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  On 12/3/2016 at 5:38 PM, theduke said:

Yeah i agree with that point of view no doubt, but for our community, which we are PVE, single currency is easier for us.  Also, the config traders make things much easier to modify prices for certain things.

Dont get me wrong, I was waiting long for this update and was very excited lol But sadly, for now we cant use it. :( Hopefully later on we will


hey duke you can use custom traders hpp menus... just open server_traders.sqf and change into:

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drop the CfgServerTrader folder into the custom folder

drop chernarus11.sqf into the new custom CfgServerTrader....

then open your description.ext 

change the line for include by:

#include "custom\CfgServerTrader\CfgServerTrader.hpp"

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lol it pays to look at the files haha

Well i want to help bring single currency with banks to this update. I want to learn and help if someone wants to work with me.  I have a server with vilayer that im not using, it is good till dec 31st of this year.  We can use that for testing purposes and if we need a test server for longer i have a dedicated box that we can set one up on too. 

To be honest im more eager to learn than anything. Im frustrated at myself because im blocked and cant go further lol I need someone to sorta hold my hand and explain certain things for me to grasp it fully

anyways, the offer is there if its needed :)

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@oldmatechoc Who's your host if I may ask. I am using GTXGaming and they have given me a ton of trouble with this update. First they told me I could upload the update myself, and then after wiping my entire server and getting rid of everything they now are saying I have to wait until they can create a new template for Arma 2 servers.

I also had to ask them to upload my .dll files. Ugh, it's just annoying that they told me one thing after I simply asked when they would be able to have the update available and told me I could upload the update myself via ftp, and then after it broke then they told me not to try again and I must wait for them. 3 days waiting and counting.

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Yeah. I'm starting to reconsider being with them. I'm in the US as well, so when I'm on it's usually past midnight for them and takes a long time for them to respond. I probably won't leave them, but it is annoying.

Here is what they have told me. http://jmp.sh/YE7mdAe is from support a few days ago, read it bottom to top, http://jmp.sh/TW0wsLI is from support yesterday, read bottom to top. From what I have read, support on most servers are pretty bad, so oh well... It was lucky of you they did the 3gb download for you, I had to upload that shit twice because they had told me I could do it myself. Hopefully they get that template up soon.


But to answer your question, that does look like it was from HiveExt from my experience, but I'm not as smart as most of these people here.


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@oldmatechoc I have tried survival servers. I liked that they had 30min backups of the database for 5 days worth (250 backups total), but the server quality wasn't great and the 2 hour restarts sucked. It was cheaper, which is nice. I have also considered setting up a dedi server, but I hear there isn't much DDoS protection with those.

And I agree with the 1 click things. I find it funny some server hosts will charge you for the stupidest things, like self blood bagging. It's just a money scam for people who have 0 experience with any coding and have a big enough wallet. Over time I am sure more addons/mods with come out for Epoch106 and they will make their money from those.

They told me it would be a few days for those templates, which I am depending on. I have a server with an average of 20 players on most of the time with peaks of 30 to 40. I am sure I am already losing players because GTX told me something then changed their mind so my server right now is not functional and my players want the new update. Makes me pretty pissed, not to mention the constant spam from players asking when the server will be ready.

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@oldmatechoc Yeah I think same here. My server is so screwed up right now. I almost had it running, but then they disabled my account as I think I fixed it, but I didn't know they did it or why so I wiped it all to see if it would re enable it.


The only nice thing I get out of this is a bit of a vacation from running a server. Since they told me I had to wait, I have just been working on my Exile server, which I have many players waiting for that to play on too.  But yeah, GG GTX.

If you don't have a ton of players waiting for you I would recommend also taking a vacation. Just let them fix this crap. Maybe keep putting in tickets just to get them to actually work on the damn thing.

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@looter809  @oldmatechoc. Vilayer and GTX in my eyes, are the worst. For one, I cannot comprehend how vilayer is still in business. They have the WORST service ever. Everything from the service itself to support (support takes 3 days to answer tickets), I've tried multiple times to look for a BBB in the UK, to no avail. They need to be shut down thats how horrible they are.

GTX on the the other hand, is a TAD bit better than vilayer. BUT, they still dont know what they are doing. I paid for database backups, and when i got hit with a hacker...support was NOT ABLE TO FIND my backups....LOL right?
And i had athe same issue with the DLL files, because i use single currency with banks, i need a custom DLL. That took about a week to sort out. and yes if they read the ticket like a normal person they would of done it...

This didnt happen once either lol

In the end, i have a dedicated box. The free clan package vilayer gave me for free for a year and half was not even worth using, caused me more problems than anything.  Having a dedicated box you have full control over everything. It really nice :)

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  On 12/4/2016 at 2:31 PM, oldmatechoc said:

@theduke Thanks for the heads up mate!

