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[Release] Arma & Overpoch Clothing 3.0 Updated.


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Love the script but we have found that after using the skin change, Logistic tow/lift attaches the vehicle to the player instead of the selected vehicle.

I'll try another tow script but I'm guessing that likely won't change things.

Infistar esp also shows players wearing a skin as in a vehicle with that skin name.

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Anyone else got a problem getting kicked by Battleye when picking up the clothing SetPos Restriction #0?

In the setpos.log the are getting kicked for picking up the cloth... Do I have to add all clothing to setpos.txt?


Damn we are gonna remove the script again from our server, since the AI is ignoring players using the new skins!?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Zupa, 


I see in the config.sqf the cost is either in gold or free. 


Is there any way to set this to use the coin system?


That will be removed in next version, it should not take any money, it's not a shop, it depends on the clothing you find.


The new vesion will have clean code ( nothing anymore from the script it's build on)

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So implementing this now would be a complete waste? 


I have just received this error - so if it will be a waste, I will not try to troubleshoot and wait for the next version.


 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\Scripts\Skins\SkinGui.hpp, line 12: /MenClothing/controlsBackground.Mainbackgrnd: Undefined base class 'HW_RscPicture'

However, now that I have added the skins to the variables.sqf - does this mean I will be able to add skins to purchase at various traders?

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Is there a way to get the overwatch skins on a straight epoch server? Also was it overwatch that contained the STALKER skins?

 1- No ( But you can use arma skins, like the Epoch section ( on the bottom)

2- Yes

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My variables :)


//Model Variables
Bandit1_DZ = 	"Bandit1_DZ";
Bandit2_DZ = 	"Bandit2_DZ";
BanditW1_DZ = 	"BanditW1_DZ";
BanditW2_DZ = 	"BanditW2_DZ";
Survivor1_DZ = 	"Survivor2_DZ";
Survivor2_DZ = 	"Survivor2_DZ";
SurvivorW2_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
SurvivorW3_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
Sniper1_DZ = 	"Sniper1_DZ";
Camo1_DZ = 		"Camo1_DZ";
Soldier1_DZ = 	"Soldier1_DZ";
Rocket_DZ = 	"Rocket_DZ";

AllPlayers = 

// Arma 2
Clothing1 = ["FR_Ohara_DZ","FR_Miles","FR_Cooper","FR_Rodriguez_DZ","FR_Sykes","FR_AC","FR_AR","FR_Assault_GL","FR_Assault_R","FR_Commander"];
Clothing2 = ["Soldier1_DZ","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier2","USMC_SoldierM_Marksman","USMC_SoldierS","USMC_SoldierS_Sniper","USMC_Soldier_AA","USMC_Soldier_Pilot"];
Clothing3 = ["Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","CDF_Soldier","CDF_Commander","CDF_Soldier_AR","CDF_Soldier_Crew","CDF_Soldier_Light","CDF_Soldier_Pilot"];
Clothing4 = ["GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ","RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier_Crew","RU_Soldier_Light","RU_Soldier_Pilot","RUS_Commander","RUS_Soldier1","MVD_Soldier_Sniper"];
Clothing5 = ["Graves_Light_DZ","Drake","Graves","Herrera","Pierce","US_Delta_Force_Assault_EP1","US_Soldier_AR_EP1","US_Soldier_AT_EP1","US_Soldier_MG_EP1","US_Pilot_Light_EP1","US_Soldier_SL_EP1"];
Clothing6 = ["CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ","CZ_Soldier_AT_DES_EP1","CZ_Soldier_Light_DES_EP1","CZ_Special_Forces_DES_EP1","CZ_Special_Forces_TL_DES_EP1"];
Clothing7 = ["Bandit2_DZ","MVD_Soldier_Sniper","GER_Soldier_EP1","GER_Soldier_MG_EP1","ER_Soldier_TL_EP1"];
Clothing8 = ["Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ","CIV_Contractor2_BAF","BAF_crewman_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_FAC_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_N_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_Marksman_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_Officer_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM"];
Clothing9 = ["TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","TK_Commander_EP1","TK_Soldier_Crew_EP1","TK_Soldier_MG_EP1","TK_Special_Forces_MG_EP1","TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1"];
Clothing10 = ["Survivor2_DZ"];
Clothing11 = ["FR_Rodriguez_DZ","FR_Corpsman","FR_GL","FR_Light","FR_Marksman","FR_R","FR_Sapper","FR_TL"];

