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2 hours ago, Anhor said:

What version of infiSTAR you use?


Look above, he has a version from 2014. 

Way out of date and will never work correctly with all the various changes 1061 brought in.  He doesn't even have the AT.sqf file 

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3 hours ago, lwbuk said:

Look above, he has a version from 2014. 

Way out of date and will never work correctly with all the various changes 1061 brought in.  He doesn't even have the AT.sqf file 

Do some one can give me ready version of server? My Server AH from my friend, he is from Russia, but i lost contact with him in 2015...

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4 hours ago, TheDenVx said:

Do some one can give me ready version of server? My Server AH from my friend, he is from Russia, but i lost contact with him in 2015...

You dont need infistar to run a server. IWas running my server gor two years without infi. Just get adm tools or some other tool

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5 hours ago, juandayz said:

You dont need infistar to run a server. IWas running my server gor two years without infi. Just get adm tools or some other tool

Wow, what's tools u used? Cuz Infistar cost like a real AK in Ukraine with 1 mag and ammo... Or like good silener for AK.

I just need some setting up server to play with my friends, not for host, we just want to get some fun, and this all. We using hamachi cuz steam didn't show my server.

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Just now, TheDenVx said:

I have no money for it, i can live a one or two weeks on this money or by AK74 from blackmarket...

well friend.. making all of this take time... you dont need infistar to spawn objects who do not  blowup.. you just need add them in your custom variables.sqf

into DZE_safevehicles

you crate this vehicle with arma2oa editor 3d or some script.


1-You need a custom variables.sqf (thers a tuto in tools sections to learn how to do that)

in your custom variables.sqf find:

DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"];

and change by:

DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC","BAF_Merlin_HC3_D"];

and in the script that youre creating your vehicle... use the line in red:


carrier =  createVehicle [_plane_class, [(_startingpos select 0) + 50, (_startingpos select 1) + 50],[], 0, "FLY"];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_carrier];

Im working now in a full mod who use all epoch files.. who have an exclusive adm panel and exclusive mods.. you just need overwrite a fresh server files and the install its done..  i think i gonna finish it for free in 2o 3 days..


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Just now, TheDenVx said:

I have no money for it, i can live a one or two weeks on this money or by AK74 from blackmarket...

by the way here you have some free adm tools.. in order from better to "not than better"


The one from above its not fully updated for 1.6.1 but you can set your antihack = 0; in your init.sqf to use it.

2- https://github.com/ebayShopper/TestKit




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8 hours ago, juandayz said:

well friend.. making all of this take time... you dont need infistar to spawn objects who do not  blowup.. you just need add them in your custom variables.sqf

into DZE_safevehicles

you crate this vehicle with arma2oa editor 3d or some script.


1-You need a custom variables.sqf (thers a tuto in tools sections to learn how to do that)

in your custom variables.sqf find:

DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC"];

and change by:

DZE_safeVehicle = ["ParachuteWest","ParachuteC","BAF_Merlin_HC3_D"];

and in the script that youre creating your vehicle... use the line in red:


carrier =  createVehicle [_plane_class, [(_startingpos select 0) + 50, (_startingpos select 1) + 50],[], 0, "FLY"];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_carrier];

Im working now in a full mod who use all epoch files.. who have an exclusive adm panel and exclusive mods.. you just need overwrite a fresh server files and the install its done..  i think i gonna finish it for free in 2o 3 days..


Okay, its sounds good))

If u give me it, i will be so happy :)

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9 hours ago, TheDenVx said:

 And i need to spawned cars, chopers, planes didn't explode when u using it

What a difference makes it whether they are exploding instantly or 10 minutes later if you crashed them?

That´s the point, The fear of losing something.

If I, after I crashed my helicopter, simply spawn a new helicopter ......... where is the challenge?



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6 hours ago, Anhor said:

What a difference makes it whether they are exploding instantly or 10 minutes later if you crashed them?

That´s the point, The fear of losing something.

If I, after I crashed my helicopter, simply spawn a new helicopter ......... where is the challenge?