Definitely looking into a dedicated box :)


check out soyoustart. its a sister company of OVH. and they are priced very good :)  for me anyways, since im canadian, they actually charge in CAD not US

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  On 12/4/2016 at 2:34 PM, theduke said:

check out soyoustart. its a sister company of OVH. and they are priced very good :)  for me anyways, since im canadian, they actually charge in CAD not US


@oldmatechoc @theduke lets do it a new company to get in the bussines ! we can call it... "Old Duke Juan" :ph34r:

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@theduke Wow, this looks really good. Any downsides? Because it would be a fully dedicated server would I even be able to host multiple games off of it? How long have you been using it (if you are currently using it)


edit: I see it does not support windows (I think), is that a big downside?

edit2: Which server would you suggest through SoYouStart to host DayZ Epoch and maybe even Arma 3 Exile, more games like a Minecraft server down the road

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  On 12/4/2016 at 9:28 PM, looter809 said:

@theduke Wow, this looks really good. Any downsides? Because it would be a fully dedicated server would I even be able to host multiple games off of it? How long have you been using it (if you are currently using it)



You can do what ever you want with a dedicated box. just some games i think you cant host with a dedicated box, server files are only for GSPs.  Only downside is getting everything setup, but once up, its a breeze, full control over everything. Also depends how many servers you want to run. I have 3 A2 epoch servers and one a3 server. Uses about half my ram (32gb) and 25% of my processor. Servers run fine without major issues. Thats just the i7 too lol

But i dont want to highjack this thread with stuff not regarding the update.  So if you have anymore questions, send me a PM or start another thread so others can take advantage of the info.

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Well here we are again LOL

epoch 1.0.6

I was setting up a test server on my local host. started my server and keep getting session lost. Nothing in RPTs other then Server error: Player without identity yolo (id 155709097)

rechecked the db, looks good to me. Deleted Battleye in client OA folder and then verify integrity of game cache

Any thoughts on this?

If I posted in wrong area please let me know

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  On 12/5/2016 at 2:25 AM, Thug said:

Well here we are again LOL

epoch 1.0.6

I was setting up a test server on my local host. started my server and keep getting session lost. Nothing in RPTs other then Server error: Player without identity yolo (id 155709097)

rechecked the db, looks good to me. Deleted Battleye in client OA folder and then verify integrity of game cache

Any thoughts on this?

If I posted in wrong area please let me know


Make sure your steamappid.txt in the server root says 33930 instead of 65700 - I had the same problem.

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steam_appid.txt is the filename, if you dont have it create it and write: 33930 in it.

Also do you have your steamport and steamqueryport set in your config.cfg? Its serverport +1 and serverport +2 so if you have your server port on 2302 this will be the correct ones:

steamport = 2304;
steamqueryport = 2303;


Also dont forgett to open up these ports in your firewall.

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  On 12/5/2016 at 4:19 PM, Thug said:

If you are talking about these:


I have them. Still get Session Lost


I HAVE it on my arma2oa root game folder. (not server) into the steam_appid.txt say: 33930

session lost can be about the closed ports.  as @LunatikCH say

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Hi everyone,

At first, sry for my bad english but it's some days ago, that I have it at school.

At weekend I tried to setup an Epoch 1.0.6 Server with Chernarus Map, but every time I got error messages that the server can't connect to the database. And in  the HiveExt.log file I get the following Error message every time ago:

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I've Installed the Server with these Install Instructions:  https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/Readme.md

No error reports in Server .RPT or my personal .RPT file.

After this, I created an A2 Epoch Server with Epoch and run with out problems.

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  On 12/5/2016 at 5:53 PM, Geisterobst said:

Hi everyone,

At first, sry for my bad english but it's some days ago, that I have it at school.

At weekend I tried to setup an Epoch 1.0.6 Server with Chernarus Map, but every time I got error messages that the server can't connect to the database. And in  the HiveExt.log file I get the following Error message every time ago:

  Reveal hidden contents

I've Installed the Server with these Install Instructions:  https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/Readme.md

No error reports in Server .RPT or my personal .RPT file.

After this, I created an A2 Epoch Server with Epoch and run with out problems.



your error is in here..  open hiveExt.ini

this part:

;Database name to connect to.
Database = your mysql db

;Username to connect with
Username =  your mysql username
;Password to authenticate with (default is blank)
Password = your mysql pass

Any way i think you skip almost 50 steps to set the server :D

follow this guide:

but in step 5.. use visual c++ 2015

steps 10 and 11 use the 1.6 epoch files (not

and you will got a vanilla epoch server.

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  On 12/5/2016 at 6:01 PM, juandayz said:


your error is in here..  open hiveExt.ini

this part:

;Database name to connect to.
Database = your mysql db

;Username to connect with
Username =  your mysql username
;Password to authenticate with (default is blank)
Password = your mysql pass

Any way i think you skip almost 50 steps to set the server :D

follow this guide:

but in step 5.. use visual c++ 2015

steps 10 and 11 use the 1.6 epoch files (not

and you will got a vanilla epoch server.


I'm sure not. I run since months an Overpoch Napf Server. And after I got the Error with Epoch 1.0.6 I created an Server with Epoch with same steps and he run without problems... @juandayz

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  On 12/5/2016 at 6:21 PM, Geisterobst said:

I'm sure not. I run since months an Overpoch Napf Server. And after I got the Error with Epoch 1.0.6 I created an Server with Epoch with same steps and he run without problems... @juandayz


mmm you call yur db "DatabaseMySql"  as in your error?

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  On 12/4/2016 at 2:31 PM, oldmatechoc said:

@theduke Thanks for the heads up mate!

Definitely looking into a dedicated box :)




Best performance @ the best price - SSD's, high performance CPU, and hosted through OVH who have very decent DDOS protection (even better considering this box comes with the game firewall).

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