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Okay Sure  here you go

And like i said in the message i do understand if you do not want to do this i understand that secrecy is needed when you have people who would love to add you
Action Menu Config

If you wish to disable options simply place a // infront of the menu you wish to disable.
For example to disable the Fun Menu below change this:
["Fun Menu >>", [], "#USER:FunMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
to this:
//["Fun Menu >>", [], "#USER:FunMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
_pathtoscripts = "actions\";
_EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoscripts+'%1"';
_EXECscript2 = '["%1"] execVM "actions\FunMenu\morph.sqf"';
_EXECscript3 = '["%1"] execVM "actions\FunMenu\movements.sqf"';
if(isNil "AdminList") then {
If you use Nox's Epoch Admin Tools disregard AdminList/ModList code.
If you do not use that admin tool then replace 111111111 with
your UID if you want to use the Fun Menu transformation.
AdminList = [
ModList = [
if((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList ||(getPlayerUID player) in ModList) then {
This menu is for the Admins or Mods listed above OR in the Epoch Admin Tools.
To make this menu the same as what normal players get put a // in front of the fun menu
and then remove the // from infront of the movement menu below.
ActionMenu =
["Action Menu >>", [], "#USER:ActionsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
["Deploy Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
["Fun Menu >>", [], "#USER:FunMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
//["Movement Menu >>",[],"#USER:MovementMenu", -5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
["Server Rules", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"server_rules.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Exit", [20], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
} else {
// This menu is for normal players only. If you have an admin listed, they will use the menu above.
ActionMenu =
["Action Menu >>", [], "#USER:ActionsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
["Deploy Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
["Movement Menu >>",[],"#USER:MovementMenu", -5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
["Server Rules", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"server_rules.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Exit", [20], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
ActionsMenu =
["Self Bloodbag", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"player_selfbloodbag.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["Flip Vehicle", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"flipvehicle.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["Suicide", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"suicide.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Exit", [20], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleMenu =
["Build Bike", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"deploy_bike.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["Build Mozzie", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"deploy_mozzie.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Exit", [20], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
FunMenu =
["Movement Menu >>",[],"#USER:MovementMenu", -5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
["Transform Animal >>",[],"#USER:TransformAnimalMenu", -5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:ActionMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
MovementMenu =
["Dance1",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoIvan"]]],"1","1"],
["Dance2",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan"]]],"1","1"],
["Dance3",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingStefan"]]],"1","1"],
["Boxing",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle68boxing"]]],"1","1"],
["Karate",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exerciseKata"]]],"1","1"],
["Pushups",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"]]],"1","1"],
["Squat",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisekneeBendA"]]],"1","1"],
["HandStand",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript3,"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle70chozeniPoRukou"]]],"1","1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:ActionMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
TransformAnimalMenu =
["Goat", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Goat"]]], "1", "1"],
["Rabbit", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Rabbit"]]], "1", "1"],
["Chicken", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Hen"]]], "1", "1"],
["Dog 01", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Pastor"]]], "1", "1"],
["Dog 02", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Fin"]]], "1", "1"],
["Sheep", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Sheep"]]], "1", "1"],
["Wild Boar", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"WildBoar"]]], "1", "1"],
["Cow (Black & White)", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Cow04"]]], "1", "1"],
["Zombie", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"PZombie_VB"]]], "1", "1"],
["Human Survivor", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Survivor2_DZ"]]], "1", "1"],
["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:ActionMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:ActionMenu";

Admin Tools Sqf

// Epoch Admin Tools
//Replace 111111111 with your ID. 
SuperAdminList = [
"7651198030372443", // <Your In-Game Name here>
"999999999" // <S-Admin In-Game Name>
AdminList = [
"999999999", // <Admin In-Game Name>
"999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
ModList = [
"999999999", // <Moderator In-Game Name>
"999999999" // <Moderator In-Game Name>
Broadcasts a message to the super admins when the admin tools are used.
Default: false
broadcastToolUse = false;
Log admin tool usage by your admins?
This creates a log in your server\EpochAdminToolLogs\toolUsageLog.txt
You MUST have the EpochAdminToolsUsageLogger.dll in the root server
directory or this will not work. The tool will still work either way.
This is divided into two categories.
A major tool is a strong tool with high possibility for exploiting:
Teleport, god mode, ESP, infinite ammo, invisibility, crate spawns, 
unlocking items, displaying lock codes...
Default: true
logMajorTool = true;
A minor tool is a weak tool with low possibility for exploiting:
grass off, skin change, weapon kits, flying, maintain area, admin build
Default: true
logMinorTool = true;
AdminList = AdminList + SuperAdminList;
tempList = [];
Determines default on or off for admin tools menu
Set this to false if you want the menu to be off by default.
F11 turns the tool off, F10 turns it on.
Leave this as True for now, it is under construction.
if (isNil "toolsAreActive") then {toolsAreActive = true;};
// load server public variables
if(isDedicated) then {
"usageLogger" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
"EATadminLogger" callExtension (_this select 1);
"useBroadcaster" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
EAT_toClient = (_this select 1);
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient "EAT_toClient";} forEach entities "CAManBase";
"EAT_baseExporter" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
"EATbaseExporter" callExtension (_this select 1);
"EAT_teleportFixServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler{
EAT_teleportFixClient = (_this select 1);
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient "EAT_teleportFixClient";} forEach entities "CAManBase";
"EAT_SetDateServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
EAT_setDateClient = (_this select 1);
setDate EAT_setDateClient;
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient "EAT_setDateClient";} forEach entities "CAManBase";
"EAT_SetOvercastServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
EAT_setOvercastClient = (_this select 1);
5 setOvercast EAT_setOvercastClient;
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient "EAT_setOvercastClient";} forEach entities "CAManBase";
"EAT_SetFogServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
EAT_setFogClient = (_this select 1);
5 setFog EAT_setFogClient;
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient "EAT_setFogClient";} forEach entities "CAManBase";
// Client public variables
if ((getPlayerUID player) in SuperAdminList) then {
"EAT_toClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
systemChat (_this select 1);
"EAT_teleportFixClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_array = (_this select 1);
_addRemove = (_array select 0);
//_count = count tempList;
if(_addRemove == "add") then {
_array = _array - ["add"];
tempList = tempList + _array;
} else {
_array = _array - ["remove"];
tempList = tempList - _array;
"EAT_SetDateClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
setDate (_this select 1);
"EAT_setOvercastClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal = {};
5 setOvercast (_this select 1);
"EAT_setFogClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
drn_fnc_DynamicWeather_SetWeatherLocal = {};
5 setFog (_this select 1);
// overwrite epoch public variables
"PVDZE_plr_SetDate" addPublicVariableEventHandler {};
// Show the admin list has loaded
adminListLoaded = true;
diag_log("Admin Tools: AdminList.sqf loaded");



