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[Alpha Release] Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).

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Any idea? Anyone? :(

This is weird, I tried the official one from Zupa and added my bottom stuff to it (includes etc) annd the DZGM stuff too, but it makes server stpo working, same error missing '}' in description.ext on a line that changes and does not exist -.-

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you would have to compare the 2 and make the changes to yours 

So, I leave my original fn_selfActions.sqf in my "compiles" folder.

Make a new fn_selfActions.sqf file in my "custom". (Don't know if this helps, but I already have a custom "compiles.sqf" in my "custom" folder.



  • Would I leave my existing scripts in my original fn_selfActions.sqf? Or would I have to remove all of them and make it just a default fn_selfActions?
  • Where would I call my new fn_selfActions.sqf? My custom compiles.sqf?
  • The reason I want a custom fn_selfActions.sqf is because a script I'm trying to add is making my other scripts using my existing fn_selfActions.sqf not work, so if I have to add all of my already existing scripts to the custom fn_selfActions.sqf AND then add the new one that's breaking it..wouldn't that just being doing the same thing? (Sorry if that seemed unclear)
  • Would my custom fn_selfActions.sqf script just contain codes that were supposed to be put in the original fn_selfActions.sqf or would I copy a default fn_selfActions.sqf and then add the codes onto them?


I'm sorry I am making this very confusing. I am just looking for a way to have all of my scripts that require a piece of code in the fn_selfActions.sqf to work and not cancel out each other. I have maybe 3-5 scripts that are using the fn_selfActions.sqf and adding the code from Zupa's Defualt Hive Single Currency works, but it disables all of my other scripts using the fn_selfActions.sqf. :(

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#include "ZSC\config\cfgServerTrader.hpp"
respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission= "DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
enableItemsDropping = 0;

briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;

onPauseScript = "";
loadScreen = "FZepochBanner.jpg";

class Header
 gameType = COOP;            //DM, Team, Coop, ...
 minPlayers = 1;             //min # of players the mission supports
 maxPlayers = 100;            //Max # of players the mission supports

aiKills = 1;
diagRadio = 1;
diagHit = 1;
#include "dzgm\defines.hpp"
class RscTitles
#include "dzgm\icons.hpp"
class wm_disp {
					idd = -1;
					onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]";
					fadein = 0;
					fadeout = 0;
					duration = 10e10;
					controlsBackground[] = {};
					objects[] = {};
					class controls {
						class wm_text2 {
						idc = 1;
						x = safeZoneX+0.027;//safeZoneW*0.01;
						y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16;
						w = 1.151*safeZoneH;
						h = 0.057*safeZoneH;
						shadow = 2;
							class Attributes
								font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
								color = "#24FFFFFF";
								align = "left"; // put "center" here if you want some background
								valign = "middle";
								shadow = 2;
						colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 };  // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background
						font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
						size = 0.05*safeZoneH;
						type = 13;
						style = 0;
#include "ZSC\config\ZSChud.hpp"

class RscText
	type = 0;
	idc = -1;
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	h = 0.037;
	w = 0.3;
	style = 0x100; 
	font = Zeppelin32;
	SizeEx = 0.03921;
	colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	linespacing = 1;
class RscPicture
class RscLoadingText : RscText
	style = 2;
	x = 0.323532;
	y = 0.666672;
	w = 0.352944;
	h = 0.039216;
	sizeEx = 0.03921;
	colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
class RscProgress
	x = 0.344;
	y = 0.619;
	w = 0.313726;
	h = 0.0261438;
	texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
	colorFrame[] = {0,0,0,0};
	colorBar[] = {1,1,1,1};
class RscProgressNotFreeze
	idc = -1;
	type = 45;
	style = 0;
	x = 0.022059;
	y = 0.911772;
	w = 0.029412;
	h = 0.039216;
	texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {Brief_Open_Sound, Swag};
    class Brief_Open_Sound
        name = "Brief_Open_Sound";
        sound[] = {addons\mbc\brief_open.ogg,0.4,1};
        titles[] = {};
    class Swag
        name = "Swag";
        sound[] = {addons\swag.ogg,1,1};
        titles[] = {};
class DayZ_loadingScreen
	idd = -1;
	duration = 10e10;
	fadein = 0;
	fadeout = 0;
	name = "loading screen";
	class controlsBackground
		class blackBG : RscText
			x = safezoneX;
			y = safezoneY;
			w = safezoneW;
			h = safezoneH;
			text = "";
			colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
		class nicePic : RscPicture
			style = 48 + 0x800; // ST_PICTURE + ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO
			x = safezoneX + safezoneW/2 - 0.25;
			y = safezoneY + safezoneH/2 - 0.2;
			w = 0.5;
			h = 0.4;
			text = "img\nicePic.paa";
	class controls
		class Title1 : RscLoadingText
			text = "$STR_LOADING"; // "Loading" text in the middle of the screen
		class CA_Progress : RscProgress // progress bar, has to have idc 104
			idc = 104;
			type = 8; // CT_PROGRESS
			style = 0; // ST_SINGLE
			texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
		class CA_Progress2 : RscProgressNotFreeze // progress bar that will go reverse
			idc = 103;
		class Name2: RscText // the text on the top-left
			idc = 101;
			x = 0.05;
			y = 0.029412;
			w = 0.9;
			h = 0.04902;
			text = "";
			sizeEx = 0.05;
			colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
// DayZ Watermark

