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as becomes my server admin


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Hello I am having problem when I add my steamid64 and my GUID to get acesasr the admin panel of the server do everything right but within the game do not have access 'll let the script of 2 files someone here can help me find the error



adminMenu_High[] = {};
adminMenu_Low[] = {};
adminMenu_BanReasons[] = {"Traderzone","Hacking","Glitch","Combat Log"};
adminMenu_cryptoCfg[] = {2500,1000,500,100,50,-1000};
adminMenu_menuKey = 0x3B;
adminMenu_infrontTeleport = 0x06;
adminMenu_Owner[] = {
{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME3"} //<- No comma on the last entry
adminMenu_High[] = {
{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME6"} //<- No comma on the last entry
adminMenu_Low[] = {
{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME9"} //<- No comma on the last entry
ADMINNAME will be used for the Admin log instead of in-game name.
Available Settings:
"PLAYER-TELEPORT" => Teleport Admin To Player and Player To Admin
"MAP-TELEPORT" => Click on Map to Teleport
"FREE-CAM" => Free flying Cam
"INVISIBLE" => Make Playermodel invisible but other player can still hear your steps
"HEAL" => Heal yourself
"VEHICLEREPAIR" => Repeair the vehicle you're looking on, or be inside
"MAP-PLAYER" => Player Marker
"MAP-CORPSE" => Corpse (Dead Player etc.) Marker
"MAP-LOOT" => Loot Marker
"MAP-VEHICLE" => Vehicle Marker
"MAP-AI" => AI Marker
"OLD-ESP" => Old 3D ESP
"OLD-MAP" => Old Map Marker
"TARGET-CRYPTO" => Give crypto to target
"TARGET-HEAL" => Heal Target
"TARGET-AMMO" => Give Target Ammo
"TARGET-KILL" => Kill Target
"TARGET-VEHICLEREPAIR" => Repair the Vehicle if target is inside of a vehicle
"VEHICLEFLIP" => Flip Vehicle
"BANPANNEL" => Access to Banpannel
"SPAWN-MENU" => Access to Spawn Menu


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
<!-- This file is only provided as an example file and might not sute your needs/demands/taste. -->
Define admins.
name : name of the admin. do not need to be ingame player name.
guid : match player guid.
group : admin level. value must be a number.
groupname : name of the group the admin is in, can be named anything. if groupname is empty. it will not advitised when you connect
Note: keep <..id= > in order for your admin block. else parsing the file will cause errors. start it at 0 and increment it by 1 for each admin you add.
<admin id="0">
<groupname>Super Admin</groupname>
<admin id="1">
<groupname>High Admin</groupname>
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You added yourself to the Readme section.

antihack_InvOpenCheck[] = {}; // blank array disables, enable with {6} distance in meters disallows gear access if another player is within this range also disables gear access in vehicles.
antihack_banReason = "EpochMod.com Autoban";
antihack_checkFiles[] = { //script check, leave it blank to disable it
	{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientInit.sqf", "EPOCH_clientInit"},
	{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_onEachFrame.sqf", "EPOCH_onEachFrame"},
	{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_masterLoop.sqf", "EPOCH_masterLoop"},
	{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer.sqf", "EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer"},
	{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientRespawn.sqf", "EPOCH_clientRespawn"},
	{"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf", "EPOCH_KeyDown"}

adminMenu_Owner[] = {{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME1"},{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME2"},{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME3"}}; <<-----add your info
adminMenu_OwnerSetting[] = {

adminMenu_High[] = {};

adminMenu_Low[] = {};

adminMenu_BanReasons[] = {"Traderzone","Hacking","Glitch","Combat Log"};
adminMenu_cryptoCfg[] = {2500,1000,500,100,50,-1000};
//You can find the Key Codes here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes#F1..15
adminMenu_menuKey = 0x3B;
adminMenu_infrontTeleport = 0x06;

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{"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME3"} //<- No comma on the last entry

Should look like below.... Take out the {"STEAMID64","ADMINNAME3"} remove the comma etc

adminMenu_Owner[] = {{"7111111111111111111","Name"},{"722222222222222222","Name"}};

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