monkeebhoy Posted April 23, 2015 Report Share Posted April 23, 2015 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 23, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 23, 2015 I'm on mobile now. Will check it out when home later tonight. Might be a good idea setting client and server verbosity to 5 in settings file in server PBO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 23, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 23, 2015 I checked the video, took a while to open on train but eventually loaded. (for those who may not watch all 2+ minutes of it) basically we have a case of: order taxi wait for taxi to arrive taxi does arrive & message player YOUR TAXI IS HERE, PLEASE GET IN! player walk to taxi - doors locked that's weird. the only thing I can think of to assist you in troubleshooting is: increase verbosity to 5 for both client & server-side by editing your _settings.hpp file (you can find it in server-side PBO). to assist you in troubleshooting: decrease the taxi spawn distance so that you won't have to wait 45 seconds for the taxi to arrive. make it spawn at 100 meters or so. to assist you in troubleshooting: decrease the 'cooldown' period from 900 seconds to 10 seconds or so. this way you can keep ordering a new taxi to test a couple of times without waiting 15 minutes in between. with verbosity set to 5, run the game a few minutes, order a few taxis, then post the server RPT and client RPT to give me the links here, I will investigate and hopefully we can resolve this for you soon. monkeebhoy, I was thinking, if the only issue you are having is locked doors, there is a quick hack that can solve it for you. by default doors are unlocked. we issue a 'lock doors' order to lock them. your quick solution would be finding all instances of "LOCK DOORS" order and change it to 'unlock doors'. this way you can use it for the time being and the next version will probably automagically fix your problem. should you wish to do so, google for 'grepWin', download & install that free software which can help you find the relevant bit in multiple files a second. in grepWin choose the directory you extracted server-side PBO contents (with PBO manager v.1.4) and remember to select 'content' at the bottom left corner of grepWin -as per picture below-. with grepWin, on the server-side code, you will need to lockCargo true; and change it to lockCargo false; be careful with whitespace character and the ; at the end, then it should just work fine... monkeebhoy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 26, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 26, 2015 ..UPDATE: I was away for a while but now back to this project. I have added the one last missing bit to the GUI (Fixed Destination Taxi Locations) and made all GUI buttons functional. It looks like this now:.. EDIT - hiding this in spoiler. instead see the newest one below. .. As you see in the middle, we now have a STOP THE BUS (I want to get in!) button in the GUI. As some of you know Epoch AntiHack was blocking hotkeys so basically player was not in a position to ask the bus to stop. I am hoping with the custom GUI, it will not get blocked by Epoch AntiHack (or by any AntiHack) any more.. With this on mind, I will now continue developing the Public Bus system.....EDIT: Few more touches - here is the latest version as of Sunday evening. Changes: * add 'close gui' button. * change background color for the three column headers (Taxi Anywhere, Public Buses, Fixed Destination Taxis). These are unclickable pictures i.e.: they are not buttons. buttons are the ones with yellowish background - clearly marked now. when you mouseover each button, they explain what they do (in case icons not clear enough at first look).......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 28, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2015 PROJECT UPDATE (or lack thereof): This is on backburner at the moment as I revisit CK2 for a while. I still do minor updates here and there (usually on tube) and commit to the private repo though.At some point -hopefully soon- I'm gonna do one final push, finish public buses and put it up for all to enjoy... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ulli_123 Posted May 15, 2015 Report Share Posted May 15, 2015 Last update on gitlab days before 28, it still worked? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 15, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 15, 2015 Last update on gitlab days before 28, it still worked? As it stands this script should be usable. If there are any reported bugs, I will be happy to jump in and release a hotfix. I will not go back to 2-3 hours a day [full-time(ish)] development any time soon. I'm too busy trying to Westernize a small African tribe in EU4 at the moment. I will definitely finish this script at some point though... monkeebhoy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darce Posted June 4, 2015 Report Share Posted June 4, 2015 Runs like a charm, straight out of the box, following your install instructions. Running on my test server it works as advertised, although it could do with a few tweaks. I called a cab from Edessa (grid 071,110) and clicked on Kavala for the destination. It drove around aimlessly for a bit then seemed to settle on a route, but it after driving off the track and heading up a hill it stopped (grid 065,116) then, after a slight wait, it teleported West just before being deleted - killing me in the process :o I then grabbed a cab from the cab rank at Stavros. Thieving bugger wanted to charge me more than a 1000 crypto for the journey (good thing I'm a bigger