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[Alpha Release] Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).

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Hi, If someone needs the Origins Cars at the Vehicle-Traders based on the original files from Zupa:

Step 1:
Create "OriginsCars.hpp" (Use the Text Editor or Notepad++) under "\ZSC\config\Category\"



class Category_2000 {
	class ori_vil_lada_2105_rust			{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={5000,"Coins"};sell[] ={2500,"Coins"};};
	class ori_poldek				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={8000,"Coins"};sell[] ={4000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_poldek_black				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={9000,"Coins"};sell[] ={4500,"Coins"};};
	class ori_ScrapBuggy				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={5000,"Coins"};sell[] ={2500,"Coins"};};
	class ori_scrapTank				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={10000,"Coins"};sell[] ={5000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_rth_originsmod_bathmobile		{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={15000,"Coins"};sell[] ={7500,"Coins"};};
	class ori_originsmod_pickupoldfuel		{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={10000,"Coins"};sell[] ={5000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_originsmod_pickupold			{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={10000,"Coins"};sell[] ={5000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_p85_originsmod_CUCV			{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={10000,"Coins"};sell[] ={5000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_p85_originsmod_cucv_pickup	        {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={10000,"Coins"};sell[] ={5000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_vil_originsmod_lublin_truck	        {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={16000,"Coins"};sell[] ={8000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_transit				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={30000,"Coins"};sell[] ={15000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_excavator				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={50000,"Coins"};sell[] ={25000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_vil_originsmod_volvo_fl290	        {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={20000,"Coins"};sell[] ={10000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_vil_originsmod_truck_civ		{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={20000,"Coins"};sell[] ={10000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_survivorBus				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={40000,"Coins"};sell[] ={20000,"Coins"};};
	class ori_titanic				{type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={20000,"Coins"};sell[] ={10000,"Coins"};};	

Step 2:
Add in "ZSC\config\cfgServerTrader.hpp"

	#include "Category\OriginsCars.hpp"

Step 3:
Add in "server_traders_tavi_13.sqf" under NEZTRAL VEHICLE VENDORS "["Origins-Car",2000]" at the end at. Should look like this



menu_GUE_Soldier_3 = [
	[["Bikes and ATV",587],["Buses and Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591],["Overwatch SP-Car",1015],["Overwatch S-Car",1016],["Origins-Car",2000]],
menu_RU_Woodlander4 = [
	[["Bikes and ATV",587],["Buses and Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591],["Overwatch SP-Car",1015],["Overwatch S-Car",1016],["Origins-Car",2000]],

Hope it helps someone. It works for me on my Server.

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here is my panthera server_trader.sqf i made compatible if anyone needs this:


