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(RELEASE) Loyalty reward system


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Hi Guys, Thanks auzgamer the the script as supplied works ok no errors but Message is hidden behind my Debug and was reading this post : SchwEde and changed the message so it appears on the lower portion on the screen : like this,

_msg = 1001 cutText ["Thank you for playing on Epoch Survivors, Your Loyalty has been rewarded","PLAIN DOWN",2];

But it is throwing up undefind error :

Error in expression <as been rewarded","PLAIN DOWN",2];
hint _msg;
multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
  Error position: <_msg;
multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _msg
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Napf\Custom\fn_rewardLoyalty.sqf, line 11


I added -

private [ "_msg"];

to top of script but does not alter the error - Can some one help ?




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multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
	if ( _i == 1) then 
		_reward = (10000 * multiPlyWith);
		player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
		cutText [format["Thank you for playing on Epoch Survivors, Your Loyalty has been rewarded"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
		multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
		_i = 0;
	sleep 1800;
	_i = _i + 1;
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I just edited the original code with the message. I did not ask permission nor I want to edit the code from its original author.

Also I'm pretty aware of it, but how about giving a beer solution for that instead of simply telling that this is a bad idea;P

PS never called myself a coder either :P

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Hi Guys just been informed by player that ever time they die and respawn they are get a new set of Coins?

This is the code in use:


multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
if ( _i == 1) then
  _reward = (10000 * multiPlyWith);
  player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
  cutText [format["Thank you for playing on Epoch Survivors, Your Loyalty has been rewarded"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
  _i = 0;
sleep 6000;
_i = _i + 1;


So it will only give player coins after 1hr 40mins  ie once per server restart as I have it set as 3 hours


any idea why?



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I just edited the original code with the message. I did not ask permission nor I want to edit the code from its original author.

Also I'm pretty aware of it, but how about giving a beer solution for that instead of simply telling that this is a bad idea;P

PS never called myself a coder either :P


Take a look at the quoted post below


Hi Guys just been informed by player that ever time they die and respawn they are get a new set of Coins?

This is the code in use:


code etc

sleep 6000;





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  • 2 weeks later...

Any chance to show the reward message longer than 2 secs? the message appears only for about 2 sec and no one can read it.


I changed how it displayed the message as it was hiding behind my debug monitor. It now displays in center of the screen for a decent amount of time for all my players to read it.


titleText [format ["Loyalty Time Reward! === %1 Thank You for playing on Outsiders Gaming! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: $%2", name player, _reward], "PLAIN DOWN"];


The line above is directly from the file.



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I changed how it displayed the message as it was hiding behind my debug monitor. It now displays in center of the screen for a decent amount of time for all my players to read it.


titleText [format ["Loyalty Time Reward! === %1 Thank You for playing on Outsiders Gaming! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: $%2", name player, _reward], "PLAIN DOWN"];


The line above is directly from the file.






Do you not have the problem with when the time is up and people get the money, and if they die and respawn they get the reward again - and can keep doing this till server reset

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you not have the problem with when the time is up and people get the money, and if they die and respawn they get the reward again - and can keep doing this till server reset


I have it set so the players will receive the reward every 30 minutes at the moment. I am trying to figure out how to implement into the code how to void it if they are just sitting in trader zones or at their base. When they die, the timer is reset on their character so they once they log back in, they have to wait another 30 minutes.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have it set so the players will receive the reward every 30 minutes at the moment. I am trying to figure out how to implement into the code how to void it if they are just sitting in trader zones or at their base. When they die, the timer is reset on their character so they once they log back in, they have to wait another 30 minutes.





Hi Johnny, Could you post up you alterations as I had to remove it, As my players were killing themselves and getting back to the corpse to get the money time and time again.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Awesome idea!

I liked it very much!

May be make the reward for starter/poor players better than to old/rich players. I will try to do that.

Thankyou for sharing!

PS: some people sayd me that is better to use uiSleep instead of sleep. May be it worth the change.


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  • 1 month later...
On 7/24/2015 at 4:45 PM, megaz said:

I have it set so the players will receive the reward every 30 minutes at the moment. I am trying to figure out how to implement into the code how to void it if they are just sitting in trader zones or at their base. When they die, the timer is reset on their character so they once they log back in, they have to wait another 30 minutes.





Hi Johnny, Could you post up you alterations as I had to remove it, As my players were killing themselves and getting back to the corpse to get the money time and time again.



Sorry MegaZ, I wasn't receiving any notifications for this thread. Just saw your message now. My players are receiving the reward every 30 minutes, but they have to be alive for the full 30 minutes in order to receive it. The only thing I edited in this code was the way the messages were displayed and the amounts the players receive. Right now, for the first 30 minutes that they are alive on the server, they will receive $10k. If they manage to stay alive on the server until the next 30 minutes (so the hour mark), they will received $20k. And this continuously adds $10k more each time they hit the next 30 minute mark, as long as they stay alive consecutively. So really, it would benefit them more if they stayed alive instead of dying as all they're doing is resetting the timer.  Do you still need the code ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/23/2015 at 4:12 AM, megaz said:

Hi Johnny if you dont mind - I would like to put it back in, but cant as it is. As my player just kill them selves over and over.



Sorry for the late reply MegaZ. This is what I am using for the loyalty rewards. They are released to players every 30 minutes. At the 30 minute timer from when they log in, they will receive $10k, if they stay alive and logged in and make it to the 60 minute timer, they will receive $20k, 90 minutes = $30k, and so on. It goes up in $10k interverals When a player dies or relogs, the timer is automatically reset and the first reward they would receive when they hit the next 30 minute mark is $10k again. So really, the smart thing to do is to keep the player alive. In the near future, I am going to add where the player has to be moving and not in a safezone or near plot pole in order to receive this too.


multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
    if ( _i == 1) then 
        _reward = (10000 * multiPlyWith);
        player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
        titleText [format ["Loyalty Time Reward! === %1 Thank You for playing on Outsiders Gaming! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: $%2", name player, _reward], "PLAIN DOWN"];
        multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
        _i = 0;
    sleep 1800;
    _i = _i + 1;


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  • 2 weeks later...

So i made some quick modifications to the script to check for safezones but i have not tried it yet, we're using Andre's Safezones


multiPlyWith = 1;

while {_i < 7} do
	if ( _i == 1) then 
		if	(inSafeZone = true) exitWith {
				_msg2 = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on THGz! You are in a Safezone! No reward this time!</t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>"];
				hint _msg2;
		} else {
			_reward = (5000 * multiPlyWith);
			player setVariable ["cashMoney", ((player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0]) + _reward), true];
			_msg = parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#FFFFFF' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Loyalty time reward!</t><br/><t align='center' color='#17FF41'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>%1 thank you for playing on THGz! Your loyalty has been rewarded with: </t><t align='center' color='#40FF00'>$%2</t>", name player, _reward];
			hint _msg;
			multiPlyWith = multiPlyWith + 1;
			_i = 0;
	sleep 1800;
	_i = _i + 1;


Edit: Does not work, gonna redo it when im not as tired :P

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