akep Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 I get this when I join my server, what did I do wrong? I dont completely understand your instructions for editing scripts.txt...do they go before or after anything specifically? I put them on the line specified for notepad++ BattlEye Server: ScriptLog: #1 me(uid) - #48 "bled) then { [] spawn {csKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke" Player me kicked off by BattEye: Script Restriction #48 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
READTHESCROLL Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 (displayAddEventHandler ) Line 53 (54 on notepad++) : !"EP_LOOP" Basically what that says is look in scripts.txt for the line that starts with displayAddEventHandler. Should be around line 53/54. Just add !"EP_LOOP" to the end of that line. Repeat for the rest of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akep Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 so i could add that ep_loop part to the end of the line that is somewhere around 53/54? and if its not there? do i just add it to any line that begins with displayaddeventhandler? thanks edit: looks like line 49 for me. lets try this out.. i put all the commands in, the only one that doesn't have a line that starts with exec, so thats just sitting at the end of line 23 as (exec) !"clock.sqf" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akep Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 same thing restriction 48...where is that pointing me to look at? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
READTHESCROLL Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 There is probably more than one exception you need to add. Go back to the first page and add them all like I just showed you ;) EDIT: Sorry didnt catch your edit. The line that starts with exec is not needed anymore. You can remove that one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
READTHESCROLL Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 As far as restriction #48 you need to look in your log file and get the exact reason you were kicked. If it is a script restriction it will be in scripts.log. If it's a create vehicle restriction it will be in createvehicle.log etc.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akep Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 last 4 times i tried to connect 18.08.2015 20:15:01: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then { [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke" 18.08.2015 21:05:36: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then { [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke" 18.08.2015 22:26:54: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then { [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke" 18.08.2015 22:34:45: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then { [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eno Posted September 7, 2015 Report Share Posted September 7, 2015 6:44:26 Error in expression < ((_hasEPEH == "NEVER")) then {[] spawn cm_EP_LOOP;}; if (cmEarplugsKeyPressEn> 6:44:26 Error position: <cm_EP_LOOP;}; if (cmEarplugsKeyPressEn> 6:44:26 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: cm_ep_loop 6:44:26 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\onPlayerRespawn.sqf, line 40 6:44:26 Error in expression <R")) then {[] spawn cm_EP_LOOP;}; if (cmEarplugsKeyPressEnabled) then { [] spa> 6:44:26 Error position: <cmEarplugsKeyPressEnabled) then { [] spa> 6:44:26 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: cmearplugskeypressenabled 6:44:26 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\onPlayerRespawn.sqf, line 42 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blue00 Posted September 17, 2015 Report Share Posted September 17, 2015 (edited) '...Actions inCaseofDeath;removeAllActions |#|theOneTrueName;inCaseofDeath setVariabl...'File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Bornholm\onPlayerKilled.sqf, line 6Error Undefined variable in expression: theonetruenameI'm getting this same error, well except Altis not Bornholm, did anybody ever figure our to fix? Edited September 18, 2015 by blue00 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Three Plus Posted September 29, 2015 Report Share Posted September 29, 2015 Is there any way to white list the keybind in infistar so normal players can use it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HarryNutz Posted October 17, 2015 Report Share Posted October 17, 2015 (edited) Strange issue... on the server I play, most people it seems to be working fine. But for a few players and myself its not working at all since the latest update. Anyone know why it would work for some but not all players? Prior to this last update it was working for me about 60% of the time and now I have to scroll to put them in and take them out all the time which becomes very annoying. Edited October 17, 2015 by HarryNutz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petite Posted November 7, 2015 Report Share Posted November 7, 2015 I can not have that script working at all, I have script restriction over and over whatever I'm doing, Script is very simple to install but that BE crap make it complicated.Kick are publicvariable #0 "cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber" = 62script restriction #24 "ltis\init.sqf"[] execVM "custom\PlayerMarker.sqf";call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf";" There is my actual script.text http://pastebin.com/X4tupUnGMy init.swf// Player Marker[] execVM "custom\PlayerMarker.sqf";//EARPLUGScall compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf"; Don't know what to do there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tarabas Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 This script was working fine till After that, players where nomore able to manual use earplugs (admin was), but they worked automatic by joining vehicles. since earplugs are nomore working at all, no option also shown in vehicle menu. any idea someone ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 +1 not working since 038 update. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