Found it. At the start of your ID, 765.... (add a 6 here: 7656....

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Never mind oh my gosh i need to keep an eye out every once in a while thanks mate your a life saver i would have never figured this out

it works great your amazing bro i love this admin menu i love how you give yours away for free and infiStar which i dont like nearly as much costs 40USD if any of my friends ever ask for admin tools script im referring them to you thanks mate again

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Hey, Nox Thanks for everything mate i now am learning a bit more about the scripting in this I Installed SAI today and i got Error in expression, what do ya know Wrong Quotes so i changed it it worked great all cause your help thanks man


That's why I'm here. If you have any troubles with things that don't pertain to this script there is a new site for asking questions about SQF: http://www.sqf.ninja/

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Hi NoxSicarius,


got an Overpoch and use SingleCurrency from Zupa with Soul and if I add #include "admintools\dialog.hpp" to description.ext I dont get into my server. It just Ask Wait for Host.


Got any Idea why? Or can Help me?





Switch over to the test branch, this is most likely caused by variable collisions that have been fixed in the test branch. The test branch is ready for release so don't worry about any problems.

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I have save a few bases to the Bases.sqf file and copy paste them in the base_manager.sqf file. Then, when I'm in game, I go to Epoch Menu / Base Manager menu / Insert, in that window I can see the bases I saved but when I click the "Buy" button the base does not appear. Only this two lines:





My base manager file:



Base Manager
by maca134 
edits and base destruct integration by NoxSicarius
Export added by NoxSicarius for saving to sqf
Allows you to copy/paste, save structures and insert them into the game.
Also allows for deletion of bases and the items in them.
/***************** add basses here *****************/
BCBaseList = [
"Test Base",
"Test Base 2",
if(isNil "BD_Buildables") then {BD_Buildables = true;};
if(isNil "BD_PlotPoles") then {BD_PlotPoles = true;};
if(isNil "BD_vehicles") then {BD_vehicles = true;};
if(isNil "BCCurrentBase") then {BCCurrentBase = [];};
// Temp variables to fix the trader dialogue issue
private ["_TraderDialogLoadItemList","_TraderDialogShowPrices","_TraderDialogSell","_player"];
_player = player;
_TraderDialogLoadItemList = TraderDialogLoadItemList;
_TraderDialogShowPrices = TraderDialogShowPrices;
_TraderDialogSell = TraderDialogSell;
TraderDialogLoadItemList = {};
TraderDialogShowPrices = {};
TraderDialogSell = {};
TraderDialogBuy = {
systemChat str [lbCurSel 12000, lbCurSel 12001];
[lbCurSel 12000, lbCurSel 12001] spawn {
private ["_pindex", "_bindex", "_base", "_player", "_base_objects"];
systemChat str _this;
_pindex = _this select 0;
_bindex = _this select 1;
if (_pindex < 0 or _bindex < 0) exitWith {};
_base = BCBaseList select _bindex;
_player = BCNearbyList select _pindex;
_attach_position = player modelToWorld (_base select 2);
_attach_position set [2, getPosASL player select 2];
_base_objects = [_base select 3, _attach_position, _player] call fn_BCCreateBase;
[_base_objects] call fn_BCBuildbase;
fn_BCInsert = {
createdialog "TraderDialog";
lbClear 12000;
lbClear 12001;
ctrlShow [12005, false];
lbAdd [12001, format["%1 (%2)", _x select 1, _x select 0]];
} count BCBaseList;
BCNearbyList = [];
if (_x isKindOf "Man" and !(_x isKindOf "zZombie_base")) then {
BCNearbyList set [count BCNearbyList, _x];
lbAdd [12000, format["%1", name _x]];
} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 10]);
fn_BCSetCenter = {
private ["_centerSign"];
BC_radius = nil;
BC_Center = getPosASL player;
_centerSign = createVehicle ["Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_centerSign setPosASL BC_Center;
_centerSign spawn {sleep 30; deleteVehicle _this;};
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
fn_BCSetRadius = {
if (isNil "BC_Center") exitWith
systemChat "Center not set";
BC_radius = [player, BC_center] call BIS_fnc_distance2D;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
[] spawn {
private ["_pos", "_radius", "_angle", "_distance", "_count", "_step", "_count", "_step", "_objects"];
_angle = 0;
_count = round((2 * pi * BC_radius) / 2);
_objects = [];
for "_x" from 0 to _count do
private["_a", "_b", "_obj"];
_a = (BC_Center select 0) + (sin(_angle)*BC_radius);
_b = (BC_Center select 1) + (cos(_angle)*BC_radius);
_obj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj setPosASL [_a, _b, BC_center select 2];
_objects set [count _objects, _obj];
_angle = _angle + (360/_count);
for "_x" from 0 to _count do
private["_a", "_b", "_obj"];
_a = (BC_Center select 0) + (sin(_angle)*BC_radius);
_b = (BC_Center select 2) + (cos(_angle)*BC_radius);
_obj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj setPosASL [_a, BC_center select 1, _b];
_objects set [count _objects, _obj];
_angle = _angle + (360/_count);
for "_x" from 0 to _count do
private["_a", "_b", "_obj"];
_a = (BC_Center select 1) + (sin(_angle)*BC_radius);
_b = (BC_Center select 2) + (cos(_angle)*BC_radius);
_obj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj setPosASL [bC_center select 0, _a, _b];
_objects set [count _objects, _obj];
_angle = _angle + (360/_count);
sleep 30;
{deleteVehicle _x; true } count _objects;
fn_BCExport = {
private ["_objects", "_position", "_distance", "_nearest_objects", "_export","_i"];
if (isNil "BC_Center" or isNil "BC_radius") exitWith
systemChat "Center not set";
_objects = [];
_export = "";
_position = BC_center;
_distance = BC_radius;
_nearest_objects = nearestObjects [[_position select 0, _position select 1], dayz_allowedObjects, _distance];
_objectCount = count _nearest_objects;
_i = 1;
private ["_obj_type", "_direction", "_obj_position", "_relative_position", "_row"];
_obj_type = typeOf _x;
_direction = getDir _x;
_obj_position = getPosASL _x;
_relative_position = [
(_obj_position select 0) - (_position select 0),
(_obj_position select 1) - (_position select 1),
(_obj_position select 2) - (_position select 2)
_row = [_obj_type, _relative_position, _direction];
if(_i < _objectCount) then {
_export = _export + str(_row) + ",$$";
} else {
_export = _export + str(_row);
_row set [count _row, _x];
_objects set [count _objects, _row];
_i = _i + 1;
} count _nearest_objects;
EAT_baseExporter = _export;
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "EAT_baseExporter"};
systemChat format["Exported base to server\EpochAdminTools\Bases.sqf"];
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
// Tool use logger
if(logMinorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has exported a base",name _player,getPlayerUID _player];
publicVariable "usageLogger";
fn_BCCopy = {
private ["_objects", "_position", "_distance", "_nearest_objects"];
if (isNil "BC_Center" or isNil "BC_radius") exitWith
systemChat "Center not set";
_objects = [];
_position = BC_center;
_distance = BC_radius;
_nearest_objects = nearestObjects [[_position select 0, _position select 1], dayz_allowedObjects, _distance];
private ["_obj_type", "_direction", "_obj_position", "_relative_position", "_row"];
_obj_type = typeOf _x;
_direction = getDir _x;
_obj_position = getPosASL _x;
_relative_position = [
(_obj_position select 0) - (_position select 0),
(_obj_position select 1) - (_position select 1),
(_obj_position select 2) - (_position select 2)
_row = [_obj_type, _relative_position, _direction];
_row set [count _row, _x];
_objects set [count _objects, _row];
} count _nearest_objects;
systemChat format["Copied %1 items", count _nearest_objects];
BCCopiedBase = _objects;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
fn_BCPaste = {
private ["_dimensions", "_attach_position", "_base_objects"];
if (isNil "BCCopiedBase") exitWith
systemChat "No base has been copied";
_dimensions = BCCopiedBase call fn_BCGetDimensions;
_attach_position = player modelToWorld [0, ((_dimensions select 0) max (_dimensions select 1)), 0];
diag_log str [0, ((_dimensions select 0) max (_dimensions select 1)), 0];
_attach_position set [2, getPosASL player select 2];
_base_objects = [bCCopiedBase, _attach_position] call fn_BCCreateBase;
[_base_objects] call fn_BCBuildbase;
// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has pasted a copied base",name _player,getPlayerUID _player];
[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(broadcastToolUse) then {
useBroadcaster = "Admin -- has placed a base";
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};
fn_BCDelete = {
BaseDestruction = [
["What should delete?",true],
["Finish",[2],"",-5,[["expression","[] spawn fn_BCConfirmDelete"]],"1","1"],
[format["Vehicles(%1)",BD_vehicles], [3], "", -5, [["expression", "BD_vehicles = !BD_vehicles; [] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"],
[format["PlotPoles(%1)",BD_PlotPoles], [4], "", -5, [["expression", "BD_PlotPoles = !BD_PlotPoles; [] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"],
[format["Buildables(%1)",BD_Buildables], [5], "", -5, [["expression", "BD_Buildables = !BD_Buildables; [] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BaseDestruction";
