Buy Bonus") +"</t>"),"custom\bonus\bonus.sqf"];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_bon1;
        s_player_bon1 = -1;



*Now go to your game, in front of Black Market trader , use scroll menu to buy a license and once u have it, u can buy a bonus.

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  • 9 months later...

Reworked this script a bit with a big help from @salival. Safezone loyalty benefits removed (thinking maybe rewards could be halved or quartered instead), Different levels of the multiplier with humanity, standard currency variable. Thanks for making the script, and for the Safezone ideas in the thread.



private ["_multiplyer","_i","_reward","_humanity","_serverName","_multiplierLoop"];

_serverName = "Skeleton"; //Edit this to your own server
_i = 0;
_multiplierLoop = 1;
_multiplier = 1;

while {_i <= 7} do {
    if (_i == 2) then {
        _humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
        switch (true) do {
            case (_humanity >= -5000 && _humanity <= 5000): {_multiplier = 1.0};
            case (_humanity <= -5000): {_multiplier = 1.2};
            case (_humanity >= 5000): {_multiplier = 1.3};
            //Super Bandit
            case (_humanity <= -50000): {_multiplier = 1.5};
            //Super Hero
            case (_humanity >= 30000): {_multiplier = 1.8};
            //Ultra Bandit
            case (_humanity <= -100000): {_multiplier = 1.7};
            //Ultra Hero
            case (_humanity >= 60000): {_multiplier = 2};

        if (isInTraderCity) then {
            format ["Loyalty time reward! %1 thank you for playing on %2! You are in a Safezone! No reward this time!",name player,_serverName] call dayz_rollingMessages;
        } else {
            _reward = (2500 * (_multiplier * _multiplierLoop));
            format ["Loyalty time reward! %1 thank you for playing on %2! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: %3 %4",name player,_serverName,_reward,currencyName]call dayz_rollingMessages;
            player setVariable [Z_moneyVariable,((player getVariable [Z_moneyVariable, 0]) + _reward),true];
            _multiplierLoop = _multiplierLoop + 1;
        _i = 0;
    uisleep 1800;
    _i = _i + 1;


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2016. 06. 20. at 5:46 PM, juandayz said:

I made a change for this nice script.

With this u can buy bonds from trader and get every 20min an amount of money. (is for Coins system)

1-create a sqf called licence.sqf and drop in custom\bonus\

  Reveal hidden contents

private ["_playerPos","_neartrader","_costs","_haslicence"];

call gear_ui_init;
_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_neartrader = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
_costs = 5000;
_haslicence = "ItemBook2" in magazines player;

if (_haslicence) exitWith {cutText [format["already have a licensee"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};

if (_neartrader) then {
    if !([ player,_costs] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
        titleText [format["Needs%1 %2 to buy this license.",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText [format["bought %1  %2 %3",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    player addMagazine "ItemBook2";
    sleep 5;

2-create a sqf called bonus.sqf and drop in custom\bonus\

  Hide contents

private ["_playerPos","_nearbank","_costs","_hasbonus","_reward","_msg","_LastUsedTime","_Time"];

call gear_ui_init;
_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearbank = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
_costs = 5000;
_hasbonus = "ItemBook2" in magazines player;
_LastUsedTime = 3600;
_Time = time - lastlaunch;

if !(_hasbonus) exitWith {cutText [format["Need a license to buy a bonus"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};



if(_Time < _LastUsedTime) exitWith {
    cutText [format["already have a bonus wait %1 seconds !",(round(_Time - _LastUsedTime))], "PLAIN DOWN"];

if (_nearbank) then {
    if !([ player,_costs] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
        titleText [format["Needss %1 %2 to buy .",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
    } else {
    titleText [format["bought %1  %2 %3",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1];

    lastlaunch = time;
multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
    if ( _i == 1) then
        _reward = (5000 * multiPlyWith);
        player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
        _msg = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Pay Day!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 Tnks for buy Bonus: </t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>", name player, _reward];
        hint _msg;
        multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 0;
        _i = 0;
    sleep 1200;
    _i = _i + 1;


3-go at bottom of your fn_selfActions.sqf and paste

  Hide contents


_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearbank = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
if (_nearbank) then {
        if (s_player_lic1 < 0) then {
            s_player_lic1 = player addaction[("<t color=""#3399cc"">" + ("Buy License") +"</t>"),"custom\bonus\license.sqf"];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_lic1;
        s_player_lic1 = -1;


_playerPos = getPosATL player;
_nearbank = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["GUE_Woodlander2"], 3] > 0;
if (_nearbank) then {
        if (s_player_bon1 < 0) then {
            s_player_bon1 = player addaction[("<t color=""#3399cc"">" + ("Buy Bonus") +"</t>"),"custom\bonus\bonus.sqf"];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_bon1;
        s_player_bon1 = -1;



*Now go to your game, in front of Black Market trader , use scroll menu to buy a license and once u have it, u can buy a bonus.