viper179 Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 yeh same here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brian Soanes Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 Ok here's how to fix Create a new file in your mission root called earplugsfix.sqf and copy in this content http://pastebin.com/PC9FS2DJ In your init.sqf (if you don't have one make a file called init.sqf in your mission root) paste this if(isServer)then {} execVM "earplugsfix.sqf"; Repack mission file ReDBaroN and Grahame 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 2 minutes ago, Brian Soanes said: Ok here's how to fix Create a new file in your mission root called earplugsfix.sqf and copy in this content http://pastebin.com/PC9FS2DJ In your init.sqf (if you don't have one make a file called init.sqf in your mission root) paste this if(isServer)then {} execVM "earplugsfix.sqf"; Repack mission file Thanks Brian, will give it a go :) Brian Soanes 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 Do we need to keep or edit this code as well that was in the instructions to add to onPlayerRespawn.sqf? Or should we overwrite this code with yours as well? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //START EARPLUGS CODE waitUntil {vehicle player == player}; waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _OPRbreathing = alive player; _OPRtrig=true; _OPRdude = player; while {_OPRtrig} do { sleep 0.001; if (_OPRbreathing) then { _OPRstartingpos = position player; sleep 0.001; _OPRposition = position _OPRdude; _OPRstationary = _OPRstartingpos select 0 == _OPRposition select 0 && _OPRstartingpos select 1 == _OPRposition select 1; if (_OPRstationary) then {} else {_OPRtrig=false;}; }; }; uisleep 1; if (isNil {player getVariable "Has_EPEH_Loop"}) then {player setVariable["Has_EPEH_Loop", "NEVER"];}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 fadeSound 1; earplugsout=true; SuperFunEPEHVariable = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uisleep 1; _hasEPEH = player getVariable "Has_EPEH_Loop"; uisleep 1; if ((_hasEPEH == "NEVER")) then {[] spawn cm_EP_LOOP;}; if (cmEarplugsKeyPressEnabled) then { [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber) then {[] call cm_Earplugs_FUNc;};"];}; }; //cmEARPLUGS CODE END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Thanks for your help :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brian Soanes Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 onPlayerRespawn.sqf no longer works on, hence the earplugs not working. You can delete that file ReDBaroN 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 Nice, thanks for your help :) Brian Soanes 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 Hey Brian, this doesn't seem to have worked.... I have posted the OP's config.sqf earplug script below. Does this need to be reworked as well? Spoiler //============================================ // cmEarplugs Script // written by computermancer // superfunserver.com //switch technique inspired by mgm //============================================ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONFIG : CHOOSE YOUR BEHAVIOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DO YOU WANT EARPLUGS HOTKEY TO WORK? // if you are using EPAH you should disable for peace of mind. cmEarplugsKeyPressEnabled = true; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HOTKEY CONFIGURATION FOR: TOGGLE EARPLUG IN/OUT VIA KEYPRESS FUNCTION // List of Available Hotkey Options // To use INSERT as your hotkey, please choose: 1 in the variable below // To use NumPadMultiply as your hotkey, please choose: 2 in the variable below // To use NumPadDivide as your hotkey, please choose: 3 in the variable below // To use F4 as your hotkey, please choose: 4 in the variable below // To use F5 as your hotkey, please choose: 5 in the variable below cmEarplugs_myHotkeyChoice = 4; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHOOSE INSERT & REMOVE BEHAVIOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound is REDUCED // SECOND NUMBER:" Choose how LOUD the sound is when it is REDUCED cmManMuteSound = {1 fadeSound 0.25;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound RETURNS //SECOND NUMBER:" Choose how LOUD the sound is when it is done RETUNRNING cmManReturnSound = {1 fadeSound 1;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR INSERT MESSAGE: cmManMuteMessage = { hint "You have inserted your earplugs."; systemchat "You have inserted your earplugs."; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR REMOVE MESSAGE: cmManReturnSoundMsg = { hint "You have removed your earplugs."; systemchat "You have removed your