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Ah yeah, doesn't work btw. Seems you cannot call a server side script on the client side. Maybe this could be achieved with a eventhandler that listens to a client set var.



Something like, put that in your server side mission folder.

publicvariable 		_AdminMissionCMD;
_lastCMD 			= "";

waituntil{!isNil "_AdminMissionCMD"};

if(_AdminMissionCMD != _lastCMD) then { //This is shit but didnt know how to do it better
	_lastCMD 	= _AdminMissionCMD;
	_type 		= _AdminMissionCMD select 0;

	switch(_type) do {

		case "start" : {

			_mission = _AdminMissionCMD select 1;

			if(isNil "_mission") then {
				_mission = wai_missions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			execVM format ["missions\%1.sqf",_mission];

			missionrunning = true;
			_startTime = floor(time);

			diag_log format["WAI: Starting mission %1",_mission];


		case "stop" : {
			clean_running_mission = true;

		default {

			diag_log format["ADMIN MISSION CMD: NO VALID INPUT %1", _AdminMissionCMD];



Then all you need to do is set the _AdminMissionCMD somewhere client side with a array like _AdminMissionCMD = ["start", "bandit_base"] and you should be good to go.


Edit: Read into the publiceventhandler a bit more and think it supposed to work like this.

"AdminMissionCMD" addPublicVariableEventHandler {

	_type 		= _this select 0;

	switch(_type) do {

		case "start" : {

			_mission = _this select 1;

			if(isNil "_mission") then {
				_mission = wai_missions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			execVM format ["missions\%1.sqf",_mission];

			missionrunning = true;
			_startTime = floor(time);

			diag_log format["WAI: Starting mission %1",_mission];


		case "stop" : {
			clean_running_mission = true;

		default {

			diag_log format["ADMIN MISSION CMD: NO VALID INPUT %1", _this];


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Line 1 of your activate.sqf has a mistake in it.  Check it over closely.

No that's not it i think. It's just that the adminlist.sqf hasnt properly loaded yet. Try something like this, add that directly above where you call the activate.sqf

waitUntil{!isNil "AdminList"};
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Ah yeah, doesn't work btw. Seems you cannot call a server side script on the client side. Maybe this could be achieved with a eventhandler that listens to a client set var.



Something like, put that in your server side mission folder.

publicvariable 		_AdminMissionCMD;
_lastCMD 			= "";

waituntil{!isNil "_AdminMissionCMD"};

if(_AdminMissionCMD != _lastCMD) then { //This is shit but didnt know how to do it better
	_lastCMD 	= _AdminMissionCMD;
	_type 		= _AdminMissionCMD select 0;

	switch(_type) do {

		case "start" : {

			_mission = _AdminMissionCMD select 1;

			if(isNil "_mission") then {
				_mission = wai_missions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			execVM format ["missions\%1.sqf",_mission];

			missionrunning = true;
			_startTime = floor(time);

			diag_log format["WAI: Starting mission %1",_mission];


		case "stop" : {
			clean_running_mission = true;

		default {

			diag_log format["ADMIN MISSION CMD: NO VALID INPUT %1", _AdminMissionCMD];



Then all you need to do is set the _AdminMissionCMD somewhere client side with a array like _AdminMissionCMD = ["start", "bandit_base"] and you should be good to go.


Edit: Read into the publiceventhandler a bit more and think it supposed to work like this.

"AdminMissionCMD" addPublicVariableEventHandler {

	_type 		= _this select 0;

	switch(_type) do {

		case "start" : {

			_mission = _this select 1;

			if(isNil "_mission") then {
				_mission = wai_missions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			execVM format ["missions\%1.sqf",_mission];

			missionrunning = true;
			_startTime = floor(time);

			diag_log format["WAI: Starting mission %1",_mission];


		case "stop" : {
			clean_running_mission = true;

		default {

			diag_log format["ADMIN MISSION CMD: NO VALID INPUT %1", _this];



killzone kid has some pretty good and easy to understand scripting tutorials




he covers pveh in that one. not sure if you've already read his guides or not. but it might be helpful for what you're trying to accomplish

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killzone kid has some pretty good and easy to understand scripting tutorials




he covers pveh in that one. not sure if you've already read his guides or not. but it might be helpful for what you're trying to accomplish


Wow did not know those exist. Thanks! With the scribble i posted earlier i wasn't even that far away from a decent solution lol :P

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I just installed this on my 2nd server and some reason when someone dies now. they re-spawn right where their dead body is, which duplicates their gear (they spawn back in as if they didn't die).


