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[Alpha Release] Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).

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Question. Probably not the first who ask either. But since i dont have the time to go through all the awnsers here. Is there any way to implement a give coin option in infiSTAR with this ?

<_< don't read the first topic in this single currency forum, is overrated anyway

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У меня проблема с обновлением координат транспорта едеш они не отмечаются как выёдеш из неё или колесо пробьёш они тут же обновляются.

At me a problem with updating of co-ordinates of transport Goes they are not marked as выёдеш from it or a wheel Will break they are there and then updated.Litter for my English.

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Hi, I've installed this awesome add-on and it works absolutely great.


I just have a few question, I might have missed it when reading through all the posts, so if I did please forgive me.


Here goes:


1. I want to limit my players to only carrying 999,999 coins on them


2. I have setup some AI as non-traders for exchanging certain items for others "i.e. Oil for Gems" I keep getting the option to give them money. I want to remove this action.


Any help with this would be much appreciated.

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I have a heap of scripts installed as well as ZSC and my safes store coins just fine. It's not a "fix" you need, you need to find the error in your install and fix it. Look through your server and client rpt's for errors.

dozens of users have this same exact bug so yes there is something wrong with this alpha version.
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very nice script :D  but after i installed it, my custom traders dont list any items..any ideas?


epoch chernarus


and this is my servertrader.sql 


serverTraders = ["UN_CDF_Soldier_EP1","TK_Soldier_EP1","US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1", "RU_Functionary1","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4","Profiteer4","Rita_Ensler_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1","GUE_Soldier_MG","Worker2","Worker3","Soldier_GL_M16A2_PMC","Woodlander1","UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","RU_WorkWoman1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","RU_Citizen4","RU_WorkWoman5","RU_Citizen1","RU_Villager3","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","Pilot_EP1","RU_Profiteer4","Woodlander3","Dr_Hladik_EP1","Doctor","HouseWife1","GUE_Woodlander2"];
// Hero Special Trader
menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_EP1 = [
[["Special Weapons",800],["Special Ammunition",801],["Special Vehicles",802],["Special Skins",803],["Special Misc",804]],
// Bandit Special Trader
menu_TK_Soldier_EP1 = [
[["Special Weapons",800],["Special Ammunition",801],["Special Vehicles",802],["Special Skins",803],["Special Misc",804]],
menu_RU_Functionary1 = [
[["Ammunition",478],["Clothes",575],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477],["Money",700]],
menu_RU_Citizen3 = [
[["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns And Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612]],
menu_Rocker4 = [
[["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns And Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642]],
menu_Profiteer4 = [
[["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591]],
menu_Rita_Ensler_EP1 = [
[["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],
[["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Whiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],
menu_CIV_EuroMan01_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns And Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642]],
menu_CIV_EuroMan02_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns And Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612]],
menu_TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1 = [
[["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509],["Money",700]],
menu_GUE_Soldier_MG = [
[["Ammunition",577],["Clothing",575],["Helicopter Armed",512],["Military Armed",569],["Trucks Armed",534],["Weapons",627],["Money",700]],
menu_Worker2 = [
[["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519]],
menu_Worker3 = [
[["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591]],
menu_GUE_Woodlander2 = [
[["Black Market Weapons",526],["Black Market Ammo",527],["Explosives",529]],
menu_Woodlander1 = [
[["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509],["Money",700]],
menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1 = [
[["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591]],
menu_RU_WorkWoman1 = [
[["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],
[["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Whiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],
menu_Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1 = [
[["Chemlites / Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],
[["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],
menu_TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns And Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642]],
menu_Pilot_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns and Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612]],
menu_RU_Citizen4 = [
menu_RU_WorkWoman5 = [
[["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],
[["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Whiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],
menu_RU_Citizen1 = [
menu_RU_Villager3 = [
[["Boats Armed",673],["Boats Unarmed",672]],
menu_TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns and Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642]],
menu_Pilot_EP1 = [
[["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns and Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612]],
menu_RU_Profiteer4 = [
[["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591]],
menu_Woodlander3 = [
[["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509],["Money",700]],
menu_Dr_Hladik_EP1 = [
[["Chemlites / Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],
[["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],
menu_Doctor = [
[["Chemlites / Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],
[["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],
menu_HouseWife1 = [
[["Boats Armed",673],["Boats Unarmed",672]],

after looking into all the files i think i got it..
Custom Trader:
1. Open mission\ZSC\config\cfgServerTrader.hpp and add this at the bottom above }; 

