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[RELEASE] PackLockMove 1.0

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I've seen this, I think it is the anti-hack that is not allowing the user to create a crate full of stuff. I haven't looked into solving it since it would probably break the anti-hack system too,

I don't use any antihack.... if I spawn a public crate in with the admin tools, the crate disappears as i release it. If I spawn a private crate, I can move, load, unload and release and the crate stays. I removed it from the servers that it doesn't work on and went back to R3F which works fine. Can't seem to put my finger on why PLM doesn't work when it's the code from R3F



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Can anyone provide any further advice. i have the same issue as CJ. I can pick up move, pack/load, lock/unlock and unload but as soon as I go to drop the item it disappears. I get the following error in RPT

22:35:51 "DELETE: Deleted by ID: 16113"

22:35:51 Error in expression } else {

_key >
22:35:51 Error position: <_activatingPlayer,_id];
} else {

_key >
22:35:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: _activatingplayer
22:35:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf, line 15


And the corresponding server_deleteObj.sqf



[_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj;
_id = _this select 0;
_uid = _this select 1;
_activatingPlayer = _this select 2;

if (isServer) then {
//remove from database
if (parseNumber _id &gt; 0) then {
//Send request
_key = format[&quot;CHILD:304:%1:&quot;,_id];
_key call server_hiveWrite;
diag_log format[&quot;DELETE: %1 Deleted by ID: %2&quot;,_activatingPlayer,_id];
} else {
//Send request
_key = format[&quot;CHILD:310:%1:&quot;,_uid];
_key call server_hiveWrite;
diag_log format[&quot;DELETE: %1 Deleted by UID: %2&quot;,_activatingPlayer,_uid];


I appreciate any help. I am a complete novice at this and trying to learn as I go but I have been trying to get Tow and lift and pack move lock with either this script and logistic tow or with R3F for the last couple of days. I have got this one almost completely satisfactory except for the issue of dropping the box and it disappears.


Am i missing some BE Filters? I have added PLM and PLM_ to publicvariable



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Can anyone provide any further advice. i have the same issue as CJ. I can pick up move, pack/load, lock/unlock and unload but as soon as I go to drop the item it disappears. I get the following error in RPT


22:35:51 "DELETE: Deleted by ID: 16113"

22:35:51 Error in expression } else {

_key >

22:35:51 Error position: <_activatingPlayer,_id];

} else {

_key >

22:35:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: _activatingplayer

22:35:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf, line 15


And the corresponding server_deleteObj.sqf




[_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj;



_id = _this select 0;

_uid = _this select 1;

_activatingPlayer = _this select 2;

if (isServer) then {

//remove from database

if (parseNumber _id &gt; 0) then {

//Send request

_key = format[&quot;CHILD:304:%1:&quot;,_id];

_key call server_hiveWrite;

diag_log format[&quot;DELETE: %1 Deleted by ID: %2&quot;,_activatingPlayer,_id];

} else {

//Send request

_key = format[&quot;CHILD:310:%1:&quot;,_uid];

_key call server_hiveWrite;

diag_log format[&quot;DELETE: %1 Deleted by UID: %2&quot;,_activatingPlayer,_uid];




I appreciate any help. I am a complete novice at this and trying to learn as I go but I have been trying to get Tow and lift and pack move lock with either this script and logistic tow or with R3F for the last couple of days. I have got this one almost completely satisfactory except for the issue of dropping the box and it disappears.


Am i mission some BE Filters? I have added PLM and PLM_ to publicvariable





In move_object.sqf search for:

PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_oldObjectID,_oldObjectUID];
			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
			if (isServer) then {
				PVDZE_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;

And change to:


PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_oldObjectID,_oldObjectUID,player];
			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
			if (isServer) then {
				PVDZE_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
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Thanks for that UKMartin. The change removed error from RPT but item still disappears.


I have also fired up server with no BE filters (just to check) and get the same thing happen. As soon as i "drop object" it disappears.


Still scratching head.

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In move_object.sqf search for:

PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_oldObjectID,_oldObjectUID];			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";			if (isServer) then {				PVDZE_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;			};
And change to:

PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_oldObjectID,_oldObjectUID,player];			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";			if (isServer) then {				PVDZE_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;			};

That's not correct. I added that code to handle the moving of the object. Otherwise it would duplicate it.

The anti hack I'm referring to is the one that prevents a user from creating random boxes. I'm not sure where it is and you may have tom adjust it the same way you have to allow players to spawn vehicles like bikes and atv's, but the difference is players will be able to spawn crates too. That's why I did t really go after it, I did t feel like adding extra layers of security.

As to why R3F allows it and this doesn't, I couldn't tell you, i just translated it and fixed some logic errors that I was finding. If R3F works, you should use that since this is the same code, just without towing. You can disable towing in R3F I believe.

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That's not correct. I added that code to handle the moving of the object. Otherwise it would duplicate it.

The anti hack I'm referring to is the one that prevents a user from creating random boxes. I'm not sure where it is and you may have tom adjust it the same way you have to allow players to spawn vehicles like bikes and atv's, but the difference is players will be able to spawn crates too. That's why I did t really go after it, I did t feel like adding extra layers of security.

As to why R3F allows it and this doesn't, I couldn't tell you, i just translated it and fixed some logic errors that I was finding. If R3F works, you should use that since this is the same code, just without towing. You can disable towing in R3F I believe.


Well the code i posted is for the error, that an object is not being deleted properly, because server delete object expects 3 parameters (last is the player, who calls it!). Therefore it has to be called like that, otherwise it wouldn't delete the object, unless you call it directly from the server, which i would actually recommend.


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I don't understand how this works. How do you load something, such as a bicycle, into a vehicle? I added it to my test server but I don't see any options for this. Is there a video of this script in action?

if I remember correctly you scroll on the PLM_CFG_transporters (ural) and it gives option to load nearest PLM_CFG_transportable_objects (bicycle) 


just make sure the vehicle you scroll on is in your PLM_CFG_transporters list and your bicycle is in your PLM_CFG_transportable_objects list. array 


here is mine.....




PLM_CFG_transportable_objects =  [
["HMMWV_Base", 80],
["HMMWV_Avenger", 80],
["HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1", 80],
  ["ATV_US_EP1", 20],
       ["CSJ_GyroC", 20],
       ["CSJ_GyroCover", 20],
       ["CSJ_GyroP", 20],
       ["Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1", 25],
       ["Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1", 25],
       ["USVehicleBox_EP1", 12],
       ["TKSpecialWeapons_EP1", 12],
       ["BAF_VehicleBox", 12],
       ["USLaunchersBox", 12],
       ["RUOrdnanceBox", 12],
       ["M1030_US_DES_EP1", 25],
       ["TT650_Civ", 25],
       ["TT650_Ins", 25],
  ["Pchela1T", 25],
  ["Ka137_PMC", 25],
  ["Ka137_MG_PMC", 25],
       ["TT650_TK_CIV_EP1", 25]   

PLM_CFG_moveable_objects = [



can somebody remind me how to make spoilers please ?

I seem to have forgot!

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if i move a object ( workbench) it flys after restart in the air


and any fix for this?

22:35:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: _activatingplayer
22:35:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf, line 15


with add player to the move_object it duplicated

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  • 4 months later...

I've seen this, I think it is the anti-hack that is not allowing the user to create a crate full of stuff. I haven't looked into solving it since it would probably break the anti-hack system too,

Does anybody have any idea what would cause the crate to despawn when they are released? Not running any antihack and they they disappear when unloaded and released.



Did anyone manage to get a fix for this problem thanks thanks.....

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  • 8 months later...

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