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I tried to upgrade to the latest v1.9 because I had a previous version and suddenlly, a normal day, the Admin Menu disappeared and I had to re-join up to 5 times to had it back, and If I died and went back to game the Admin Menu was gone again :angry:


Well, I did the v1.9 installation process as suggested but everything went to hell :D :D ... battleye kicks, server not loading, etc.... Im sure I did something wrong so I'll have to return to the previous version....


RPT only errors I have with v1.8.2 are:

14:32:57 "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
14:32:58 Error in expression <ivate.sqf"
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>
14:32:58   Error position: <AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>
14:32:58   Error Undefined variable in expression: adminlist
14:32:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\admintools\Activate.sqf, line 1

But when the server is just restarted the v1.8.2 works fine... so Im not sure if these errors have something to do with the Admin Menu not constant issue.



Does anyone, by the chance, have any idea why the Admin Menu is not constant on v1.8.2?

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I tried to upgrade to the latest v1.9 because I had a previous version and suddenlly, a normal day, the Admin Menu disappeared and I had to re-join up to 5 times to had it back, and If I died and went back to game the Admin Menu was gone again :angry:


Well, I did the v1.9 installation process as suggested but everything went to hell :D :D ... battleye kicks, server not loading, etc.... Im sure I did something wrong so I'll have to return to the previous version....


RPT only errors I have with v1.8.2 are:

14:32:57 "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
14:32:58 Error in expression <ivate.sqf"
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>
14:32:58   Error position: <AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>
14:32:58   Error Undefined variable in expression: adminlist
14:32:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\admintools\Activate.sqf, line 1

But when the server is just restarted the v1.8.2 works fine... so Im not sure if these errors have something to do with the Admin Menu not constant issue.



Does anyone, by the chance, have any idea why the Admin Menu is not constant on v1.8.2?


1.9.1 will be out in just a day or so. This has fixes for everything you are having trouble with.

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I just tried the Master release 1.9 and realized there is a lot of problem with it as I can see in the last pages of this thread. If I download the TestBranch right now will it be the same as the 1.9.1 master ?


I just want to know if i should focus on other scripts for my server waiting for you to release 1.9.1 or I will get the exact same thing by downloading the TestBranch?



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I just tried the Master release 1.9 and realized there is a lot of problem with it as I can see in the last pages of this thread. If I download the TestBranch right now will it be the same as the 1.9.1 master ?


I just want to know if i should focus on other scripts for my server waiting for you to release 1.9.1 or I will get the exact same thing by downloading the TestBranch?




Test branch is 1.9.1 <- has the fixes

Master is 1.9


Brings up a valid point, should label the test branch starting with 1.9.1

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Hi, I am still running an older version of these admin tools
I've customised them quite a great deal, I was wondering what the DLL files are for, what functionality do they provide? are they some form of anti hack measure?

I guess to be blunt, I am trying to find out if, to me, they are worth taking the time to update my tools to utilise the features or if I can live without them

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Hi, I am still running an older version of these admin tools

I've customised them quite a great deal, I was wondering what the DLL files are for, what functionality do they provide? are they some form of anti hack measure?

I guess to be blunt, I am trying to find out if, to me, they are worth taking the time to update my tools to utilise the features or if I can live without them


So far the dll are only for logging the use of the tool by admins and exporting bases to sqf so you can place them in game wherever. These are not needed for the tool, but do improve it to some degree. The use logging is very handy if you have admins or mods you may want to keep tabs on.


I understand you on the tool mods. I modified mine with special items that are not useful to most people or global enough to have on the release and updating it can be a pain. The version of the tool you are using could very much decide if you should update. If you are using 1.7 or earlier I suggest an update to 1.9.1 and then wait for 2.0 or 2.1 (both of which will have major updates). If you are using 1.8.3 then you could easily consider keeping it as it is. Check the change log in the test branch to see if there are new features you think are worth updating to.

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I installed the Test Branch (1.9.1) and everything seems fine exept one little thing!


The weather part doesn't seems to work at all. If I try to change time or view distance nothing happens. I havent seen any errors in the RPT


I also noticed that it broke the view distance in my action menu. (witch is yours mixed with another one to have view distances)


Any hint for me?



EDIT : Problem was my fault. I didnt followed the right install procedure (did the old one) now its all working fine!

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Thanks for the quick reply NoxSicarius, 
Not really important for me then, 


Just me and a co-owner. Neither of us really play in the servers. just build and help people if they need it. 
Recruited another guy, once... never again. 

good help is so hard to come by. 

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Hi everyone, 


Just put this on an overpoch server and works fine except for 2 things, spawned in vehicle blow up once you get in them and when I TP a player to me the appear for a second then are TP'd back.