#include "Category\newtrader.hpp"

2. create a file in mission\ZSC\config\category, in this example "newtrader.hpp"
2.1. copy this into newtrader.hpp

class Category_XXX 
class ITEMCLASSNAME {type = "trade_XYZ";buy[] ={AAA,"Coins"};sell[] ={BBB,"Coins"};};
class ITEMCLASSNAME {type = "trade_XYZ";buy[] ={AAA,"Coins"};sell[] ={BBB,"Coins"};};

replace XXX with a number (i recommend 1000+)
replace ITEMCLASSNAME with the classname
replace XYZ with "weapons/items/any_vehicle/backpacks" depends on which item you want to add
replace AAA a number (buy)
replace BBB with a number (sell)
add as much items as you want, just copy the line and do 2.2. again
3. open your server_trader and add your trader (look at my servertrader.sql in this post and dont forget to add the skin in the first line)
4. create a trader (just google it)
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i cant seem to get the default trader's to goto coin? :/


does it have somthing to do with the convert?


This Is the error i get

SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'convertsc: BEGINDECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0' at line 1

there are no rpt error's as well


Here Is The Convert code:



/* Cherno = 11 or 17 , Tavi = 13 and so on. just check your Database to see instance number. */
DECLARE player_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT PlayerUID FROM player_data;
OPEN player_cursor;

read_loop: LOOP
FETCH player_cursor INTO @player_id;

IF done <> 0 THEN
LEAVE read_loop;

select @charid = CharacterID, @player_money = CashMoney, @player_gear = SUBSTRING(Inventory , 1, CHAR_LENGTH(Inventory ) - 1) from character_data where PlayerUID = @player_id and Alive = 1;
select @player_bank = BankSaldo from banking_data where PlayerUID = @player_id;

/* 999 hive , comment the previous 2 lines out and use the 2 following.
select @charid = CharacterID, @player_money = HeadshotsZ, @player_gear = SUBSTRING(Inventory , 1, CHAR_LENGTH(Inventory ) - 1) from character_data where PlayerUID = @player_id and Alive = 1;
select @player_bank = PlayerMorality from player_data where PlayerUID = @player_id;

IF @charid <> -1 THEN 
@thesum = @player_money + @player_bank;
set @player_gear = CONCAT(@player_gear, @thesum, ']');
UPDATE character_data SET Inventory = @player_gear WHERE CharacterID = @charid;
set @player_gear = CONCAT('[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemWatch"],["FoodSteakCooked","ItemSodaCoke","ItemBloodbag","ItemPainkiller","ItemAntibiotic","ItemMorphine","ItemEpinephrine","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"],', @player_bank, ]');
INSERT INTO `character_data` (`CharacterID`, `PlayerUID`, `InstanceID`, `Datestamp`, `LastLogin`, `Inventory`, `Backpack`, `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Alive`, `Generation`, `LastAte`, `LastDrank`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `DistanceFoot`, `Duration`, `CurrentState`, `KillsH`, `Model`, `KillsB`, `Humanity`, `Infected`) VALUES (NULL, @player_id, @instance, '2014-11-22 15:02:02', '2014-11-24 22:05:43', @player_gear, '["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]]', '[158,[6320.97,7795.51,0.278]]', '[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[64.82,61.753]]', 1, 99, '2014-11-22 15:02:02', '2014-11-22 15:02:02', 0, 0, 0, 46, '["","aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady03",42,[]]', 0, 'Survivor2_DZ', 0, 2500, 0);
/* If the guys didn't had an alive character this creates a char for him with his bankmoney as cash on him in stary sobor. */

CLOSE player_cursor;
DEALLOCATE player_cursor;

ALTER TABLE character_data DROP COLUMN CashMoney;

END convertsc; 

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Accepted some merge requests on the github,


I'm sorry for the lack of support lately, i got so many things going on that i can't keep up with anything decently.


Some private projects irl and my arma 3 servers get priority in my spare time.

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no probs zupa..


perhaps anyone can help me with a gem trader + zsc.


already created a trader, and now im struggling with the category. 


class Category_901
class XXX {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={12,"ItemRuby"};sell[] ={3,"ItemRuby"};};

do i have to make a "trade_any_vehicle_new" and to edit something?
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After installing this all my icons changed. I wonder why this happens? This is only a currency system and you don't mention in the installation process that it will affect the entire icon set. Can you give us a bit of info here? Why force the change and why not just give the option?