// Overwatch

Clothing12 = ["Drake_Light_DZ"];
Clothing13 = ["Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"];
Clothing14 = ["CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ"];
Clothing15 = ["Camo1_DZ"];
Clothing16 = ["Rocket_DZ"];
Clothing17 = ["Sniper1_DZ"];
Clothing18 = ["Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ"];
Clothing19 = ["GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ"];
Clothing20 = ["TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ"];


Clothing21 = ["Bandit1_DZ"];
Clothing22 = ["Bandit2_DZ"];
Clothing23 = ["BanditW1_DZ"];
Clothing24 = ["BanditW2_DZ"];
Clothing25 = ["GUE_Commander_DZ"];
Clothing26 = ["GUE_Soldier_2_DZ"];
Clothing27 = ["GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ"];
AllPlayers = AllPlayers + Clothing1 + Clothing2 + Clothing3 + Clothing4 + Clothing5 + Clothing6 + Clothing7 + Clothing8 + Clothing9 + Clothing10 + Clothing11  + Clothing12  + Clothing13  + Clothing14  + Clothing15  + Clothing16  + Clothing17  + Clothing18  + Clothing19 + Clothing20 + Clothing21+ Clothing22+ Clothing23+ Clothing24+ Clothing25+ Clothing26+ Clothing27 ;
MeleeWeapons = ["MeleeFishingPole","MeleeCrowbar","MeleeBaseBallBatNails","MeleeBaseBallBatBarbed","MeleeBaseBallBat","Crossbow_DZ","MeleeSledge","MeleeMachete","MeleeHatchet_DZE"];
gear_done = false;

meatraw = [
exceptionsraw = ["ItemTuna"];
meatcooked = [
no_output_food = ["FoodMRE", "FoodPistachio", "FoodNutmix","FoodBioMeat"]+meatcooked+meatraw;

// Food with increased chance for infection.
badfood = ["FoodBioMeat","FoodCanUnlabeled"];


food_output = [
no_output_drink = ["ItemWaterbottle", "ItemWaterbottleBoiled"];
drink_with_output = [
	"ItemSoda",  //just to define item for ItemSodaEmpty
drink_output = [
boil_tin_cans = [

dayz_combination = "";
dayz_humanitytarget = "";
dayz_combatLog = "";
canRoll = true;

canbuild = true;

//Hunting Variables
dayZ_partClasses = [
	//"PartGeneric",	//No need to add, it is default for everything
dayZ_explosiveParts = [
//Survival Variables
SleepFood =				2160; //minutes (48 hours)
SleepWater =			1440; //minutes (24 hours)
SleepTemperatur	= 		90 / 100;	//Firs Value = Minutes untill Player reaches the coldest Point at night (without other effects! night factor expected to be -1)			//TeeChange

//Server Variables
allowConnection = 		false;
isSinglePlayer =		false;
PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor = [];
PlayerDeaths = [];

//Streaming Variables (player only)
dayz_Locations = [];
dayz_locationsActive = [];

Dayz_GUI_R = 0.38; // 0.7
Dayz_GUI_G = 0.63; // -0.63
Dayz_GUI_B = 0.26; // -0.26

