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Let me know if there is a difference with that. I will look at the code soon to see if I can find out what is wrong.


Looked in the file and the only big change I made was that I added a variable set that kept the user from being overburdened. There was an issue where I would become overburdened while flying around. This fixed the problem, but might be causing the desync problem. Go into the malfly.sqf and delete a line at the bottom of the file that reads 

player setVariable["unconciousTime".....

Just remove that entire line and let me know if there is still desync. 


Removed that line, and no more desync.. 

And one more thing, it is not the one who is flying that gets desync. Its everyone else. Atleast not at the begining. 

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Removed that line, and no more desync.. 

And one more thing, it is not the one who is flying that gets desync. Its everyone else. Atleast not at the begining. 


It is caused by a drag on the server due to errors. The server is processing all those errors so you get server call from a client, 20 errors, then server call from another client then 50 errors and it just keeps going until desync is at a critical level. I have already updated the test build with the new changes for flying. It will be merged into the normal one after testing is finished.

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Do you use any extra mods? If not use these files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vjqkabisrg9vmq2/M85nb_O1oZ


Those files are already set up from a clean server build so it should work. The only thing they have in them is the stuff for admin tools.


I used the server file & it runs well & allows me the have the temp vehicle fix so admin tool is installed properly.


But now the traders are not working.


I did not use the description.ext or the init file because I saw they were for chernarus & I'm running Taviana epoch.


Could this be why traders are not working?

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I used the server file & it runs well & allows me the have the temp vehicle fix so admin tool is installed properly.


But now the traders are not working.


I did not use the description.ext or the init file because I saw they were for chernarus & I'm running Taviana epoch.


Could this be why traders are not working?


Not that I know of. If you added everything to those files correctly there should be no issue. The tools don't mess with the traders. You may have made an edit incorrectly somewhere.

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Not that I know of. If you added everything to those files correctly there should be no issue. The tools don't mess with the traders. You may have made an edit incorrectly somewhere.


Well I copied & pasted from the instructions for epoch tool & tried it a few times...


When I try to deal with traders I go through the usual animation but the trade does not happen & when I try again I get message "Trade already in progress".


Do you have those same files but for taviana?

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Well I copied & pasted from the instructions for epoch tool & tried it a few times...


When I try to deal with traders I go through the usual animation but the trade does not happen & when I try again I get message "Trade already in progress".


Do you have those same files but for taviana?


Here they are. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vjqkabisrg9vmq2/kLYRT2UOdL/Taviana

You haven't messed with the server_traders.sqf have you?

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Merged the test branch into the main branch.


New Feature:

  • Function Key support. There is now a file: FunctionKeys.sqf that can be customized! The only defaultly bound keys are F1 for teleport, F2 for teleport to me, and F3 for teleport to player. F4 and F5 are taken by other files so those are not customizable at the moment. The file has information on how to customize it.

Bug Fix:

  • Teleporting no longer teleports you into the air if you are in an air vehicle with the engine off. If your engine is on it will still teleport you up to prevent tree collision.
  • ESP lag has been reduced


  • Deleted fix buildings (did not work correctly and there is no clean way to make it work correctly)
  • Changed file names so it is easier to navigate and edit files.


Download Now

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Temporary vehicle still kill players or is it just on my server bug? :)

Just on your end I think, they've worked fine for me and many others on my server.


though now I've gotten an odd bug where temp vehicles get deleted after a few seconds due to an invalid ID or something.

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Not sure if this has been reported, but if you select the Teleport option, then don't teleport, next time you open your map and click someplace, you get teleported. Destroyed two vehicles with this bug.


I have noticed this and plan to fix it. You actually reminded me about that. Thanks for the post.

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Just on your end I think, they've worked fine for me and many others on my server.


though now I've gotten an odd bug where temp vehicles get deleted after a few seconds due to an invalid ID or something.


Did you get this after updating to the new tool? I will check to make sure it works on my end but I haven't released any updates to the temp vehicles yet. I will be re-arranging the list however so the more common used ones are at the top and adding a few others like the SUV to the list.

