_maxlocalspawned = round(dayz_spawnZombies);
//Lets check if we need to divide the amount of zeds
if (r_player_divideinvehicle > 0) then {
_maxlocalspawned = round(dayz_spawnZombies / r_player_divideinvehicle);
_isOk = true;
_zPos = +(_this select 0);
if (count _zPos < 3) exitWith {
diag_log format["%1::_cantSee illegal pos %2", __FILE__, _zPos];
_zPos = ATLtoASL _zPos;
_fov = _this select 1; // players half field of view
_safeDistance = _this select 2; // minimum distance. closer is wrong
_farDistance = _this select 3; // distance further we won't check
_zPos set [2, (_zPos select 2) + 1.7];
_xasl = getPosASL _x;
if (_xasl distance _zPos < _farDistance) then {
if (_xasl distance _zPos < _safeDistance) then {
_isOk = false;
} else {
_eye = eyePos _x; // ASL
_ed = eyeDirection _x;
_ed = (_ed select 0) atan2 (_ed select 1);
_deg = [_xasl, _zPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_deg = (_deg - _ed + 720) % 360;
if (_deg > 180) then { _deg = _deg - 360; };
if ((abs(_deg) < _fov) && {( // in right angle sector?
(!(terrainIntersectASL [_zPos, _eye]) // no terrain between?
&& {(!(lineIntersects [_zPos, _eye]))}) // and no object between?
)}) then {
_isOk = false;
if (!_isOk) exitWith {false};
uiSleep 0.001;
} forEach playableUnits;
_skipFOV = false;
if ((_maxlocalspawned < _maxControlledZombies) && (dayz_CurrentNearByZombies < dayz_maxNearByZombies) && (dayz_currentGlobalZombies < dayz_maxGlobalZeds)) then {
if (_bypass) then {
_skipFOV = true;
_position = [_position,3,20,1] call fn_selectRandomLocation;
if (surfaceIsWater _position) exitWith { diag_log "Location is in Water Abort"; };
if ((_skipFOV) or {([_position, 15, 10, 70] call _cantSee)}) then {
_tooClose = {isPlayer _x} count (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",30]) > 0;
if (_tooClose) exitwith { diag_log "Zombie_Generate: was too close to player."; };
if (count _unitTypes == 0) then {
_unitTypes = getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgLoot" >> "Buildings" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
//add to global counter
dayz_spawnZombies = dayz_spawnZombies + 1;
dayz_CurrentNearByZombies = dayz_CurrentNearByZombies + 1;
dayz_currentGlobalZombies = dayz_currentGlobalZombies + 1;
//Add some loot
if (0.3 > random 1) then {
_lootGroup = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "zombieLoot";
if (isText _lootGroup) then {
//_lootGroup = dayz_lootGroups find getText (_lootGroup);
_lootGroup = Loot_GetGroup(getText _lootGroup);
//[_agent, _lootGroup, 1] call loot_insert;
Loot_Insert(_agent, _lootGroup, 1);
_agent setVariable["agentObject",_agent];
if (!isNull _agent) then {
_agent setDir random 360;
uiSleep 0.03;
_position = getPosATL _agent;
_favStance = (
switch ceil(random(3^0.5)^2) do {
//case 3: {"DOWN"}; // prone
case 2: {"middle"}; // Kneel "middle"
default {"Up"}; // stand-up
_agent setUnitPos _favStance;
_agent setVariable ["stance", _favStance];
_agent setVariable ["BaseLocation", _position];
_agent setVariable ["doLoiter", _doLoiter]; // true: Z will be wandering, false: stay still
_coinsRandom = random 1;
if (_coinsRandom <= 0.5) then {
_cash = round(random 20) * 5; // number between 0 and 200 Add Coins to Zombie
_agent setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true]; // Add Coins to Zombie
Can someone tell me if im doing something wrong here? Im trying to spawn a random amount of coins on Zombies when they die.
This is my zombie_generate.sqf and im calling it from my custom compiles. Sorry, but im on my phone and cant find a spoiler box button.