They are explode after 2 min, when i just sit in them

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1 hour ago, lwbuk said:

It's part of the default code. 

Do u know a code, witch allow me to save objcets? 

		if (_option == 25) then
			_do = format ["if (name player == '%1') then
				[] spawn {
					_obj = player;
					_mags = getArray (configfile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> currentWeapon vehicle _obj >> 'magazines');
					_mag = _mags select 0;
					vehicle _obj addMagazine _mag;
			};",(_array select 2)];
			_unit = createAgent ["Rabbit", [4000,4000,0], [], 0, "FORM"];_unit setVehicleInit _do;processInitCommands;deleteVehicle _unit;
		if (_option == 26) then
			_object = (_array select 2);
			_class = typeOF _object;
			_worldspace = [getDir _object,getPosATL _object];
			_characterID = 0;
			_characterID = _object getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
			_uid = _worldspace call dayz_objectUID3;
			_key = format["CHILD:308:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:",dayZ_instance, _class, 0 , _characterID, _worldspace, [], [], 1,_uid];
			_key call server_hiveWrite;
			[_object,_uid,_characterID,_class] spawn {
				_object = _this select 0;
				_uid = _this select 1;
				_characterID = _this select 2;
				_class = _this select 3;
				_done = false;
				_retry = 0;
				while {_retry < 10} do
					uiSleep 0.3;
					_key = format["CHILD:388:%1:",_uid];
					_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
					_outcome = _result select 0;
					if (_outcome == "PASS") then
						_oid = _result select 1;
						_object setVariable ["ObjectID", _oid, true];
						_done = true;
						_retry = 100;
						_done = false;
						_retry = _retry + 1;
				_object setvelocity [0,0,1];
				_object allowDamage false;
				_object setVariable ["lastUpdate",time];
				_object setVariable ["CharacterID", _characterID, true];
				if(!isNil "dayz_serverObjectMonitor")then{dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_object];};
				if(!isNil "PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor")then{PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_object];};
				uiSleep 1;
				_object call fnc_veh_ResetEH;
				PVDZE_veh_Init = _object;
				publicVariable "PVDZE_veh_Init";
				[_object,"all"] spawn server_updateObject;
				_object allowDamage true;

This is not working no more... But how make it works again?

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well.... this is not a best way.. but i think in your case gonna be the most easy way.

1-In your Mpmissions/your instance/custom/  create a file called  veh_init.sqf  (enter your id at top)


adminList = ["988989348934983948938493"]; //ENTER YOUR ADM ID
if!((getPlayerUID player) in adminsList) exitWith { systemchat "your not an admin"; };

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define PATH(sub_path) STRINGIFY(\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\AdvancedTrading\functions\sub_path)
#define CPP compile preprocessFileLineNumbers


Z_traderData = menu_ValentinaFit select 0; 

if (isNil "Z_traderData" or {count Z_traderData == 0}) exitWith {
	localize "STR_EPOCH_TRADE_ERROR" call dayz_rollingMessages;

if (dayz_actionInProgress) exitWith { localize "str_player_actionslimit" call dayz_rollingMessages; };

if (isNil "Z_AdvancedTradingInit") then {

	#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\AdvancedTrading\functions\defines.hpp"

	/* Configs that needs to be defined but not changed in config file */

	Z_Selling = true;
	Z_OriginalSellableArray = [];
	Z_SellableArray = [];
	Z_SellArray = [];
	Z_OriginalBuyableArray = [];
	Z_BuyableArray = [];
	Z_BuyingArray = [];

