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I added that and looking to see if that helps.

I followed what the tut showed lol. Only thing i couldn't edit was what i posted. I installed this successfully 4 times on my dayz.st server. this host is just different.


I can't see the admin menu when in game. I believe it is because I couldn't do this part of the tut.


Find this code in your init.sqf:

//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf"; <------- don't have this line in my init file.
And place the following code above it:

// Epoch Admin Tools
[] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";

Because everything else on the tut is done correctly. I have checked over many times to make sure it is now and either A im missing something or B this program hates me now that i switched to a new host.


Just add that adminlist line ABOVE where you put [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf" so it looks like this:

[] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
[] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";

I have installed it, but i am a bit confused about adding my steam ID instead of UID. Do i place it at the same place? And is it the Whole ID? (STEAM_0:0*********)




This is NOT your steam ID. Send me a pm with that number set and I will pm you back your REAL steam ID. You could also just look in your profile of arma 2 and find it there.




I didn,t have to change the script at all. Once i logged in once with the new version i just opened the sql tables and got the new steam uid and added it to the admin list in place of the old.worked.


Still get a wierd error about a undefined variable in the report log but it works.


That undefined variable thing is fixed in 1.9 It won't cause any issues for the tool or server.

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that seemed to fix the menu not showing up. Only issue now is getting kicked by battlEye for some vehicles that i spawn in. ones that have missiles


Battleye filters, No real issue though considering those most likely shouldn't be used unless you and some friends are blowing eachother up (which is hilariously fun with god mode on because you go flying)

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Battleye filters, No real issue though considering those most likely shouldn't be used unless you and some friends are blowing eachother up (which is hilariously fun with god mode on because you go flying)


yeah that's what we do at times when the server is empty and we get bored after a long day. lol is there anyway of bypassing the filters?

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Hate to ask but when is 1.9 coming out? Looking forward to all the new tools.


These are the open items being worked on for 1.9 https://github.com/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/milestones/1.9


There is already almost 100 new commits, but it is only around half done. 1.9 is a major update to get ready for the conversion to 2.0


Currently 1.9 test branch is stable enough to use on a server as far as I know.

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Just FYI, there are A LOT of undefined variables floating around in this admin tool...


Here is a fix for a couple of them.


Inside ESPPlayer.sqf need to change the bottom if\else statement to the following... Currently the ESPPlayer is trying to gather info on 10 crewman in each vehicle... this will add checks to only gather info on crewman that are REALLY in the vehicle.

            if ((side _x == side player) && (side player != resistance)) then


                _vehname = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));

                _numCrew = count crew(vehicle _x);

                _crew =            (name (crew (vehicle _x) select 0));

                if(numCrew>1) then {_crew2 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 1));};

                if(numCrew>2) then {_crew3 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 2));};

                if(numCrew>3) then {_crew4 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 3));};

                if(numCrew>4) then {_crew5 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 4));};

                if(numCrew>5) then {_crew6 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 5));};

                if(numCrew>6) then {_crew7 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 6));};

                if(numCrew>7) then {_crew8 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 7));};

                if(numCrew>8) then {_crew9 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 8));};

                if(numCrew>9) then {_crew10 =    ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 9));};

                group _x setGroupIconParams [_color_blue, format ["[%2]-[%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11]-[%1m]",round(_x distance player),_vehname,_crew,_crew2,_crew3,_crew4,_crew5,_crew6,_crew7,_crew8,_crew9,_crew10], 0.5, true];




                _numCrew = count crew(vehicle _x);

                _vehname = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));

                _crew =            (name (crew (vehicle _x) select 0));

                if(numCrew>1) then {_crew2 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 1));};

                if(numCrew>2) then {_crew3 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 2));};

                if(numCrew>3) then {_crew4 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 3));};

                if(numCrew>4) then {_crew5 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 4));};

                if(numCrew>5) then {_crew6 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 5));};

                if(numCrew>6) then {_crew7 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 6));};

                if(numCrew>7) then {_crew8 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 7));};

                if(numCrew>8) then {_crew9 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 8));};

                if(numCrew>9) then {_crew10 =    ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 9));

                group _x setGroupIconParams [_color_red, format ["[%2]-[%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11]-[%1m]",round(_x distance player),_vehname,_crew,_crew2,_crew3,_crew4,_crew5,_crew6,_crew7,_crew8,_crew9,_crew10], 0.5, true];