//Player self-action handles
dayz_resetSelfActions = {
	s_player_fire =			-1;
	s_player_cook =			-1;
	s_player_boil =			-1;
	s_player_fireout =		-1;
	s_player_butcher =		-1;
	s_player_packtent = 	-1;
	s_player_packvault = 	-1;
	s_player_lockvault = 	-1;
	s_player_unlockvault = 	-1;
	s_player_fillwater =	-1;
	s_player_fillwater2 = 	-1;
	s_player_fillfuel = 	-1;
	s_player_grabflare = 	-1;
	s_player_callzombies = 	-1;
	s_player_showname = 	-1;
	s_player_debuglootpos = 	-1;
	s_player_pzombiesattack = 	-1;
	s_player_pzombiesvision =	-1;
	s_player_pzombiesfeed = 	-1;
	s_player_removeflare = 	-1;
	s_player_painkiller =	-1;
	s_player_studybody = 	-1;
	s_player_tamedog =		-1;
	s_player_madsci_crtl =	-1;
	s_player_parts_crtl =	-1;
	s_build_Sandbag1_DZ = 	-1;
	s_build_Hedgehog_DZ =	-1;
	s_build_Wire_cat1 =		-1;
	s_player_deleteBuild =	-1;
	s_player_forceSave = 	-1;
	s_player_checkGear = 	-1;
	s_player_flipveh = 		-1;
	s_player_stats =		-1;
	s_player_sleep =		-1;
	s_player_movedog =		-1;
	s_player_speeddog =		-1;
	s_player_calldog = 		-1;
	s_player_feeddog = 		-1;
	s_player_waterdog = 	-1;
	s_player_staydog = 		-1;
	s_player_trackdog = 	-1;
	s_player_barkdog = 		-1;
	s_player_warndog = 		-1;
	s_player_followdog = 	-1;
	s_player_repair_crtl =  -1;
	s_player_information =  -1;
	s_player_fuelauto    =  -1;
	s_player_fuelauto2    =  -1;
	s_player_fillgen	 =  -1;
	s_player_upgrade_build	 =  -1;
	s_player_maint_build	 =  -1;
	s_player_downgrade_build	 =  -1;
	s_player_towing		 =  -1;
	s_halo_action =         -1;
	s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1;
	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;
	s_player_heli_lift = -1;
	s_player_heli_detach = -1;
	s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;
call dayz_resetSelfActions;

//Engineering variables
s_player_lastTarget =	[objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull];
s_player_repairActions = [];
s_player_lockunlock = [];

// Custom
s_player_madsci 		= 	[];
s_player_parts 			= 	[];
s_player_combi 			= 	[];

//Initialize Medical Variables
r_interrupt = 			false;
r_doLoop = 				false;
r_self = 				false;
r_self_actions = 		[];
r_drag_sqf = 			false;
r_action = 				false;
r_action_unload = 		false;
r_player_handler = 		false;
r_player_handler1 = 	false;
r_player_dead = 		false;
r_player_unconscious = 	false;
r_player_infected =		false;
r_player_injured = 		false;
r_player_inpain = 		false;
r_player_loaded = 		false;
r_player_cardiac = 		false;
r_fracture_legs =		false;
r_fracture_arms =		false;
r_player_vehicle =		player;
r_player_blood = 		12000;
r_player_lowblood = 	false;
r_player_timeout =		0;
r_player_bloodTotal = 	r_player_blood;
r_public_blood =		r_player_blood;
r_player_bloodDanger =	r_player_bloodTotal * 0.2;
r_player_actions = 		[];
r_handlerCount = 		0;
r_action_repair = 		false;
r_action_targets = 		[];
r_pitchWhine = 			false;
r_isBandit =			false;
isInTraderCity =		false;
NORRN_dropAction =		-1;

//ammo routine
r_player_actions2 = [];
r_action2 = false;
r_player_lastVehicle = objNull;
r_player_lastSeat = [];
r_player_removeActions2 = {
	if (!isNull r_player_lastVehicle) then {
			r_player_lastVehicle removeAction _x;
		} count r_player_actions2;
		r_player_actions2 = [];
		r_action2 = false;

USEC_woundHit 	= [
DAYZ_woundHit 	= [
	[ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3]
DAYZ_woundHit_ok = [
DAYZ_woundHit_dog = [
USEC_MinorWounds 	= [
USEC_woundPoint	= [
	["aimpoint"], //,"RightShoulder","LeftShoulder"
USEC_typeOfWounds = [

DZE_vehicleZwounds = [
	"sklo predni L",
	"sklo predni P",
	"sklo zadni",
	"sklo zadni L",
	"sklo zadni P",
	"sklo P",

DZE_HeliAllowTowFrom = [

DZE_HeliAllowToTow = [

//Initialize Zombie Variables
dayz_zombieTargetList = [
PVDZE_plr_Hit = [];
PVDZE_obj_Publish = [];		//used for eventhandler to spawn a mirror of players tent
PVDZE_plr_HideBody = objNull;
dayz_selectedVault = objNull;
dayz_selectedDoor = objNull;

PVDZE_veh_Publish = [];		// for vehicle traders
PVDZE_obj_Trade = [];		// For all traders increment qty
PVDZE_plr_TradeMenu = [];  		// For all traders
PVDZE_plr_DeathB = [];

