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AI island on Napf


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I have an idea to make the military island on the northeast section of the map with permanent AI and lots of excellent loot drops. Any idea how to do this? Im going to start editing the bridge but I would like that island to be kind of an uber zone.


Thanks so much.

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which island are you talking about? I've got static spawns set up on the upper right one, the one with the army base.



	_this = createMarker ["dzaiAISPAWN", [4672.376, 16637.514, -6.1035156e-005]];
	_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
	_this setMarkerType "Flag";
	_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
	_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
	_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
	_dzaiAISPAWN = _this;		//_dzaicustomspawntest must be a unique name
		_this = createMarker ["dzaiAISPAWN2", [4618.2852, 16597.203, -6.1035156e-005]];
	_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
	_this setMarkerType "Flag";
	_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
	_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
	_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
	_dzaiAISPAWN2 = _this;		//_dzaicustomspawntest must be a unique name
		_this = createMarker ["dzaiAISPAWN3", [4650.2603, 16744.162, -6.1035156e-005]];
	_this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
	_this setMarkerType "Flag";
	_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
	_this setMarkerSize [200, 200];
	_this setMarkerAlpha 0;
	_dzaiAISPAWN3 = _this;		//_dzaicustomspawntest must be a unique name


		"dzaiAISPAWN2",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		4, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		3,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		2, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		2,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN3",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		4, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		3,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN2",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		3, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		2,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		4, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		3,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN3",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		3, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		2,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN2",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		2, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		3,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		4, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		2,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
		"dzaiAISPAWN3",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
		6, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
		1,						//AI spawned by this trigger will have Weapon Grade level 1 (see below for explanation of Weapon Grade)
		true					//(OPTIONAL) Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn. False: AI will not respawn. See more here: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dzai-lite-dynamic-ai-package.11116/page-28#post-79148
	] call DZAI_spawn;
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I've got AI on that island using DZAI. I also have a heli patrol flying around the island and an armed humvee driving around the area too. On the map I have it marked for heavy bandit activity.

Do you have a scipr I could have to check it out? I would love to use it if thats ok.

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I reworked all the DZAI spawn triggers and moved them all in the island.

Then changed the AIs to re-spawn after 1 hr min 1.5 hrs max


Overall there is approximately 100-120 AIs that spawn in the Island and with a team of 4-6 players if organized they can clear the island.

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I can't have my DZAI working on my server Napf. Thats pretty Odd cause on my Chernarus server it working wonderful.


I use on my Napf server WAI, DZMS and I want the DZAI, anybody know why its not working?

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15:03:31 Error in expression <lectRandom2;                                                             
_unit = _unitGroup createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];>
15:03:31   Error position: <createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];>
15:03:31   Error Type Any, expected String
15:03:31 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\fn_createGroup.sqf, line 49
15:03:31 Error in expression <lectRandom2;                                                             
_unit = _unitGroup createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];>
15:03:31   Error position: <createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];>
15:03:31   Error Type Any, expected String

You running an edited/non-standard mission for DZAI ? It's throwing errors about creating a group..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just install DZAI, place spawn points for ground troops, helis and ground vehicles.


I'm sorry.. for the vehicle and heli patrols, I used WAI. The ground troops are DZAI. I forgot.


BetterDeadThanZed, do you mind sharing your SQF and changes for this? also does this work when you already have WAI missions going on all over the server same time?

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We also set up that island for Bandits -  using DZAI 

it's patrolled by a small group, upon player presence it calls a helicopter to come and drop off 8 more AI and then the heli sticks around to defend the island.


http://www.es-gamers.com/1042bserverfiles.zip   (in the NAPF server folder, static spawns)

wow you have alot of scripts  on your server....

a question for yah...

looking at your init and your server files I see you have TSW, is that the silent warrior ???

if soo how did you get it too support napf ??

I purchased it like a year ago for a former server, I just started a new napf server, but TSW says does not support napf......

have a link to install instructions for TSW on napf ??

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wow you have alot of scripts  on your server....

a question for yah...

looking at your init and your server files I see you have TSW, is that the silent warrior ???

if soo how did you get it too support napf ??

I purchased it like a year ago for a former server, I just started a new napf server, but TSW says does not support napf......

have a link to install instructions for TSW on napf ??


It's a bastardized version of that admin tool from what I understand, it's not any kind of "anti-cheat" but rather just the menu system (healing, destroying, fun menu etc). I actually ended up replacing it (hadn't updated the files, leave that choice up the server ops) to the Epoch Admin Tool because it displayed safe codes and such. Was a much better choice for epoch.

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It's a bastardized version of that admin tool from what I understand, it's not any kind of "anti-cheat" but rather just the menu system (healing, destroying, fun menu etc). I actually ended up replacing it (hadn't updated the files, leave that choice up the server ops) to the Epoch Admin Tool because it displayed safe codes and such. Was a much better choice for epoch.



http://trololololololololololo.com/       Just Funny

why do you have  the // in this line ? I just seen the // and I believe I added all the files needed but it doesnt work but now I see why //

//_nil = [] execVM "custom\kh_specials.sqf";  //extended functions   


edit... yes that was the problem all is working

except I hoped the osprey mv22 actuall had guns in the door and rear ;( doors open though ;)

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OK guys, can anyone help me set up WAI mission or something similar on NAPF island? would anyone mind share their file if they have done so already. I have WAI running. ideally i would like to set up another mission that runs once on the island with alot of AI.

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