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[CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239


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get this error in headless client log


0:18:20 "[blckeagls] debug mode settings:blck_debugON = false blck_debugLevel = 0"
 0:18:20 "[blckeagls] Loading configurations for Non-militarized servers: blck_configs.sqf"
 0:18:20 "[blckeagls] Loading Configuration Overides"
 0:18:20 "[blckegls] blckegls simulation manager enabled"
 0:18:20 "[blckeagls] for HC version 5-28-18  4:00 PM Build 6.81 Build 130 Loaded in 0.149002 seconds"
 0:18:20 Error in expression <me - _blck_loadingStartTime];
[] spawn blck_fnc_HCmonitor;
 0:18:20   Error position: <blck_fnc_HCmonitor;
 0:18:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: blck_fnc_hcmonitor
 0:18:20 File q\addons\custom_server\init\blck_init_HC.sqf, line 41
 0:18:20  Mission id: e49f3f31bfcb7f6a48f1a755e523442b1e94f72f


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  On 6/3/2018 at 4:19 AM, Sneer said:

get this error in headless client log


0:18:20 "[blckeagls] debug mode settings:blck_debugON = false blck_debugLevel = 0"
 0:18:20 "[blckeagls] Loading configurations for Non-militarized servers: blck_configs.sqf"
 0:18:20 "[blckeagls] Loading Configuration Overides"
 0:18:20 "[blckegls] blckegls simulation manager enabled"
 0:18:20 "[blckeagls] for HC version 5-28-18  4:00 PM Build 6.81 Build 130 Loaded in 0.149002 seconds"
 0:18:20 Error in expression <me - _blck_loadingStartTime];
[] spawn blck_fnc_HCmonitor;
 0:18:20   Error position: <blck_fnc_HCmonitor;
 0:18:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: blck_fnc_hcmonitor
 0:18:20 File q\addons\custom_server\init\blck_init_HC.sqf, line 41
 0:18:20  Mission id: e49f3f31bfcb7f6a48f1a755e523442b1e94f72f



Fixed in Build 136 which will be uploaded over the weekend.

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  On 6/5/2018 at 2:31 AM, Sneer said:

It seems to work ok even with the error, I see the HC connect.


that makes sense. That monitor was to handle the case when the HC was disconnected for some reason, I believe. I still had not been able to resolve the issues players reported with mission vehicles when the HC was connected. If you do use an HC keep an eye out for that and let me know if you observe it. The issue was that the vehicles were not unlocked when all AI were dead.  I forced AI to be ejected from vehicles which solved the problem when no HC is connected. I did not get around to testing if the failure to unlock empty vehicles was still an issue when HC were connected.

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I think they are ready but they are dependent on having the latest client file in your mission PBO. The will not complete unless a certain number of AI at the mission are killed. I was messing with them a little to make them tolerant of the fact that AI sometimes glitch into those huge containers. I'll be interested to know if you have success in completing them with this additional information.

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  On 6/15/2018 at 10:29 PM, Ghostrider-GRG said:

I think they are ready but they are dependent on having the latest client file in your mission PBO. The will not complete unless a certain number of AI at the mission are killed. I was messing with them a little to make them tolerant of the fact that AI sometimes glitch into those huge containers. I'll be interested to know if you have success in completing them with this additional information.


I tried this a few different ways however each time it loaded it could not be completed. All AI were dead. The trigger on the captive isn't firing , I haven't had a big look into it but that's the basics of my experience.

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...he didn't sit down, and loot didn't come down from the air.. same here with the hostage mission.. answers: "Thank you for freeing me. Must return home" .. and nothing more happens. (No Loot, no finishing mission, and he doesn't go home)

if he's shot, after doing the mission, he is still thankful to be free again:



Edit: I was wrong, now at capture leader i was getting a first crate (parachuting from the air). No info like "mission done/clear" came. Mission is still marked at the map.

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I am now finalizing Version 6.84. It is available on the Master branch. A changelog is shown below. There may still be some tweaking needed so I am holding off on changing the post on the first page of this thread.


Added Option to load weapons, pistols, uniforms, headgear, vests and backpacks from CfgPricing or the Arsenal Pricing and exclude items above a certain price
    Add details on configs for enabling this and setting the maximum price
    NOTE: this function overides any loadouts you specify in blck_config.sqf etc.
Added functions to despawn static patrols invehicles on on foot when no players are nearby. This tracks the number of infantry alive in a group and respawns only the number alive when the group was despawned.

Added: Static units will now be spawned with gear specific to difficulty level (blue, red, green, orange) as specified in blck_config.sqf etc.

Changed: Hostage missions redesigned to reduce chances of AI being glitched into containers and of mission objects flying about when spawned in.
Fixed: Collisions between objects at missions caused issues.
Fixed: Attempted a fix to reduce the chance that AI will spawn inside or under objects like rocks or containers.
Fixed: Captive missions now complete properly.
Fixed: Hostage missions now complete properly.

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  On 6/6/2018 at 11:29 AM, Ghostrider-GRG said:

that makes sense. That monitor was to handle the case when the HC was disconnected for some reason, I believe. I still had not been able to resolve the issues players reported with mission vehicles when the HC was connected. If you do use an HC keep an eye out for that and let me know if you observe it. The issue was that the vehicles were not unlocked when all AI were dead.  I forced AI to be ejected from vehicles which solved the problem when no HC is connected. I did not get around to testing if the failure to unlock empty vehicles was still an issue when HC were connected.


I have confirmed that mission vehicles do not unlock with an HC connected.

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Tried the latest version, missions don't spawn, getting errors in rpt.

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Is it your config? Notice this: 

15:16:22 Error in expression <,["ItemSeaBass",1,3],["ItemTrout",1,3],

The comma after the ItemTrout array look wrong - last item should not have a comma. Did you cut the following items and forget the comma?

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  On 6/27/2018 at 7:17 PM, Sneer said:

Tried the latest version, missions don't spawn, getting errors in rpt.

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I will download and test the version on the github and verify that everything is functioning.

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  On 6/27/2018 at 10:34 PM, Grahame said:

Is it your config? Notice this: 

15:16:22 Error in expression <,["ItemSeaBass",1,3],["ItemTrout",1,3],

The comma after the ItemTrout array look wrong - last item should not have a comma. Did you cut the following items and forget the comma?


Your right, that was my mistake, in my troubleshooting of the original file I had forgot to remove that.

Its working now.

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