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[PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System

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I don't update more often even though I check almost every day because our developer Zupa is the one doing all the development and he is the only one who can give us good news (and hopefully a release soon - maybe this weekend? fingers Xd).

I am hoping as well. Talked to Zupa over skype about it as well.

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I don't update more often even though I check almost every day because our developer Zupa is the one doing all the development and he is the only one who can give us good news (and hopefully a release soon - maybe this weekend? fingers Xd).


Sure do hope so! :D

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New idea. Everyone posts the amount they are willing to donate, we set a start date, and for every day that passes money is taken off of each total donation.


Example: I'm willing to donate $75. Start date is 8/1, every day after 8/1 my donation loses $1 until working code is released.


Thoughts? :D

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Great to see this going well guys, I was looking at Spoons release over on Armaholic but a db saving version would be great. 


I noticed quite a lot of people mentioning saving time etc. Please note that a single currency does not really offer any time saving benefits over the current Epoch build which calculates, converts the bar currency, and combines it into relevant highest denominations for you. The only benefit from single currency is banking. Had it been released a year ago by the devs when Maca first offered it to them it would have saved a lot of time but since then the currency transactions have been refined a lot. 


Having played with single currency for a good few hours over at CCG it is a nice touch. You will still end up having to store bar currency for your base maintenance and you will still have the boring back and forth trading of items. 

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The first version with the 999 Dll is released.


Instructions can be found on github and my personal website:




Arma2Net will follower later this week. (Maybe tomorrow).


Thank to all of you for your patience. I'll try keeping it up-to-date.


Performance en security updates will come later to.

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The first version with the 999 Dll is released.


Instructions can be found on github and my personal website:




Arma2Net will follower later this week. (Maybe tomorrow).


Thank to all of you for your patience. I'll try keeping it up-to-date.


Performance en security updates will come later to.


Thanks for this man.

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The first version with the 999 Dll is released.


Instructions can be found on github and my personal website:




Arma2Net will follower later this week. (Maybe tomorrow).


Thank to all of you for your patience. I'll try keeping it up-to-date.


Performance en security updates will come later to.

Once again, thank you very much for sharing your hard work with the community!  I am sure there will be a lot of testing, questions, feedback from community. I am hoping the donations will follow...


Personally I will be fulfilling my donation promise as soon as I get this on my server latest this weekend - to prevent any misunderstandings obviously this is not a purchase but just a small gesture to show my appreciation of your generosity of sharing your work.

(as NOONE else is giving out their working Epoch single currency system. Literally none) so yeah, thanks again!

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1st post has been updated.

Rather than copy & pasting the release information you've provided, I just linked the 1st post read more / download section to your post above () so feel free to update post 289 as you see fit with additional information.



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Currently get this error when using method #2



The right notepad has the first defines.hpp i used. (with two Styles as you can see by the line numbers) and i got the error shown on screen.

The left notepad has the double lines removed, and still getting the same error. (#defile ST_CENTER) 

Don't know if I'm doing anything wrong or if its the script. I will try the fresh server one now.

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Currently get this error when using method #2



The right notepad has the first defines.hpp i used. (with two Styles as you can see by the line numbers) and i got the error shown on screen.

The left notepad has the double lines removed, and still getting the same error. (#defile ST_CENTER) 

Don't know if I'm doing anything wrong or if its the script. I will try the fresh server one now.


Do you have epoch admin tools installed? That will trigger this issue

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When I'm downloading the new mission file, the server crashes.
And yes, I've replaced the DLL files.


Mods: @DayZ_Server
Distribution: 0
Version 1.63.125548
Fault address:  693AE326 01:0001D326 D:\DayZ Server\@DayZ_Server\HiveExt.dll
file:     DayZ_test
world:    Napf
Prev. code bytes: 45 FC 1E 00 00 00 8D 64 24 00 8B 8D 90 FD FF FF
Fault code bytes: 8B 01 8B 50 04 FF D2 84 C0 0F 84 34 09 00 00 8B
EAX:00AFBF14 EBX:00000000
ECX:00000000 EDX:00000400
ESI:0000000B EDI:0000000F
SS:ESP:002B:00AFBEF4  EBP:00AFC184
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file instance_11_Chernarus\arma2oaserver.mdmp
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Working fine for me.