My init not setting?

Do not you have to edit it?


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@harcosgoogle this was for (my rewrite)  anyway should work.. but i guess you need change the way that the server ask/obtain the coins.  @salival tell me the code for it in his ZSC post.


here i find it:

if you want to add coins to a player:

_amount = 5000;
_wealth = player getVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,0];
player setVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,(_wealth + _amount),true];

If you want to remove coins from a player:

_amount = 5000;
_wealth = player getVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,0];
player setVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,(_wealth - _amount),true];
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here you got an example



private ["_playerPos","_neartrader","_amount","_haslicence","_wealth"];
_amount = 5000;
_haslicence = "ItemBook2" in magazines player;

if (_haslicence) exitWith {cutText [format["already have a licensee"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};

_wealth = player getVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,0];

if (_wealth > _amount) then {
player setVariable[Z_MoneyVariable,(_wealth - _amount),true];

systemChat ("you bought a license");
player addMagazine "ItemBook2";

    } else {
  systemChat ("you need 5000 coins");          



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  • 3 weeks later...

Got bored decided to have a play with this, figured I'd share :D

Easy Config Options.
Humanity Based.
Notify player of their current and next reward level.
Players in safe-zones will not receive the reward.


f36fc6f906.png Coins


// Auzgamer Pattoh Salival Choc Loyalty Reward System   
private ["_mply","_i","_reward","_hmnty","_servername","_coinsreward","_msg","_nxtlvl","_currency","_timer"];
diag_log("Survivor Rewards Log: Started!");
_hmnty = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
_servername = "Your Server Name Here";		// Server Name
_currency = "Coins!";												// Currency Name
_coinsreward = 2500;											// Reward Amount
_timer = 1800;															// Reward Timer in Seconds
switch (true) do {
    case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mply = 1.0};			// Bambie
	case (_hmnty >= 5000):			{_mply = 1.2};												// Hero
	case (_hmnty >= 15000):		{_mply = 1.4};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 25000): 		{_mply = 1.6};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 45000):		{_mply = 1.7};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 85000):		{_mply = 1.8};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 100000):	{_mply = 2};													// Super Hero								
	case (_hmnty <= -5000):		{_mply = 1.0};												// Bandit
	case (_hmnty <= -10000):		{_mply = 1.2};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -25000):		{_mply = 1.4};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -45000):		{_mply = 1.6};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -85000):		{_mply = 1.8};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -100000):	{_mply = 1.9};												// Super Bandit

	if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then {_nxtlvl = "2.5k/-5k" };	// Bambie
	if  (_hmnty >= 5000) then		{_nxtlvl = "15000"};										// Hero
	if  (_hmnty >= 15000) then		{_nxtlvl = "25000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty >= 25000) then 		{_nxtlvl = "45000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty >= 45000) then		{_nxtlvl = "85000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty >= 85000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100000"};								//
	if  (_hmnty >= 100000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100%"};									// Super Hero								
	if  (_hmnty <= -5000) then			{_nxtlvl = "-10000"};									// Bandit
	if  (_hmnty <= -10000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-25000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty <= -25000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-45000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty <= -45000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-85000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty <= -85000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-100000"};								//
	if  (_hmnty <= -100000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100%"};									// Super Bandit

while {_i < 7} do	{
	if ( _i == 1) then 	{
        if (isInTraderCity) then {
            format ["Survivor Rewards! %1 But you missed out! Payments are not given to those in traders! ",name player] call dayz_rollingMessages;
        } else {
			_reward = (_coinsreward * _mply);
			_msg = parseText format ["
			<t align='center' color='#D9FF00' shadow='2' size='1.5'>Survival Rewards!</t><br/><br/>
			<t align='left' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#A23DFF'>Humanity: </t><t align='right' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#FFFFFF'>%3</t><br/>
			<t align='left' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#A23DFF'>Next level: </t><t align='right' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#FFFFFF'>%6</t>
			<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#CCCCCC'> ------------------------------ </t><br/>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#8CFA16'>Humanity Bonus<t/><br/>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.3' color='#FFFFFF'>%4 x %2</t>
			<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#CCCCCC'> ------------------------------ </t>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.45' color='#D0F000'>%1 %7</t><br/>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.1' color='#FFFFFF'>Thanks for playing</t><br/>
			<t align='center' color='#CCCCCC' shadow='2' size='1'>%5</t><br/>
			_reward,				//	1
			_mply,					//	2
			_hmnty,					//	3
			_coinsreward,		//	4
			_servername,		//	5
			_nxtlvl,					//	6
			_currency				//	7
			hint _msg;
			diag_log format ["Survivor Rewards Log: Reward: %1 Multiplier: %2",_reward,_mply];
	        player setVariable [Z_moneyVariable,((player getVariable [Z_moneyVariable, 0]) + _reward),true];
        _i = 0;
	uisleep _timer;
	_i = _i + 1;