earplugs."; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHOOSE IF YOU WANT AUTOINSERT & AUTOREMOVE OF EARPLUGS: InsertAutoEarplugs=true; RemoveAutoEarplugs=true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHOOSE AUTO-INSERT & REMOVE BEHAVIOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound is REDUCED // SECOND NUMBER:" CHoose how LOUD the sound is when it is REDUCED cmMuteSound = {5 fadeSound 0.25;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound RETURNS //SECOND NUMBER:" CHoose how LOUD the sound is when it is done RETUNRNING cmReturnSound = {10 fadeSound 1;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR AUTO-INSERT MESSAGE cmMuteMessage = { hint "Earplugs have been auto-inserted..."; systemchat "Earplugs have been auto-inserted..."; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR AUTO-REMOVE MESSAGE cmReturnSoundMsg = { hint "Earplugs have been auto-removed."; systemchat "Earplugs have been auto-removed."; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURABLES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EP_req_1 = { private ["_cm_trigger2"]; _cm_trigger2 = vehicle player != player; _cm_trigger2 }; cm_EP_LOOP = { while {true} do { waitUntil {uisleep 0.5; vehicle player != player}; _cm_whatImInATM = vehicle player; inCaseofDeath = _cm_whatImInATM; if (InsertAutoEarplugs) then { if (earplugsout) then { [] call cmMuteSound; [] call cmMuteMessage; earplugsout=false; }; }; //_cm_whatImInATM addEventHandler ["GetOut", {[_this] call cmGetOut}]; if (isNil {_cm_whatImInATM getVariable "HasEarplugMenu"}) then {_cm_whatImInATM setVariable["HasEarplugMenu", "hasNoMenu"];}; _checkington = (_cm_whatImInATM getVariable "HasEarplugMenu"); if (_checkington == "hasNoMenu") then { _null = _cm_whatImInATM addaction ["<img image='cmEarplugs\earplugs.paa' /><t color=""#38eeff""> Earplugs</t>","[] call cm_Earplugs_FUNc","",0,false,false,"","[] call EP_req_1"]; _cm_whatImInATM setVariable ["HasEarplugMenu","hasMenu"]; systemChat "Earplugs menu has been added."; }; waitUntil {uisleep 0.5; vehicle player == player}; //_feedME = _this select 0; //_fedTrueName = _feedME select 0; theOneTrueName = _cm_whatImInATM; theOneTrueName setVariable ["HasEarplugMenu","hasMenu"]; if (RemoveAutoEarplugs) then { if (!earplugsout) then { [] call cmReturnSound; [] call cmReturnSoundMsg; earplugsout=true; }; }; }; }; cm_Earplugs_FUNc = { if (earplugsout) then { [] call cmManMuteMessage; [] call cmManMuteSound; earplugsout=false; } else { [] call cmManReturnSoundMsg; [] call cmManReturnSound; earplugsout=true; }; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DO NOT CHANGE THE VALUES BELOW //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberINSERT = 210; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADMULTIPLY = 55; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADDIVIDE = 181; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF4 = 62; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF5 = 63; switch cmEarplugs_myHotkeyChoice do { case 1: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberINSERT}; case 2: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADMULTIPLY}; case 3: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADDIVIDE}; case 4: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF4}; case 5: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF5}; case 0; default { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberINSERT}; }; publicVariable "cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //END ALL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brian Soanes Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 24 minutes ago, ReDBaroN said: Hey Brian, this doesn't seem to have worked.... I have posted the OP's config.sqf earplug script below. Does this need to be reworked as well? Reveal hidden contents //============================================ // cmEarplugs Script // written by computermancer // superfunserver.com //switch technique inspired by mgm //============================================ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONFIG : CHOOSE YOUR BEHAVIOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DO YOU WANT EARPLUGS HOTKEY TO WORK? // if you are using EPAH you should disable for peace of mind. cmEarplugsKeyPressEnabled = true; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HOTKEY CONFIGURATION FOR: TOGGLE EARPLUG IN/OUT VIA KEYPRESS FUNCTION // List of Available Hotkey Options // To use INSERT as your hotkey, please choose: 1 in the variable below // To use NumPadMultiply as your hotkey, please choose: 2 in the variable below // To use NumPadDivide as your hotkey, please choose: 3 in the variable below // To use F4 as your hotkey, please choose: 4 in the variable below // To use F5 as your hotkey, please choose: 5 in the variable below cmEarplugs_myHotkeyChoice = 4; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHOOSE INSERT & REMOVE BEHAVIOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound is REDUCED // SECOND NUMBER:" Choose how LOUD the sound is when it is REDUCED cmManMuteSound = {1 fadeSound 0.25;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound RETURNS //SECOND NUMBER:" Choose how LOUD the sound is when it is done RETUNRNING cmManReturnSound = {1 fadeSound 1;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR INSERT MESSAGE: cmManMuteMessage = { hint "You have inserted your earplugs."; systemchat "You have inserted your