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[Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket


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  • 3 weeks later...

*IDEA For an UPDATE maybe*

As you allow us to change the prices of items within the Config, I have a pretty neat idea "That is if it works":

This would only show for "Super Admins"

  • When a ADMIN needs to change the price of any item.. Instead of going into the config maybe you'd be able to add a button next to the price of each item which allows them to raise or lower the price of that item.
  • Then once they have completed the price editing there could be a button at the bottom of the trader "Again which only shows for Admins" that says "Change Globally"


Just a nice little idea that would make it a lot easier for server owners/dev's, If this is even possible?

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Hey Everyone.

Is it Possible to edit the Ui So that the Trader only shows Items they are listet in the HSPricing 

I will post a link of a Picture to show what i mean by that. 

I will delete the Rest from the "Item" List except for that red market area. 

So when i open the Trader Dialog there is only this one.







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On 14.08.2016 at 11:40 PM, [email protected] said:

Sorry....... apparently i didnt read it clearly, this works now. Thanks for replying to others "He-Man" your answer i am sure has helped many along the way.  For those of you wondering what to change.. 

Open the trader folder whithin your "mpmission.pbo".

Open the "HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf" and edit the following:


line 22:
_vars = _player getVariable['VARS',[]+EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];

line 25:
[['effectCrypto',_newcrypt],(owner _player)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient;

To look like this:

line 22:
_vars = _player getVariable['VARS', call EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
line 25:
_newcrypt remoteExec ['EPOCH_effectCrypto',(owner _player)];


I'm not working! Still gives an error! Any ideas?


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Hey guys, I'm having a weird problem with updating the HSpricing. I am trying to add a majority of the CUP-Weapons/Units/Vehicles. I have my regular HSpricing.hpp in my server right now and it works fine. But when I try to put the hew HSpricing into the server, the the Survival filter that shows on the bottom of the server in the launcher disappears, all the player slots get filled with AI, my player character does not load in properly, the spawn box disappears. I really have no idea why this would happen, and I have not seen anything about anyone else having any problems like this. 

To me it seems very weird that this would happen because of the HSpricing being changed, but when i revert my server back to my other one it works fine.

I'm honestly lost with this at this point and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Ya, this website doesnt seem to allow me to attach that file. I did however figure out and fix my problem, after alot of searching through logs.

Anyways, if you choose to remove anything from your files make sure you dont leave any *'s hanging around.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/27/2017 at 3:12 PM, Tricky said:

what line do i put 7 exec !="trader\init.sqf";" in the battle eye script lol i got it working once then messed it up lol doing something else cant remember how i did it

You don't need that line anymore. The 7 exec line has not been in BattlEye's script.txt for some time now but was needed when many mods were created. Ignore that one whenever you see it in a mod's install instructions

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  • 3 weeks later...

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