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Hello, Am trying to add another class for admins like super admin

But when i do my admin menu dont show can someone please help me


Point me in the right direction if there is something i am missing



_pathtotools = "admintools\tools\";
_pathtoskins = "admintools\skins\";
_pathtoweapon = "admintools\weaponkits\";
// _pathtoshields = "admintools\shields\";
_pathtovehicles = "admintools\vehicles\";
_pathtocrates = "admintools\crates\";
_EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtotools+'%1"';
_EXECscript2 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoskins+'%1"';
_EXECscript3 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoweapon+'%1"';
// _EXECscript4 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoshields+'%1"';
_EXECscript5 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtovehicles+'%1"';
_EXECscript6 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtocrates+'%1"';
// if ((getPlayerUID player) in AllAdminList) then { // All Admins
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) then { // Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in SAdminList) then { // Super Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		//["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) then { // Admin Level 3
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Mod) --", [],"", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Mod Menu >>", [], "#USER:ModMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Temporary Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		



    // Epoch Admin Tools
    AdminList = [
    "", // <Admin In-Game Name> 
    "" // <Admin In-Game Name>
	SAdminList = [
    "162871558", // <Admin In-Game Name> 
    "171379398" // <Admin In-Game Name>
	ModList = [
    "", // <Mod In-Game Name>
    "" // <ModIn-Game Name>
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Hello, Am trying to add another class for admins like super admin

But when i do my admin menu dont show can someone please help me


Point me in the right direction if there is something i am missing


_pathtotools = "admintools\tools\";
_pathtoskins = "admintools\skins\";
_pathtoweapon = "admintools\weaponkits\";
// _pathtoshields = "admintools\shields\";
_pathtovehicles = "admintools\vehicles\";
_pathtocrates = "admintools\crates\";
_EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtotools+'%1"';
_EXECscript2 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoskins+'%1"';
_EXECscript3 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoweapon+'%1"';
// _EXECscript4 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoshields+'%1"';
_EXECscript5 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtovehicles+'%1"';
_EXECscript6 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtocrates+'%1"';
// if ((getPlayerUID player) in AllAdminList) then { // All Admins
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) then { // Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in SAdminList) then { // Super Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		//["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) then { // Admin Level 3
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Mod) --", [],"", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Mod Menu >>", [], "#USER:ModMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Temporary Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		



    // Epoch Admin Tools
    AdminList = [
    "", // <Admin In-Game Name> 
    "" // <Admin In-Game Name>
	SAdminList = [
    "162871558", // <Admin In-Game Name> 
    "171379398" // <Admin In-Game Name>
	ModList = [
    "", // <Mod In-Game Name>
    "" // <ModIn-Game Name>


The code seems fine from the areas that you posted, though there could be a problem somewhere else in the code. I do notice that you are missing the templist variable.

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i only posted part of the admintoolsmain here is there lot of it