	/* end script config */

	Z_fillTradeTitle = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillTradeTitle.sqf);
	Z_clearLists =					CPP PATH(z_at_clearLists.sqf);
	Z_clearSellableList =			CPP PATH(z_at_clearSellableList.sqf);
	Z_clearBuyList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_clearBuyList.sqf);
	Z_clearBuyingList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_clearBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_fillCategories = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillCategories.sqf);
	Z_getItemInfo =					CPP PATH(z_at_getItemInfo.sqf);
	Z_getItemConfig =				CPP PATH(z_at_getItemConfig.sqf);
	Z_displayItemInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayItemInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayWeaponInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayWeaponInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayBackpackInfo = 		CPP PATH(z_at_displayBackpackInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayVehicleInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayVehicleInfo.sqf);
	Z_getContainer = 				CPP PATH(z_at_getContainer.sqf);
	Z_getBackpackItems = 			CPP PATH(z_at_getBackpackItems.sqf);
	Z_getVehicleItems = 			CPP PATH(z_at_getVehicleItems.sqf);
	Z_getGearItems = 				CPP PATH(z_at_getGearItems.sqf);
	Z_logTrade = 					CPP PATH(z_at_logTrade.sqf);
	Z_filterList =					CPP PATH(z_at_filterList.sqf);
	Z_checkArrayInConfig = 			CPP PATH(z_at_checkArrayInConfig.sqf);
	Z_calcPrice = 					CPP PATH(z_at_calcPrice.sqf);
	Z_fillCategoryList =			CPP PATH(z_at_fillCategoryList.sqf);
	Z_fillSellList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillSellList.sqf);
	Z_fillSellingList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_fillSellingList.sqf);
	Z_pushItemToList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_pushItemToList.sqf);
	Z_removeItemFromList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_removeItemFromList.sqf);
	Z_pushAllToList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_pushAllToList.sqf);
	Z_removeAllToList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_removeAllToList.sqf);
	Z_SellItems = 					CPP PATH(z_at_sellItems.sqf);
	Z_BuyItems = 					CPP PATH(z_at_buyItems.sqf);
	Z_ChangeBuySell = 				CPP PATH(z_at_changeBuySell.sqf);
	Z_removeAllFromBuyingList = 	CPP PATH(z_at_removeAllFromBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_removeItemFromBuyingList =	CPP PATH(z_at_removeItemFromBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_toBuyingList =				CPP PATH(z_at_toBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_calcBuyableList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_calcBuyableList.sqf);
	Z_fillBuyableList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_fillBuyableList.sqf);
	Z_fillBuyingList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_displayFreeSpace = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayFreeSpace.sqf);
	Z_allowBuying =  				CPP PATH(z_at_allowBuying.sqf);
	DZE_deleteTradedVehicle =		CPP PATH(DZE_deleteTradedVehicle.sqf);

	Z_AdvancedTradingInit = true;

Z_Selling = true; // Always start menu in buy mode (flipped in z_at_changeBuySell.sqf on startup)
Z_CategoryView = true; // Always start in category view
Z_BuyingArray = [];
Z_ResetContainer = true;
createDialog "AdvancedTrading";

(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVESELLITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " < ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEALLSELLITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " << ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEBUYITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " < ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEALLBUYITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " << ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_DETAILSTEXT) ctrlSetText "   " + localize "STR_EPOCH_TRADE_DETAILS";

call Z_ChangeBuySell;
false call Z_checkCloseVehicle; // set up vehicle for removing currency from it, otherwise you need to click vehicle before currency will be removed.


2-now go to your custom server_traders.sqf and add the lines in blue:


serverTraders = ["ValentinaFit","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4", ........the rest of traders ai];

//adm trader

menu_ValentinaFit = [


// Hero Vendor
menu_RU_Functionary1 = [
    [["Attachments",693],["Ammunition",478],["Currency and gems",1100],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477]],

3-open any class of hpp .. for example militaryUnarmed.hpp and at very bottom of this file add:


class Category_5000 {
	class LandRover_CZ_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_Ambulance {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_DZ {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};


4-Now you need made a custom keyboard.sqf and call it from your custom compiles.sqf.. (onces you did it.)

open your custom keyboard.sqf at very bottom but before the last "_handled"  paste:

 if (_dikCode == DIK_TAB) then {
execVM "custom\veh_init.sqf"; //TRADER MENU TAB

go in game, press TAB and buy vehicles for free.  add more vehicles if u want

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4 hours ago, juandayz said:

well.... this is not a best way.. but i think in your case gonna be the most easy way.

