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Well the all items crate uses ur config files to load in everything u could possibly spawn so dayz weapons will definitely be there. Also, the vehicle GUI uses config files too so u will also get non epoch. I am ok with both of these things as sometimes u want to gift unobtainable weapons or vehicles as event prizes


I know about that stuff. I was wondering if that was his issue because if so that is something I will not be fixing. Those are meant to be that way.


Anyone wouldn't happen to have a "Show owner" script to share would they? Would be a useful addition to Admin Tools.


This is going to be added. Point to show owner will be added next to the show code, might even add it directly to the show code. This has been a debate for me.

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Version 1.9 Release


The long awaited 1.9 version release.

This version has two dll files that are used fo the tool, however these are NOT required. I highly suggest using them, however if your host does not allow them do not worry, the tool will still work.


For a list of changes consult the changelog


You must use the new adminlist.sqf for this release and you must redo all init edits for this release or the tool will not work.

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yah I didnt remove the old activate



is this the only battleye filters addition  for upgrade  ???



!="toClient" !="usageLogger" !="useBroadcaster"


I believe so, is there still a battleye issue? I got one message saying someone had an issue with publicvariableval.


If you have an issue with it let me know so I can add it to the release and do this:


open publicvariableval.txt in battleye folder and change line 33/34

5 "enable"

5 "spawn" !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"


1 "enable"

1 "spawn" !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"

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The above line is actually from publicvariable.log

14.09.2014 01:16:17: Nekuan () GUID- Value Restriction #31 "usageLogger" = "Nekuan PUID-- has ENABLED player ESP" (Yes, I am using your publicvariable.txt)



The publicvariable.log logs both publicvariable and publicvariableval

Try this publicvariableval.txt:

5 "fnc_plyrHit"
5 "<NULL - team member>"
5 "preprocessFile"
5 "preprocessFileLineNumbers"
5 "setVehicleInit"
5 "processInitCommands"
5 "HangenderRE"
5 "vilegaming"
5 "v\.i\.l\.e"
5 "Lystic"
5 "Rustler"
5 "BattleFieldClearance"
5 "BIS_MPF_logic"
5 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup"
5 "compile"
5 "loadFile"
5 "call"
5 "mission"
1 "spawn"
5 "format"
5 "parse"
5 "terminate"
5 "eventhandler"
5 "hintC"
5 "hintS"
5 "loading"
5 "\"call\""
5 "call compile"
5 "toString"
5 "toArray"
5 "ctrlset"
5 "rsay"
5 "rland"
5 "rsetDir"
5 "_YakB"
5 "local_sefFuel"
5 "getVariable"
5 "hiveupdateresu"
5 "isServer"
5 "isDedicated"
5 "cutText"
5 "publicVariable"
5 "code"
5 "onPlayer"
5 "select"
5 "while"
5 "count"
5 "markerText"
5 "BIS_fnc"
5 "_bis"
5 "markerType"
5 "teamtype"
5 "composeText"
5 "teamName"
5 "execVM"
5 "fn_swapVars\.sqf"
5 "processInitCommands"
5 "promptRName\.sqf"
5 "rpcCodeVarName"
5 "rpcDirectCall"
5 "broadcastRpcCallAll"
5 "broadcastRpcCallIfLocal"
5 "norrnRACarUp"
5 "norrnRAPicUp"
5 "markerBrush"
5 "hideObject"
5 "deleteCollection"
5 "forceEnd"
5 "createAgent"
5 "deleteVehicle"
5 "deleteTeam"
1 "getPlayerUID"
5 "getVariable"
5 "addAction"
5 "AddM"
5 "AddP"
5 "AddS"
5 "AddV"
5 "AddW"
5 "setAcc"
5 "setAtt"
5 "setC"
5 "setD"
5 "setF"
5 "setG"
5 "setH"
5 "setM"
5 "setObj"
5 "setOver"
5 "setP"
5 "setR"
5 "setS"
5 "setT"
5 "setUnit"
5 "setV"
5 "setW"
5 "execFSM"
5 "clearM"
5 "clearV"
5 "clearW"
5 "createD"
5 "createG"
5 "createM"
5 "createS"
5 "createT"
5 "createU"
5 "createV"
5 "debugLog"
5 "debugFSM"
5 "deleteM"
5 "kbTell"
5 "kbReact"
5 "fadeSound"
5 "fadeMusic"
5 "showC"
5 "skipTime"
5 "taskHint"
5 "titleCut"
5 "titleText" !",\"titleText\","
5 "getM"
5 "getFSMvariable"
5 "getG"
5 "moveIn"
5 "synchronizeO"
5 "synchronizeT"
5 "synchronizeW"
5 "triggerA"
5 "triggerS"
5 "triggerT"
5 "MarkerColor"
5 "MarkerDir"
5 "MarkerPos"
5 "MarkerSize"
5 "onEachFrame"
5 "hasInterface"
5 "onMapS"
5 "OnGroup"
5 "onDouble"
5 "onPreload"
5 "onTeamS"
5 "onShowNew"
5 "setUnconscious"
5 " exec "
5 " set "
5 " str "
5 "exec\("
5 "set\("
5 "str\("
5 "exec\["
5 "set\["
5 "str\["
5 "exec\{"
5 "set\{"
5 "str\{"
5 "exec'"
5 "set'"
5 "str'"
5 "exec\""
5 "set\""
5 "str\""
5 "\)exec"
5 "\)set"
5 "\)str"
5 "\]exec"
5 "\]set"
5 "\]str"
5 "\}exec"
5 "\}set"
5 "\}str"
5 "'exec"
5 "'set"
5 "'str"
5 "str "
5 " \nstr"
5 "\nstr"
5 "str\n"
5 "str\n "
5 ",str"
5 "str,"
5 "str "
5 "set "
5 " \nset"
5 "\nset"
5 "set\n"
5 "set\n "
5 ",set"
5 "set,"
5 "set "
5 "exec "
5 "exec\n"
5 "exec\n "
5 ",exec"
5 "exec,"
5 "exec "
5 "isNil"
5 "object_setFixServer"
5 "allowConnection"
5 "check_publishobject"
5 "dayz_disco"
5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
5 "dayz_objectUID"
5 "dayz_objectUID2"
5 "dayz_players"
5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
5 "dayz_versionNo"
5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
5 "isSinglePlayer"
5 "needUpdate_objects"
5 "server_characterSync"
5 "server_getDiff"
5 "server_getDiff2"
5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
5 "server_hiveWrite"
5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
5 "allunits"
5 "preprocess"
5 "runinitscript"
5 "createdialog"
5 "modify"
5 "BIS_Alice_fnc_CivilianHit"
5 "BIS_Alice_mainscope"
5 "BIS_fnc_getFactions"
5 "allowConnection"
5 "check_publishobject"
5 "dayz_disco"
5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
5 "dayz_objectUID"
5 "dayz_objectUID2"
5 "dayz_players"
5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
5 "dayz_versionNo"
5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
5 "isSinglePlayer"
5 "needUpdate_objects"
5 "server_characterSync"
5 "server_getDiff"
5 "server_getDiff2"
5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
5 "server_hiveWrite"
5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
5 "allunits"
5 "preprocess"
5 "runinitscript"
5 "createdialog"
5 "actionmonitor"
5 "bis_"
5 "building_spawnloot"
5 "building_spawnzombies"
5 "camp_spawnzombies"
1 "dog_"
5 "drn_"
5 "eh_localcleanup"
5 "fnc_"
5 "fn_nicespot"
5 "gear_ui_init"
5 "horde_epeen_determine_humanity_fnc"
5 "horde_epeen_fnc_fill_page"
5 "infectedcamps"
5 "local_eventkill"
5 "local_gutobject"
5 "local_setfuel"
5 "local_zombiedamage"
5 "object_"
5 "player_alertzombies"
5 "player_animalcheck"
5 "player_checkstealth"
5 "player_combatroll"
5 "player_countmagazines"
5 "player_crossbowbolt"
5 "player_death"
5 "player_fired"
5 "player_firemonitor"
5 "player_gearset"
5 "player_gearsync"
5 "player_guicontrolflash"
5 "player_humanitychange"
5 "player_humanitymorph"
5 "player_medbandage"
5 "player_medepi"
5 "player_medmorphine"
5 "player_medpainkiller"
5 "player_medtransfuse"
5 "player_music"
5 "player_packtent"
5 "player_projectilenear"
5 "player_spawn_1"
5 "player_spawn_2"
5 "player_spawncheck"
5 "player_summedical"
5 "player_switchmodel"
5 "player_temp_calculation"
5 "player_throwobject"
5 "player_updategui"
5 "player_weaponfirednear"
5 "player_zombieattack"
5 "player_zombiecheck"
5 "r_player_removeactions2"
5 "PVDZ_"
5 "PVAH_"
5 "PVAHR_"
5 "PV_"
5 "remExField"
5 "remExFP"
5 "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs"
5 "BIS_effects_gepv"
5 "server_"
5 "stream_locationcheck"
5 "stream_locationdel"
5 "stream_locationfill"
5 "ui_changedisplay"
5 "ui_initdisplay"
5 "vehicle_gethitpoints"
5 "world_isday"
5 "world_sunrise"
5 "world_surfacenoise"
5 "zombie_"
5 "createUnit"
5 "createGroup"
5 "BattleFieldClearance"
5 "HighCommandSubordinate"
5 "FirstAidSystem"
5 "AlternativeInjurySimulation"
5 "FORM"