//DayZ settings
dayz_dawn = 6;
dayz_dusk = 18;
DAYZ_agentnumber = 0;
dayz_animalDistance = 800;
dayz_zSpawnDistance = 1000;

dayz_maxMaxModels = 80; // max quantity of Man models (player || Z, dead || alive) around players. Below this limit we can spawn Z // max quantity of loot piles around players. Below this limit we can spawn some loot
dayz_spawnArea = 200; // radius around player where we can spawn loot & Z
dayz_cantseeDist = 150; // distance from which we can spawn a Z in front of any player without ray-tracing && angle checks
dayz_cantseefov = 70; // half player field-of-view. Visible Z won't be spawned in front of any near players
dayz_canDelete = 300; // Z, further than this distance from its "owner", will be deleted

if(isNil "DZE_SelfTransfuse") then {
	DZE_SelfTransfuse = false;
if(isNil "dayz_maxAnimals") then {
	dayz_maxAnimals = 5;
if(isNil "timezoneswitch") then {
	timezoneswitch = 0;
if(isNil "dayz_maxLocalZombies") then {
	dayz_maxLocalZombies = 15;
if(isNil "dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit") then {
	dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit = 15;
if(isNil "dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease") then {
	dayz_maxGlobalZombiesIncrease = 5;
if(isNil "dayz_maxZeds") then {
	dayz_maxZeds = 500;
if (isNil "DZE_PlayerZed") then {
	DZE_PlayerZed = true;
if (isNil "DZE_GodModeBase") then {
	DZE_GodModeBase = false;
if(isNil "DZEdebug") then {
	DZEdebug = false;
if (isNil "DZE_Debug_Damage") then {
	DZE_Debug_Damage = true;
if(isNil "DZE_TRADER_SPAWNMODE") then {
if(isNil "dayz_tameDogs") then {
	dayz_tameDogs = false;
if(isNil "dayz_sellDistance_vehicle") then {
	dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 10;
if(isNil "dayz_sellDistance_boat") then {
	dayz_sellDistance_boat = 30;
if(isNil "dayz_sellDistance_air") then {
	dayz_sellDistance_air = 40;
if(isNil "dayz_paraSpawn") then {
	dayz_paraSpawn = false;
if(isNil "dayz_minpos") then {
	dayz_minpos = -20000;
if(isNil "dayz_maxpos") then {
	dayz_maxpos = 20000;
if(isNil "DZE_BuildingLimit") then {
	DZE_BuildingLimit = 150;
if(isNil "DZE_HumanityTargetDistance") then {
	DZE_HumanityTargetDistance = 25;
if(isNil "DZE_FriendlySaving") then {
	DZE_FriendlySaving = true;
if(isNil "DZE_BuildOnRoads") then {
	DZE_BuildOnRoads = false;
if(isNil "DZE_MissionLootTable") then {
	DZE_MissionLootTable = false;
if(isNil "DZE_ConfigTrader") then {
	DZE_ConfigTrader = false;
if(isNil "DZE_LootSpawnTimer") then {
	DZE_LootSpawnTimer = 10;
if(isNil "DZE_HeliLift") then {
	DZE_HeliLift = true;
if(isNil "DZE_DamageBeforeMaint") then {
	DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0.09;
if(isNil "DZE_StaticConstructionCount") then {
	DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 0;
if (isNil "DZE_selfTransfuse_Values") then {
	DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [12000, 15, 300];

// needed on server
if(isNil "DZE_PlotPole") then {
	DZE_PlotPole = [30,45];
if(isNil "DZE_maintainRange") then {
	DZE_maintainRange = ((DZE_PlotPole select 0)+20);

DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS = [["Crossbow","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet"],["Crossbow_DZ","ItemMatchbox_DZE","ItemHatchet_DZE"]];

if(isNil "dayz_zedSpawnVehCount") then {
	dayz_zedSpawnVehCount = dayz_maxLocalZombies / 2;
if(isNil "dayz_spawnAirCount") then {
	dayz_spawnAirCount = 0;
if(isNil "dayz_zedsAttackVehicles") then {
	dayz_zedsAttackVehicles = true;