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On 24.05.2017 at 5:06 PM, oldmatechoc said:

Got bored decided to have a play with this, figured I'd share :D

Easy Config Options.
Humanity Based.
Notify player of their current and next reward level.
Players in safe-zones will not receive the reward.


f36fc6f906.png Coins

  Reveal hidden contents

// Auzgamer Pattoh Salival Choc Loyalty Reward System   
private ["_mply","_i","_reward","_hmnty","_servername","_coinsreward","_msg","_nxtlvl","_currency","_timer"];
diag_log("Survivor Rewards Log: Started!");
_hmnty = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
_servername = "Your Server Name Here";		// Server Name
_currency = "Coins!";												// Currency Name
_coinsreward = 2500;											// Reward Amount
_timer = 1800;															// Reward Timer in Seconds
switch (true) do {
    case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mply = 1.0};			// Bambie
	case (_hmnty >= 5000):			{_mply = 1.2};												// Hero
	case (_hmnty >= 15000):		{_mply = 1.4};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 25000): 		{_mply = 1.6};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 45000):		{_mply = 1.7};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 85000):		{_mply = 1.8};												//
	case (_hmnty >= 100000):	{_mply = 2};													// Super Hero								
	case (_hmnty <= -5000):		{_mply = 1.0};												// Bandit
	case (_hmnty <= -10000):		{_mply = 1.2};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -25000):		{_mply = 1.4};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -45000):		{_mply = 1.6};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -85000):		{_mply = 1.8};												//
	case (_hmnty <= -100000):	{_mply = 1.9};												// Super Bandit

	if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then {_nxtlvl = "2.5k/-5k" };	// Bambie
	if  (_hmnty >= 5000) then		{_nxtlvl = "15000"};										// Hero
	if  (_hmnty >= 15000) then		{_nxtlvl = "25000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty >= 25000) then 		{_nxtlvl = "45000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty >= 45000) then		{_nxtlvl = "85000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty >= 85000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100000"};								//
	if  (_hmnty >= 100000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100%"};									// Super Hero								
	if  (_hmnty <= -5000) then			{_nxtlvl = "-10000"};									// Bandit
	if  (_hmnty <= -10000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-25000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty <= -25000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-45000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty <= -45000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-85000"};									//
	if  (_hmnty <= -85000) then		{_nxtlvl = "-100000"};								//
	if  (_hmnty <= -100000) then		{_nxtlvl = "100%"};									// Super Bandit

while {_i < 7} do	{
	if ( _i == 1) then 	{
        if (isInTraderCity) then {
            format ["Survivor Rewards! %1 But you missed out! Payments are not given to those in traders! ",name player] call dayz_rollingMessages;
        } else {
			_reward = (_coinsreward * _mply);
			_msg = parseText format ["
			<t align='center' color='#D9FF00' shadow='2' size='1.5'>Survival Rewards!</t><br/><br/>
			<t align='left' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#A23DFF'>Humanity: </t><t align='right' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#FFFFFF'>%3</t><br/>
			<t align='left' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#A23DFF'>Next level: </t><t align='right' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#FFFFFF'>%6</t>
			<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#CCCCCC'> ------------------------------ </t><br/>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.2' color='#8CFA16'>Humanity Bonus<t/><br/>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.3' color='#FFFFFF'>%4 x %2</t>
			<t size='1' font='Zeppelin33' align='center' color='#CCCCCC'> ------------------------------ </t>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.45' color='#D0F000'>%1 %7</t><br/>
			<t align='center' shadow='2' size='1.1' color='#FFFFFF'>Thanks for playing</t><br/>
			<t align='center' color='#CCCCCC' shadow='2' size='1'>%5</t><br/>
			_reward,				//	1
			_mply,					//	2
			_hmnty,					//	3
			_coinsreward,		//	4
			_servername,		//	5
			_nxtlvl,					//	6
			_currency				//	7
			hint _msg;
			diag_log format ["Survivor Rewards Log: Reward: %1 Multiplier: %2",_reward,_mply];
	        player setVariable [Z_moneyVariable,((player getVariable [Z_moneyVariable, 0]) + _reward),true];
        _i = 0;
	uisleep _timer;
	_i = _i + 1;


how can i add it on server?