serverTraders = ["Tanny_PMC","BAF_Soldier_AMG_W","BAF_Soldier_AAA_DDPM","CZ_Special_Forces_MG_DES_EP1","Damsel5","GUE_Commander","GUE_Woodlander1","GUE_Woodlander3","GUE_Soldier_Sab","GUE_Soldier_Pilot","GUE_Soldier_2","Soldier_PMC","Citizen2_EP1","Rita_Ensler_EP1","RU_Farmwife1","US_Soldier_Medic_EP1","USMC_Soldier_TL","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","UN_CDF_Soldier_AAT_EP1","ValentinaVictim","UN_CDF_Soldier_MG_EP1","GUE_Soldier_1","FR_Corpsman","GUE_Soldier_AR","Dr_Hladik_EP1","RU_Villager1","Reynolds_PMC"];
menu_Tanny_PMC = [
    [["Ammunition",478],["Clothes",575],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477],["Money",700]],
menu_BAF_Soldier_AMG_W = [
    [["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns And Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612],["Overwatch Pistol Ammo",1012],["Overwatch Gun Ammo",1013]],
menu_BAF_Soldier_AAA_DDPM = [
    [["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns And Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642],["Overwatch Vil",1002],["Overwatch Tar",1003],["Overwatch Sniper",1011],["Overwatch Scar",1004],["Overwatch Sidearm",1001],["Overwatch Mas",1007],["Overwatch Hk417",1009],["Overwatch Hk416",1008],["Overwatch Dmr",1010],["Overwatch Acr",1005]],
menu_CZ_Special_Forces_MG_DES_EP1 = [
    [["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591],["Overwatch Civ Car",1015],["Overwatch Nissian Car",1016]],
menu_Damsel5 = [
    [["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],
    [["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Whiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],
menu_GUE_Commander = [
    [["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns And Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642],["Overwatch Vil",1002],["Overwatch Tar",1003],["Overwatch Sniper",1011],["Overwatch Scar",1004],["Overwatch Sidearm",1001],["Overwatch Mas",1007],["Overwatch Hk417",1009],["Overwatch Hk416",1008],["Overwatch G3",1006],["Overwatch Dmr",1010],["Overwatch Acr",1005]],
menu_GUE_Woodlander1 = [
    [["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns And Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612],["Overwatch Pistol Ammo",1012],["Overwatch Gun Ammo",1013]],
menu_GUE_Woodlander3 = [
    [["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509],["Money",700]],
menu_GUE_Soldier_Sab = [
    [["Ammunition",577],["Clothing",575],["Helicopter Armed",512],["Military Armed",569],["Trucks Armed",534],["Weapons",627],["Money",700]],
menu_GUE_Soldier_Pilot = [
    [["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519],["Overwatch Camel",1014]],
menu_GUE_Soldier_2 = [
    [["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591],["Overwatch Civ Car",1015],["Overwatch Nissian Car",1016]],
menu_Soldier_PMC = [
    [["Black Market Weapons",526],["Black Market Ammo",527],["Explosives",529]],
menu_Citizen2_EP1 = [
    [["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509],["Money",700]],
menu_Rita_Ensler_EP1 = [
    [["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591],["Overwatch Civ Car",1015],["Overwatch Nissian Car",1016]],
menu_RU_Farmwife1 = [
    [["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],
    [["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Whiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],
menu_US_Soldier_Medic_EP1 = [
    [["Chemlites / Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],
    [["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],
menu_USMC_Soldier_TL = [
    [["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns And Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642],["Overwatch Vil",1002],["Overwatch Tar",1003],["Overwatch Sniper",1011],["Overwatch Scar",1004],["Overwatch Sidearm",1001],["Overwatch Mas",1007],["Overwatch Hk417",1009],["Overwatch Hk416",1008],["Overwatch G3",1006],["Overwatch Dmr",1010],["Overwatch Acr",1005]],
menu_USMC_SoldierS_Engineer = [
    [["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns and Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612],["Overwatch Pistol Ammo",1012],["Overwatch Gun Ammo",1013]],
menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_AAT_EP1 = [
menu_ValentinaVictim = [
    [["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],
    [["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Whiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],
menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_MG_EP1 = [
menu_GUE_Soldier_1 = [
    [["Boats Armed",673],["Boats Unarmed",672]],
menu_TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1 = [
    [["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns and Single Shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642],["Overwatch Vil",1002],["Overwatch Tar",1003],["Overwatch Sniper",1011],["Overwatch Scar",1004],["Overwatch Sidearm",1001],["Overwatch Mas",1007],["Overwatch Hk417",1009],["Overwatch Hk416",1008],["Overwatch G3",1006],["Overwatch Dmr",1010],["Overwatch Acr",1005]],
menu_Pilot_EP1 = [
    [["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns and Single Shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612],["Overwatch Pistol Ammo",1012],["Overwatch Gun Ammo",1013]],
menu_FR_Corpsman = [
    [["Bikes And Atv",587],["Buses And Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591],["Overwatch Civ Car",1015],["Overwatch Nissian Car",1016]],
menu_GUE_Soldier_AR = [
    [["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509],["Money",700]],
menu_Dr_Hladik_EP1 = [
    [["Chemlites / Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],
    [["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],
menu_RU_Doctor = [
    [["Chemlites / Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],
    [["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],
menu_RU_Villager1 = [
    [["Boats Armed",673],["Boats Unarmed",672]],
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 Can you help me how to change playerhud.sqf so it show debug like in v1.1

should i change player_switchModel.sqf direction in compiles.sqf because there already in ZSCinit.sqf

if( isNil "ZSC_Overwrite_SwitchModel" || ZSC_Overwrite_SwitchModel)then{
player_switchModel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ZSC\compiles\player_switchModel.sqf";
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hmm i have no idea then. is there any other error message in the server rpt before the errors when saving a vault?

Just an update.

I was able to fix the issue. Was missing the "bankmoney" varable in the player_LockVault.sqf file. How I have missed it looking over those files many times is beyond me. When it locked, it didn't have the "bankmoney" and would save to memory with no money info, bypassing the database entirely. There for it would cause the unlock to not work correctly since the change in memory didn't have the "bankmoney" so it didn't know how to look it up from the database.


Maybe I explained it well enough it can be understood. Explaining isn't my strong point!


Thanks for the help though BangL!