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With that I can now activate the admin mode but I'm getting kicked for displaying code.

Value Restriction #42 "usageLogger" = "Nekuan -- has viewed a locked item code: 684


Guess I'll just disable the usagelogger again as there isn't really another admin around besides me.

Thanks for the help anyways and just one last question:
The new base manager function has the option to export as an .sqf which, if i remember correctly, you planned on doing so with its own .dll. As I'm not using those does that function still work and if so where is it being logged?

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With that I can now activate the admin mode but I'm getting kicked for displaying code.

Value Restriction #42 "usageLogger" = "Nekuan -- has viewed a locked item code: 684


Guess I'll just disable the usagelogger again as there isn't really another admin around besides me.

Thanks for the help anyways and just one last question:

The new base manager function has the option to export as an .sqf which, if i remember correctly, you planned on doing so with its own .dll. As I'm not using those does that function still work and if so where is it being logged?


The output doesn't work without the dll right now, however I have decided to add the export to rpt so people can export still, but it goes to the rpt files.


I would like to ask if you can continue these tests for me for a short time. This is really helping me out more than you think. For whatever reason my test server doesn't seem to run the filters so I can't generate these issues. If you can't, I understand, however if you can try this variable value filter:

5 "fnc_plyrHit"
5 "<NULL - team member>"
5 "preprocessFile"
5 "preprocessFileLineNumbers"
5 "setVehicleInit"
5 "processInitCommands"
5 "HangenderRE"
5 "vilegaming"
5 "v\.i\.l\.e"
5 "Lystic"
5 "Rustler"
5 "BattleFieldClearance"
5 "BIS_MPF_logic"
5 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup"
5 "compile"
5 "loadFile"
1 "call"
5 "mission"
1 "spawn"
5 "format"
5 "parse"
5 "terminate"
5 "eventhandler"
5 "hintC"
5 "hintS"
5 "loading"
5 "\"call\""
5 "call compile"
5 "toString"
5 "toArray"
5 "ctrlset"
5 "rsay"
5 "rland"
5 "rsetDir"
5 "_YakB"
5 "local_sefFuel"
5 "getVariable"
5 "hiveupdateresu"
5 "isServer"
5 "isDedicated"
5 "cutText"
5 "publicVariable"
1 "code"
5 "onPlayer"
5 "select"
5 "while"
5 "count"
5 "markerText"
5 "BIS_fnc"
5 "_bis"
5 "markerType"
5 "teamtype"
5 "composeText"
5 "teamName"
5 "execVM"
5 "fn_swapVars\.sqf"
5 "processInitCommands"
5 "promptRName\.sqf"
5 "rpcCodeVarName"
5 "rpcDirectCall"
5 "broadcastRpcCallAll"
5 "broadcastRpcCallIfLocal"
5 "norrnRACarUp"
5 "norrnRAPicUp"
5 "markerBrush"
5 "hideObject"
5 "deleteCollection"
5 "forceEnd"
5 "createAgent"
5 "deleteVehicle"
5 "deleteTeam"
1 "getPlayerUID"
5 "getVariable"
5 "addAction"
5 "AddM"
5 "AddP"
5 "AddS"
5 "AddV"
5 "AddW"
5 "setAcc"
5 "setAtt"
5 "setC"
5 "setD"
5 "setF"
5 "setG"
5 "setH"
5 "setM"
5 "setObj"
5 "setOver"
5 "setP"
5 "setR"
5 "setS"
5 "setT"
5 "setUnit"
5 "setV"
5 "setW"
5 "execFSM"
5 "clearM"
5 "clearV"
5 "clearW"
5 "createD"
5 "createG"
5 "createM"
5 "createS"
5 "createT"
5 "createU"
5 "createV"
5 "debugLog"
5 "debugFSM"
5 "deleteM"
5 "kbTell"
5 "kbReact"
5 "fadeSound"
5 "fadeMusic"
5 "showC"
5 "skipTime"
5 "taskHint"
5 "titleCut"
5 "titleText" !",\"titleText\","
5 "getM"
5 "getFSMvariable"
5 "getG"
5 "moveIn"
5 "synchronizeO"
5 "synchronizeT"
5 "synchronizeW"
5 "triggerA"
5 "triggerS"
5 "triggerT"
5 "MarkerColor"
5 "MarkerDir"
5 "MarkerPos"
5 "MarkerSize"
5 "onEachFrame"