Next undefined variable I encountered was "toggleCheck" so in ESPenhanced.sqf add in the START OF CONFIG section...

if (isNil "toggleCheck") then {toggleCheck = 2;};

Also in ESPenhanced.sqf... _veh is undefined due to a for statement being ran one too many times... Roughly at line 171 change the for loop to a forEach loop (I left the parts that are useless now commented out)...:

            vehList = allmissionobjects "LandVehicle" + allmissionobjects "Air" + allmissionobjects "Boat";

            //j = count vehList;

            i = 0;

            //for "i" from 0 to j do


                //veh = vehList select i;

                _name = gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _x) >> "displayName");

                pos = position _x;

                deleteMarkerLocal ("vehMarker"+ (str i));

                MarkerVeh = "vehMarker" + (str i);


                MarkerVeh = createMarkerLocal ParamsVeh;

                MarkerVeh setMarkerTypeLocal VehicleMarkerType;

                MarkerVeh setMarkerSizeLocal GlobalMarkerSize;

                MarkerVeh setMarkerPosLocal (pos);

                MarkerVeh setMarkerColorLocal(VehicleMarkerColor);

                MarkerVeh setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",_name];


            } forEach vehList;


EDIT: found that this section had to be changed as well for the vehicle markers to delete...

    If (!AddVehicleToMap && changed) then
            deleteMarkerLocal ("vehMarker"+ (str i));
        } forEach vehList;

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I am getting battleye kick from trying to heal.


Kick information?


Just FYI, there are A LOT of undefined variables floating around in this admin tool...


Here is a fix for a couple of them.


Inside ESPPlayer.sqf need to change the bottom if\else statement to the following... Currently the ESPPlayer is trying to gather info on 10 crewman in each vehicle... this will add checks to only gather info on crewman that are REALLY in the vehicle.

            if ((side _x == side player) && (side player != resistance)) then


                _vehname = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));

                _numCrew = count crew(vehicle _x);

                _crew =            (name (crew (vehicle _x) select 0));

                if(numCrew>1) then {_crew2 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 1));};

                if(numCrew>2) then {_crew3 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 2));};

                if(numCrew>3) then {_crew4 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 3));};

                if(numCrew>4) then {_crew5 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 4));};

                if(numCrew>5) then {_crew6 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 5));};

                if(numCrew>6) then {_crew7 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 6));};

                if(numCrew>7) then {_crew8 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 7));};

                if(numCrew>8) then {_crew9 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 8));};

                if(numCrew>9) then {_crew10 =    ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 9));};

                group _x setGroupIconParams [_color_blue, format ["[%2]-[%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11]-[%1m]",round(_x distance player),_vehname,_crew,_crew2,_crew3,_crew4,_crew5,_crew6,_crew7,_crew8,_crew9,_crew10], 0.5, true];




                _numCrew = count crew(vehicle _x);

                _vehname = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));

                _crew =            (name (crew (vehicle _x) select 0));

                if(numCrew>1) then {_crew2 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 1));};

                if(numCrew>2) then {_crew3 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 2));};

                if(numCrew>3) then {_crew4 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 3));};

                if(numCrew>4) then {_crew5 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 4));};

                if(numCrew>5) then {_crew6 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 5));};

                if(numCrew>6) then {_crew7 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 6));};

                if(numCrew>7) then {_crew8 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 7));};

                if(numCrew>8) then {_crew9 =        ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 8));};

                if(numCrew>9) then {_crew10 =    ", "+(name (crew (vehicle _x) select 9));

                group _x setGroupIconParams [_color_red, format ["[%2]-[%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11]-[%1m]",round(_x distance player),_vehname,_crew,_crew2,_crew3,_crew4,_crew5,_crew6,_crew7,_crew8,_crew9,_crew10], 0.5, true];



Next undefined variable I encountered was "toggleCheck" so in ESPenhanced.sqf add in the START OF CONFIG section...