fn_BCConfirmDelete = {
private ["_position", "_distance", "_objectClasses", "_objects"];
if (isNil "BC_Center" or isNil "BC_radius") exitWith
systemChat "Center or radius not set";
if (!BD_Buildables && !BD_PlotPoles && !BD_vehicles) exitWith
systemChat "Nothing deleted. You set all options to false";
_position = BC_center;
_distance = BC_radius;
_objectClasses = [];
if (BD_Buildables) then {
_objectClasses = dayz_allowedObjects;
if (BD_vehicles) then {
_objectClasses = _objectClasses + ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"];
if (BD_PlotPoles) then {
_objectClasses = _objectClasses + ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];
} else {
_objectClasses = _objectClasses - ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];
_objects = nearestObjects [[_position select 0, _position select 1], _objectClasses, _distance];
//_x setDamage 1;
deleteVehicle _x;
_objectID = _x getVariable ["ObjectID", "0"];
_objectUID = _x getVariable ["ObjectUID", "0"];
PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID, _objectUID, (name player)];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
} forEach _objects;
[format["<t size='0.6'>Deleted %1 objects</t>", count _objects],0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has deleted %3 items using deletebase",name _player,getPlayerUID _player,count _objects];
[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(!((getPlayerUID _player) in SuperAdminList) && broadcastToolUse) then {
useBroadcaster = format["%1 -- has deleted base items",name _player];
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};
fn_BCSaveToDb = {
PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_x getVariable ["CharacterID", dayz_characterID],_x,[getDir _x, getPosATL _x], typeOf _x];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";
} count BCCurrentBase;
[format["<t size='0.6'>Added %1 objects to database</t>", count BCCurrentBase],0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has placed a saved base",name _player,getPlayerUID _player];
[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(!((getPlayerUID _player) in SuperAdminList) && broadcastToolUse) then {
useBroadcaster = format["%1 -- has placed a base",name _player];
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};
fn_BCCancelBase = {
detach _x; deleteVehicle _x;
} count BCCurrentBase;
BCCurrentBase = [];
["<t size='0.6'>Cancelled</t>",0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
fn_BCCenter = {
private ["_ax", "_ay", "_az", "_total"];
_ax = 0;
_ay = 0;
_az = 0;
private ["_pos"];
_pos = getPosASL _x;
_ax = _ax + (_pos select 0);
_ay = _ay + (_pos select 1);
_az = _az + (_pos select 2);
} count _this;
_total = count _this;
_center = [_ax / _total, _ay / _total, _az / _total];
fn_BCCreateBase = {
private ["_objects", "_items", "_position", "_player"];
_objects = [];
_items = _this select 0;
_position = _this select 1;
if (count _this == 3) then {
_player = _this select 2;
private ["_object", "_orig_obj"];
_object = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object setPosASL [
((_x select 1) select 0) + (_position select 0),
((_x select 1) select 1) + (_position select 1),
((_x select 1) select 2) + (_position select 2) 
_object attachTo [player];
_object setDir ((_x select 2) - getDir player);
if (count _x == 4) then {
_orig_obj = _x select 3;
_object setVariable ["CharacterID", _orig_obj getVariable ["CharacterID", ""], true];
if (!isNil "_player") then {
_object setVariable ["CharacterID", (_player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]), true];
_objects set [count _objects, _object];
} count _items;
fn_BCBuildbase = {
private ["_base_objects", "_finished", "_place"];
_base_objects = _this select 0;
_x attachTo [player];
} count _base_objects;
_finished = false;
DZE_Q = false;
DZE_Z = false;
DZE_4 = false;
DZE_6 = false;
DZE_5 = false;
DZE_cancelBuilding = false;
_place = false;
while {!_finished} do {
private ["_player_direction"];
["<t size='0.6'>SPACE: Place | Q/R: Rotate | PgUp/PgDn: Height</t>",0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
_player_direction = getDir player;
if (DZE_Q or DZE_Z) then {
private ["_obj_direction", "_position"];
detach _x;
_obj_direction = getDir _x;
_position = getPosASL _x;
_position set [2, (_position select 2) + (if (DZE_Q) then {0.5} else {-0.5})];
_x setPosASL _position;
_x attachTo [player];
_x setDir (_obj_direction - _player_direction);
} count _base_objects;
DZE_Q = false;
DZE_Z = false;
if (DZE_4 or DZE_6) then {
private ["_center_position"];
_center_position = _base_objects call fn_BCCenter;
private ["_position", "_obj_direction", "_dif_direction", "_new_direction", "_distance", "_rotated_position"];
detach _x;
_position = getPosASL _x;
_obj_direction = ([_center_position, _position] call BIS_fnc_dirTo);
_dif_direction = if (DZE_4) then {10} else {-10};
_new_direction = _obj_direction + _dif_direction;
_distance = [_center_position, _position] call BIS_fnc_distance2D;
_obj_direction = getDir _x;
_rotated_position = [_center_position, _distance, _new_direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_rotated_position set [2, _position select 2];
_x setPosASL _rotated_position;
_x attachTo [player];
_x setDir (((_obj_direction - _player_direction) + _dif_direction) % 360);
} count _base_objects;
DZE_4 = false;
DZE_6 = false;
if(DZE_5) exitWith {
_finished = true;
_place = true;
if (DZE_cancelBuilding) exitWith {
_finished = true;
_place = false;
sleep 0.1;
{detach _x; true} count _base_objects;
BCCurrentBase = _base_objects;
if (_place) then {
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCBaseSaveMenu";
} else {
call fn_BCCancelBase;
fn_BCGetDimensions = {
private ["_xmin", "_xmax", "_ymin", "_ymax"];
_xmin = 0;
_xmax = 0;
_ymin = 0;
_ymax = 0;
private ["_position"];
_position = _x select 1;
if ((_position select 0) < _xmin) then {
_xmin = _position select 0;
if ((_position select 0) > _xmax) then {
_xmax = _position select 0;
if ((_position select 1) < _ymin) then {
_ymin = _position select 1;
if ((_position select 1) > _ymax) then {
_ymax = _position select 1;
} count _this;
[abs _xmin + abs _xmax, abs _ymin + abs _ymax]
BCMainMenu =
["Base Manager",true],
["Insert", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCInsert"]], "1", "1"],
["Export to sqf",[3], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCExport"]], "1", "1"],
["===========,  [], "", -5, [["expression", "]], "1", "0"],
["Set Center", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCSetCenter"]], "1", "1"],
["Set Radius", [5], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCSetRadius"]], "1", "1"],
["===========,  [], "", -5, [["expression", "]], "1", "0"],
["Copy", [6], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCCopy"]], "1", "1"],
["Paste", [7], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCPaste"]], "1", "1"],
["Delete", [8], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"],
["===========,  [], "", -5, [["expression", "]], "1", "0"],
["Exit", [9], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
BCBaseSaveMenu = [
["Save", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCSaveToDb"]], "1", "1"],
["Exit", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCCancelBase"]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
TraderDialogLoadItemList = _TraderDialogLoadItemList;
TraderDialogShowPrices = _TraderDialogShowPrices;
TraderDialogSell = _TraderDialogSell;