5 "hasInterface"
5 "onMapS"
5 "OnGroup"
5 "onDouble"
5 "onPreload"
5 "onTeamS"
5 "onShowNew"
5 "setUnconscious"
5 " exec "
5 " set "
5 " str "
5 "exec\("
5 "set\("
5 "str\("
5 "exec\["
5 "set\["
5 "str\["
5 "exec\{"
5 "set\{"
5 "str\{"
5 "exec'"
5 "set'"
5 "str'"
5 "exec\""
5 "set\""
5 "str\""
5 "\)exec"
5 "\)set"
5 "\)str"
5 "\]exec"
5 "\]set"
5 "\]str"
5 "\}exec"
5 "\}set"
5 "\}str"
5 "'exec"
5 "'set"
5 "'str"
5 "str "
5 " \nstr"
5 "\nstr"
5 "str\n"
5 "str\n "
5 ",str"
5 "str,"
5 "str "
5 "set "
5 " \nset"
5 "\nset"
5 "set\n"
5 "set\n "
5 ",set"
5 "set,"
5 "set "
5 "exec "
5 "exec\n"
5 "exec\n "
5 ",exec"
5 "exec,"
5 "exec "
5 "isNil"
5 "object_setFixServer"
5 "allowConnection"
5 "check_publishobject"
5 "dayz_disco"
5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
5 "dayz_objectUID"
5 "dayz_objectUID2"
5 "dayz_players"
5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
5 "dayz_versionNo"
5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
5 "isSinglePlayer"
5 "needUpdate_objects"
5 "server_characterSync"
5 "server_getDiff"
5 "server_getDiff2"
5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
5 "server_hiveWrite"
5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
5 "allunits"
5 "preprocess"
5 "runinitscript"
5 "createdialog"
5 "modify"
5 "BIS_Alice_fnc_CivilianHit"
5 "BIS_Alice_mainscope"
5 "BIS_fnc_getFactions"
5 "allowConnection"
5 "check_publishobject"
5 "dayz_disco"
5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
5 "dayz_objectUID"
5 "dayz_objectUID2"
5 "dayz_players"
5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
5 "dayz_versionNo"
5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
5 "isSinglePlayer"
5 "needUpdate_objects"
5 "server_characterSync"
5 "server_getDiff"
5 "server_getDiff2"
5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
5 "server_hiveWrite"
5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
5 "allunits"
5 "preprocess"
5 "runinitscript"
5 "createdialog"
5 "actionmonitor"
5 "bis_"
5 "building_spawnloot"
5 "building_spawnzombies"
5 "camp_spawnzombies"
1 "dog_"
5 "drn_"
5 "eh_localcleanup"
5 "fnc_"
5 "fn_nicespot"
5 "gear_ui_init"
5 "horde_epeen_determine_humanity_fnc"
5 "horde_epeen_fnc_fill_page"
5 "infectedcamps"
5 "local_eventkill"
5 "local_gutobject"
5 "local_setfuel"
5 "local_zombiedamage"
5 "object_"
5 "player_alertzombies"
5 "player_animalcheck"
5 "player_checkstealth"
5 "player_combatroll"
5 "player_countmagazines"
5 "player_crossbowbolt"
5 "player_death"
5 "player_fired"
5 "player_firemonitor"
5 "player_gearset"
5 "player_gearsync"
5 "player_guicontrolflash"
5 "player_humanitychange"
5 "player_humanitymorph"
5 "player_medbandage"
5 "player_medepi"
5 "player_medmorphine"
5 "player_medpainkiller"
5 "player_medtransfuse"
5 "player_music"
5 "player_packtent"
5 "player_projectilenear"
5 "player_spawn_1"
5 "player_spawn_2"
5 "player_spawncheck"
5 "player_summedical"
5 "player_switchmodel"
5 "player_temp_calculation"
5 "player_throwobject"
5 "player_updategui"
5 "player_weaponfirednear"
5 "player_zombieattack"
5 "player_zombiecheck"
5 "r_player_removeactions2"
5 "PVDZ_"
5 "PVAH_"
5 "PVAHR_"
5 "PV_"
5 "remExField"
5 "remExFP"
5 "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs"
5 "BIS_effects_gepv"
5 "server_"
5 "stream_locationcheck"
5 "stream_locationdel"
5 "stream_locationfill"
5 "ui_changedisplay"
5 "ui_initdisplay"
5 "vehicle_gethitpoints"
5 "world_isday"
5 "world_sunrise"
5 "world_surfacenoise"
5 "zombie_"
5 "createUnit"
5 "createGroup"
5 "BattleFieldClearance"
5 "HighCommandSubordinate"
5 "FirstAidSystem"
5 "AlternativeInjurySimulation"
5 "FORM"

