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Hi Soul,

Don't mean to be pushy. But can you please elaborate on how to use the 999 and 998 calls in your DLL file?

I keep running into when i try to execute a custom query.





Hav you tried looking at the syntax provided in the 999 currency

_key = format["CHILD:999:SELECT `PlayerMorality` FROM `player_data` WHERE `PlayerUID` = '%1':[0]:",_playerIDzupa];
_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
_status    = _result select 0;            // get the status of the result
if (_status == "CustomStreamStart") then {    //check if the stream coming from the hive was opened
_val = _result select 1;                  // get the number of entries that will be coming in the stream
if(_val > 0) then {
_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
_bankingstart = _result select 0;
_playerObj setVariable["bank",_bankingstart,true];
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Hav you tried looking at the syntax provided in the 999 currency

_key = format["CHILD:999:SELECT `PlayerMorality` FROM `player_data` WHERE `PlayerUID` = '%1':[0]:",_playerIDzupa];
_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
_status    = _result select 0;            // get the status of the result
if (_status == "CustomStreamStart") then {    //check if the stream coming from the hive was opened
_val = _result select 1;                  // get the number of entries that will be coming in the stream
if(_val > 0) then {
_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
_bankingstart = _result select 0;
_playerObj setVariable["bank",_bankingstart,true];


Hi Zupa,


Yes i did, I have tried every single syntax i could  think of. It either generates an error or crashes the server. I've tried every DLL file and combination supplied in these threads, but nothing seems to work. (using version 3 with support for Multichar and 999).

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Hey guys,

I have this in on of my servers and i'm trying to install this with my Epoch Origins mod as well.

On the other server everything works just fine! But on the new server, i'm getting these errors:


arma2oaserver log

23:31:05 Error in expression <object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
_result = _vNew - _vOld;
23:31:05   Error position: <_vNew];
_result = _vNew - _vOld;
23:31:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vnew
23:31:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 577
23:31:05 Error in expression <_killsH,_killsB,_currentModel,_humanity,_cashMoney];

_key call server_hiveWrite>
23:31:05   Error position: <_cashMoney];

_key call server_hiveWrite>
23:31:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _cashmoney
23:31:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 193

hiveext log

23:31:15 HiveExt(0): [Error] Invalid method id: 298
23:31:15 HiveExt(0): [Error] Invalid method id: 299

I've read everything over and over again, but i don't know what to do.

my server_function and server_playersync is the same one from the installation folder.

Also i'm using all the dll and stuff...


Anyone can help me, please?


Edit: OHH! Btw, i have some money in my char and in the bank, but the hud only shows 0.

The weird thing is: If i go to the bank and deposit some value, the amount i selected is inserted into my bank account and i can withdraw after that. So no matter what, i can make money out of nowhere. I just need to selec the amount and deposit. BUT the DataBase stays the same, no changes. =/

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Does anyone know what n00bish mistake i've made :unsure: when i access a trader i don't get the trade option, only the option to give the trader some money :rolleyes:

Also does anyone have the atm files for taviana origins or just tavi ? the default ones must be for chernarus.

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Does anyone know what n00bish mistake i've made :unsure: when i access a trader i don't get the trade option, only the option to give the trader some money :rolleyes:

Also does anyone have the atm files for taviana origins or just tavi ? the default ones must be for chernarus.


I've made one special for taviana origins, but still need to fix somethings. Still have some Atm flying, and something like this. But when it's ready, i'll send you the sqf =D

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Anyone encountered the issue where sometimes you check wallet from a body and it says something about "scalar" and the the person's wallet amount becomes "any", allowing them to deposit unlimited amounts in to their banks. This issue happens for both zupa's & soul's HiveExt.dll versions. Kinda annoying to see players having billions overnight, but otherwise, awesome currency system  :D

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Anyone encountered the issue where sometimes you check wallet from a body and it says something about "scalar" and the the person's wallet amount becomes "any", allowing them to deposit unlimited amounts in to their banks. This issue happens for both zupa's & soul's HiveExt.dll versions. Kinda annoying to see players having billions overnight, but otherwise, awesome currency system  :D

care to supply rpt logs and corresponding hiveext.logs when this happens again please. I've never seen it happen on my sever.

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Hey guys hope all is well.


Just a small issues with the cash/bank.

I understand that anything over 999.999 in one go does not save but if i add 999.999 then add even just 10 any given time after and it will not save the change over that server session after restart.

