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Moving server files to different computer



Hello, I've setup a new computer running microsoft server 2016 so that it can run my server permanently from that. Currently I'm running it from my main PC, which is alright but it means I have to leave it on all the time which is a big strain and uses more power then the computer running microsoft server. I managed to transfer all the files succesfully and export/import the database for my players however when I launch it, no error I can see happens as it allows me and other players to connect to the server, but once connected it gets stuck on 'waiting for server to start authentication' until it times out. The one thing I am seeing is normally when a player connects it starts spamming out green lines '12:42:04 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2017,12,4,13,42]]' like that, however on the new computer it just sits on 'Game started' and never puts a new green line.

Below is my mission rpt


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Steps I took to move the server
1 - Backup everything
2 - Install heidisql/xaamp
3 - Transfer over database and server files
4 - Give permissions to database that are exactly the same
5 - Redo paths for my launch/restart bats (this was fine)
6 - Launch server, no error I can see, allows players to connect and download mission then gets stuck on waiting for server to start authentication

I've tried using a clear database too which didn't work, it must be some option I'm missing.

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3 answers to this question

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  On 12/4/2017 at 7:30 AM, lwbuk said:

You need to install all the visual c++  redistributal packages. Then reboot the machine. 

Can be downloaded here 



Thanks so much, after I installed all of those it worked. However once it was working hit me with the hard reality that the computer I was transferring to was too old to host a server efficiently (pulling around 15 server fps and taking forever to first connect). This is completely unrelated but to host a quick responsive server all thats needed is a strong low core (4, or dual) cpu + high mhz ram? As the PC I was attempting to host on is very weak in both departments.

Eitherway thanks for your help on that problem, that was the sole thing left to fix.

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4ghz or higher single core at least really. I used 2 cores, one for arma and one for everything else (BEC, database etc). amount RAM isn't as important, but at least 2GB with high mhz will help. 

Having the game and database on SSD's will also speed things up. 

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