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Yea, just tried it and got kicked for PublicVariable Restriction #0 :D

Might use those .dll as I think my hoster allows me to do so... Well I'll see about that.

Thanks for your help!


That is my fault. I didn't add the exception for the new base exporter in the publicvariable.txt filter. Add this at the end of line 2: !="baseExporter"

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I'm using your test branch on an overpoch napf server and can't get the graphical list of vehicles to pop up. Says building a list and then list built but then nothing. Everything else seems to be working flawlessly.




was entirely my fault. reloaded the tools and all is good for overpoch.

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I'm using your test branch on an overpoch napf server and can't get the graphical list of vehicles to pop up. Says building a list and then list built but then nothing. Everything else seems to be working flawlessly.


Test branch has already been merged into master as a release. I will test this and see what happens.

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Loving this update so far. Only problem I have with this is admin building. Because you use custom build file for the admin build it doesn't include other features such as Plot 4 Life or Snap Build.

It's rather difficult to add those things too because the file is quite heavily modified. I tried adding snap pro to it, so far no success.

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Loving this update so far. Only problem I have with this is admin building. Because you use custom build file for the admin build it doesn't include other features such as Plot 4 Life or Snap Build.

It's rather difficult to add those things too because the file is quite heavily modified. I tried adding snap pro to it, so far no success.


Snap pro is going to be in it for the 1.9.1 release. I couldn't use the base game file because it would require heavy modifications of that and I wanted the tool to be able to survive on its own. I may release a plot for life alternate with 1.9.1 as I know many use that.

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I get this error on server start in client RPT, just thought you might want to know.


"DEBUG: loadscreen guard started."
Error in expression <system\player_monitor.sqf";    

if ( !((get>
  Error position: <adminListLoaded};                                         
if ( !((get>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: adminlistloaded
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Napf\init.sqf, line 111
Error in expression <system\player_monitor.sqf";    

if ( !((get>
  Error position: <adminListLoaded};                                         
if ( !((get>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: adminlistloaded
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Napf\init.sqf, line 111
"Admin Tools: AdminList.sqf loaded"

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