earplugs."; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR REMOVE MESSAGE: cmManReturnSoundMsg = { hint "You have removed your earplugs."; systemchat "You have removed your earplugs."; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHOOSE IF YOU WANT AUTOINSERT & AUTOREMOVE OF EARPLUGS: InsertAutoEarplugs=true; RemoveAutoEarplugs=true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHOOSE AUTO-INSERT & REMOVE BEHAVIOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound is REDUCED // SECOND NUMBER:" CHoose how LOUD the sound is when it is REDUCED cmMuteSound = {5 fadeSound 0.25;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FIRST NUMBER : Choose how LONG it takes until sound RETURNS //SECOND NUMBER:" CHoose how LOUD the sound is when it is done RETUNRNING cmReturnSound = {10 fadeSound 1;}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR AUTO-INSERT MESSAGE cmMuteMessage = { hint "Earplugs have been auto-inserted..."; systemchat "Earplugs have been auto-inserted..."; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHOOSE YOUR AUTO-REMOVE MESSAGE cmReturnSoundMsg = { hint "Earplugs have been auto-removed."; systemchat "Earplugs have been auto-removed."; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURABLES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EP_req_1 = { private ["_cm_trigger2"]; _cm_trigger2 = vehicle player != player; _cm_trigger2 }; cm_EP_LOOP = { while {true} do { waitUntil {uisleep 0.5; vehicle player != player}; _cm_whatImInATM = vehicle player; inCaseofDeath = _cm_whatImInATM; if (InsertAutoEarplugs) then { if (earplugsout) then { [] call cmMuteSound; [] call cmMuteMessage; earplugsout=false; }; }; //_cm_whatImInATM addEventHandler ["GetOut", {[_this] call cmGetOut}]; if (isNil {_cm_whatImInATM getVariable "HasEarplugMenu"}) then {_cm_whatImInATM setVariable["HasEarplugMenu", "hasNoMenu"];}; _checkington = (_cm_whatImInATM getVariable "HasEarplugMenu"); if (_checkington == "hasNoMenu") then { _null = _cm_whatImInATM addaction ["<img image='cmEarplugs\earplugs.paa' /><t color=""#38eeff""> Earplugs</t>","[] call cm_Earplugs_FUNc","",0,false,false,"","[] call EP_req_1"]; _cm_whatImInATM setVariable ["HasEarplugMenu","hasMenu"]; systemChat "Earplugs menu has been added."; }; waitUntil {uisleep 0.5; vehicle player == player}; //_feedME = _this select 0; //_fedTrueName = _feedME select 0; theOneTrueName = _cm_whatImInATM; theOneTrueName setVariable ["HasEarplugMenu","hasMenu"]; if (RemoveAutoEarplugs) then { if (!earplugsout) then { [] call cmReturnSound; [] call cmReturnSoundMsg; earplugsout=true; }; }; }; }; cm_Earplugs_FUNc = { if (earplugsout) then { [] call cmManMuteMessage; [] call cmManMuteSound; earplugsout=false; } else { [] call cmManReturnSoundMsg; [] call cmManReturnSound; earplugsout=true; }; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DO NOT CHANGE THE VALUES BELOW //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberINSERT = 210; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADMULTIPLY = 55; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADDIVIDE = 181; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF4 = 62; cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF5 = 63; switch cmEarplugs_myHotkeyChoice do { case 1: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberINSERT}; case 2: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADMULTIPLY}; case 3: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberNUMPADDIVIDE}; case 4: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF4}; case 5: { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberF5}; case 0; default { cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber = cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumberINSERT}; }; publicVariable "cmEarplugs_hotkeyDIKCodeNumber"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //END ALL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// No, that should work how it always has, make sure you still have call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf"; in your init.sqf (I use that instead of execVM) ReDBaroN 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tarabas Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 same here, your fix didn't work for me.. + I still have call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf"; inside my init Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 me too, haven't touched the call line in the init..... just get nothing... I also have the following in onPlayerKilled.sqf as per the OP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //START EARPLUGS CODE 5 fadeSound 1; earplugsout = true; removeAllActions inCaseofDeath; removeAllActions theOneTrueName; inCaseofDeath setVariable ["HasEarplugMenu","hasNoMenu"]; theOneTrueName setVariable ["HasEarplugMenu","hasNoMenu"]; player setVariable ["Has_EPEH_Loop", "Yep"]; systemChat "Diablo's minions grow stronger..."; (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", cmKeyPress]; //cmEARPLUGS CODE END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Could this be affecting it? Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDBaroN Posted April 10, 2016 Report Share Posted April 10, 2016 I pulled the onPlayerKilled.sqf from the mission and restarted without it but, still no earplugs. Auto or F4.... Any more ideas? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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