#include "addons\mbc\dialogs.hpp" //Mystery Brief
#include "custom\snap_build\points.hpp"
#include "spawn\defines.hpp"
#include "spawn\class.hpp"
#include "spawn\halo.hpp"
#include "spawn\spawn.hpp"
#include "custom\extra_rc.hpp"
// Epoch Admin Tools
#include "admintools\dialog.hpp"
#include "dzgm\groupManagement.hpp"
#include "ZSC\config\ZSCdefines.hpp"
#include "ZSC\config\ZSCdialogs.hpp"

I edited your post to look like how mine does when i added it

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Just did it again from scratch, just in case the first time i did it i completely missed something. I used the merging instructions to install it as the server has multiple scripts running.


Still get the error of traders not saying coins after the price (clearly missed something again) i have placed a screen shot to show issue. Any ideas of what to check would be awesome.



I don't suppose anybody knows how/where to fix this issue?


The traders don't actually require you to have coins. The prices should have Coins after them.

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I just noticed in your C section of your Server PBO instructions....you have this code


if (count _intentory > 0) then {
       if( count (_intentory) > 3)then{

This code^


the code above if (count _intentory > 0) then {

but yours is if( count (_intentory) > 3)then{


isn't that invalid syntax?

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Edit number 2:


ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\dayz_epoch_11.Chernarus\description.ext, line 208: /CfgTraderCategory/: Missing '}


CfgTraderCategory/: Missing '} the prob isn't in the description.ext ........ its in the cfgtradercategory file, did you edit a trader table???

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CfgTraderCategory/: Missing '} the prob isn't in the description.ext ........ its in the cfgtradercategory file, did you edit a trader table???

Negative, I installed it Vanilla style.


I am thinking about giving someone my current build that works, and make them install it and pay some cash to them. I am done xD

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Hay guys,

evrythings works fine for (traders & looting dead player) me except the bank menu at storages ...

it says:

Resource BankDialog not found

trading money to other players dosnt work too.


i double checked evrything, i think its just a stupid mistake. I would love to get some help ;-) my logs are clear btw.




in love mumys.

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Wouldn't it be possible to have the traders in the database as the originals?

Is there any reason for this choice (performance maybe?), I just find it is a bit more "messy" to make changes. I understand it would mean more changes to the code to handle the new buy and sell columns format, but it is just to know why this way ^^

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I have installed this mod and it all works as advertised with one problem... it doesn't save. I have re-installed the mod twice now, following all the steps and am still having the problem. Each time a player logs out and back in, the money is gone. Each time the server restarts, containers are set back to zero coins if they had any in it.


I am using config traders and the gearset that came with ZSC. Any thoughts?

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Sometimes a player will message me informing me the coins in their safe has dissappeared, on top of that I get the error

"HiveExt: [Warning] Update of character XXXX only had 16 parameters out of 17" spammed constantly, this error occurs regardless of whether Im using the provided mission/pbo or my own set with various addons, standard wiped epoch database or my current one. Any ideas?

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Ok... So I have moved a little closer to success. Even though in the ZSCconfig.sqf it states "// If TRUE: overwrite yours player_switchmodel.sqf with mine. | IF False: Change content yourself @ step D
ZSC_Overwrite_SwitchModel = true;"


It seems it was actually NOT overwriting. I figured this out when I added the following:


"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ZSC\Compiles\player_switchModel.sqf"

To my init.sqf and got the following error in the server .rpt the next time I tried to join the server:


21:02:54 Error in expression <_dir;
_newUnit setVariable ["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];

{_newUnit removeMagaz>
21:02:54   Error position: <_cashMoney,true];

{_newUnit removeMagaz>
21:02:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: _cashmoney
21:02:54 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\ZSC\Compiles\player_switchModel.sqf, line 59


This is telling me there is no expression for cashmoney. Did I make a mistake somewhere else? Can someone please help me get unstuck here? Thanks!

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In here

if (_isMan and _isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal and !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
	if (s_givemoney_dialog < 0) then {
		s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Give Money to %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "ZSC\actions\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
} else {
	player removeAction s_givemoney_dialog;
	s_givemoney_dialog = -1;

Is there a way to know if the cursorTarget accepted the "Display Name On/Off"? If so I won't display the name in "Give Money to %1" if he did not accepted

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I would like to know if there is a way to know if our cursorTarget (when is a player) has selected the option "Don't display name", or "Display name" (you know when you login).

This way we could change this line in fn_selfActions.sqf:

s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Give Money to %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "ZSC\actions\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];

and keep the name of the target "secret" as he wanted it to be.

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Coins that are on player do not save upon server restart.


Can anyone point me in the direction to look please?


Double check what you've done with the step D) compiles/server_playerSync.sqf 

this is where your character is saved to the database.

And also check your server's logs if there's any error (.RPT file)

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Double check what you've done with the step D) compiles/server_playerSync.sqf 

this is where your character is saved to the database.

And also check your server's logs if there's any error (.RPT file)

Found it, It was the playergetset, needed to change what file it was calling in complies to Zupas.


player_gearSet = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_gearSet.sqf";


Changed to


player_gearSet = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ZSC\compiles\player_gearSet.sqf";



Working fine now

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