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Help me Zupa!

i'm trying to edit playerhud.sqf to show player status like i want but in game it's only show maxium 5 status

This is my edited playerhud.sqf

while {true} do
	1000 cutRsc ["ZSC_Money_Display","PLAIN"];
	_wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "ZSC_Money_Display"; // Thx to ASREMIX
    _vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
	Money = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
	ZombieKills 		= 		player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
	Hero_Kills 		= 		player getVariable["humanKills",0];
	Bandit_Kills 		= 		player getVariable["banditKills",0];
	Humanity 		    = 		player getVariable["humanity",0];
	Blood 		        = 		player getVariable["USEC_BloodQty",12000];
	Fps 		        = 		(round diag_fps);
	Temp				=		player getVariable["dayz_temperatur",36];
	Reset 		        = 		(241-(round(serverTime/60)));
	if(Humanity >= 5000) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\HeroHumanity.paa'/>"; };
	if((Humanity >= 200) && (Humanity <= 4999)) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\CivHumanity.paa'/>"; };
	if(Humanity <= 199) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\BanditHumanity.paa'/>"; };
	_vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format 
	<t size='0.9'> %4 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Health.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %2 %3 </t><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %1 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Money.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %5 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\HeroKills.paa'/><br/> 
	<t size='0.9'> %6 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\BanditKills.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %7 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\ZombieKills.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %9 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Fps.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %8min </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Uptime.paa'/><br/>
	[Money] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
	[Humanity] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
    _vitals ctrlCommit 0;
    sleep 1.5;
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Does anyone know how to fix the check wallet issue? About 1/10 players on my server experience a glitch with check wallet.  They receive an error stating null currency. After they receive this error, they can then deposit unlimited cash.


Anyone know how to fix this? Offering 20$ for anyone that can offer a solution. PM me or drop a line in this thread. Once we get this resolved, we can share with community. I know other servers are also experiencing this problem. 

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Players do not move when trading. Ammo trader on napf and boat trader on cherno always "canceled trade".



put your trader on the ground , if your trader is in a 2 story building it will not work, took me some time to find this out =P






if (player distance _oldPosition <= 1) then {


if ((position player) distance _oldPosition <= 1) then {


  • ZSC\actions\trade_any_bicycle.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_any_boat.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_any_vehicle.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_backpacks.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_items.sqf       [ 2 times! ]
  • ZSC\actions\trade_weapons.sqf
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Help me Zupa!

i'm trying to edit playerhud.sqf to show player status like i want but in game it's only show maxium 5 status

This is my edited playerhud.sqf

while {true} do
	1000 cutRsc ["ZSC_Money_Display","PLAIN"];
	_wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "ZSC_Money_Display"; // Thx to ASREMIX
    _vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
	Money = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
	ZombieKills 		= 		player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
	Hero_Kills 		= 		player getVariable["humanKills",0];
	Bandit_Kills 		= 		player getVariable["banditKills",0];
	Humanity 		    = 		player getVariable["humanity",0];
	Blood 		        = 		player getVariable["USEC_BloodQty",12000];
	Fps 		        = 		(round diag_fps);
	Temp				=		player getVariable["dayz_temperatur",36];
	Reset 		        = 		(241-(round(serverTime/60)));
	if(Humanity >= 5000) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\HeroHumanity.paa'/>"; };
	if((Humanity >= 200) && (Humanity <= 4999)) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\CivHumanity.paa'/>"; };
	if(Humanity <= 199) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\BanditHumanity.paa'/>"; };
	_vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format 
	<t size='0.9'> %4 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Health.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %2 %3 </t><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %1 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Money.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %5 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\HeroKills.paa'/><br/> 
	<t size='0.9'> %6 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\BanditKills.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %7 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\ZombieKills.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %9 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Fps.paa'/><br/>
	<t size='0.9'> %8min </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Uptime.paa'/><br/>
	[Money] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
	[Humanity] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
    _vitals ctrlCommit 0;
    sleep 1.5;





<t size='0.9'> %8min </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Uptime.paa'/>

The line break (<br/>) isn't necessary after the above either, so remove that.

while {true} do
    1000 cutRsc ["ZSC_Money_Display","PLAIN"];
    _wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "ZSC_Money_Display"; // Thx to ASREMIX
_vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
    Money = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
    ZombieKills         =         player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
    Hero_Kills         =         player getVariable["humanKills",0];
    Bandit_Kills         =         player getVariable["banditKills",0];
    Humanity          =         player getVariable["humanity",0];
    Blood          =         player getVariable["USEC_BloodQty",12000];
    Fps          =         (round diag_fps);
    Temp                =        player getVariable["dayz_temperatur",36];
    Reset          =         (241-(round(serverTime/60)));
    if(Humanity >= 5000) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\HeroHumanity.paa'/>"; };
    if((Humanity >= 200) && (Humanity <= 4999)) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\CivHumanity.paa'/>"; };
    if(Humanity <= 199) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\BanditHumanity.paa'/>"; };
    _vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format
    <t size='0.9'> %4 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Health.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %2 %3 </t><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %1 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Money.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %5 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\HeroKills.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %6 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\BanditKills.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %7 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\ZombieKills.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %9 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Fps.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %8min </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Uptime.paa'/>
    [Money] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
    [Humanity] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
_vitals ctrlCommit 0;
sleep 1.5;
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I installed this coin script on my Napf server and it was so easy this time..  :)

The only thing I can find that is not working is the bike REPACK. The bike script is the one that uses the EVD script where you right click on a toolbox.