// update objects
dayz_updateObjects = ["Plane","Tank","Car", "Helicopter", "Motorcycle", "Ship", "TentStorage", "VaultStorage","LockboxStorage","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","StorageShed_DZ","GunRack_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ"];
dayz_disallowedVault = ["TentStorage", "BuiltItems","ModularItems","DZE_Base_Object"];
dayz_reveal = ["AllVehicles","WeaponHolder","Land_A_tent","BuiltItems","ModularItems","DZE_Base_Object"];
dayz_allowedObjects = ["TentStorage","MetalFloor_Preview_DZ","TentStorageDomed","TentStorageDomed2", "VaultStorageLocked", "Hedgehog_DZ", "Sandbag1_DZ","BagFenceRound_DZ","TrapBear","Fort_RazorWire","WoodGate_DZ","Land_HBarrier1_DZ","Land_HBarrier3_DZ","Land_HBarrier5_DZ","Fence_corrugated_DZ","M240Nest_DZ","CanvasHut_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","MetalGate_DZ","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","StorageShed_DZ","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ","Generator_DZ","StickFence_DZ","LightPole_DZ","FuelPump_DZ","DesertCamoNet_DZ","ForestCamoNet_DZ","DesertLargeCamoNet_DZ","ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ","SandNest_DZ","DeerStand_DZ","MetalPanel_DZ","WorkBench_DZ","WoodFloor_DZ","WoodLargeWall_DZ","WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ","WoodLargeWallWin_DZ","WoodSmallWall_DZ","WoodSmallWallWin_DZ","WoodSmallWallDoor_DZ","LockboxStorageLocked","WoodFloorHalf_DZ","WoodFloorQuarter_DZ","WoodStairs_DZ","WoodStairsSans_DZ","WoodStairsRails_DZ","WoodSmallWallThird_DZ","WoodLadder_DZ","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor","Land_DZE_WoodDoor","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked","CinderWallHalf_DZ","CinderWall_DZ","CinderWallDoorway_DZ","CinderWallDoor_DZ","CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ","CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ","MetalFloor_DZ","WoodRamp_DZ","GunRack_DZ","FireBarrel_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ"];

DZE_LockableStorage = ["VaultStorage","VaultStorageLocked","LockboxStorageLocked","LockboxStorage"];
DZE_LockedStorage = ["VaultStorageLocked","LockboxStorageLocked"];
DZE_UnLockedStorage = ["VaultStorage","LockboxStorage"];
DZE_maintainClasses = ["ModularItems","DZE_Housebase","LightPole_DZ","BuiltItems","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ","Fence_corrugated_DZ","CanvasHut_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","MetalGate_DZ","StickFence_DZ","DesertCamoNet_DZ","ForestCamoNet_DZ","DesertLargeCamoNet_DZ","ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ","DeerStand_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ","FireBarrel_DZ"];

DZE_DoorsLocked = ["Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked","Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked","CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ"];

// List of removable items that require crowbar
DZE_isRemovable = ["Fence_corrugated_DZ","M240Nest_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ","FireBarrel_DZ","Scaffolding_DZ"];
DZE_isWreck = ["SKODAWreck","HMMWVWreck","UralWreck","datsun01Wreck","hiluxWreck","datsun02Wreck","UAZWreck","Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1","Fort_Barricade_EP1","Rubbish2"];
DZE_isWreckBuilding = ["Land_wreck_cinder","Land_wood_wreck_quarter","Land_wood_wreck_floor","Land_wood_wreck_third","Land_wood_wreck_frame","Land_iron_vein_wreck","Land_silver_vein_wreck","Land_gold_vein_wreck","Land_ammo_supply_wreck"];
DZE_isNewStorage = ["VaultStorage","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","StorageShed_DZ","GunRack_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ"];

// These work with just a running generator
dayz_fuelpumparray = ["FuelPump_DZ","Land_A_FuelStation_Feed","Land_Ind_FuelStation_Feed_EP1","Land_FuelStation_Feed_PMC","FuelStation","Land_ibr_FuelStation_Feed","Land_fuelstation_army","Land_fuelstation","land_fuelstation_w","Land_benzina_schnell"];
DZE_fueltruckarray = ["KamazRefuel_DZ","UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZ","MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ","V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ","MtvrRefuel_DZ","KamazRefuel_DZE","UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZE","MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZE","V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE","MtvrRefuel_DZE"];