1-In your Mpmissions/your instance/custom/  create a file called  veh_init.sqf  (enter your id at top)

  Hide contents

adminList = ["988989348934983948938493"]; //ENTER YOUR ADM ID
if!((getPlayerUID player) in adminsList) exitWith { systemchat "your not an admin"; };

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define PATH(sub_path) STRINGIFY(\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\AdvancedTrading\functions\sub_path)
#define CPP compile preprocessFileLineNumbers


Z_traderData = menu_ValentinaFit select 0; 

if (isNil "Z_traderData" or {count Z_traderData == 0}) exitWith {
	localize "STR_EPOCH_TRADE_ERROR" call dayz_rollingMessages;

if (dayz_actionInProgress) exitWith { localize "str_player_actionslimit" call dayz_rollingMessages; };

if (isNil "Z_AdvancedTradingInit") then {

	#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\AdvancedTrading\functions\defines.hpp"

	/* Configs that needs to be defined but not changed in config file */

	Z_Selling = true;
	Z_OriginalSellableArray = [];
	Z_SellableArray = [];
	Z_SellArray = [];
	Z_OriginalBuyableArray = [];
	Z_BuyableArray = [];
	Z_BuyingArray = [];

	/* end script config */

	Z_fillTradeTitle = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillTradeTitle.sqf);
	Z_clearLists =					CPP PATH(z_at_clearLists.sqf);
	Z_clearSellableList =			CPP PATH(z_at_clearSellableList.sqf);
	Z_clearBuyList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_clearBuyList.sqf);
	Z_clearBuyingList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_clearBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_fillCategories = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillCategories.sqf);
	Z_getItemInfo =					CPP PATH(z_at_getItemInfo.sqf);
	Z_getItemConfig =				CPP PATH(z_at_getItemConfig.sqf);
	Z_displayItemInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayItemInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayWeaponInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayWeaponInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayBackpackInfo = 		CPP PATH(z_at_displayBackpackInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayVehicleInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayVehicleInfo.sqf);
	Z_getContainer = 				CPP PATH(z_at_getContainer.sqf);
	Z_getBackpackItems = 			CPP PATH(z_at_getBackpackItems.sqf);
	Z_getVehicleItems = 			CPP PATH(z_at_getVehicleItems.sqf);
	Z_getGearItems = 				CPP PATH(z_at_getGearItems.sqf);
	Z_logTrade = 					CPP PATH(z_at_logTrade.sqf);
	Z_filterList =					CPP PATH(z_at_filterList.sqf);
	Z_checkArrayInConfig = 			CPP PATH(z_at_checkArrayInConfig.sqf);
	Z_calcPrice = 					CPP PATH(z_at_calcPrice.sqf);
	Z_fillCategoryList =			CPP PATH(z_at_fillCategoryList.sqf);
	Z_fillSellList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillSellList.sqf);
	Z_fillSellingList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_fillSellingList.sqf);
	Z_pushItemToList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_pushItemToList.sqf);
	Z_removeItemFromList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_removeItemFromList.sqf);
	Z_pushAllToList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_pushAllToList.sqf);
	Z_removeAllToList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_removeAllToList.sqf);
	Z_SellItems = 					CPP PATH(z_at_sellItems.sqf);
	Z_BuyItems = 					CPP PATH(z_at_buyItems.sqf);
	Z_ChangeBuySell = 				CPP PATH(z_at_changeBuySell.sqf);
	Z_removeAllFromBuyingList = 	CPP PATH(z_at_removeAllFromBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_removeItemFromBuyingList =	CPP PATH(z_at_removeItemFromBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_toBuyingList =				CPP PATH(z_at_toBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_calcBuyableList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_calcBuyableList.sqf);
	Z_fillBuyableList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_fillBuyableList.sqf);
	Z_fillBuyingList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_displayFreeSpace = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayFreeSpace.sqf);
	Z_allowBuying =  				CPP PATH(z_at_allowBuying.sqf);
	DZE_deleteTradedVehicle =		CPP PATH(DZE_deleteTradedVehicle.sqf);

