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Right i have been testing the vehicle menu thingy following the instructions


- Dying 

- Restarting ect


It appears to work perfectly Good Job!


One issue i do have is since i updated to new files the other day when i start up the server the mission starting process, when you get the timer on Commander, it takes ages, like almost 10 minutes when it used to take 2. THis might not be the cause it may be the host or something just wanted to let you know, I was looking at the log while it was starting and it was just stuck on "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited"

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I gave it my best for about an hour, but gotta call it a night.  Gotta think of more ways to die.   One of my favorites was spawning the scud launcher,  get in, turn on flying mode.  Go up into the sky, launch the skud, turn off flying, and eject.  The launcher landed first.  


  Next favorite was spawning in zsu-23, get in,  turn on flying, gain about 300 feet, turn on speed boost,  get up to about 2500mph, then eject and turn off flying.  Have no idea where the zsu-23 went, as it was instantly out of sight.  I hit the side of a mountain.  


  Good work man, I couldn't break it. 

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Possible "Gotta Abort to show the F!@#$%! Admin Menu again" FIX! (Also to enable the Admin Menu while in a vehicle)


This is NOT up on Github yet. I need some assistance testing this to make sure the menu is showing up correctly.


Simply replace the entire contents of your \admintools\Activate.sqf with the following:

if (isnil "tracker") then {tracker = 0;};

if (tracker == 0) then

private["_veh", "_idx"];
_idx = -1;

while {true} do
   if (_idx == -1) then
      _idx = (vehicle player) addaction [("<t color=""#585858"">" + ("Admin Menu") +"</t>"),"admintools\Eexcute.sqf","",0,false,true,"",""];
      _veh = vehicle player;

   if (_veh != vehicle player) then
      _veh removeAction _idx;
      _idx = -1;      
   Sleep 1;
tracker = 1;

waituntil {!alive player ; sleep 1;};
tracker = 0;

If you are unsure how to do this - don't bother. It'll be up on Github very soon after I get the "OK" from the experienced users.


To test this thoroughly:

  • Spawn a vehicle and hop in. Make sure the Admin Tools are still visable.
  • Die. Make sure the Admin Tools re-appear. 
  • Abort. Rejoin. Repeat X times.
  • Restart your server and Arma 2. Rejoin. Repeat X times.

Thanks for the help. I should take full credit for this fix because I definitely didn't steal it from a well-known DayZ hack. Definitely not.

This change works great for me, your additions are excellent! Thanks

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Well obviously the car fix does not work from within but ...OMG teleport will transport car and driver.. very handy I can now easily redistribute cars to south west corner of sauerland where there seem to be very few spawn points.. very handy feature


That and it's now way easier to  reposition the badly spawned planes to a runway or a bit of good road so the spawn is not wasted:)



Loving this new addition..saves a ton of database work:)


Edit: might want to becareful if moving planes/choppers.. the last 2 I tried spawned in the air nose dived to the ground and blew up:)

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The teleport problem is the built in epoch antihack's....the easiest way to avoid this is the comment out the antihacks line in the init file but if you read around there is a better way so that only admins avoid the antihacks and not all players.. just off up onto my roof so can't check for you now...

the cars problem is also a built in epoch problem.. if you read about there's the cure somewhere.. used to be an edit in the cleanup.fsm but I think it's now a check for hackers change in the server_functions.sql around line 800 in mine.. again can't share as mines not to secure currently as I have it passworded so not all the security is turned on...once i'm finished on the roof if no one else have linked the fixes I'll supply them...

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Well obviously the car fix does not work from within but ...OMG teleport will transport car and driver.. very handy I can now easily redistribute cars to south west corner of sauerland where there seem to be very few spawn points.. very handy feature

That and it's now way easier to reposition the badly spawned planes to a runway or a bit of good road so the spawn is not wasted:)

Loving this new addition..saves a ton of database work:)

Edit: might want to becareful if moving planes/choppers.. the last 2 I tried spawned in the air nose dived to the ground and blew up:)

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when you get the timer on Commander

I'm not sure what this phrase means, but I haven't noticed any slowdowns. Unless this is a global issue, it could just be your host getting DDOS'd. Is it only slow the first time you load Arma 2? Does the login process speed up after you abort-rejoin? If the answers are "Yes", then it's client-side.


The only thing being called once per second is the addAction menu item, not all of the scripts attached to it, so it shouldn't cause any lag whatsoever.

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I'm not sure what this phrase means, but I haven't noticed any slowdowns. Unless this is a global issue, it could just be your host getting DDOS'd. Is it only slow the first time you load Arma 2? Does the login process speed up after you abort-rejoin? If the answers are "Yes", then it's client-side.


The only thing being called once per second is the addAction menu item, not all of the scripts attached to it, so it shouldn't cause any lag whatsoeverYou.


You know when you join the server the mission starts and you have to exit and wait and there will be a sand timer on your server in DayZ commander showing that the mission is starting... Basicly with an update not long ago this process has severely increased. i was Just wandering if i was the only one experiencing it?

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Alright, I need some more testing to make sure this works correctly.


Replace everything in your /admintools/Activate.sqf with the following:

if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in ModList) then {

	if (isnil "tracker") then {tracker = 0;};

	if (tracker == 0) then

			private["_veh", "_idx"];
			_idx = -1;

			while {true} do
				if (_idx == -1) then
					_idx = (vehicle player) addaction [("<t color=""#585858"">" + ("Admin Menu") +"</t>"),"admintools\Eexcute.sqf","",0,false,true,"",""];
					_veh = vehicle player;

				if (_veh != vehicle player) then
					_veh removeAction _idx;
					_idx = -1;      
				Sleep 1;
		tracker = 1;

	waituntil {!alive player ; sleep 1;};
	tracker = 0;

Test to make sure:

  • The admin menu shows up without needing to abort-rejoin
  • The admin menu is only available for players whose PID is listed in the init.sqf (Admins and Mods)
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