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Hi, sorry if this sounds dumb but I can't get this installed on my private dedicated server.


Here's what I did:


1. Extracted the "admintools " folder into my mission folder (DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus).

2. Edited my init.sqf, added the code at the bottom and replaced "1111111" with my playerID.

3. Opened description.ext and added "#include "admintools\dialog.hpp" at the bottom.

4. Replaced the original .txt BattlEye files.


But nothing shows up when I enter the server even if I go to the lobby and join again, nothing.


What am I doing wrong?

What does your .rpt say? We actually had to put the lines in somewhere above other scripts and not at the end in order to make it work.



Also got a question myself: Why does the Tool keep giving me a Map? I never used any weapon kits but it seems that almost everytime I use it i end up with a Map in my Inventory

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Hi, sorry if this sounds dumb but I can't get this installed on my private dedicated server.


Here's what I did:


1. Extracted the "admintools " folder into my mission folder (DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus).

2. Edited my init.sqf, added the code at the bottom and replaced "1111111" with my playerID.

3. Opened description.ext and added "#include "admintools\dialog.hpp" at the bottom.

4. Replaced the original .txt BattlEye files.


But nothing shows up when I enter the server even if I go to the lobby and join again, nothing.


What am I doing wrong?

Could be that you need to abort to the lobby and log back in to see it. I'm not sure why this happens, but it's the only fix I'm aware of at the moment.


Also got a question myself: Why does the Tool keep giving me a Map? I never used any weapon kits but it seems that almost everytime I use it i end up with a Map in my Inventory

I believe this is the ESPEnhanced script. It adds a map to your inventory to make sure that the ESP is capable of displaying the markers it needs.

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I have a suggestion. I hope this is something that can be done.


"Return to last position". If you teleport yourself to another player, you have no way to get back to where you were before that. It would be nice to have the ability to go back to where you were when you teleported to the player.

Why not just teleport again?

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Could be that you need to abort to the lobby and log back in to see it. I'm not sure why this happens, but it's the only fix I'm aware of at the moment.


Yeah I've already tried it.. well, it's a bummer, it looked really good!


Thanks anyways, keep up the good work

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Alright here's my code in init.sqf:

// Epoch Admin Tools
AdminList = [
"121498054", // <MyInGameName>
"999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
ModList = [
"999999999", // <Admin In-Game Name>
"999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
[] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";

I don't know what error lines to copy from the RPT file so I uploaded it, here it is.

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don't know if this is the cause of the menu not showing up for some but i did some testing with the anti hack change so..


Without making any changes to the anti hack line the menu shows perfect every time without fail for me.


Commenting out the anti hack it will work 3 times out of 10.


and applying the uid change to the anti hack for me works perfectly every time.

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Alright here's my code in init.sqf:

// Epoch Admin Tools
AdminList = [
"121498054", // <MyInGameName>
"999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
ModList = [
"999999999", // <Admin In-Game Name>
"999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
[] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";

I don't know what error lines to copy from the RPT file so I uploaded it, here it is.

Strange. Your init.sqf settings look good. Your RPT file is showing several errors in your server_functions.sqf, but I don't think they're related. Anyone else?


don't know if this is the cause of the menu not showing up for some but i did some testing with the anti hack change so..


Without making any changes to the anti hack line the menu shows perfect every time without fail for me.


Commenting out the anti hack it will work 3 times out of 10.


and applying the uid change to the anti hack and for me works perfectly every time.

I'm 99% sure that this is purely coincidental. The antihack has nothing to do with getting the menu to show up. Besides, if the antihack is commented out, it wouldn't even be loading, which means it simply doesn't exist on your server while the admin tools are enabled. No correlation.

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Just to show what I mean this is a part of my init.sqf:


/ DEBUG MONITOR ____________________________________________
// ----------------------------------------------------------
[] execVM "Scripts\debug_monitor.sqf";

// BOT BASE INITIALISIERUNG _____________________________________
// ----------------------------------------------------------
[] execVM "botbase\botbase_init.sqf";

// Epoch Admin Tools
AdminList = [
"5135174", //iFear
"33331590"]; //Nekuan

ModList = [
"999999999", //PlayerUID
"999999999"]; //PlayerUID

[] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "Scripts\effects.sqf";

At the beginning i had the admintool called at the very bottom (so beneath the effects.sqf) and it just didn't work. There was no error in my .rpt but there was no Admin Menu either. Maybe just try placing it above other scripts in the init will make it work as it did for me.


@BetterDeadThenZed: Press Teleport and click at the position where your base is on the map? Sorry but i really don't understand your problem...

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Just to show what I mean this is a part of my init.sqf:


/ DEBUG MONITOR ____________________________________________
// ----------------------------------------------------------
[] execVM "Scripts\debug_monitor.sqf";

// BOT BASE INITIALISIERUNG _____________________________________
// ----------------------------------------------------------
[] execVM "botbase\botbase_init.sqf";

// Epoch Admin Tools
AdminList = [
"5135174", //iFear
"33331590"]; //Nekuan

ModList = [
"999999999", //PlayerUID
"999999999"]; //PlayerUID

[] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";
if (!isDedicated) then {
[] execVM "Scripts\effects.sqf";

At the beginning i had the admintool called at the very bottom (so beneath the effects.sqf) and it just didn't work. There was no error in my .rpt but there was no Admin Menu either. Maybe just try placing it above other scripts in the init will make it work as it did for me.


@BetterDeadThenZed: Press Teleport and click at the position where your base is on the map? Sorry but i really don't understand your problem...


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So here's another problem. I have two servers. Admin menu working fine on both earlier today. Now it's not working on one. I use the  mouse wheel and nothing happens. I've double checked the init.sqf and it has the same lines as the other server. My database is showing me connecting to the server. Nothing in the rpt file as far as I know. Any suggestions?

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So here's another problem. I have two servers. Admin menu working fine on both earlier today. Now it's not working on one. I use the  mouse wheel and nothing happens. I've double checked the init.sqf and it has the same lines as the other server. My database is showing me connecting to the server. Nothing in the rpt file as far as I know. Any suggestions?

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