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Hey Zero. The issue with your death in godmode comes from you entering then leaving a safezone (I.E. Traders) Best way to remedy that is to re-activate god mode upon leaving the safezone. I've had it too. :) And I'm having the same issue with the tools not spawning:/

Ah i see! Thanks for that!

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Hey Nox,


 Also getting this error in my RPT. As far as I can tell, removing items still removes them from database despite this error....See below


 Error Missing {
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\admintools\tools\DatabaseRemove.sqf, line 37
Error in expression <"exit";

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Hey Nox,


 Also getting this error in my RPT. As far as I can tell, removing items still removes them from database despite this error....See below


 Error Missing {
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\admintools\tools\DatabaseRemove.sqf, line 37
Error in expression <"exit";

Post your DatabaserRemove.sqf please :)

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Post your DatabaserRemove.sqf please :)


Here it is! Thanks for your help! I never made any changes to this file so not sure why it would have an error?lol.... I am thinking it might have something to do with Dayz.St.

private ["_obj","_objectID","_objectUID","_cnt","_locationPlayer"];

_obj = cursorTarget;
_locationPlayer = player modeltoworld [0,0,0];
_cnt 			= 0;

if (!isNull _obj) then {
	_objectID = _obj getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
	_objectUID = _obj getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];

_fnc_databaseremtimer = {
	_cnt = 5;
	for "_i" from 1 to 5 do
		_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _obj >> "displayName");
		cutText [format["!!!Deleting %1 from Database in %2 seconds!!!\nMove from current position to cancel",_text,_cnt], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
		if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {cutText [format["Removal canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; breakOut "exit";};
		sleep 1;
		_cnt = _cnt - 1;
	call _func_databaseremove;

_func_databaseremove = {
	cutText ["Object deleted from Databse", "PLAIN DOWN",1];
	PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
	publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
	if (isServer) then {
		PVDZE_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
	deletevehicle _obj; 
	breakout "exit";

call _fnc_databaseremtimer;

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Here it is! Thanks for your help! I never made any changes to this file so not sure why it would have an error?lol.... I am thinking it might have something to do with Dayz.St.

private ["_obj","_objectID","_objectUID","_cnt","_locationPlayer"];

_obj = cursorTarget;
_locationPlayer = player modeltoworld [0,0,0];
_cnt 			= 0;

if (!isNull _obj) then {
	_objectID = _obj getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
	_objectUID = _obj getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];

_fnc_databaseremtimer = {
	_cnt = 5;
	for "_i" from 1 to 5 do
		_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _obj >> "displayName");
		cutText [format["!!!Deleting %1 from Database in %2 seconds!!!\nMove from current position to cancel",_text,_cnt], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
		if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {cutText [format["Removal canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; breakOut "exit";};
		sleep 1;
		_cnt = _cnt - 1;
	call _func_databaseremove;

_func_databaseremove = {
	cutText ["Object deleted from Databse", "PLAIN DOWN",1];
	PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
	publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
	if (isServer) then {
		PVDZE_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
	deletevehicle _obj; 
	breakout "exit";

call _fnc_databaseremtimer;

I use dayz.st too, All's fine on my end. I can't seem to see a problem with it, Does the tool work correctly?

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Hey Nox,


 First of all I want to say I love these admin tools! Makes it so much more fun playing on my server now and gives me more power to help my player base with everyday problems! So thank you! Also I think we should all give a huge thank you by donating! If you look through every page of this thread, Nox helps every single person who has an issue. That is super rare. Most people write a script and walk away. Make sure you thank him/her. He/she deserves it!!


Ok second. Been using the tools for a bit now and wanted to report some bugs to yah.


1.) Death while in God Mode: Bullett damage, fall damage and Crash/Explosion damage. Seems intermittent but does happen on occasion. For bullett damage it seems to only be certain guns or calibers. Still testing so I can give you definitive types and procedures to duplicate for testing/fixing.


2.) Heal Inop: The heal function is inoperable intermittingly while Admin Mode is activated. Turn Admin Mode off and able to heal players again.


3.) Admin Menu Dissapears: Sometimes when logging in, especially it seems after a server restart, the admin menu will not appear. Going back to lobby and logging back in several times will make it appear.


4.) Teleport bug: (I have tested this thoroughly but can not identify the conditions that cause it to happen.) Sometimes when teleporting a player to me, they appear in the ocean off the coast no matter where I am on the map. Its only intermittent but sometimes it happens, not sure why. Also sometimes using the Teleport To Player actually causes them to Teleport To Me. Not sure why on this either and is only intermittent.


Hope this helps in your continous development of an AWESOME script! Keep up the good work! Cheers!




P.s. Nox, how do I know if I have the most up-to-date version of the tools? I looked through all the files and I dont see any version numbers?? Maybe you should add a commented section at the top of the main files showing the version and who created it, etc. Just a thought.


2) This is weird. I had it work on my end in and out of admin mode, but I am going to be looking in and changing the heal function soon so I will keep this in mind when I do that.

3) This has been a problem for a long time and has slowly been improved over the course of the tool. Even Blue Phoenix had this problem in the past. I have a new activate that will be used in the next update

4) I have never seen this problem and I have no idea what is causing it. Will take a good look at the code. There is no telling if it is just your tools or the tool itself. There are doccumented cases that files can get corrupt and still work partially for this game. I have had a problem where a comment in the code made the code not work at all, but when I deleted the file and added it back in, the comments worked fine. This is a VERY badly coded game so there are so many problems it is hard to tell if it is my code or the game being stupid on your end. The best way to attempt a remedy is perform the UPDATE portion of the readme.


