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[Release] DayZ Mission System


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You have to adjust all the spawn lines in each file.

[[(_coords select 0) + 0.0352,(_coords select 1) - 6.8799, 0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

The 6 above is the amount of units per group but normally a mission has 4 groups each.

Major SM1 spawns 20 AI for example (6,6,4,4).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just updated the github to add Static AI. Now you can fill your AI Bases with DZMS AI.


I have also adjusted some code to allow the addition of 50 cals. If someone wants to get some locations set up in the existing missions I will add them and setup the config for it.

Here's a code snippet you can add to missions to configure them manually for now.

	_m2 = createVehicle ["M2StaticMG",(_x select 0),[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_m2 setDir (_x select 1);
	[_m2] call DZMSSetupVehicle;
	[(_x select 0),1,2,"DZMS50CalSpawn"] call DZMSAISpawn;
	(DZMS50CalSpawn select 0) moveInGunner _m2;
	DZMS50CalSpawn = [];
	[_m2] spawn {
		waitUntil{((count crew (_this select 0) < 1) || !alive ((crew (_this select 0)) select 0))};
		(_this select 1) setDamage 1;
	_m2 setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
} forEach [

If someone can test the current version and confirm it is working that would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello, I seem to be experiencing some real trouble here. Ive attempted to install DZMS (as well as wai, independently) and I cannot get it to work. Following the install instructions to the T, firing the server to hunt for errors and ...... nothing. No errors in either client or server .rpt and no missions spawning. Theres nothing in my .rpts to suggest the code even fires. Im desperately trying to get missions on my server, but no luck. I have tried with both a clean install and a modded install. Any help from anyone would be much appreciated. Already have WAI being looked into, cant tell whats going on here. Thanks in advance!


For clarity, I am running an Overpoch 1061 server

EDIT: Succeeded in at least getting an error report in the console, "DZMSInit.sqf not found" after inserting the install code into the mission init. I do not understand however, how it isnt locating it as the file dir is the exact spot it should be. Man im frustrated with this, many efforts, 0 successes

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  • 9 months later...

A friend of mine "complained" about the equalness of missions so i digged a bit in the code and changed this lines

_unitcount = _this select 1;
_skill = _this select 2;

in DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf into

_unitcount = _this select 1;
if (typeName _unitcount == "ARRAY") then {
  _unitcount = _unitcount call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_skill = _this select 2;
if (typeName _skill == "ARRAY") then {
  _skill = _skill call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

. Unitcount and skill could then picked randomly from an handed over array instead of fixed numbers.

So one could change the lines responsible for spawning the AI groups (for example in DZMS/Missions/Major/SM2.sqf) from

[_coords,6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;


[_coords,[5,6,6,7],[1,1,2,2,3],"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

to add some more randomness. What do you think?



One could also move the skill assignment into the generation loop like this


for even more randomness of AI. But i don't know how much this affects performance on highly populated servers.





Edited by masel
further edit
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