#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\loot\Loot.hpp"
private ["_bypass","_position","_unitTypes","_radius","_method","_agent","_maxlocalspawned","_doLoiter","_wildspawns","_maxControlledZombies",
_position = _this select 0;
_doLoiter = _this select 1; // wonder around
_unitTypes = _this select 2; // class of wanted models
//_wildspawns = _this select 3;
_bypass = _this select 3;
_maxlocalspawned = round(dayz_spawnZombies);
//Lets check if we need to divide the amount of zeds
if (r_player_divideinvehicle > 0) then {
_maxlocalspawned = round(dayz_spawnZombies / r_player_divideinvehicle);
_maxControlledZombies = round(dayz_maxLocalZombies);
_cantSee = {
private "_isOk";
_isOk = true;
_zPos = +(_this select 0);
if (count _zPos < 3) exitWith {
diag_log format["%1::_cantSee illegal pos %2", __FILE__, _zPos];
_zPos = ATLtoASL _zPos;
_fov = _this select 1; // players half field of view
_safeDistance = _this select 2; // minimum distance. closer is wrong
_farDistance = _this select 3; // distance further we won't check
_zPos set [2, (_zPos select 2) + 1.7];
_xasl = getPosASL _x;
if (_xasl distance _zPos < _farDistance) then {
if (_xasl distance _zPos < _safeDistance) then {
_isOk = false;
} else {
_eye = eyePos _x; // ASL
_ed = eyeDirection _x;
_ed = (_ed select 0) atan2 (_ed select 1);
_deg = [_xasl, _zPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_deg = (_deg - _ed + 720) % 360;
if (_deg > 180) then { _deg = _deg - 360; };
if ((abs(_deg) < _fov) && {( // in right angle sector?
(!(terrainIntersectASL [_zPos, _eye]) // no terrain between?
&& {(!(lineIntersects [_zPos, _eye]))}) // and no object between?
)}) then {
_isOk = false;
if (!_isOk) exitWith {false};
uiSleep 0.001;
} forEach playableUnits;
_skipFOV = false;
if ((_maxlocalspawned < _maxControlledZombies) && (dayz_CurrentNearByZombies < dayz_maxNearByZombies) && (dayz_currentGlobalZombies < dayz_maxGlobalZeds)) then {
if (_bypass) then {
_skipFOV = true;
_position = [_position,3,20,1] call fn_selectRandomLocation;
if (surfaceIsWater _position) exitWith { diag_log "Location is in Water Abort"; };
if ((_skipFOV) or {([_position, 15, 10, 70] call _cantSee)}) then {
_tooClose = {isPlayer _x} count (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",30]) > 0;
if (_tooClose) exitwith { diag_log "Zombie_Generate: was too close to player."; };
if (count _unitTypes == 0) then {
_unitTypes = getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgLoot" >> "Buildings" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
// lets create an agent
_type = _unitTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_radius = 5;
//_method = if (_doLoiter) then {"CAN_COLLIDE"} else {"NONE"};
_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
uiSleep 0.03;
//add to global counter
dayz_spawnZombies = dayz_spawnZombies + 1;
dayz_CurrentNearByZombies = dayz_CurrentNearByZombies + 1;
dayz_currentGlobalZombies = dayz_currentGlobalZombies + 1;
//Add some loot
if (0.3 > random 1) then {
_lootGroup = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "zombieLoot";
if (isText _lootGroup) then {
//_lootGroup = dayz_lootGroups find getText (_lootGroup);
_lootGroup = Loot_GetGroup(getText _lootGroup);
//[_agent, _lootGroup, 1] call loot_insert;
Loot_Insert(_agent, _lootGroup, 1);
_agent setVariable["agentObject",_agent];
if (!isNull _agent) then {
_agent setDir random 360;
uiSleep 0.03;
_position = getPosATL _agent;
_favStance = (
switch ceil(random(3^0.5)^2) do {
//case 3: {"DOWN"}; // prone
case 2: {"middle"}; // Kneel "middle"
default {"Up"}; // stand-up
_agent setUnitPos _favStance;
_agent setVariable ["stance", _favStance];
_agent setVariable ["BaseLocation", _position];
_agent setVariable ["doLoiter", _doLoiter]; // true: Z will be wandering, false: stay still
_coinsRandom = random 1;
if (_coinsRandom <= 0.5) then {
_cash = round(random 20) * 5; // number between 0 and 200 Add Coins to Zombie
_agent setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true]; // Add Coins to Zombie
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