// Standard Fuel sources
dayz_fuelsources = ["Land_Ind_TankSmall","Land_fuel_tank_big","Land_fuel_tank_stairs","Land_fuel_tank_stairs_ep1","Land_wagon_tanker","Land_fuelstation","Land_fuelstation_army","land_fuelstation_w","Land_benzina_schnell"];

DZE_Lock_Door = "";

//init global arrays for Loot Chances
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\loot_init.sqf";

if(isServer) then {
	dayz_players = [];
	dead_bodyCleanup = [];
	needUpdate_objects = [];

	DZE_DYN_AntiStuck = 0;
	DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = 0;
	DZE_DYN_AntiStuck3rd = 0;

	if(isNil "dayz_fullMoonNights") then {
		dayz_fullMoonNights = false;
	if(isNil "EpochEvents") then {
		EpochEvents = [];
	if(isNil "DZE_vehicleAmmo") then {
		DZE_vehicleAmmo = 0;

	if(isNil "DZE_BackpackGuard") then {
		DZE_BackpackGuard = true;

	if(isNil "DZE_CleanNull") then {
		DZE_CleanNull = false;
	if (isNil "DZE_DeathMsgGlobal") then {
		DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = false;
	if (isNil "DZE_DeathMsgSide") then {
		DZE_DeathMsgSide = false;
	if (isNil "DZE_DeathMsgTitleText") then {
		DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = false;
	DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"];

if(!isDedicated) then {

	dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player;

	dayz_buildingMonitor = [];	//Buildings to check
	dayz_bodyMonitor = [];

	// weather control var
	zeroPreviousWeather = [0,0,[0,0],0];
	zeroCurrentWeather = [0,0,[0,0],0];

	if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
		dayz_baseTypes = 		getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
	} else {
		dayz_baseTypes = 		getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");

	//temperature variables
	dayz_temperatur 		= 	36;		//TeeChange
	dayz_temperaturnormal 	= 	36;		//TeeChange
	dayz_temperaturmax 		= 	42;		//TeeChange
	dayz_temperaturmin 		= 	27;		//TeeChange

	//player special variables
	dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate = 0;
	dayZ_everyonesTents =	[];
	dayz_hunger	=			0;
	dayz_thirst = 			0;
	dayz_combat =			0;
	dayz_preloadFinished = 	false;
	dayz_statusArray =		[1,1];
	dayz_disAudial =		0;
	dayz_disVisual =		0;
	dayz_firedCooldown = 	0;
	dayz_DeathActioned =	false;
	dayz_canDisconnect = 	true;
	dayz_damageCounter =	time;
	dayz_lastSave =			time;
	dayz_isSwimming	=		true;
	dayz_isKneeling	=		false;
	dayz_isCrawling	=		false;
	dayz_PreviousTown =		"Wilderness";
	dayz_currentDay = 		0;
	dayz_hasLight = 		false;
	dayz_surfaceNoise =		0;
	dayz_surfaceType =		"None";
	dayz_noPenalty = 		[];
	dayz_heavenCooldown =	0;
	deathHandled = 			false;
	dayz_lastHumanity =		0;
	dayz_guiHumanity =		-90000;
	dayz_firstGroup = 		group player;
	dayz_originalPlayer = 	player;
	dayz_sourceBleeding =	objNull;
	dayz_clientPreload = 	false;
	dayz_authed = 			false;
	dayz_panicCooldown = 	0;
	dayz_areaAffect =		2.5;
	dayz_heartBeat = 		false;
	dayzClickTime =			0;
//Current local
	dayz_spawnZombies = 0;
	dayz_swarmSpawnZombies = 0;
//Max local
	dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // max quantity of Z controlled by local gameclient, used by player_spawnCheck. Below this limit we can spawn Z
//Current NearBy
	dayz_CurrentNearByZombies = 0;
//Max NearBy
	dayz_maxNearByZombies = 60; // max quantity of Z controlled by local gameclient, used by player_spawnCheck. Below this limit we can spawn Z
//Current total
	dayz_currentGlobalZombies = 0;
//Max global zeds.
	dayz_maxGlobalZeds = 3000;
	dayz_spawnDelay =		120;
	dayz_spawnWait =		-120;
	dayz_lootDelay =		3;
	dayz_lootWait =			-300;
	//used to count global zeds around players
	dayz_CurrentZombies = 0;
	//Used to limit overall zed counts
	dayz_tickTimeOffset = 0;
	dayz_currentWeaponHolders = 0;
	dayz_maxMaxWeaponHolders = 80;
	dayz_maxCurrentZeds = 0;
	dayz_inVehicle =		false;
	dayz_Magazines = 		[];
	dayzGearSave = 			false;
	dayz_unsaved =			false;
	dayz_scaleLight = 		0;
	dayzDebug = false;
	dayzState = -1;
	//uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display',displayNull];
	//if (uiNamespace getVariable ['DZ_displayUI', 0] == 2) then {
	//	dayzDebug = true;