Yesterday two of the players and myself used the Repack when we landed at a mission and it worked. The only thing that has changed is I installed the Coin Script today.  

Any thoughts? :blink:




I found when i set Zupa's selfactions to true, the repack that was in my self actions was canceled. So i copied the repack part and put it in Zupa's self actions. Works great now. :D

Edited by Thug
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<t size='0.9'> %8min </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Uptime.paa'/>

The line break (<br/>) isn't necessary after the above either, so remove that.

while {true} do
    1000 cutRsc ["ZSC_Money_Display","PLAIN"];
    _wpui = uiNameSpace getVariable "ZSC_Money_Display"; // Thx to ASREMIX
_vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
    Money = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
    ZombieKills         =         player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
    Hero_Kills         =         player getVariable["humanKills",0];
    Bandit_Kills         =         player getVariable["banditKills",0];
    Humanity          =         player getVariable["humanity",0];
    Blood          =         player getVariable["USEC_BloodQty",12000];
    Fps          =         (round diag_fps);
    Temp                =        player getVariable["dayz_temperatur",36];
    Reset          =         (241-(round(serverTime/60)));
    if(Humanity >= 5000) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\HeroHumanity.paa'/>"; };
    if((Humanity >= 200) && (Humanity <= 4999)) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\CivHumanity.paa'/>"; };
    if(Humanity <= 199) then { Humanity_Icon = "<img size='0.9' image='ZSC\gui\BanditHumanity.paa'/>"; };
    _vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format
    <t size='0.9'> %4 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Health.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %2 %3 </t><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %1 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Money.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %5 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\HeroKills.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %6 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\BanditKills.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %7 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\ZombieKills.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %9 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Fps.paa'/><br/>
    <t size='0.9'> %8min </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='ZSC\gui\Uptime.paa'/>
    [Money] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
    [Humanity] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
_vitals ctrlCommit 0;
sleep 1.5;

remove <br/> make all the stats cosume to 1 line

i need 1 stats 1 line

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if (player distance _oldPosition <= 1) then {


if ((position player) distance _oldPosition <= 1) then {


  • ZSC\actions\trade_any_bicycle.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_any_boat.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_any_vehicle.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_backpacks.sqf
  • ZSC\actions\trade_items.sqf       [ 2 times! ]
  • ZSC\actions\trade_weapons.sqf




Can anyone confirm that this works please? This is the only thing holding me back from installing this.

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Can anyone confirm that this works please? This is the only thing holding me back from installing this.

 if it doesn't work just move your traders was pretty easy to do for me , kinda made it better because going upstairs for the traders was a pain =P and i had some jerks on the server once who were just blocking the door tto the room to go up to so putting them some where with no choke point helps ,





I installed this coin script on my Napf server and it was so easy this time..   :)

The only thing I can find that is not working is the bike REPACK. The bike script is the one that uses the EVD script where you right click on a toolbox.

Yesterday two of the players and myself used the Repack when we landed at a mission and it worked. The only thing that has changed is I installed the Coin Script today.  

Any thoughts?  :blink:


check your extra_rc.hpp or post it here =] 




now my question is if any one has a fix for the check wallet not showing on graves because of infistar?

was showing before infistar and now its not (yes i do have the fix for grave wallets posted in past pages)

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 if it doesn't work just move your traders was pretty easy to do for me , kinda made it better because going upstairs for the traders was a pain =P and i had some jerks on the server once who were just blocking the door tto the room to go up to so putting them some where with no choke point helps ,





check your extra_rc.hpp or post it here =] 




now my question is if any one has a fix for the check wallet not showing on graves because of infistar?

was showing before infistar and now its not (yes i do have the fix for grave wallets posted in past pages)



If I asked nicely, would you share your altered traders file? :)

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Got this all working no problem except for the refuel/rearm scripts. I tried using this fix: http://pastebin.com/FnUu7X4Efrom Kat on this post: but it's a no go.


The price is changed to coins in the scroll menu but when I go to use it I keep getting the old "Missing 2000 more of" or "Missing 10000 of".


Is there something else you have to do to get this going since it is not the custom dll?

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