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I have save a few bases to the Bases.sqf file and copy paste them in the base_manager.sqf file. Then, when I'm in game, I go to Epoch Menu / Base Manager menu / Insert, in that window I can see the bases I saved but when I click the "Buy" button the base does not appear. Only this two lines:





My base manager file:



Base Manager
by maca134 
edits and base destruct integration by NoxSicarius
Export added by NoxSicarius for saving to sqf
Allows you to copy/paste, save structures and insert them into the game.
Also allows for deletion of bases and the items in them.
/***************** add basses here *****************/
BCBaseList = [
"Test Base",
"Test Base 2",
if(isNil "BD_Buildables") then {BD_Buildables = true;};
if(isNil "BD_PlotPoles") then {BD_PlotPoles = true;};
if(isNil "BD_vehicles") then {BD_vehicles = true;};
if(isNil "BCCurrentBase") then {BCCurrentBase = [];};
// Temp variables to fix the trader dialogue issue
private ["_TraderDialogLoadItemList","_TraderDialogShowPrices","_TraderDialogSell","_player"];
_player = player;
_TraderDialogLoadItemList = TraderDialogLoadItemList;
_TraderDialogShowPrices = TraderDialogShowPrices;
_TraderDialogSell = TraderDialogSell;
TraderDialogLoadItemList = {};
TraderDialogShowPrices = {};
TraderDialogSell = {};
TraderDialogBuy = {
systemChat str [lbCurSel 12000, lbCurSel 12001];
[lbCurSel 12000, lbCurSel 12001] spawn {
private ["_pindex", "_bindex", "_base", "_player", "_base_objects"];
systemChat str _this;
_pindex = _this select 0;
_bindex = _this select 1;
if (_pindex < 0 or _bindex < 0) exitWith {};
_base = BCBaseList select _bindex;
_player = BCNearbyList select _pindex;
_attach_position = player modelToWorld (_base select 2);
_attach_position set [2, getPosASL player select 2];
_base_objects = [_base select 3, _attach_position, _player] call fn_BCCreateBase;
[_base_objects] call fn_BCBuildbase;
fn_BCInsert = {
createdialog "TraderDialog";
lbClear 12000;
lbClear 12001;
ctrlShow [12005, false];
lbAdd [12001, format["%1 (%2)", _x select 1, _x select 0]];
} count BCBaseList;
BCNearbyList = [];
if (_x isKindOf "Man" and !(_x isKindOf "zZombie_base")) then {
BCNearbyList set [count BCNearbyList, _x];
lbAdd [12000, format["%1", name _x]];
} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 10]);
fn_BCSetCenter = {
private ["_centerSign"];
BC_radius = nil;
BC_Center = getPosASL player;
_centerSign = createVehicle ["Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_centerSign setPosASL BC_Center;
_centerSign spawn {sleep 30; deleteVehicle _this;};
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
fn_BCSetRadius = {
if (isNil "BC_Center") exitWith
systemChat "Center not set";
BC_radius = [player, BC_center] call BIS_fnc_distance2D;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
[] spawn {
private ["_pos", "_radius", "_angle", "_distance", "_count", "_step", "_count", "_step", "_objects"];
_angle = 0;
_count = round((2 * pi * BC_radius) / 2);
_objects = [];
for "_x" from 0 to _count do
private["_a", "_b", "_obj"];
_a = (BC_Center select 0) + (sin(_angle)*BC_radius);
_b = (BC_Center select 1) + (cos(_angle)*BC_radius);
_obj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj setPosASL [_a, _b, BC_center select 2];
_objects set [count _objects, _obj];
_angle = _angle + (360/_count);
for "_x" from 0 to _count do
private["_a", "_b", "_obj"];
_a = (BC_Center select 0) + (sin(_angle)*BC_radius);
_b = (BC_Center select 2) + (cos(_angle)*BC_radius);
_obj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj setPosASL [_a, BC_center select 1, _b];
_objects set [count _objects, _obj];
_angle = _angle + (360/_count);
for "_x" from 0 to _count do
private["_a", "_b", "_obj"];
_a = (BC_Center select 1) + (sin(_angle)*BC_radius);
_b = (BC_Center select 2) + (cos(_angle)*BC_radius);
_obj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_obj setPosASL [bC_center select 0, _a, _b];
_objects set [count _objects, _obj];
_angle = _angle + (360/_count);
sleep 30;
{deleteVehicle _x; true } count _objects;
fn_BCExport = {
private ["_objects", "_position", "_distance", "_nearest_objects", "_export","_i"];
if (isNil "BC_Center" or isNil "BC_radius") exitWith
systemChat "Center not set";
_objects = [];
_export = "";
_position = BC_center;
_distance = BC_radius;
_nearest_objects = nearestObjects [[_position select 0, _position select 1], dayz_allowedObjects, _distance];
_objectCount = count _nearest_objects;
_i = 1;
private ["_obj_type", "_direction", "_obj_position", "_relative_position", "_row"];
_obj_type = typeOf _x;
_direction = getDir _x;
_obj_position = getPosASL _x;
_relative_position = [
(_obj_position select 0) - (_position select 0),
(_obj_position select 1) - (_position select 1),
(_obj_position select 2) - (_position select 2)
_row = [_obj_type, _relative_position, _direction];
if(_i < _objectCount) then {
_export = _export + str(_row) + ",$$";
} else {
_export = _export + str(_row);
_row set [count _row, _x];
_objects set [count _objects, _row];
_i = _i + 1;
} count _nearest_objects;
EAT_baseExporter = _export;