	Z_AdvancedTradingInit = true;

Z_Selling = true; // Always start menu in buy mode (flipped in z_at_changeBuySell.sqf on startup)
Z_CategoryView = true; // Always start in category view
Z_BuyingArray = [];
Z_ResetContainer = true;
createDialog "AdvancedTrading";

(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVESELLITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " < ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEALLSELLITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " << ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEBUYITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " < ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEALLBUYITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " << ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_DETAILSTEXT) ctrlSetText "   " + localize "STR_EPOCH_TRADE_DETAILS";

call Z_ChangeBuySell;
false call Z_checkCloseVehicle; // set up vehicle for removing currency from it, otherwise you need to click vehicle before currency will be removed.


2-now go to your custom server_traders.sqf and add the lines in blue:

  Hide contents

serverTraders = ["ValentinaFit","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4", ........the rest of traders ai];

//adm trader

menu_ValentinaFit = [


// Hero Vendor
menu_RU_Functionary1 = [
    [["Attachments",693],["Ammunition",478],["Currency and gems",1100],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477]],

3-open any class of hpp .. for example militaryUnarmed.hpp and at very bottom of this file add:

  Hide contents

class Category_5000 {
	class LandRover_CZ_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_Ambulance {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_DZ {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};


4-Now you need made a custom keyboard.sqf and call it from your custom compiles.sqf.. (onces you did it.)

open your custom keyboard.sqf at very bottom but before the last "_handled"  paste:

 if (_dikCode == DIK_TAB) then {
execVM "custom\veh_init.sqf"; //TRADER MENU TAB

go in game, press TAB and buy vehicles for free.  add more vehicles if u want


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4 hours ago, juandayz said:

well.... this is not a best way.. but i think in your case gonna be the most easy way.

1-In your Mpmissions/your instance/custom/  create a file called  veh_init.sqf  (enter your id at top)

  Hide contents

adminList = ["988989348934983948938493"]; //ENTER YOUR ADM ID
if!((getPlayerUID player) in adminsList) exitWith { systemchat "your not an admin"; };

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define PATH(sub_path) STRINGIFY(\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\AdvancedTrading\functions\sub_path)
#define CPP compile preprocessFileLineNumbers


Z_traderData = menu_ValentinaFit select 0; 

if (isNil "Z_traderData" or {count Z_traderData == 0}) exitWith {
	localize "STR_EPOCH_TRADE_ERROR" call dayz_rollingMessages;

if (dayz_actionInProgress) exitWith { localize "str_player_actionslimit" call dayz_rollingMessages; };

if (isNil "Z_AdvancedTradingInit") then {

	#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\AdvancedTrading\functions\defines.hpp"

	/* Configs that needs to be defined but not changed in config file */

	Z_Selling = true;
	Z_OriginalSellableArray = [];
	Z_SellableArray = [];
	Z_SellArray = [];
	Z_OriginalBuyableArray = [];
	Z_BuyableArray = [];
	Z_BuyingArray = [];

