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[Release] DayZ Mission System


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I misunderstood him. I thought he meant to remove the double [[ I had on the first line. I totally missed the rest. The example should probably be clarified, showing multiple points.


Anyway, onto another problem. Most of the missions on Napf spawn well into the south part of the map. Any way to adjust it, other than putting lots of custom spawn points?

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Hi Vampire,


First of all, thanks so much for this mod. Great job. I love your improvements.


I'm doing some testing on my test server and getting this mod ready for my test server.


One thing that I like having on the mission mods is a couple of units, usually one or two, that are guaranteed to spawn with a KSVK, M107, or AS50. I used to set this in the addserverunit.sqf files on the old systems. On your system what I tried doing was simply making Weapon Load Out 3 fit this criteria, and calling an AI spawn with 2 units at Skill level 3 in each mission sqf. However, i've noticed that more than the number of units i'm defining as skill level 3 are spawning with those weapons. Is there some kind of innate chance that the other skill levels upgrade on spawn or am I mission something else?


Another thing that i've noticed while testing is all of the AI, including bodies, disappearing and a new mission starting seemingly quicker than i would expect. Granted, i'm triggering this on my test server by teleporting into the middle of the mission area to make sure everything spawned quickly, so that triggers the "Mission Complete" text because of my proximity to the center of the missions, but it's only a couple of minutes later that i've seen everyone disappear, and I have Min Start time set to 1200 on both minor and major missions. While the method that gets me there is unusual, i'm concerned that during normal gameplay this would result in bodies disappearing before players were finished looting them. I have corpse despawn set to 2400.

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Just a note that since I use DZMS in conjunction with WAI , I use different colour markers for the missions. So major DZMS colour is red, minor is yellow and WAI missions are blue. My players seem to like the idea of tiered difficulty missions and this kinda makes it easier to notice other than the radius size of the ellipses.


Great work though it's giving my lot plenty to do ;D 


Thank you

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Hi Vampire,


First of all, thanks so much for this mod. Great job. I love your improvements.


I'm doing some testing on my test server and getting this mod ready for my test server.


One thing that I like having on the mission mods is a couple of units, usually one or two, that are guaranteed to spawn with a KSVK, M107, or AS50. I used to set this in the addserverunit.sqf files on the old systems. On your system what I tried doing was simply making Weapon Load Out 3 fit this criteria, and calling an AI spawn with 2 units at Skill level 3 in each mission sqf. However, i've noticed that more than the number of units i'm defining as skill level 3 are spawning with those weapons. Is there some kind of innate chance that the other skill levels upgrade on spawn or am I mission something else?


Another thing that i've noticed while testing is all of the AI, including bodies, disappearing and a new mission starting seemingly quicker than i would expect. Granted, i'm triggering this on my test server by teleporting into the middle of the mission area to make sure everything spawned quickly, so that triggers the "Mission Complete" text because of my proximity to the center of the missions, but it's only a couple of minutes later that i've seen everyone disappear, and I have Min Start time set to 1200 on both minor and major missions. While the method that gets me there is unusual, i'm concerned that during normal gameplay this would result in bodies disappearing before players were finished looting them. I have corpse despawn set to 2400.


Have you adjusted the unit count in the missions?

In the block of spawns for a mission, you'll usually see 3-4 of these lines.

[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

Which without the weird coords placement:

[[0,0,0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

The 0's in that are the coordinates, 6 is the unit count, and 1 is the skill level. So make sure your unitcount matches what you are trying to do.


In a recent update we decided to start cleaning up AI when the next mission of the same type runs, (major to major, minor to minor, etc) but we forgot to ignore dead AI. Its something we are currently working on fixing.

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Have you adjusted the unit count in the missions?

In the block of spawns for a mission, you'll usually see 3-4 of these lines.

[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

Which without the weird coords placement:

[[0,0,0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

The 0's in that are the coordinates, 6 is the unit count, and 1 is the skill level. So make sure your unitcount matches what you are trying to do.


In a recent update we decided to start cleaning up AI when the next mission of the same type runs, (major to major, minor to minor, etc) but we forgot to ignore dead AI. Its something we are currently working on fixing.


Yeah, I did account for that. Using your example, a typical missions for me  might look something like this:

[[0,0,0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
[[0,0,0],4,2,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
[[0,0,0],2,3,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

(Obviously there's a 3 or 5 second wait between each spawn, I'm just doing this off the top of my head)


So what I would expect, based on the Weapon configs in the ai config file, is that 6 AI would spawn with the basic-ish weapons defined in Weps 1, 4 would spawn with the military weapons defined in Weps 2, and 2 would spawn with the anti-material sniper rifles that I defined in Weps 3.


In reality, I saw 5 or 6 AI with Anti-Material sniper rifles on the EM1 mission (C130), despite having only 2 level 3 AI called.


This may be happening more frequently than people realize. By default all 3 Weps are a mix of weapons and it might be hard to recognize this. It be worth testing with just one weapon in each Weapon config to see exactly what each AI is spawning with. I might try that this afternoon if I have some time after work.

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0, 1, and 2 are the skill levels, least for me.


I'm using 1.0 though, and not the most recent. I haven't had time to mess with the newer releases. I noticed that some of my AI were spawning without guns and then found out that 0 = skill 1, 1 = skill 2, and 2 = skill 3.


I think you're right. I've adjusted that ant it seems to be working now.

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Can I use the map editor to create my own missions for DZMS? I mean will the coords created with the editor work?


How I did it is place a flagpole on NWAF, then place the mission objects around it, and then ATVs to mark AI spawn points.

Then you need to go through the code and do the math to get the object positions in relation to the flag pole.



Any ETA on static m2's or something to combat players in vehicles?


Static M2's are planned for v1.2. The current version does have RPGs though.

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waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


20:12:05 Error position: <DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


20:12:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmindone

20:12:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 42

20:12:05 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];

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