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "EAT_baseExporter"};
systemChat format["Exported base to server\EpochAdminTools\Bases.sqf"];
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
// Tool use logger
if(logMinorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has exported a base",name _player,getPlayerUID _player];
publicVariable "usageLogger";
fn_BCCopy = {
private ["_objects", "_position", "_distance", "_nearest_objects"];
if (isNil "BC_Center" or isNil "BC_radius") exitWith
systemChat "Center not set";
_objects = [];
_position = BC_center;
_distance = BC_radius;
_nearest_objects = nearestObjects [[_position select 0, _position select 1], dayz_allowedObjects, _distance];
private ["_obj_type", "_direction", "_obj_position", "_relative_position", "_row"];
_obj_type = typeOf _x;
_direction = getDir _x;
_obj_position = getPosASL _x;
_relative_position = [
(_obj_position select 0) - (_position select 0),
(_obj_position select 1) - (_position select 1),
(_obj_position select 2) - (_position select 2)
_row = [_obj_type, _relative_position, _direction];
_row set [count _row, _x];
_objects set [count _objects, _row];
} count _nearest_objects;
systemChat format["Copied %1 items", count _nearest_objects];
BCCopiedBase = _objects;
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
fn_BCPaste = {
private ["_dimensions", "_attach_position", "_base_objects"];
if (isNil "BCCopiedBase") exitWith
systemChat "No base has been copied";
_dimensions = BCCopiedBase call fn_BCGetDimensions;
_attach_position = player modelToWorld [0, ((_dimensions select 0) max (_dimensions select 1)), 0];
diag_log str [0, ((_dimensions select 0) max (_dimensions select 1)), 0];
_attach_position set [2, getPosASL player select 2];
_base_objects = [bCCopiedBase, _attach_position] call fn_BCCreateBase;
[_base_objects] call fn_BCBuildbase;
// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has pasted a copied base",name _player,getPlayerUID _player];
[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(broadcastToolUse) then {
useBroadcaster = "Admin -- has placed a base";
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};
fn_BCDelete = {
BaseDestruction = [
["What should delete?",true],
["Finish",[2],"",-5,[["expression","[] spawn fn_BCConfirmDelete"]],"1","1"],
[format["Vehicles(%1)",BD_vehicles], [3], "", -5, [["expression", "BD_vehicles = !BD_vehicles; [] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"],
[format["PlotPoles(%1)",BD_PlotPoles], [4], "", -5, [["expression", "BD_PlotPoles = !BD_PlotPoles; [] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"],
[format["Buildables(%1)",BD_Buildables], [5], "", -5, [["expression", "BD_Buildables = !BD_Buildables; [] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BaseDestruction";
fn_BCConfirmDelete = {
private ["_position", "_distance", "_objectClasses", "_objects"];
if (isNil "BC_Center" or isNil "BC_radius") exitWith
systemChat "Center or radius not set";
if (!BD_Buildables && !BD_PlotPoles && !BD_vehicles) exitWith
systemChat "Nothing deleted. You set all options to false";
_position = BC_center;
_distance = BC_radius;
_objectClasses = [];
if (BD_Buildables) then {
_objectClasses = dayz_allowedObjects;
if (BD_vehicles) then {
_objectClasses = _objectClasses + ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"];
if (BD_PlotPoles) then {
_objectClasses = _objectClasses + ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];
} else {
_objectClasses = _objectClasses - ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];
_objects = nearestObjects [[_position select 0, _position select 1], _objectClasses, _distance];
//_x setDamage 1;
deleteVehicle _x;
_objectID = _x getVariable ["ObjectID", "0"];
_objectUID = _x getVariable ["ObjectUID", "0"];
PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID, _objectUID, (name player)];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
} forEach _objects;
[format["<t size='0.6'>Deleted %1 objects</t>", count _objects],0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has deleted %3 items using deletebase",name _player,getPlayerUID _player,count _objects];
[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(!((getPlayerUID _player) in SuperAdminList) && broadcastToolUse) then {
useBroadcaster = format["%1 -- has deleted base items",name _player];
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};
fn_BCSaveToDb = {
PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_x getVariable ["CharacterID", dayz_characterID],_x,[getDir _x, getPosATL _x], typeOf _x];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";
} count BCCurrentBase;
[format["<t size='0.6'>Added %1 objects to database</t>", count BCCurrentBase],0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has placed a saved base",name _player,getPlayerUID _player];
[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(!((getPlayerUID _player) in SuperAdminList) && broadcastToolUse) then {
useBroadcaster = format["%1 -- has placed a base",name _player];
[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};
fn_BCCancelBase = {
detach _x; deleteVehicle _x;
} count BCCurrentBase;