	/* end script config */

	Z_fillTradeTitle = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillTradeTitle.sqf);
	Z_clearLists =					CPP PATH(z_at_clearLists.sqf);
	Z_clearSellableList =			CPP PATH(z_at_clearSellableList.sqf);
	Z_clearBuyList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_clearBuyList.sqf);
	Z_clearBuyingList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_clearBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_fillCategories = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillCategories.sqf);
	Z_getItemInfo =					CPP PATH(z_at_getItemInfo.sqf);
	Z_getItemConfig =				CPP PATH(z_at_getItemConfig.sqf);
	Z_displayItemInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayItemInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayWeaponInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayWeaponInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayBackpackInfo = 		CPP PATH(z_at_displayBackpackInfo.sqf);
	Z_displayVehicleInfo = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayVehicleInfo.sqf);
	Z_getContainer = 				CPP PATH(z_at_getContainer.sqf);
	Z_getBackpackItems = 			CPP PATH(z_at_getBackpackItems.sqf);
	Z_getVehicleItems = 			CPP PATH(z_at_getVehicleItems.sqf);
	Z_getGearItems = 				CPP PATH(z_at_getGearItems.sqf);
	Z_logTrade = 					CPP PATH(z_at_logTrade.sqf);
	Z_filterList =					CPP PATH(z_at_filterList.sqf);
	Z_checkArrayInConfig = 			CPP PATH(z_at_checkArrayInConfig.sqf);
	Z_calcPrice = 					CPP PATH(z_at_calcPrice.sqf);
	Z_fillCategoryList =			CPP PATH(z_at_fillCategoryList.sqf);
	Z_fillSellList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillSellList.sqf);
	Z_fillSellingList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_fillSellingList.sqf);
	Z_pushItemToList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_pushItemToList.sqf);
	Z_removeItemFromList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_removeItemFromList.sqf);
	Z_pushAllToList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_pushAllToList.sqf);
	Z_removeAllToList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_removeAllToList.sqf);
	Z_SellItems = 					CPP PATH(z_at_sellItems.sqf);
	Z_BuyItems = 					CPP PATH(z_at_buyItems.sqf);
	Z_ChangeBuySell = 				CPP PATH(z_at_changeBuySell.sqf);
	Z_removeAllFromBuyingList = 	CPP PATH(z_at_removeAllFromBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_removeItemFromBuyingList =	CPP PATH(z_at_removeItemFromBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_toBuyingList =				CPP PATH(z_at_toBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_calcBuyableList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_calcBuyableList.sqf);
	Z_fillBuyableList = 			CPP PATH(z_at_fillBuyableList.sqf);
	Z_fillBuyingList = 				CPP PATH(z_at_fillBuyingList.sqf);
	Z_displayFreeSpace = 			CPP PATH(z_at_displayFreeSpace.sqf);
	Z_allowBuying =  				CPP PATH(z_at_allowBuying.sqf);
	DZE_deleteTradedVehicle =		CPP PATH(DZE_deleteTradedVehicle.sqf);

	Z_AdvancedTradingInit = true;

Z_Selling = true; // Always start menu in buy mode (flipped in z_at_changeBuySell.sqf on startup)
Z_CategoryView = true; // Always start in category view
Z_BuyingArray = [];
Z_ResetContainer = true;
createDialog "AdvancedTrading";

(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVESELLITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " < ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEALLSELLITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " << ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEBUYITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " < ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_REMOVEALLBUYITEMBUTTON) ctrlSetText " << ";
(findDisplay Z_AT_DIALOGWINDOW displayCtrl Z_AT_DETAILSTEXT) ctrlSetText "   " + localize "STR_EPOCH_TRADE_DETAILS";

call Z_ChangeBuySell;
false call Z_checkCloseVehicle; // set up vehicle for removing currency from it, otherwise you need to click vehicle before currency will be removed.


2-now go to your custom server_traders.sqf and add the lines in blue:

  Hide contents

serverTraders = ["ValentinaFit","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4", ........the rest of traders ai];

//adm trader

menu_ValentinaFit = [


// Hero Vendor
menu_RU_Functionary1 = [
    [["Attachments",693],["Ammunition",478],["Currency and gems",1100],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477]],

3-open any class of hpp .. for example militaryUnarmed.hpp and at very bottom of this file add:

  Reveal hidden contents

class Category_5000 {
	class LandRover_CZ_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_Ambulance {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_DES_EP1 {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class HMMWV_DZ {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};
	class GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac {
		type = "trade_any_vehicle";
		buy[] = {0,"worth"};
		sell[] = {0,"worth"};


4-Now you need made a custom keyboard.sqf and call it from your custom compiles.sqf.. (onces you did it.)

open your custom keyboard.sqf at very bottom but before the last "_handled"  paste:

 if (_dikCode == DIK_TAB) then {
execVM "custom\veh_init.sqf"; //TRADER MENU TAB

go in game, press TAB and buy vehicles for free.  add more vehicles if u want

In server_traders.sqf only one line and it is #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\server_traders\chernarus11.sqf"

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