Any ideas or help?






Did you install the 1.9 master? If so then install the 1.9.1 master here in a minute when I finish up the release. 1.9 has a bug with the teleport, however the cars should not explode if the pbo edits are done.

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Version 1.9.1 Release



Information on the updates can be found here: Change Log


This release is mainly for fixing the bugs in 1.9 and according to the testing of others is working quite well and is stable. If you are using 1.9 I suggest an immediate update to 1.9.1



Reinstall the entire tool, not just parts of it

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Hi,.. well... I installed the v1.9.1 three times and the result was the same: Server not loading with message "Waiting for Host"


I think there should be a kind of conflict with other scripts but Im not very skilled at this neither have time to find the conflict :(


Here are my resultant files after v1.9.1 installation, in case someone wants to take a look:




For DayZ Epoch
Addons Credits: Jetski Yanahui by Kol9yN, Zakat, Gerasimow9, YuraPetrov, zGuba, A.Karagod, IceBreakr, Sahbazz
startLoadingScreen ["","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
cutText ["","BLACK OUT"];
enableSaving [false, false];

dayZ_instance = 24; //The instance
dayzHiveRequest = [];
initialized = false;
dayz_previousID = 0;

//disable greeting menu
player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
//disable radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen
enableRadio false;
// May prevent "how are you civillian?" messages from NPC
enableSentences false;

spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)
spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500
dayz_MapArea = 10000; // Default = 10000
dayz_minpos = -1000;
dayz_maxpos = 26000;
dayz_paraSpawn = true;
DZE_requireplot = 0;
DZE_BackpackGuard = false; //Default = true, true to enable, false to disable
DZE_TRADER_SPAWNMODE = false; // Default = false - Enable purchased vehicle parachute spawning setting this to true. (Default: false)
MaxVehicleLimit = 120; // Default = 50
MaxHeliCrashes= 5; // Default = 5 - Set the Amount of possible heli Crashes on Spawn
dayz_maxAnimals = 5; // Default: 8 - Controls animal spawn limits (Default: 8)
dayz_tameDogs = true; // Default: false - Enables the ability to tame dogs with raw meat. (Default: false)
DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 0; // Default: 0 - Sets the lowest possible damage a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 0)
DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 100; // Default: 100 - Sets the highest possible damage a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 100)
DynamicVehicleFuelLow = 10; //Sets the lowest possible fuel level a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 0)
DynamicVehicleFuelHigh = 80; //Sets the highest possible fuel level a fresh spawned vehicle will have. (Default: 100)
dayz_maxLocalZombies = 20; // Default = 30 - Max number of zombies spawned per player. (Default: 40)
dayz_maxZeds = 400; //Total zombie limit (Default: 500)
dayz_zedsAttackVehicles = false; //Disables zombies attacking vehicles. (Default: false)
dayz_fullMoonNights = true; //Enable full moon nights by setting this to true. (Default: false)
//Controls the distance that you can sell a vehicle to the traders.
dayz_sellDistance = 20;
dayz_sellDistance_vehicle = 20; // Default = 20
dayz_sellDistance_boat = 30;
dayz_sellDistance_air = 40;
DZEdebug = false; //true will enable debug so that road debris and new vehicle spawns are visible via map markers. Also debug will enable "Save to arma.RPT" that allows access of a tool to obtain lootpos information for buildings used for adding support for additional maps. (Default: false)
MaxDynamicDebris = 0; // Default = 100 - To change how many debris spawn edit the MaxDynamicDebris variable in the missions init.sqf.
DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = false; //Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?) (Default: false)
DZE_DeathMsgSide = false; //Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?) (Default: false)
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true; //Enables global title text messaging of player deaths. (Default: false)
MaxAmmoBoxes = 0; //Change amount of ammo boxes that spawn on the server.
MaxMineVeins = 0; //Change amount of mining veins on the server.
DZE_HeliLift = true; //Enables Helicopter Lifting
DZE_PlayerZed = false; //Enables Player to Spawn as Zombie after being killed by them
DZE_HumanityTargetDistance = 25; // (Default: 25) Tag max view distance (default=25m)
DZE_FriendlySaving = true; // (Default: true)
DZE_BuildOnRoads = false; // Default: False - If True will allow building on roads
DZE_MissionLootTable = false; // Custom Mission Loot Table (Default: false)
DZE_LootSpawnTimer = 10; // Loot Spawn Timer (Default: 10) - If you set it to 60 then the loot will sit there until the server cleans it up for a player not being nearby, or the player sits there an hour.
DZE_BuildingLimit = 200; // Limite de Objetos por Plot - Default: 150 - Change the number of constructed objects within range of a 30m Plot Pole. (default=150). Be very carefull with this number, as setting it too high will cause a huge amount of local lag**
DZE_GodModeBase = false; //Non destructable bases
DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true; //DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = true or false - Si se pone false los jugadores podrán cargar cualquier peso sin que les salga el OverBurdened
DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 3; //Steps to build. Default: 3
//DZE_defaultSkin = [["Male skin1","Male skin2"],["Female skin1","Female skin2"]]; //Random start skins (Epoch 1.0.5)
//DZE_SelfTransfuse = false; //SelfBloodBag
//DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [blood amount, infection chance, cool-down (seconds)]; //SelfBB Values Remove // if you want to use
DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader = false; //Force Names in trader
DZE_ConfigTrader = false; //Config based trader setup option that is more performant, however does not track inventory. Add #include "\dayz_epoch_b\CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp" in description.ext if you want to use
DZE_PlotPole = [30,45]; //Plotpole size (DZE_PlotPole = [x,y]) Default [30,45]