But if i was to add 999.999 it would save perfectly over restart.



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Does anyone know what n00bish mistake i've made :unsure: when i access a trader i don't get the trade option, only the option to give the trader some money :rolleyes:

Also does anyone have the atm files for taviana origins or just tavi ? the default ones must be for chernarus.



In your init.sqf you want to make sure anything relating to Dayz_Epoch_17.Chernarus is changed to 11 instead of 17.

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Custom HiveExt.dll and needed sqf files + sql query file available on:





Get this on log

14:21:29 Database(0): [Error] Error 1146 (Table 'dayz_epoch.banking_data' doesn't exist) in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `PlayerName` FROM `Banking_DATA` WHERE `PlayerUID`='76561197997973923''
14:21:29 HiveExt(0): [Information] Created a new player 76561197997973923 named 'F_R_O_S_T'
14:21:29 Database(1): [Error] Error 1146 (Table 'dayz_epoch.banking_data' doesn't exist) in MySQLStmtPrepare SQL: 'INSERT INTO `Banking_DATA` (`PlayerUID`, `PlayerName`) VALUES (?, ?)'
14:21:29 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",false,"16804",[170,[9659.3,8478.44,0.573]],[["ItemMap","NVGoggles","ItemRadio","ItemKeyYellow505","ItemToolbox","ItemEtool","EvMoney"],["ItemEpinephrine","PartEngine","ItemMorphine","ItemWoodFloor","ItemWoodFloor","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]],["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]],[7014,7921,7921],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2014,9,15,13,21]]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Error] Invalid method id: 999
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Get this on log

14:21:29 Database(0): [Error] Error 1146 (Table 'dayz_epoch.banking_data' doesn't exist) in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `PlayerName` FROM `Banking_DATA` WHERE `PlayerUID`='76561197997973923''
14:21:29 HiveExt(0): [Information] Created a new player 76561197997973923 named 'F_R_O_S_T'
14:21:29 Database(1): [Error] Error 1146 (Table 'dayz_epoch.banking_data' doesn't exist) in MySQLStmtPrepare SQL: 'INSERT INTO `Banking_DATA` (`PlayerUID`, `PlayerName`) VALUES (?, ?)'
14:21:29 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",false,"16804",[170,[9659.3,8478.44,0.573]],[["ItemMap","NVGoggles","ItemRadio","ItemKeyYellow505","ItemToolbox","ItemEtool","EvMoney"],["ItemEpinephrine","PartEngine","ItemMorphine","ItemWoodFloor","ItemWoodFloor","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]],["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]],[7014,7921,7921],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 102 Params: 16804:
14:21:30 Database(0): [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'CashMoney' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'SELECT `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Generation`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `KillsH`, `KillsB`, `CurrentState`, `Humanity`, `InstanceID`, `CashMoney` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID`=16804'
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["ERROR"]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2014,9,15,13,21]]
14:21:30 HiveExt(0): [Error] Invalid method id: 999


execute the sql's provided in the github,


If you read what u posted yourself, it clearly states the reason why it is not working.


You are missing tables and fields in your database.

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Hi Zupa,


Yes i did, I have tried every single syntax i could  think of. It either generates an error or crashes the server. I've tried every DLL file and combination supplied in these threads, but nothing seems to work. (using version 3 with support for Multichar and 999).


Just to let you guys know i actually ended up writing our own DLL (with help of Axle) with better 999/998 + Multichar + Coin support. Took out the banking stuff which i replaced with vault saving, should also work with floating point numbers (e.g > 999999).

I actually rewrote a bunch of stuff which you can checkout by downloading our PBO (custom/gold_coins/ @ chernarus.dayzepoch.nl:2302).

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Just to let you guys know i actually ended up writing our own DLL (with help of Axle) with better 999/998 + Multichar + Coin support. Took out the banking stuff which i replaced with vault saving, should also work with floating point numbers (e.g > 999999).

I actually rewrote a bunch of stuff which you can checkout by downloading our PBO (custom/gold_coins/ @ chernarus.dayzepoch.nl:2302).


That sounds good.

Me myself have no experience with the c++ hive. I just let Soul make them. If you improved the system, thats always greatly appreciate it. It's always nice to have an extra dev on this project. We currently work on this 2 people with comunity extensions ofcourse. And i just have limited time.


We moeten anders een op skype chatten ivm de performance van de hive en hoe jij de calls maakt. 

Als het beter kan ben ik altijd blij als je dit wilt delen. Extra volk op dit project kan ook nooit kwaad. 