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Accepted some merge requests on the github,


I'm sorry for the lack of support lately, i got so many things going on that i can't keep up with anything decently.


Some private projects irl and my arma 3 servers get priority in my spare time.


i under stand name help yourself before other's i just dont understand y or how im getting this error


or a fix for it, my trader's have the defuilt money system with the gold... i had it working before 

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Hey ive noticed when i added some ammo to the hero trader, it doesnt let me use it. 


My client log says


Warning Message: Script custom\ZSC\actions\“trade_weapons”.sqf not found


I dont know where this file is...


The item ive tried to add was the as50 and the ammo. some other ammo that wasnt there normally also doesnt work. but the rest do in the same trader.

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Hey ive noticed when i added some ammo to the hero trader, it doesnt let me use it. 


My client log says

Warning Message: Script custom\ZSC\actions\“trade_weapons”.sqf not found

I dont know where this file is...


The item ive tried to add was the as50 and the ammo. some other ammo that wasnt there normally also doesnt work. but the rest do in the same trader.

it's becuz your path or .sqf it not in the right place

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Hi, I've installed this awesome add-on and it works absolutely great.


I just have a few question, I might have missed it when reading through all the posts, so if I did please forgive me.


Here goes:


1. I want to limit my players to only carrying 999,999 coins on them


2. I have setup some AI as non-traders for exchanging certain items for others "i.e. Oil for Gems" I keep getting the option to give them money. I want to remove this action.


Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Any news on this?

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2. I have setup some AI as non-traders for exchanging certain items for others "i.e. Oil for Gems" I keep getting the option to give them money. I want to remove this action.


Got the same problem, but only with a few skins. for example:


UN_CDF_Soldier_Officer_EP1 works

UN_CDF_SOLDIER_Light_EP1 only gives money option


i would say, try some other skins that are not used.


fuzzymonkey perhaps you can help me with my trader? ive got 2 special traders, and i want them to list several items for gems. item->gems. so ive got these files:




class Category_900 //trader1
class KA137_PMC {type = "trade_any_vehicle_old";buy[] ={8,"ItemRuby"};sell[] ={3,"ItemRuby"};};
class KA137_MG_PMC {type = "trade_any_vehicle_old";buy[] ={12,ItemRuby"};sell[] ={4,"ItemRuby"};};

then i copied trade_any_vehicle_old.sqf from dayzcode/whatever to the right zsc folder and linked it in zsc/gold/player_tradermenu.sqf (line 44-50):

if (_type == "trade_weapons") then {
_typeNum = 3;
} else { 
if (_type in ["trade_backpacks", "trade_any_vehicle", "trade_any_vehicle_free","trade_any_vehicle_old", "trade_any_boat", "trade_any_bicycle"]) then { //added trade_any_vehicle_old 
_typeNum = 2;

as far as i see, buying and selling for rubys works, BUT the trader lists them for euro.. how can i change it just for this trader?
i hope you all understand what i mean, my english is not very good ;)
so i found this code in player_trade_menu.sqf

TraderDialogShowPrices = {
private ["_index", "_item"];
_index = _this select 0;
if (_index < 0) exitWith {};
while {count TraderItemList < 1} do { sleep 1; };
_item = TraderItemList select _index;
_qty = {_x == (_item select 3)} count magazines player;
ctrlSetText [TraderDialogBuyPrice, format["%1 %2", [_item select 2] call BIS_fnc_numberText, CurrencyName]];
ctrlEnable [TraderDialogBuyBtn, true];
ctrlSetText [TraderDialogSellPrice, format["%1 %2", [_item select 5] call BIS_fnc_numberText, CurrencyName]];

i was wondering if i could do something like this:

if _target = specialtrader1 or specialtrader2 then 
ctrlSetText [TraderDialogBuyPrice, format["%1 %2", [_item select 2] call BIS_fnc_numberText, CurrencyNameGem]];
ctrlEnable [TraderDialogBuyBtn, true];
ctrlSetText [TraderDialogSellPrice, format["%1 %2", [_item select 5] call BIS_fnc_numberText, CurrencyNameGem]];
ctrlSetText [TraderDialogBuyPrice, format["%1 %2", [_item select 2] call BIS_fnc_numberText, CurrencyName]];
ctrlEnable [TraderDialogBuyBtn, true];
ctrlSetText [TraderDialogSellPrice, format["%1 %2", [_item select 5] call BIS_fnc_numberText, CurrencyName]];


and set a variable curencynamegem=Ruby 


this is not a correct code, just an idea

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