Also when spawning in temp vehicles now if you try getting in them they either blow up or disappear. lol

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I just installed this on my 2nd server and some reason when someone dies now. they re-spawn right where their dead body is, which duplicates their gear (they spawn back in as if they didn't die).


Also when spawning in temp vehicles now if you try getting in them they either blow up or disappear. lol


When people spawn in next to their body it usually means they have been teleported and killed before their character has updated. It just so happens I have been looking into this issue just today and think i may have found a fix, need to test it first though.

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When people spawn in next to their body it usually means they have been teleported and killed before their character has updated. It just so happens I have been looking into this issue just today and think i may have found a fix, need to test it first though.


Haven't seen this issue since before I joined the project. It can probably be fixed by forcing a character update to the server. This is most likely caused by either a slow database, database backlog, or slow computer. I will do some testing with it, but I think increasing the buffers can help sort this out for slower computers. I had to do something like that on a test machine as it had trouble handling normal server operations with no mods (vehicles not saving or moving back large distances on restart).

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New updates to the test branch. The logger is working perfectly, tool broadcasting can be enabled in the adminlist.sqf to broadcast tool use to players (not include small items and stealth items for watching bad players).


You must follow the new readme. There are some changes as to how the tool is called in init.sqf

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When people spawn in next to their body it usually means they have been teleported and killed before their character has updated. It just so happens I have been looking into this issue just today and think i may have found a fix, need to test it first though.



Haven't seen this issue since before I joined the project. It can probably be fixed by forcing a character update to the server. This is most likely caused by either a slow database, database backlog, or slow computer. I will do some testing with it, but I think increasing the buffers can help sort this out for slower computers. I had to do something like that on a test machine as it had trouble handling normal server operations with no mods (vehicles not saving or moving back large distances on restart).


I haven't had any issue with this happening till I moved this tool over to my survival server host. Wondering if i may have installed it wrong as my files didn't have 1 of the items i needed to change (so i placed it in the spot the change needed to go). Along with that I am getting kicked by battleye when spawning in vehicles/using them. like the MLRS


Also where is the link to the test branch? lol i may be just looking over it but cant find it. 

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test: https://github.com/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/tree/TestBranch



Just for info on your part, so you know how to in the future.

How to change branches on github: https://help.github.com/articles/viewing-branches-in-your-repository



As for the item you added that didn't exist you should tell me, that is a very bad thing to do, if it is not there always ask. You are most likely referring to the antihack line and if so, then you need to delete that addition. It will cause lots of unforseen problems. Exploding of cars is caused by pbo edits not done right. Kicking is caused by battleye filters not added (or overwritten by you with a different mod).

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I am not able to add this to my survival servers files. As i can not find any hack even thou im sure it uses battleye


// Epoch Admin Tools
if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf"; // Epoch Antihack <--- this line is no where in my pbo


I reinstalled the whole thing and added the battleye files but im still getting kicked by battleye when i spawn certain vehicles like the M270 MLRS


Error given:

You where kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Public Variable Restriction #0)
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The testbranch is not stable yet. Dont use it if you do not know what you are doing, or - like me - don't care if you mess up.



It doesn't matter that you dont have that line. That is just some extra antihack stuff that is Dayz native, you don't need it to run BE. The only thing that line does is make an exception for admins and mods not to load that file.

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The testbranch is not stable yet. Dont use it if you do not know what you are doing, or - like me - don't care if you mess up.



It doesn't matter that you dont have that line. That is just some extra antihack stuff that is Dayz native, you don't need it to run BE. The only thing that line does is make an exception for admins and mods not to load that file.


Yeah I fixed the issue but still got kicked so I switched back to the stable build. which i can't get to work lol due to not being able to find this:

//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";
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Try to add !="usageLogger" at the end of  the first line of publicvariable.txt and see if that helps.