	DZE_ActionInProgress =		false;

	// DayZ Epoch Client only variables
	if(isNil "DZE_AllowForceSave") then {
		DZE_AllowForceSave = false;
	if(isNil "DZE_AllowCargoCheck") then {
		DZE_AllowCargoCheck = true;
	if(isNil "DZE_ForceNameTags") then {
		DZE_ForceNameTags = false;
	if(isNil "DZE_ForceNameTagsOff") then {
		DZE_ForceNameTagsOff = false;
	if(isNil "DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader") then {
		DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader = false;
	if(isNil "DZE_HaloJump") then {
		DZE_HaloJump = true;

	if(isNil "DZE_AntiWallLimit") then {
		DZE_AntiWallLimit = 3;
	if(isNil "DZE_requireplot") then {
		DZE_requireplot = 1;
	if(isNil "DZE_R3F_WEIGHT") then {
		DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true;

	DZE_AntiWallCounter = 0;

	DZE_FreshSpawn = false;

	DZE_myHaloVehicle = objNull;
	dayz_myLiftVehicle = objNull;

	DZE_Friends = [];

	DZE_CanPickup = true;
	DZE_Q = false;
	DZE_Z = false;

	DZE_Q_alt = false;
	DZE_Z_alt = false;

	DZE_Q_ctrl = false;
	DZE_Z_ctrl = false;

	DZE_5 = false;
	DZE_4 = false;
	DZE_6 = false;

	DZE_cancelBuilding = false;
	DZE_PZATTACK = false;

	DZE_trees = ["t_picea2s_snow.p3d","b_corylus.p3d","t_quercus3s.p3d","t_larix3s.p3d","t_pyrus2s.p3d","str_briza_kriva.p3d","dd_borovice.p3d","les_singlestrom_b.p3d","les_singlestrom.p3d","smrk_velky.p3d","smrk_siroky.p3d","smrk_maly.p3d","les_buk.p3d","str krovisko vysoke.p3d","str_fikovnik_ker.p3d","str_fikovnik.p3d","str vrba.p3d","hrusen2.p3d","str dub jiny.p3d","str lipa.p3d","str briza.p3d","p_akat02s.p3d","jablon.p3d","p_buk.p3d","str_topol.p3d","str_topol2.p3d","p_osika.p3d","t_picea3f.p3d","t_picea2s.p3d","t_picea1s.p3d","t_fagus2w.p3d","t_fagus2s.p3d","t_fagus2f.p3d","t_betula1f.p3d","t_betula2f.p3d","t_betula2s.p3d","t_betula2w.p3d","t_alnus2s.p3d","t_acer2s.p3d","t_populus3s.p3d","t_quercus2f.p3d","t_sorbus2s.p3d","t_malus1s.p3d","t_salix2s.p3d","t_picea1s_w.p3d","t_picea2s_w.p3d","t_ficusb2s_ep1.p3d","t_populusb2s_ep1.p3d","t_populusf2s_ep1.p3d","t_amygdalusc2s_ep1.p3d","t_pistacial2s_ep1.p3d","t_pinuse2s_ep1.p3d","t_pinuss3s_ep1.p3d","t_prunuss2s_ep1.p3d","t_pinusn2s.p3d","t_pinusn1s.p3d","t_pinuss2f.p3d","t_poplar2f_dead_pmc.p3d","misc_torzotree_pmc.p3d","misc_burnspruce_pmc.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm8.p3d","brg_umbrella_acacia01b.p3d","brg_jungle_tree_canopy_1.p3d","brg_jungle_tree_canopy_2.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm4.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm3.p3d","palm_01.p3d","palm_02.p3d","palm_03.p3d","palm_04.p3d","palm_09.p3d","palm_10.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm2.p3d","brg_jungle_tree_antiaris.p3d","brg_cocunutpalm1.p3d","str habr.p3d"];
	DZE_TEMP_treedmg = 1;