For the version thing I really should include a version number with the releases and will start to do so with the release of 1.8

Thank you for your help with this. It helps a lot more than people understand when I get feedback. Testing the tools is nearly impossible with one person (I can't test tp2me and similar items).



And good news everyone. Finals are over so I can resume work on the tools. Just have a little work to do and I can get back to the tools.

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2.) Heal Inop: The heal function is inoperable intermittingly while Admin Mode is activated. Turn Admin Mode off and able to heal players again.


4.) Teleport bug: (I have tested this thoroughly but can not identify the conditions that cause it to happen.) Sometimes when teleporting a player to me, they appear in the ocean off the coast no matter where I am on the map. Its only intermittent but sometimes it happens, not sure why. Also sometimes using the Teleport To Player actually causes them to Teleport To Me. Not sure why on this either and is only intermittent.



2:) I have not had this happen to me as of yet but the heal tool does seem to be limited by range, ie: you cannot set it to heal everyone on the map by setting the range to 100km or something (which would be nice) and is also affected by height so you cannot heal someone in a skybase, and you cannot heal anyone over water


4: I have found the teleport somewhat bugged as well and have had this happen to me a few times, i have even had people teleported to me but not in the correct position and they appear inside of building and inside of rocks about 50m away and then they just die, the best remedy i have found is if you wish to teleport someone to you safely, then you must tp to them, then back to your original spot and then tp them to you,


if this could be added to the tools so that when we tp people to us, it tp's us to them for a split second, saves our original spot, and then tp's us back and then tp's the player to us



Also if anyone would like to have a heal self as well as the healing of others, (so you might just heal yourself and not everyone within 25m) them make a copy of healp.sqf, change the name to healself.sqf, and change the range to 1m then add this file back into the tools folder


then add this to your AdminToolsMain.sqf

under the part "Admin Menu" above or below your other heal tool


            ["Heal (Self)",[],"", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healself.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],     




This should do until nox releases the next update

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so i recently got this and befor emy ai missions would spawn but when i installed this they arent spawning any ideas why? i am using DZMS i tried WAI but none of them are spawning missions


I have no idea what would cause this other than you accidentally overwriting code. Maybe someone who uses AI missions in their server can help you out.



The teleport bug happens when u cancel the teleport so if u cancel a teleport to player then decide to teleport a player to you it messed up.


This is incredibly important to know and will help me fix the bug faster. It will be release in version 1.8 most likely at the end of next week.

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2:) I have not had this happen to me as of yet but the heal tool does seem to be limited by range, ie: you cannot set it to heal everyone on the map by setting the range to 100km or something (which would be nice) and is also affected by height so you cannot heal someone in a skybase, and you cannot heal anyone over water


4: I have found the teleport somewhat bugged as well and have had this happen to me a few times, i have even had people teleported to me but not in the correct position and they appear inside of building and inside of rocks about 50m away and then they just die, the best remedy i have found is if you wish to teleport someone to you safely, then you must tp to them, then back to your original spot and then tp them to you,


if this could be added to the tools so that when we tp people to us, it tp's us to them for a split second, saves our original spot, and then tp's us back and then tp's the player to us



Also if anyone would like to have a heal self as well as the healing of others, (so you might just heal yourself and not everyone within 25m) them make a copy of healp.sqf, change the name to healself.sqf, and change the range to 1m then add this file back into the tools folder


then add this to your AdminToolsMain.sqf

under the part "Admin Menu" above or below your other heal tool


            ["Heal (Self)",[],"", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healself.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],     




This should do until nox releases the next update


Do you think the heal should continue to be radial (I can add a distance changer so you can actively select the range in game) or do you want it to be a target heal so you point at the player, or do you want it to be a scroll to select player name?

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i think having radial heal with various ranges as well as being able to select singular player names on a list would be nice, that way for example in a player event you would be able to heal all those within 100m or 200m or so, or if need be a certain player

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The ability to log everything would be great, preferably in a separate txt and not in the rpt.

[10.05.2012 | 14:35] Admin X is spectating Y.
[10.05.2012 | 14:36] Admin X ended spectate.


Something like that..same would go for healing, giving weapons etc.

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The ability to log everything would be great, preferably in a separate txt and not in the rpt.

[10.05.2012 | 14:35] Admin X is spectating Y.

[10.05.2012 | 14:36] Admin X ended spectate.


Something like that..same would go for healing, giving weapons etc.


I plan on this at some point, but it requires a lot of changes and I don't know if it is even possible with the tools being client side. Its a great idea and I have looked into it, but it will take a good amount of time and learning to see if it is possible.

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Okay so I have been messing around with it a little bit and we both get admin tools, well usually. It seems to be putting on clothes that stops it from working and some times when i log on i just wont have them. But, if I go and kill myself, boom got admin tools again. Really weird. Also, now ai vehicles blow up when i get in them and my spawn classes vehicles blow up when anyone gets in them.. 

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Okay so I have been messing around with it a little bit and we both get admin tools, well usually. It seems to be putting on clothes that stops it from working and some times when i log on i just wont have them. But, if I go and kill myself, boom got admin tools again. Really weird. Also, now ai vehicles blow up when i get in them and my spawn classes vehicles blow up when anyone gets in them.. 


You need to redo the install. You skipped some very important and key parts of the install. Go back through the entire thing (use the video if you must) and pay careful attention that each step is done properly. Mainly the battleye filters and the server pbo edits.

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