// Dayz Epoch Events
EpochEvents = [

//Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\Buildables\variables.sqf"; // For Advanced Alchemical Crafting
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; //Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\Buildables\Crafting_Compiles.sqf"; // For Advanced Alchemical Crafting
progressLoadingScreen 0.5;

//Take Clothes
fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf";

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; //Compile trader configs
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\AdminList.sqf"; // Epoch admin Tools variables/UIDs
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

"filmic" setToneMappingParams [0.153, 0.357, 0.231, 0.1573, 0.011, 3.750, 6, 4]; setToneMapping "Filmic";

// ---------- Flip Vehicle Start ----------------
//non-JIP player, someone who's went through role selection and briefing
if (!(isNull player)) then
// =============================================================
// GeneralCarver Vehicle Flip Script v2 Init Scripting

gc_veh_flip_script_script_action_manager = execVM "gc_veh_flip\action_manager.sqf";

// =============================================================

//JIP player, role selection then right into mission.
if (!isServer && isNull player) then
waitUntil {!isNull player};

// =============================================================
// GeneralCarver Vehicle Flip Script v2 Init Scripting

gc_veh_flip_script_script_action_manager = execVM "gc_veh_flip\action_manager.sqf";

// =============================================================

// ---------- Flip Vehicle End ----------------

if (isServer) then {
//Compile vehicle configs
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\dynamic_vehicle.sqf";
// Add trader citys
_nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\mission.sqf";

_serverMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";

[] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf"; // Epoch admin tools

if (!isDedicated) then {

//Vehicle Service Point (Refuel, Repair, Rearm)
execVM "service_point\service_point.sqf";

//Conduct map operations
0 fadeSound 0;
waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");

//Run the player monitor
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
_playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";

// Epoch Admin Tools
waitUntil{!isNil "adminListLoaded"};
if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf"; // Epoch Antihack

//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";

// Vehicle Key Changer - For making Masterkey - V 1.4
_nil = [] execVM "custom\VehicleKeyChanger\VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf";
#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
//Start Dynamic Weather
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf";

#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf"

//SafeZone commander
[] execvm 'AGN\agn_SafeZoneCommander.sqf';

// Tow-Lift Vehicles
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

[] execVM "Buildings\base_ebp_short.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\base_ebp_awols.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\vehicle_deposits.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\pvp_island_event.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\base_cano_peq.sqf";
[] execVM "Buildings\base_ebp_2.sqf";