	DZE_Surrender = false;
	DZE_Quarantine = false;
	DZE_InRadiationZone = false;

	DZE_SaveTime = 30;

Thank you for the great woork your doing :)


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I'm running namalsk and my original player_wearClothes needed some changes to compensate for players being able to wear Warm Clothes and such. Any idea what I should do to make this work again? 


My old player_wearclothes.sqf: 


private ["_item","_onLadder","_hasclothesitem","_config","_text","_myModel","_itemNew","_currentSex","_newSex","_model","_playerNear"];

zupa_cid =player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
_bankMoney = player getVariable ["bankMoney", 0];
_cashMoney = player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0];

if(DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_83") , "PLAIN DOWN"] };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

_item = _this;
call gear_ui_init;

_onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
if (_onLadder) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_player_21") , "PLAIN DOWN"]};

_hasclothesitem = _this in magazines player;
_config = configFile >> "CfgMagazines";
_text = getText (_config >> _item >> "displayName");

if (!_hasclothesitem) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format[(localize "str_player_31"),_text,"wear"] , "PLAIN DOWN"]};

if (vehicle player != player) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_85"), "PLAIN DOWN"]};

//if (!isNull (unitBackpack player)) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_9"), "PLAIN DOWN"] };

if ("CSGAS" in (magazines player)) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_10"), "PLAIN DOWN"] };

_myModel = (typeOf player);
_itemNew = "Skin_" + _myModel;

//diag_log ("Debug Clothes: model In: " + str(_itemNew) + " Out: " + str(_item));

if ( (isClass(_config >> _itemNew)) ) then {
if ( (isClass(_config >> _item)) ) then {
// Current sex of player skin

_currentSex = getText (missionconfigFile >> "CfgSurvival" >> "Skins" >> _itemNew >> "sex");
// Sex of new skin
_newSex = getText (missionconfigFile >> "CfgSurvival" >> "Skins" >> _item >> "sex");
//diag_log ("Debug Clothes: sex In: " + str(_currentSex) + " Out: " + str(_newSex));

if(_currentSex == _newSex) then {
// Get model name from config
_model = getText (missionconfigFile >> "CfgSurvival" >> "Skins" >> _item >> "playerModel");
if (_model != _myModel) then {
if(([player,_item] call BIS_fnc_invRemove) == 1) then {
player addMagazine _itemNew;
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph;
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];

} else {
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_86"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
       player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
       player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
sleep 2;
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
sleep 2;
player setVariable["CharacterID",zupa_cid,true];
player setVariable["bankMoney",_bankMoney,true];
player setVariable["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true]; 

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So implementing this now would be a complete waste? 


I have just received this error - so if it will be a waste, I will not try to troubleshoot and wait for the next version.


 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\Scripts\Skins\SkinGui.hpp, line 12: /MenClothing/controlsBackground.Mainbackgrnd: Undefined base class 'HW_RscPicture'

However, now that I have added the skins to the variables.sqf - does this mean I will be able to add skins to purchase at various traders?

Hi Zupa, 

Thanks for the update - this is no longer an issue and I can swop and change skins.. sometimes

I am now faced with the following issues:

1. I received a vehiclerestriction #40 kick when trying to change to "frb_mark_mask" 

2. I also get teleported across the map when I change to certain skins e.g. "GUE_Commander_DZ"

Any ideas?

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Hi Zupa, 

Thanks for the update - this is no longer an issue and I can swop and change skins.. sometimes

I am now faced with the following issues:

1. I received a vehiclerestriction #40 kick when trying to change to "frb_mark_mask" 

2. I also get teleported across the map when I change to certain skins e.g. "GUE_Commander_DZ"

Any ideas?


2. Was someone standing next to you? ( my first answer was incorrect, sorry)


What is changing clothes? Create new ai with the new clothes in debug, give them all the items u had, delete current charater, set new AI as player, teleport new char to positiion u were


1. I'll will have to recreate the issue, thank you for reporting that!

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