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[Release] Arma & Overpoch Clothing 3.0 Updated.


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I have a problem with it


If i change the Clothes my stuff still there but i get some new extra stuff


I get every stuff which is normaly on the startgear of this skin


Ya i need to write a script that removes the extra gear u get with some skins.

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So this Step nr 7.

Add the follwoing to AH CMenu list:

"MenClothing"    ok I found this, but where do I put this number ???????????

and as number



A exemple would be nice.    Like   "MenClothing" 20001 or something


It's for infistar

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Has anyone ever got this error message 


"ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.sauerland\zupa\skins\defines.hpp, line 45: .RscButton: Member already defined."


Any Idea's on how to fix this? I'm having no luck. Thanks in advance


u got a duplicate class, just delete the class from that file

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Also, getting this in my client .rpt

Error in expression <er_studybody = -1;

player removeAction s_clothes;
s_clothes = -1;

player remov>
  Error position: <s_clothes;
s_clothes = -1;

player remov>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_clothes
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\PlotForLifev2\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 913

I used the P4L fn_selfActions because it was already there. Was that the right thing to do?

        player removeAction s_player_studybody;
	s_player_studybody = -1;
	//remove clothes    <----line 913
	player removeAction s_clothes;
	s_clothes = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
	s_player_tamedog = -1;
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Also, getting this in my client .rpt

Error in expression <er_studybody = -1;

player removeAction s_clothes;
s_clothes = -1;

player remov>
  Error position: <s_clothes;
s_clothes = -1;

player remov>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_clothes
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\PlotForLifev2\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 913

I used the P4L fn_selfActions because it was already there. Was that the right thing to do?

        player removeAction s_player_studybody;
	s_player_studybody = -1;
	//remove clothes    <----line 913
	player removeAction s_clothes;
	s_clothes = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
	s_player_tamedog = -1;


in your variables.sqf



s_clothes = -1;

in the list of 

dayz_resetSelfActions = {

Any update on the "changing skins and getting more items automatically in inventory" issue?


Not yet, been bussy with other scripts lately.


I think ieven got a build of this script somewhere with SKIN PREVIEW ^^ But more later when i get a decent moment to make a relaese

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Hey Zupa maybe you make the script so changing Skin on relog


so then you overwrite only the skin in database


u played ccg.


And it woul'nt really matter, since when u login the same happends when u change clothing. 


A guy gets created and u are put on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sup Zupa, Im looking forward to some Evo man looks promising anyways i'll let to the point and hope you get a free min to look at it


So i have ESS installed and ZuSkin (This Script) im using OverWatch clothing in the Spawn Select and everything works fine other then 

the DefaultMagazines are not added to the player or they are wiped im not sure.


ESS worked fine before i installed the script but the Skins didnt save when a player relogged that was fixed with i added ZuSkins (This Script)


if this problem has already been addressed im sorry i did look but searching


but Arma & Overpoch Clothing  with ESS or ESS with Arma & Overpoch Clothing 3.0 came up with alot of off topic things >.> 




UPDATE: Fixed Ebay give me info

	if (_model != _myModel) then {
		[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph;
		waitUntil {typeOf player != _myModel};
		uiSleep 3;

by adding sleep in ebays class.sqf

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I found problem with my long time of loading server. This script dont want to work with coins system.

Where is problem? Sometimes loading is normal but more the time out is more then 100s..

1:15:23 "get: STRING (76561198134846986), sent: STRING (76561198134846986)"
11:15:23 "DISCONNECT: 造sy (76561198134846986) Object: B 1-1-A:1 (造sy) REMOTE, _characterID: 0 at loc [-7245.22,19535.3,-3.05176e-005]"
11:15:23 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character 造sy as no characterID"
11:15:23 Client: Remote object 2:17 not found
11:15:40 Error in expression <if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x)) exitWith {
if (((str(inheritsFro>
11:15:40   Error position: <>> _x)) exitWith {
if (((str(inheritsFro>
11:15:40   Error >>: Type Array, expected String
11:15:40 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\scripts\verifyTables.sqf, line 25
11:15:48 Error in expression < + getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _launchWeapon >> "magazines") select >
11:15:48   Error position: <>> _launchWeapon >> "magazines") select >
11:15:48   Error >>: Type Array, expected String
11:15:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\group_manager.sqf, line 51
11:16:09 Error in expression < + getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _launchWeapon >> "magazines") select >
11:16:09   Error position: <>> _launchWeapon >> "magazines") select >
11:16:09   Error >>: Type Array, expected String
11:16:09 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\group_manager.sqf, line 51

I think the problem is with take clothes..

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  • 4 weeks later...

6.  You might have some Antihack troubles, more updates on that later.

add "s_clothes" to your AHconfig

7. Add the follwoing to AH CMenu list:


and as number




someone can esplicar me that part of the file put this.please!!

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Hi Zupa :)


I was wondering if in this addon there was some royal danish army clothing, I've looked your code through here in this thread and can't seem to see if there is, but if there is not, could it be possible to add that  ? and how ?

I've seen a couple of overwatch servers with the royal danish army camo, and now that i'm from Denmark I would really like that :)




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I use ESS Custom spawn.. since adding this... My players, when joining... have no ammo.  Any anyideas.. I imagine something this this script is clearing the player when they choose a skin... but when I switch skins to an overwatch one.. i keep my ammo... not really sure whats up.. no errors in the log.


Any ideas?



Disregard this post... I found the issue, I think.. its the post below...

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//Clear New Character
{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} count  magazines _newUnit;
removeAllWeapons _newUnit;
Can I comment this out?  I have ESS installed and players are spawning in with nothing. even with regular skins.  Is there a way to only clear mags when a players changes skins.. not when they are fresh spawn?
Thank you!

EDIT:  Tried to simply comment that line out.. .it didn't work.  Does anyone have any ideas?
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Hi :)


Now I have tried for a couple of hours to get the danish army camo into the game, I can see it in the morph and the name are DANEG, DANEG1,DANEG2 etc to DANEG10, but I just can't get it to work :(

May I ask what you've tried? Because I just tried it for the lulz and basically it took me 10 seconds :D

As I said, you just have to add them to the list of skins in your variables.sqf. I have tested Daneg-Daneg5 and they all work just fine (besides the fact, that Daneg5 has reduced Itemslots)

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Hey Zupa

Nice work but is there a way so all the skins are able to use backpacks?

players say that alot of the skins they can not pick up a backpack.


No, that stuff is defined in the vehicle config, which u cannot ovverride with normal code ( only with loading new pbo's or changing the excisting one) but every players needs them then. Which is basicly making your own mod.

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