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5 minutes ago, oldmatechoc said:

same install as 1051 call it in your init.sqf


https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/9fc72a8b875ed768851ba70e631cd93ee99afc0b/Server Files/MPMissions/DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus/init.sqf#L142

on a new line

execVM "PATH\TO\YOUR\player_rewards.sqf";


if (isServer) then {



execVM "Custom\player_rewards.sqf"



11:02:57 "Survivor Rewards Log: Started!"

11:02:57 Error in expression <													


switch (true) do {

case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>

11:02:57   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>

11:02:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty

11:02:57 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Custom\player_rewards.sqf, line 14

11:02:57 Error in expression <0):	{_mply = 1.9};												



if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then>

11:02:57   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then>

11:02:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty

11:02:57 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Custom\player_rewards.sqf, line 29


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5 minutes ago, Ghostman said:
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11:02:57 "Survivor Rewards Log: Started!"

11:02:57 Error in expression <													


switch (true) do {

case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>

11:02:57   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>

11:02:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty

11:02:57 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Custom\player_rewards.sqf, line 14

11:02:57 Error in expression <0):	{_mply = 1.9};												



if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then>

11:02:57   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 &&	 _hmnty <= 5000) then>

11:02:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty

11:02:57 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Custom\player_rewards.sqf, line 29


Should not be run on the server, this script is client side only

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4 minutes ago, salival said:

Should not be run on the server, this script is client side only

new error reward added but.


11:21:10 Error in expression <ges;

} else {

_reward = (_coinsreward * _mply);

_msg = parseText format ["


11:21:10   Error position: <_mply);

_msg = parseText format ["


11:21:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _mply

11:21:10 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Custom\player_rewards.sqf , line 50


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39 minutes ago, Ghostman said:

new error reward added but.

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11:21:10 Error in expression <ges;

} else {

_reward = (_coinsreward * _mply);

_msg = parseText format ["


11:21:10   Error position: <_mply);

_msg = parseText format ["


11:21:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _mply

11:21:10 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Custom\player_rewards.sqf , line 50


I just tested this script and it works fine for me. I would guess that somehow it can't get your humanity.

In which case, put this code:

_mply = 1.0;

after this line:

_hmnty = player getVariable ["humanity",0];


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6 minutes ago, salival said:

I just tested this script and it works fine for me. I would guess that somehow it can't get your humanity.

In which case, put this code:

_mply = 1.0;

after this line:

_hmnty = player getVariable ["humanity",0];


sorry my bad i had

execVM "Custom\player_rewards.sqf"

should be

execVM "Custom\player_rewards.sqf";

can you tell me why bedug shows 0 humanity?


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  • 1 month later...
On 12/01/2016 at 2:48 AM, OmigaaaD said:

So i made some quick modifications to the script to check for safezones but i have not tried it yet, we're using Andre's Safezones


multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
	if ( _i == 1) then 
		if	(inSafeZone = true) exitWith {
				_msg2 = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on THGz! You are in a Safezone! No reward this time!</t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>"];
				hint _msg2;
		} else {
			_reward = (5000 * multiPlyWith);
			player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
			_msg = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on THGz! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: </t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>", name player, _reward];
			hint _msg;
			multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
			_i = 0;
	sleep 1800;
	_i = _i + 1;


Edit: Does not work, gonna redo it when im not as tired :P

Did you ever get that to work man?

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22:20:35 "Survivor Rewards Log: Started!"
22:20:35 Error in expression <                                                    

switch (true) do {
case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>
22:20:35   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>
22:20:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty
22:20:35 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\player_rewards.sqf, line 14
22:20:35 Error in expression <0):    {_mply = 1.9};                                                

if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&     _hmnty <= 5000) then>
22:20:35   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 &&     _hmnty <= 5000) then>
22:20:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty
22:20:35 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\player_rewards.sqf, line 29

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46 minutes ago, harcosgoogle said:

22:20:35 "Survivor Rewards Log: Started!"
22:20:35 Error in expression <                                                    

switch (true) do {
case (_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>
22:20:35   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 && _hmnty <= 5000): {_mp>
22:20:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty
22:20:35 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\player_rewards.sqf, line 14
22:20:35 Error in expression <0):    {_mply = 1.9};                                                

if  (_hmnty >= -5000 &&     _hmnty <= 5000) then>
22:20:35   Error position: <_hmnty >= -5000 &&     _hmnty <= 5000) then>
22:20:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hmnty
22:20:35 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\player_rewards.sqf, line 29


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