_pathtotools = "admintools\tools\";
_pathtoskins = "admintools\skins\";
_pathtoweapon = "admintools\weaponkits\";
// _pathtoshields = "admintools\shields\";
_pathtovehicles = "admintools\vehicles\";
_pathtocrates = "admintools\crates\";
_EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtotools+'%1"';
_EXECscript2 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoskins+'%1"';
_EXECscript3 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoweapon+'%1"';
// _EXECscript4 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoshields+'%1"';
_EXECscript5 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtovehicles+'%1"';
_EXECscript6 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtocrates+'%1"';
// if ((getPlayerUID player) in AllAdminList) then { // All Admins
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) then { // Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in SAdminList) then { // Super Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		//["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) then { // Admin Level 3
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Mod) --", [],"", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Mod Menu >>", [], "#USER:ModMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Temporary Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
AdminMenu =
	["Spectate player", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"spectate.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Teleport", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malteleport.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Teleport To Me", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1, "TPtoME.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Toggle God Mode", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malplayerGM.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Zombie Shield",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"zombieshield.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Toggle Flying", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malfly.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Repair (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointrepair.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Point to Delete (Perm)",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"DatabaseRemove.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Heal (25m)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Invisibility", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinvisinit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Infinite Ammo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinfammo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Toggle Grass", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malgrasson.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
ModMenu =
	//["Spectate player", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"spectate.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	//["Teleport", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malteleport.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	//["Teleport To Me", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1, "TPtoME.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	//["Toggle God Mode", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malplayerGM.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Point to Repair (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointrepair.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	//["Point to Delete (Perm)",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"DatabaseRemove.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Heal (25m)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	//["Invisibility", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinvisinit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Infinite Ammo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinfammo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Toggle Grass", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malgrasson.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleMenu =
	["Graphical Vehicle Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"addvehicleDialog.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Temporary Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
	["Locked Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehiclekeyMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
	["Vehicle Tools >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTools", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTools =
	["Speedboost", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"speedboost.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Toggle Vehicle Auto Repair",[],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malvehicleGMon.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Repair (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointrepair.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Point to only Refuel (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointonlyrefuel.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Delete (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointdelete.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Delete (Perm)",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"DatabaseRemove.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Flip Vehicle", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"flipvehicle.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehiclekeyMenu =
	["Neutral Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenuneutral.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Friendly Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenufriendly.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Hero Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenuhero.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Bandit Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenubandit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
EspMenu = 
	["Modify ESP options in EnhancedESP.sqf",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["Enhanced ESP", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"EnhancedESP.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Player ESP Only", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"mallightesp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
AdminSkinsMenu =
	["Survivor", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Survivor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Hero", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Hero.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Bandit", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Bandit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Soldier", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Ghillie", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Ghillie.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Special Forces", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Specialforces.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Pilot", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Pilot.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Invisible", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"invisible.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
AdminSkinsMenu2 =
	["Camo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Camo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Bodyguard", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Bodyguard.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Officer", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Officer.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Alejandria", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Alejandria.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Savannah", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Savannah.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Melly", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Melly.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Bandit Jane", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"BanditJane.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Invisible", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"invisible.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WeaponMenu =
	["Delete all gear", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"cleanme.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["M4 Holo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M4 CCO SD", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz2.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["AS50", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz3.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["FN FAL", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz4.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M16 ACOG", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz5.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Pecheneg 50 cal", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz6.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Mk 48", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item7.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Gold AK", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item8.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WeaponMenu2 =
	["Aks Kobra", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item9.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	[".338 LAPUA", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item10.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["DMR", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item11.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M4A1 HWS GL SD Camo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item12.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M14 Aim", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item13.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Alice", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"bp2.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Coyote", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"bp1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["No Weapons", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"items.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Admin Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"admin.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["VIP Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"vip.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Bambi Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"bambi.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["ALL Weapons/Items Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"allweapons.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["(Most) Weapons Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"weapons.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Building Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"building.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Items Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"items.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Backpack Tent",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"backpack.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Set Time:", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],		
	["Midnight (no moon)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'setDate [2012, 1, 15, 0, 0]']],"1","1"],
	["Midnight (full moon)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'setDate [2012, 6, 6, 0, 0]']],"1","1"],
	["Noon",[],"",-5,[["expression",'setDate [2012, 6, 0, 12, 0]']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["Set Weather:", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],		
	["Clear",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setovercast 0']],"1","1"],
	["Cloudy",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setovercast 0.5']],"1","1"],
	["Storm",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setovercast 1']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["Set Fog:", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],		
	["Off",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setfog 0']],"1","1"],		
	["Medium",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setfog 0.5']],"1","1"],		
	["Maximum",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setfog 1']],"1","1"],		
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Base Destruction Menu >>", [], "#USER:BaseDestructionMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
	["Point to display code",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"gimmecode.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Point to make new key",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"givekey.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Point to lock vehicle",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"vehicle_lock.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Point to unlock vehicle",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"vehicle_unlock.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["SetCenter",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["center"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["SetRadius",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["radius"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["ShowDome",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["dome"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["DESTROY ALL Inside Dome",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["destroy"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- AIR",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["A-10",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["A10"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MH-6J Little Bird",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MH6J_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["CH-47F Chinook",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["CH_47F_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["UH-60M Black Hawk",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["UH60M_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MV-22 Osprey",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MV22"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["C-130J Super Hercules",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["C130J"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
		["Next page",[],"#USER:VehicleTempMenu2",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTempMenu2 =
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- WHEELED",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["MTVR (Ammo)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MTVR_Reammo_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MTVR (Repair)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MTVR_Repair_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MTVR (Fuel)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MTVR_Refuel_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Ural Truck",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Ural_TK_CIV_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Ikarus Bus",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["HMMWV (Ambulance)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["HMMWV_Ambulance"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Military Offroad Special",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Mountain Bike",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MMT_USMC"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Motorcycle",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["M1030"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["ATV",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["ATV_US_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Towing Tractor",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["TowingTractor"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu3", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTempMenu3 =
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- TRACKED",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["M1A1",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["M1A1_US_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["M1A2 TUSK",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["M1A2_US_TUSK_MG_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["M270 MLRS",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MLRS_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["T-34",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["T34_TK_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTempMenu4 =
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- WATER",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["Fishing Boat",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Fishing_Boat"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["PBX",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["PBX"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["RHIB",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["RHIB"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Small boat",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Smallboat_1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		// ["Next page", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu5", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:epochmenustart";

 any help would be good :)