BCCurrentBase = [];
["<t size='0.6'>Cancelled</t>",0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
fn_BCCenter = {
private ["_ax", "_ay", "_az", "_total"];
_ax = 0;
_ay = 0;
_az = 0;
private ["_pos"];
_pos = getPosASL _x;
_ax = _ax + (_pos select 0);
_ay = _ay + (_pos select 1);
_az = _az + (_pos select 2);
} count _this;
_total = count _this;
_center = [_ax / _total, _ay / _total, _az / _total];
fn_BCCreateBase = {
private ["_objects", "_items", "_position", "_player"];
_objects = [];
_items = _this select 0;
_position = _this select 1;
if (count _this == 3) then {
_player = _this select 2;
private ["_object", "_orig_obj"];
_object = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object setPosASL [
((_x select 1) select 0) + (_position select 0),
((_x select 1) select 1) + (_position select 1),
((_x select 1) select 2) + (_position select 2) 
_object attachTo [player];
_object setDir ((_x select 2) - getDir player);
if (count _x == 4) then {
_orig_obj = _x select 3;
_object setVariable ["CharacterID", _orig_obj getVariable ["CharacterID", ""], true];
if (!isNil "_player") then {
_object setVariable ["CharacterID", (_player getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]), true];
_objects set [count _objects, _object];
} count _items;
fn_BCBuildbase = {
private ["_base_objects", "_finished", "_place"];
_base_objects = _this select 0;
_x attachTo [player];
} count _base_objects;
_finished = false;
DZE_Q = false;
DZE_Z = false;
DZE_4 = false;
DZE_6 = false;
DZE_5 = false;
DZE_cancelBuilding = false;
_place = false;
while {!_finished} do {
private ["_player_direction"];
["<t size='0.6'>SPACE: Place | Q/R: Rotate | PgUp/PgDn: Height</t>",0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
_player_direction = getDir player;
if (DZE_Q or DZE_Z) then {
private ["_obj_direction", "_position"];
detach _x;
_obj_direction = getDir _x;
_position = getPosASL _x;
_position set [2, (_position select 2) + (if (DZE_Q) then {0.5} else {-0.5})];
_x setPosASL _position;
_x attachTo [player];
_x setDir (_obj_direction - _player_direction);
} count _base_objects;
DZE_Q = false;
DZE_Z = false;
if (DZE_4 or DZE_6) then {
private ["_center_position"];
_center_position = _base_objects call fn_BCCenter;
private ["_position", "_obj_direction", "_dif_direction", "_new_direction", "_distance", "_rotated_position"];
detach _x;
_position = getPosASL _x;
_obj_direction = ([_center_position, _position] call BIS_fnc_dirTo);
_dif_direction = if (DZE_4) then {10} else {-10};
_new_direction = _obj_direction + _dif_direction;
_distance = [_center_position, _position] call BIS_fnc_distance2D;
_obj_direction = getDir _x;
_rotated_position = [_center_position, _distance, _new_direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_rotated_position set [2, _position select 2];
_x setPosASL _rotated_position;
_x attachTo [player];
_x setDir (((_obj_direction - _player_direction) + _dif_direction) % 360);
} count _base_objects;
DZE_4 = false;
DZE_6 = false;
if(DZE_5) exitWith {
_finished = true;
_place = true;
if (DZE_cancelBuilding) exitWith {
_finished = true;
_place = false;
sleep 0.1;
{detach _x; true} count _base_objects;
BCCurrentBase = _base_objects;
if (_place) then {
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCBaseSaveMenu";
} else {
call fn_BCCancelBase;
fn_BCGetDimensions = {
private ["_xmin", "_xmax", "_ymin", "_ymax"];
_xmin = 0;
_xmax = 0;
_ymin = 0;
_ymax = 0;
private ["_position"];
_position = _x select 1;
if ((_position select 0) < _xmin) then {
_xmin = _position select 0;
if ((_position select 0) > _xmax) then {
_xmax = _position select 0;
if ((_position select 1) < _ymin) then {
_ymin = _position select 1;
if ((_position select 1) > _ymax) then {
_ymax = _position select 1;
} count _this;
[abs _xmin + abs _xmax, abs _ymin + abs _ymax]
BCMainMenu =
["Base Manager",true],
["Insert", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCInsert"]], "1", "1"],
["Export to sqf",[3], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCExport"]], "1", "1"],
["===========,  [], "", -5, [["expression", "]], "1", "0"],
["Set Center", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCSetCenter"]], "1", "1"],
["Set Radius", [5], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCSetRadius"]], "1", "1"],
["===========,  [], "", -5, [["expression", "]], "1", "0"],
["Copy", [6], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCCopy"]], "1", "1"],
["Paste", [7], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCPaste"]], "1", "1"],
["Delete", [8], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCDelete"]], "1", "1"],
["===========,  [], "", -5, [["expression", "]], "1", "0"],
["Exit", [9], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
BCBaseSaveMenu = [
["Save", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCSaveToDb"]], "1", "1"],
["Exit", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "[] spawn fn_BCCancelBase"]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:BCMainMenu";
TraderDialogLoadItemList = _TraderDialogLoadItemList;
TraderDialogShowPrices = _TraderDialogShowPrices;
TraderDialogSell = _TraderDialogSell;