Exe timestamp: 2014/09/06 15:54:18
Current time: 2014/10/03 12:32:39

Version 1.63.125548
Item STR_EQUIP_NAME_41 listed twice
Item STR_EQUIP_DESC_41 listed twice
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class ->PistolCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/
Updating base class ->Citizen, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1/
Updating base class ->SkodaBase, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/car_sedan/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/
Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_tent/
Updating base class ->Camp_base, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ACamp/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class zZombie_Base->zZombie_new_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/z_villager1/
Updating base class zZombie_Base->zZombie_new_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/z_worker1/
Updating base class Soldier_Crew_PMC->Soldier_Bodyguard_M4_PMC, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SurvivorW2_DZ/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class HouseBase->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class MeleeHatchet->MeleeWeapon, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgWeapons/MeleeCrowbar/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class Hatchet_Swing->Melee_Swing, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/crowbar_swing/
Updating base class CA_Magazine->Melee_Swing, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/Hatchet_Swing/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class ->Plane, by ca\air2\mv22\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MV22/
Updating base class ViewOptics->, by ca\air2\uh1y\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
Updating base class ->Land_CamoNet_EAST, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CamoNet_EAST_EP1/
Updating base class ->Land_CamoNetB_EAST, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1/
Updating base class ->Sign_1L_Noentry, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Sign_1L_Noentry_EP1/
Updating base class ->Sign_circle, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helper_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\weapons_baf\config.bin/cfgWeapons/BAF_AS50_scoped/
Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M60A4_EP1/
Updating base class ->M249, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M249_EP1/
Updating base class ->M249, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M249_m145_EP1/
Updating base class ->m107, by ca\weapons_e\m107\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m107_TWS_EP1/
Updating base class ->M240, by ca\weapons_e\m240\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m240_scoped_EP1/
Updating base class ->V3S_Base, by ca\wheeled_e\v3s\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V3S_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->V3S_Base_EP1, by ca\wheeled_e\v3s\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
Updating base class ->C130J_base, by ca\air_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C130J_US_EP1/
Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air_e\ah6j\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AH6_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->Plane, by ca\air_e\an2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/An2_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->CH47_base_EP1, by ca\air_e\ch47\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CH_47F_EP1/
Updating base class ViewOptics->, by ca\air_e\uh1h\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Crew_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_TL_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Bodyguard_M4_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_L_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_L_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_Officer_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_SniperH_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_SniperH_W/
Updating base class ->M113Ambul_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113Ambul_UN_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113_UN_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113Ambul_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113Ambul_TK_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113_TK_EP1/
Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air_d_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Merlin_HC3_D/
ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\custom\Buildables\Crafting_Dialogs.hpp, line 97: /Advanced_Crafting/Controls.Items_Listbox: Undefined base class 'RscListBox'
12:36:25 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(199408183): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled


Thanks for your time.


Have a nice day.

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seriously man that error just takes some reading and comom sense to find out whats wrong but since you were nice enough to bother with spoilers ill point you in the right direction


its telling you the exact file that error is coming from

ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\custom\Buildables\Crafting_Dialogs.hpp (think that  file refers to Advanced Alchemical Crafting mod)

go into that file and check for RscListBox you probally got some typo at the side if not get the files again and compare.

hope it helps if not srry thats all i could come up with.

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seriously man that error just takes some reading and comom sense to find out whats wrong but since you were nice enough to bother with spoilers ill point you in the right direction


its telling you the exact file that error is coming from

ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\custom\Buildables\Crafting_Dialogs.hpp (think that  file refers to Advanced Alchemical Crafting mod)

go into that file and check for RscListBox you probally got some typo at the side if not get the files again and compare.

hope it helps if not srry thats all i could come up with.


Thanks for your answer bro...


:D...  and yeah.. I didn't clarify it... I had that same error in the past and the solution is going to that file and delete the whole definition.. because it should be already defined somewhere else...  however.. I've already done that... and that error was not shown before Epoch Admin Tool update...


Now that you mention it... I'll take a look to see if there's another script defining that...


Thanks  :)

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Ok, I tried to find the conflict and I couldnt.. so I just deleted the define 'RscListBox' from Crafting_Dialogs.hpp and that fixed the server loading problem. Now the server loads fine, the admin tools works fine so far, but It broke the Advanced Alchemical Crafting script, so there are not items to craft, I'll see if I can fix it or I'll take it out of my server.



Conflict solved. Now all scripts work just fine :)



One question... I noticed that as a super admin, bandits (AI) cannot see u, they don't attack you... are superadmins invisible to AI?

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Ok, I tried to find the conflict and I couldnt.. so I just deleted the define 'RscListBox' from Crafting_Dialogs.hpp and that fixed the server loading problem. Now the server loads fine, the admin tools works fine so far, but It broke the Advanced Alchemical Crafting script, so there are not items to craft, I'll see if I can fix it or I'll take it out of my server.



Conflict solved. Now all scripts work just fine :)



One question... I noticed that as a super admin, bandits (AI) cannot see u, they don't attack you... are superadmins invisible to AI?


You can remove the dialog.hpp from the ext file if needed. This will only remove the gui vehicle spawn so it isn't a big deal. You seem to have also missed some of the init install so your TPtoMe won't work.


As for super admins there is only one thin that is different and that is they are able to make the game notify them whenever someone uses the admin tool to keep tabs on their admins.

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Hi Nox,


Just loaded 1.9.1 onto my server and i still don't appear to be able to heal players. Loving the weather changing btw  :D




Just download 1.8.3 and replace the healp.sqf file that will fix it for now. It looks like it should work, but as it is not a key feature I will fix it in 1.9.2

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Im sorry to bother, I was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction.


I have installed and updated my admin tools, and in game the admin tool show up in the action menu, but when i select them it doesn't open the admin menu.


I cant find anything in my rpt logs, so i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.

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