I edited the hud a bit so that it shows up under the infistar debug and got rid some of the hud classes.

Everything seems to be working fine.

I know it's only a temp release and that. The coins only show the amount that you have in your bank and not what you have on you.

The only other thing I see is the give coins which I am guessing is still being worked on.


Other than that its working perfectly fine, I changed laptop to infostand and moved the bankzones to the safezones.


Thanks Zupa for all of your hard work!

Looking forward to more amazing updates.



Im not able to access traders for some reason after using this?


I have used his zupas traders as instructed and i cant access any?

Most likely due to the sql. If you haven't noticed that he is using Arma2Net...
Just put back your old traders and it will work fine.

Working perfect as far as I can tell with your files, how would I go about removing the custom UI and just having the coin and safe pics, as I already run a custom UI

Here's mine

// player setVariable["AsReMixhud", true];//Variable Show/Hide HUD Support for control player hud

AsReMixhud_Control = true; // player getVariable["AsReMixhud",true];

while {true} do
    1000 cutRsc ["AsReMixhud","PLAIN"];
    _wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "AsReMixhud";
    _vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
	_thePlayer = player;
    Zupa_bank 		=  _thePlayer getVariable["bank",0];

	//if(AsReMixhud_humanity >= 5000) then { AsReMixhud_hmnicon = "<img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_hmhero.paa'/>"; };
	//if((AsReMixhud_humanity >= 200) && (AsReMixhud_humanity <= 4999)) then { AsReMixhud_hmnicon = "<img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_hmcivil.paa'/>"; };
//	if(AsReMixhud_humanity <= 199) then { AsReMixhud_hmnicon = "<img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_hmbandit.paa'/>"; };
	_vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["
		<t size='0.9'> %1 </t><img size='0.8' align='right' image='addons\playerhud\icons\dollars.paa'/>   <br/>",
	_vitals ctrlCommit 0;
    sleep 2;


	AsReMix Player HUD File - Zupa Single Currency Edit - Lots of thanks to AsRemix.

#define hud_status_idc 4900

class AsReMixhud {
	idd = -1;
	duration = 20;
	name= "AsReMixhud";
	onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['AsReMixhud', _this select 0]";
	class controlsBackground {

		class AsReMixhud_Status:Hw_RscText
			idc = hud_status_idc;
			size = 0.040;
    x = safezoneX + (safezoneW -0.365) ;
	y = safezoneY + 0.465 * safezoneW;
			w = 0.35; h = 0.35;
			colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
			lineSpacing = 3;
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
			text = "";
			shadow = 2;
			class Attributes {
				align = "right";


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When I'm downloading the new mission file, the server crashes.

And yes, I've replaced the DLL files.


Mods: @DayZ_Server
Distribution: 0
Version 1.63.125548
Fault address:  693AE326 01:0001D326 D:\DayZ Server\@DayZ_Server\HiveExt.dll
file:     DayZ_test
world:    Napf
Prev. code bytes: 45 FC 1E 00 00 00 8D 64 24 00 8B 8D 90 FD FF FF
Fault code bytes: 8B 01 8B 50 04 FF D2 84 C0 0F 84 34 09 00 00 8B
EAX:00AFBF14 EBX:00000000
ECX:00000000 EDX:00000400
ESI:0000000B EDI:0000000F
SS:ESP:002B:00AFBEF4  EBP:00AFC184
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file instance_11_Chernarus\arma2oaserver.mdmp


unlock dll files


right click on DLL  ->Properties-> unlock

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Sadly it didn't work.

Thanks for the tip though.


Mods: @DayZ_Server
Distribution: 0
Version 1.63.125548
Fault address:  624AE326 01:0001D326 D:\DayZ Server\@DayZ_Server\HiveExt.dll
file:     DayZ_test
world:    Napf
Prev. code bytes: 45 FC 1E 00 00 00 8D 64 24 00 8B 8D 90 FD FF FF
Fault code bytes: 8B 01 8B 50 04 FF D2 84 C0 0F 84 34 09 00 00 8B
EAX:0097C3AC EBX:00000000
ECX:00000000 EDX:00000400
ESI:0000000B EDI:0000000F
SS:ESP:002B:0097C38C  EBP:0097C61C
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file instance_11_Chernarus\arma2oaserver.mdmp
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