First select your name (or someone elses name) and then select the base.

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nox i needed to add "EAT_serverMessageServer" exception on publicvariable.txt otherwise i would get kicked when i use the "send message to server"



i started letting players use the m240 nest and whenever a players gets in, the nest gets teleported lil bit back

the server RPT gets spams with


TELEPORT REVERT for player ....

TELEPORT REVERT for player ....

TELEPORT REVERT for player ....


i thinking this is from the antihack ?

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nox i needed to add "EAT_serverMessageServer" exception on publicvariable.txt otherwise i would get kicked when i use the "send message to server"



i started letting players use the m240 nest and whenever a players gets in, the nest gets teleported lil bit back

the server RPT gets spams with


TELEPORT REVERT for player ....

TELEPORT REVERT for player ....

TELEPORT REVERT for player ....


i thinking this is from the antihack ?


I forgot about the filters for the new variables. Those will be up in about 10 minutes. As for the nest issue, that has to deal with the game generally. The antiteleport is part of epoch. The current antihack in the tool is basically the epoch antihack with an exception for admin teleporting. It hasn't been improved upon yet.


You might be able to fix this by setting a higher acceptable distance or top speed in the antihack, but I'm not sure if you want something like that.

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1.9.2 will release very soon. Does anyone have bugs to bring up from the test branch before this update is fully released?


Logi has made a very nice GUI for the tool that will be used with version 2.0 (possibly sooner as the main point of 2.0 is to have it moved to server side and to completely update the tool)


This version is usable, but some items are not working entirely. If you want to help with the testing you can get the latest changes for it in the version 2.0 test branch. https://github.com/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/tree/TestBranch-v2.0.0

Like always, post a simple bug report here and the issue will be addressed.


Only bug we found so far is sometimes after a teleport the admin mode doesn't work and admin get killed (ex: teleport to a AI mission)

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I have one semester left at school and I have the liberty to take whatever I want. I have managed to persuade the new game design instructor to allow me to use this project as a semester design project. This is great news for the tool because I will not just have more time to work on the tool, I will be required to.

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Only bug we found so far is sometimes after a teleport the admin mode doesn't work and admin get killed (ex: teleport to a AI mission)


Working on testing this out. So far I only have issues if I teleport into a safe zone. Does this always happen when going to an AI mission?

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Do you think I should include a safezone script within the admin tool?
It would be set for users to enable or disable it and it would most likely only work for the 3 main safe zones for ease of install. I may have an area where you can set coordinates for other safezones though.


Go ahead and leave a like on this comment if you do want it, this will be a good way for me to decide yes or no on the subject. Still leave a comment if you have more input on the subject.

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Do you think I should include a safezone script within the admin tool?

It would be set for users to enable or disable it and it would most likely only work for the 3 main safe zones for ease of install. I may have an area where you can set coordinates for other safezones though.

I've never really played on a server that didn't have safe zones, but I've only played pvp. As always the more things that can be bundled together the better, makes installs and script conflicts much easier to manage. I'd say go for it.

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Idea. Have either a setting you can enable/disable for every permission level or make it just for a certain mod level, where the tools are only active when a player has submitted a support ticket. Could help combat admin abuse. Thoughts?

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Idea. Have either a setting you can enable/disable for every permission level or make it just for a certain mod level, where the tools are only active when a player has submitted a support ticket. Could help combat admin abuse. Thoughts?


I could, but that sounds more like a feature for the admin tools lite. The tool allows for fixing problems and running events. The lite version is more for just fixing problems. If they are only active when someone needs help then anything used for events is useless.

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I'm sorry if this has been covered already, but I've installed this, and everything works great, but I've noticed that even if I'm building from items I have in my inventory, I believe the admin build is taking effect as it gives me the fast build and does not use the item from my gear. I've been trying to search for a way to change that but I haven't been able to find an answer. I was hoping maybe someone here could give me an answer on how to change it up, even if I have to remove the admin build as I actually don't really plan on using this tool.




Johnny Bravo

Outsiders Gaming

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