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Custom loading screen



Ok so I'm helping out manage a server and they want me to make a change to the loading screen. I thought I knew how but the guides I have found conflict with what I see in the files on the server. If anyone could give me the exact file paths of the pbo I need to unpack and pack that has the image in it. I see everywhere it says mission.pbo but all i see is the server.pbo and it doesn't have what i'm looking for. Thanks!

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2 answers to this question

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The image needs to be 2x1.
2048x1024(best quality)
Save as .paa or .jpg

Download and unpack the default dayz_mission.pbo
Edit the file named description.ext with your favorite text editor
Find this line: loadScreen = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";
And replace with: loadScreen = "loadingscreen.jpg";

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