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i only posted part of the admintoolsmain here is there lot of it

_pathtotools = "admintools\tools\";
_pathtoskins = "admintools\skins\";
_pathtoweapon = "admintools\weaponkits\";
// _pathtoshields = "admintools\shields\";
_pathtovehicles = "admintools\vehicles\";
_pathtocrates = "admintools\crates\";
_EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtotools+'%1"';
_EXECscript2 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoskins+'%1"';
_EXECscript3 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoweapon+'%1"';
// _EXECscript4 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoshields+'%1"';
_EXECscript5 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtovehicles+'%1"';
_EXECscript6 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtocrates+'%1"';
// if ((getPlayerUID player) in AllAdminList) then { // All Admins
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) then { // Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in SAdminList) then { // Super Admins
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Admin) --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Admin Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Vehicle Menu >>",[],"#USER:VehicleMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],	
		//["Crate Menu >>",[],"#USER:CrateMenu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
		["Epoch Menu >>", [], "#USER:EpochMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["Weapon Kits >>", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Weather/Time Menu (Local Only) >>", [], "#USER:WTMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) then { // Admin Level 3
	epochmenustart =
		["-- Epoch Admin Tools (Level: Mod) --", [],"", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Mod Menu >>", [], "#USER:ModMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Temporary Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
		["Skin Change Menu >>", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]		
AdminMenu =
	["Spectate player", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"spectate.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Teleport", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malteleport.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Teleport To Me", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1, "TPtoME.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Toggle God Mode", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malplayerGM.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Zombie Shield",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"zombieshield.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Toggle Flying", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malfly.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Repair (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointrepair.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Point to Delete (Perm)",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"DatabaseRemove.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Heal (25m)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Invisibility", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinvisinit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Infinite Ammo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinfammo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Toggle Grass", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malgrasson.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
ModMenu =
	//["Spectate player", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"spectate.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	//["Teleport", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malteleport.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	//["Teleport To Me", [], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1, "TPtoME.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	//["Toggle God Mode", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malplayerGM.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Point to Repair (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointrepair.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	//["Point to Delete (Perm)",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"DatabaseRemove.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Heal (25m)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	//["Invisibility", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinvisinit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Infinite Ammo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malinfammo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Toggle Grass", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malgrasson.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleMenu =
	["Graphical Vehicle Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"addvehicleDialog.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Temporary Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
	["Locked Vehicle Menu >>", [], "#USER:VehiclekeyMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
	["Vehicle Tools >>", [], "#USER:VehicleTools", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTools =
	["Speedboost", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"speedboost.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Toggle Vehicle Auto Repair",[],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malvehicleGMon.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Repair (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointrepair.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Point to only Refuel (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointonlyrefuel.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Delete (Temp)", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malpointdelete.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Point to Delete (Perm)",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"DatabaseRemove.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Flip Vehicle", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"flipvehicle.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehiclekeyMenu =
	["Neutral Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenuneutral.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Friendly Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenufriendly.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Hero Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenuhero.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Bandit Trader Menu", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"malveh\malvehiclemenubandit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
EspMenu = 
	["Modify ESP options in EnhancedESP.sqf",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["Enhanced ESP", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"EnhancedESP.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Player ESP Only", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"mallightesp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
AdminSkinsMenu =
	["Survivor", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Survivor.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Hero", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Hero.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Bandit", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Bandit.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Soldier", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Soldier.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Ghillie", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Ghillie.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Special Forces", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Specialforces.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Pilot", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Pilot.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],			
	["Invisible", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"invisible.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:AdminSkinsMenu2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],		
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
AdminSkinsMenu2 =
	["Camo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Camo.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Bodyguard", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Bodyguard.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Officer", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Officer.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Alejandria", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Alejandria.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Savannah", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Savannah.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],	
	["Melly", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"Melly.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Bandit Jane", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"BanditJane.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],		
	["Invisible", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript2,"invisible.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WeaponMenu =
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	["M4 CCO SD", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz2.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