5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="norrinRAlie" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzPlayerLogin" !="dayzPlayerLogin2" !"PVAHR_" !="PVAH_AdminReq" !="PVAH_WriteLogReq" !="usageLogger"
5 "norrn" !="norrnRACarUp" !="norrnRAPicUp" !="norrnRaDrag" !="norrnR180" !="norrnRalie" !="norrnRLact" !="norrnRALW" !="norrnRDead"
5 "usec" !="usecMorphine" !="usecBandage" !="usecBleed"
5 "PVDZE_" !"PVDZE_player" !="PVDZE_send" !="PVDZE_log_lockUnlock" !="PVDZE_Server_Simulation" !="PVDZE_veh_Update" !="PVDZE_plr_GutBody" !="PVDZE_plr_GutBodyZ" !="PVDZE_veh_Lock" !="PVDZE_plr_DeathB" !="PVDZE_maintainArea" !="PVDZE_obj_Publish" !="PVDZE_obj_Swap" !="PVDZE_plr_Save" !="PVDZE_obj_Delete" !="PVDZE_obj_Trade" !="PVDZE_veh_Publish2" !="PVDZE_zed_Spawn" !="PVDZE_plr_Died" !="PVDZE_plr_TradeMenu" !="PVDZE_veh_Upgrade" !="PVDZE_atp" !="PVDZE_plr_Login" !="PVDZE_plr_Login2" !="PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord" !="PVDZE_plr_DeathBResult" !="PVDZE_veh_SFix" !="PVDZE_plr_Hit" !="PVDZE_plr_HitV" !="PVDZE_veh_SFuel" !="PVDZE_plr_HideBody" !="PVDZE_plr_Morph" !="PVDZE_veh_Publish" !="PVDZE_plr_Characters" !="PVDZE_lockVault" !="PVDZE_obj_setlocalVars" !="PVDZE_obj_getlocalVars"
5 "PVAHR_" !"PVAHR_0_"
5 "remExFP" !="\"remExFP\" = \[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]" !"\[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]"
5 "fnc_plyrHit"
1 "PVAHR_0_"
1 "Delete"
Since the usageLogger is not included in the 1.8.2. release i'm pretty sure you didn't properly reinstall :P
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Try to add !="usageLogger" at the end of  the first line of publicvariable.txt and see if that helps.

5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="norrinRAlie" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzPlayerLogin" !="dayzPlayerLogin2" !"PVAHR_" !="PVAH_AdminReq" !="PVAH_WriteLogReq" !="usageLogger"
5 "norrn" !="norrnRACarUp" !="norrnRAPicUp" !="norrnRaDrag" !="norrnR180" !="norrnRalie" !="norrnRLact" !="norrnRALW" !="norrnRDead"
5 "usec" !="usecMorphine" !="usecBandage" !="usecBleed"
5 "PVDZE_" !"PVDZE_player" !="PVDZE_send" !="PVDZE_log_lockUnlock" !="PVDZE_Server_Simulation" !="PVDZE_veh_Update" !="PVDZE_plr_GutBody" !="PVDZE_plr_GutBodyZ" !="PVDZE_veh_Lock" !="PVDZE_plr_DeathB" !="PVDZE_maintainArea" !="PVDZE_obj_Publish" !="PVDZE_obj_Swap" !="PVDZE_plr_Save" !="PVDZE_obj_Delete" !="PVDZE_obj_Trade" !="PVDZE_veh_Publish2" !="PVDZE_zed_Spawn" !="PVDZE_plr_Died" !="PVDZE_plr_TradeMenu" !="PVDZE_veh_Upgrade" !="PVDZE_atp" !="PVDZE_plr_Login" !="PVDZE_plr_Login2" !="PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord" !="PVDZE_plr_DeathBResult" !="PVDZE_veh_SFix" !="PVDZE_plr_Hit" !="PVDZE_plr_HitV" !="PVDZE_veh_SFuel" !="PVDZE_plr_HideBody" !="PVDZE_plr_Morph" !="PVDZE_veh_Publish" !="PVDZE_plr_Characters" !="PVDZE_lockVault" !="PVDZE_obj_setlocalVars" !="PVDZE_obj_getlocalVars"
5 "PVAHR_" !"PVAHR_0_"
5 "remExFP" !="\"remExFP\" = \[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]" !"\[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]"
5 "fnc_plyrHit"
1 "PVAHR_0_"
1 "Delete"
Since the usageLogger is not included in the 1.8.2. release i'm pretty sure you didn't properly reinstall :P



I added that and looking to see if that helps.

I followed what the tut showed lol. Only thing i couldn't edit was what i posted. I installed this successfully 4 times on my dayz.st server. this host is just different.


I can't see the admin menu when in game. I believe it is because I couldn't do this part of the tut.


Find this code in your init.sqf:

//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf"; <------- don't have this line in my init file.
And place the following code above it:

// Epoch Admin Tools
[] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";

Because everything else on the tut is done correctly. I have checked over many times to make sure it is now and either A im missing something or B this program hates me now that i switched to a new host.

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I didn,t have to change the script at all. Once i logged in once with the new version i just opened the sql tables and got the new steam uid and added it to the admin list in place of the old.worked.


Still get a wierd error about a undefined variable in the report log but it works.

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