Zoals ik zei. Ik zelf heb niets met de hives gedaan, dus heb totaal geen idee van de performance en internete functies in die Dll's.


Als je me kan toevoegen op Skype ( in me sign) kunnen we dat misschien eens beter bekijken?

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I still don't understand why everyone is ignoring this humanity duping thing...



Because it doesn't exist. If you have it you probably did something wrong during the installation. I recommend re-install.

If that's not an option, provide us with as much info as possible - RPT logs, database status, etc.

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Because it doesn't exist. If you have it you probably did something wrong during the installation. I recommend re-install.

If that's not an option, provide us with as much info as possible - RPT logs, database status, etc.

what...how are you going to tell me it doesn't exist, like 5 people have reported it..plus I've had it happen to me first hand.

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So, im completely new to this. i have a question about this single currency stuff. so when adding traders with single currency, is it the same process as with the gold bars system? as in adding the tid's through sql with the item class name and stuff? what would i use for buying and sell prices? because i suppose i can't use ItemGoldbar10z for adding prices with this system right? sorry for asking such noob questions, but i really need some help to figure this out :\

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It doesn't exist as in - it's not the error of the release. It's an error on your side. Clearly if everyone had it we would be working on it as we speak.

And yet you still failed to provide the info I asked.

MGM, NyX Grimlock, me, and some others that I've talked to out of THIS forum have had the issue. Go back and read the last few pages and you will see them say it. There are no RPT errors except for this:

21:20:48 Error in expression <urrency =	_this select 5;
_qty =		_this select 6;
_clientID = 	owner _player;
21:20:48   Error position: <select 6;
_clientID = 	owner _player;
21:20:48   Error Zero divisor
21:20:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_tradeObject.sqf, line 9

and I'm sure it has nothing to do with the way that the server is loading the humanity. 


I am using variant 1. I've went ahead and reinstalled the same most recent files he's provided for variant 1 3 times now and I still have players reporting the same things over the last month. 

1 being that their humanity increases/decreases by double the amount they had before. 

2 being that their coins have dissapeared over restart. This I've also went and experienced on my own.


I can't recreate either of these because they are random but both of these have happened to me first hand once each. 


and lastly Rocu I've been around long enough to know how to do some simple copy/paste and some merging by now and I'm 100% positive after doing it 3 times that there is nothing specifically here on our side. You may not be experiencing it because your players may not be reporting it or you are using a different variant than me. I've noticed that it is a little different throughout each variant how it loads the players information when they log in (regarding the humanity dupe) and maybe something there needs to be changed. In regards to the bank contents dissapearing I think there should be some type of check or safe guard when a player deposits or withdraws from their bank if there isn't already. In my opinion the whole system should be redone in my and higher powers opinions due to the amount of inefficiency and unorganized way this is set up.



Hope I've given enough information because that's all I've got :)

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So, im completely new to this. i have a question about this single currency stuff. so when adding traders with single currency, is it the same process as with the gold bars system? as in adding the tid's through sql with the item class name and stuff? what would i use for buying and sell prices? because i suppose i can't use ItemGoldbar10z for adding prices with this system right? sorry for asking such noob questions, but i really need some help to figure this out :\



Yes it's quite the same as gold bars. Except when writing prices you don't put "5 goldbars" you put something like "5000 coins". Only big difference is that currently the release uses Config-based traders. Which means everything is done in config files instead of database. You still need to match up the TIDs and everything but all that happens inside your mission folder.


As for getting access denied. I personally have no experience with Gtx Gaming but as much as I've read you have to send the DLL files to your server host and let them put it where it needs to be.

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There are no RPT errors except for this:

21:20:48 Error in expression <urrency =	_this select 5;
_qty =		_this select 6;
_clientID = 	owner _player;
21:20:48   Error position: <select 6;
_clientID = 	owner _player;
21:20:48   Error Zero divisor
21:20:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_tradeObject.sqf, line 9


This error I believe comes from the faulty trade files for which you can find the fix here: 


As for the humanity duping. Okay seems like it's a thing then. It is rather difficult to help you with this matter as I don't have this issue and as you say, it happens randomly so it's hard to re-create the same symptoms. I'll fiddle around the files a bit and see if I can find something related to that. Other than that I guess the best way to start solving this issue is by trying to re-create the situation. If a player notices his humanity has duped recently ask him when did it happen, what did he do when it happened, etc. 

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