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	["FN FAL", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz4.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M16 ACOG", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz5.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Pecheneg 50 cal", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"itemz6.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Mk 48", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item7.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Gold AK", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item8.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:WeaponMenu2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
WeaponMenu2 =
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	[".338 LAPUA", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item10.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["DMR", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item11.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M4A1 HWS GL SD Camo", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item12.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["M14 Aim", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"item13.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Alice", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"bp2.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["Coyote", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"bp1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["No Weapons", [],  "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"items.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Admin Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"admin.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["VIP Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"vip.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Bambi Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"bambi.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["ALL Weapons/Items Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"allweapons.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["(Most) Weapons Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"weapons.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Building Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"building.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Items Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"items.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Backpack Tent",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"backpack.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Set Time:", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],		
	["Midnight (no moon)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'setDate [2012, 1, 15, 0, 0]']],"1","1"],
	["Midnight (full moon)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'setDate [2012, 6, 6, 0, 0]']],"1","1"],
	["Noon",[],"",-5,[["expression",'setDate [2012, 6, 0, 12, 0]']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["Set Weather:", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],		
	["Clear",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setovercast 0']],"1","1"],
	["Cloudy",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setovercast 0.5']],"1","1"],
	["Storm",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setovercast 1']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["Set Fog:", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],		
	["Off",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setfog 0']],"1","1"],		
	["Medium",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setfog 0.5']],"1","1"],		
	["Maximum",[],"",-5,[["expression",'3 setfog 1']],"1","1"],		
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Base Destruction Menu >>", [], "#USER:BaseDestructionMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],			
	["Point to display code",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"gimmecode.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Point to make new key",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"givekey.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Point to lock vehicle",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"vehicle_lock.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Point to unlock vehicle",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript1,"vehicle_unlock.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["SetCenter",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["center"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["SetRadius",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["radius"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["ShowDome",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["dome"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["DESTROY ALL Inside Dome",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["destroy"] execVM "admintools\tools\deletebase.sqf"']],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- AIR",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["A-10",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["A10"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MH-6J Little Bird",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MH6J_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["CH-47F Chinook",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["CH_47F_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["UH-60M Black Hawk",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["UH60M_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MV-22 Osprey",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MV22"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["C-130J Super Hercules",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["C130J"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
		["Next page",[],"#USER:VehicleTempMenu2",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTempMenu2 =
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- WHEELED",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["MTVR (Ammo)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MTVR_Reammo_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MTVR (Repair)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MTVR_Repair_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["MTVR (Fuel)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MTVR_Refuel_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Ural Truck",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Ural_TK_CIV_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Ikarus Bus",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["HMMWV (Ambulance)",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["HMMWV_Ambulance"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Military Offroad Special",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Mountain Bike",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MMT_USMC"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Motorcycle",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["M1030"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["ATV",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["ATV_US_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Towing Tractor",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["TowingTractor"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu3", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTempMenu3 =
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- TRACKED",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["M1A1",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["M1A1_US_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["M1A2 TUSK",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["M1A2_US_TUSK_MG_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["M270 MLRS",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["MLRS_DES_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["T-34",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["T34_TK_EP1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Next page", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu4", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
VehicleTempMenu4 =
	["Spawn Temporary Vehicle -- WATER",[],"",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","0"],
	["Fishing Boat",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Fishing_Boat"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["PBX",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["PBX"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["RHIB",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["RHIB"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["Small boat",[],"",-5,[["expression",'["Smallboat_1"] execVM "admintools\tools\addtempvehicle.sqf"']],"1","1"],
	["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		// ["Next page", [], "#USER:VehicleTempMenu5", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
			["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:epochmenustart";


any help would be good :)


I cant seem to find anything wrong with it, but you are using a pretty old version of the tool.

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I had no idea hosting services were using our tool. There are a large amount of updates and new features to the tool. You may want to let them know that their tool is outdated.


Don't hosts need permission?



thats was the version that installed from my host


What host are you on?

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