if (isNil "toggleCheck") then {toggleCheck = 0;};

Also in ESPenhanced.sqf... _veh is undefined due to a for statement being ran one too many times... Roughly at line 171 change the for loop to a forEach loop (I left the parts that are useless now commented out)...:

            vehList = allmissionobjects "LandVehicle" + allmissionobjects "Air" + allmissionobjects "Boat";

            //j = count vehList;

            i = 0;

            //for "i" from 0 to j do


                //veh = vehList select i;

                _name = gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _x) >> "displayName");

                pos = position _x;

                deleteMarkerLocal ("vehMarker"+ (str i));

                MarkerVeh = "vehMarker" + (str i);


                MarkerVeh = createMarkerLocal ParamsVeh;

                MarkerVeh setMarkerTypeLocal VehicleMarkerType;

                MarkerVeh setMarkerSizeLocal GlobalMarkerSize;

                MarkerVeh setMarkerPosLocal (pos);

                MarkerVeh setMarkerColorLocal(VehicleMarkerColor);

                MarkerVeh setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1",_name];


            } forEach vehList;


I believe this has already been fixed in the 1.9 test, but it will still be looked into. There are a lot of variable fixes and cleanups.

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I tried searching, but could not find anything.  I have an issue with the test branch where 90% of the times I join the game, function keys do not work.  F4 works for admin settings, but the rest don't.


Oh, and no errors in the RPT logs.



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I tried searching, but could not find anything.  I have an issue with the test branch where 90% of the times I join the game, function keys do not work.  F4 works for admin settings, but the rest don't.


Oh, and no errors in the RPT logs.




This is being fixed. f3cuk has found a possible permanent fix to where they ALWAYS work now. This fix should be put in today or tomorrow.

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@OneManGang you probably are not excluding your admins from the antihack that prevents TPing.  I am assuming u move for a second and then go right back to where you were?



[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";



 if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then
     [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
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@OneManGang you probably are not excluding your admins from the antihack that prevents TPing.  I am assuming u move for a second and then go right back to where you were?



[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";


 if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then
     [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

I can teleport fine but if i try the teleport to me they pop in for only a sec then go back to their original place.

I have to get a vehicle tell them to get in and then teleport while inside to move them.

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I didn,t have to change the script at all. Once i logged in once with the new version i just opened to  sql tables and got the new steam uid and added it to the admin list in place of the old.worked.


Still get a wierd error about a undefined variable in the report log but it works.

Found a fix for the activate error saying undifined variable. Guy named Face on the boards posted to move the activate.sql call from the bottom  to right below the admin.sql call. No errors now and all seems to work.

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Sorry was a busy late night and forgot to snag it. lol I am able to heal myself no issue but when i try and heal someone within a certain distance. I get  (BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #2)


You must be using the test branch. I haven't added the filter for it, but I should probably do that right now.


publicvariable.txt filter:


find this:

5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="PVDZ_Server_Simulation"

add this at the end:

 !="toClient" !="usageLogger" !="useBroadcaster"

should look like this:

5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="PVDZ_Server_Simulation" !="toClient" !="usageLogger" !="useBroadcaster"
5 "remExFP" !="\"remExFP\" = \[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]" !"\[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]"
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Hi Nox,

Sorry i havent been helping you out with this the last couple of days. Been busy with some other dayz stuff :P. Just wanted to confirm the fix for functionskeys is working great and you should implement it in the new version :) You can safely take out all the sleep timers as well.


Hope i'm able to help you a bit on this soon :)

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I can teleport fine but if i try the teleport to me they pop in for only a sec then go back to their original place.

I have to get a vehicle tell them to get in and then teleport while inside to move them.

Yeah, this is happening to me too. I have the anti hack exception and everything works great. Just can't TP others to me.

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Hi Nox,

Sorry i havent been helping you out with this the last couple of days. Been busy with some other dayz stuff :P. Just wanted to confirm the fix for functionskeys is working great and you should implement it in the new version :) You can safely take out all the sleep timers as well.


Hope i'm able to help you a bit on this soon :)


Its fine.

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