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M3Editor - A3 3D Editor


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Thanks again, but sadly that didn't cure it either. Unless I'm mistaken, surely changing the mission.sqm wouldn't affect the server as it's starting up, only when the mission is initiated by a player connecting?


Really hoping I don't need to create this map edit from scratch again. There was no indication in the M3Editor vehicle lists regarding what addon the objects came from, so I have no idea if they`re part of AiA or not :S

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Not sure if anyone can help with this, I spent a few hours creating an AI Stronghold/Base/Thingy on Altis using the M3editor, and packed it into a pbo. No problem at all, and a fantastic easy tool to use!


Problem is, I think I may have accidentally added in some invalid map objects as the server starts up with the following errors; (PLEASE NOTE: This is server side and not the client RPT)

Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

My server is running the latest AiATP pack ( and has been for a while) with the start parameters;


The AI Base I created looks fine, nothing missing, but the errors still spam the RPT when it starts up. I could just ignore them, but I'd rather fix the problem. I'm assuming whilst building the area, I've used old objects from an old pack or something?


Is there an easy way to figure out which objects they are and fix the errors?


Many thanks in advance!

Those addons are loaded through the epochah.hpp in the config patches. But they were not added to the mission.sqm.  Simple take the addon it show is missing or deleted and add it to the addOns[]= section of the mission.sqm to stop the messages.:


addOns[] = {"A3_Soft_F_Car","A3_Soft_F_Quadbike","a3_soft_f_beta_quadbike","A3_Boat_F_Civilian_Boat","A3_Boat_F_Boat_Transport_01","A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01","A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_04","A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03","aia_chernarus_config","a3_characters_f_gamma","A3_Characters_F_OPFOR","A3_Characters_F_INDEP","A3_Characters_F_Civil","A3_epoch_config","A3_Modules_F_Curator_Curator","a3_characters_f","A3_Data_F_Curator_Virtual","aia_misc3_config","aia_buildings_config","aia_misc_e_config","aia_desert2_config","aia_misc_config"};

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Thanks so much Robio, that sorted it out. Thanks also to Knight too. I grabbed the addon names from Chernarus but that didn't fix it. The fix above from Robio worked great though.


Now that's gotten rid of the main errors, it seems the same objects still throw up a 'No owner' error as the server starts too. I can live with those though.

15:23:21 "Starting Custom Content PBO"
15:23:21 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
15:23:21 No owner
15:23:21 No owner
15:23:21 No owner
etc etc...
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Hey Maca, just a thought to save some of the grief from people getting save and export to sqf confused, perhaps change it to "Save Project" instead and make the project files have something like an extension of .m3e or have _project appended to the name.

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That's awesome thanks Maca.


I know it's been asked before, any chance for drag selection / moving groups of items if we ctrL+click them or something?

This is useful, another good feature would be to be able to capture an item into the existing list of edits by clicking on it.

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What mod do you use for those tree/cave like objects. Would these objects appear on altis if I put them in the config.cpp?




Also how do you convert this into a file you can use


cant use config because the object has been rotated alot.

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First off the Editor is fantastic and I've had not problems with it that I have not created :)  I feel kinda stupid asking this question, but when I switch to night time, my lights dont come on....whats the trick....I placed the models that say on....and while I have you all here how do I go about moving the Camo Nets?


Thanks in advance for your help!

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I post here my sql file
private ["_objs"];
_objs = [
private ["_obj"];
_obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
if (_x select 4) then {
_obj setDir (_x select 2);
_obj setPos (_x select 1);
} else {
_obj setPosATL (_x select 1);
_obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
} foreach _objs;
and the fn_init.sqf file
diag_log "Starting PBO Custom Content";
call compiles preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ x \ addons \ a3_custom \ mapcontent \ Routes.sqf";
Could you help me as its its not working
thank you


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All the items i have placed through the Editor will duplicate when i put them on my server anyone know how to fix this?

If you export as sqf it'll be done for you.


You may need to put this around it all though:


if (isServer) then {


stuff from editor




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If you export as sqf it'll be done for you.


You may need to put this around it all though:


if (isServer) then {


stuff from editor




I exported it but the items i placed in the editor just duplicate each other so lets say i placed down one table then on my server there will be 2 tables in the same place

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I exported it but the items i placed in the editor just duplicate each other so lets say i placed down one table then on my server there will be 2 tables in the same place

Yeah because it's in the mission file and loads another one of everything for every new player who joins. You need to enclose it in the if statement isServer as I showed above so it only loads it once with the server loading the mission file.

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