thief and had the cash). He confidently took off west, but we had an incident with a tree as we left Neochari and I was thrown from the back. Fangio was in full race face mode and failed to realise his paying passenger was now laying bleeding on the side of the road with a branch stuffed up his ******, he refused to stop and is probably even now going house to house in Kavala with a bunch of mates and a baseball bat trying to find his fare-evading passenger :ph34r: . Any chance of getting a plain text version? I always modify/fiddle with scripts, normally to reduce filesize by cropping variables, changing jpg to paa (much smaller files, and I like to add my own 'flavor'). I know quite a bit could be saved just by reducing the length of your variables. Cudos for getting this up and running, double it for releasing it for add four cudos points for instructions which actually work, and throw in another for introducing me to grepWin (handicap final cudos by .666 for using the double damned thing on your package {I meant your code, not your 'package'}) Seriously, well done. Oh yeah, nice work around the key press issue! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted June 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted June 4, 2015 Runs like a charm, straight out of the box, following your install instructions. Running on my test server it works as advertised, although it could do with a few tweaks. I called a cab from Edessa (grid 071,110) and clicked on Kavala for the destination. It drove around aimlessly for a bit then seemed to settle on a route, but it after driving off the track and heading up a hill it stopped (grid 065,116) then, after a slight wait, it teleported West just before being deleted - killing me in the process :o I then grabbed a cab from the cab rank at Stavros. Thieving bugger wanted to charge me more than a 1000 crypto for the journey (good thing I'm a bigger thief and had the cash). He confidently took off west, but we had an incident with a tree as we left Neochari and I was thrown from the back. Fangio was in full race face mode and failed to realise his paying passenger was now laying bleeding on the side of the road with a branch stuffed up his ******, he refused to stop and is probably even now going house to house in Kavala with a bunch of mates and a baseball bat trying to find his fare-evading passenger :ph34r: . Any chance of getting a plain text version? I always modify/fiddle with scripts, normally to reduce filesize by cropping variables, changing jpg to paa (much smaller files, and I like to add my own 'flavor'). I know quite a bit could be saved just by reducing the length of your variables. Cudos for getting this up and running, double it for releasing it for add four cudos points for instructions which actually work, and throw in another for introducing me to grepWin (handicap final cudos by .666 for using the double damned thing on your package {I meant your code, not your 'package'}) Seriously, well done. Oh yeah, nice work around the key press issue! :) you have a funny writing style - I would love to see more bug report/feedback posts from you lol below is my comments on each point you raised: I called a cab from Edessa (grid 071,110) and clicked on Kavala for the destination. It drove around aimlessly for a bit then seemed to settle on a route, but it after driving off the track and heading up a hill it stopped (grid 065,116) then, after a slight wait, it teleported West we are using the pathfinding logic provided by the game engine so we do not have absolute control over AI behaviour and its unoptimal behaviour is due to engine. having said that more effort can help improve the sillyness a bit perhaps. this particular issue is and will forever be WIP... just before being deleted - killing me in the process :o except the known issue #5 ( a TfA vehicle should NEVER kill you. please explain how exactly did it kill you so that it can be fixed in a future version? I then grabbed a cab from the cab rank at Stavros. Thieving bugger wanted to charge me more than a 1000 crypto for the journey price logic is defined in the configuration file. feel free to adjust it to your taste :) He confidently took off west, but we had an incident with a tree as we left Neochari and I was thrown from the back. what kind of incident? you mean you got out of the vehicle 'to investigate'? AI drivers, in the current version, are not smart enough to continously monitor customer-player and act accordingly. there is a TODO item that they should do so (e.g.: if a player get out, driver should approach, unlock the doors, wait for the player to get back in - for a threshold number of seconds before losing hope and leaving for good) but this is not implemented yet. Fangio was in full race face mode yes they are set to full speed mode to maximize the earnings. life is expensive in Altis lol and failed to realise his paying passenger was now laying bleeding on the side of the road with a branch stuffed up his ******, he refused to stop and is probably even now going house to house in Kavala with a bunch of mates and a baseball bat trying to find his fare-evading passenger :ph34r: . as per above. they should be aware of customer status - currently they are not. TODO item... Any chance of getting a plain text version? I always modify/fiddle with scripts, normally to reduce filesize by cropping variables, changing jpg to paa (much smaller files, and I like to add my own 'flavor'). I know quite a bit could be saved just by reducing the length of your variables. variables won't be an issue as in the final version it will be automatically renamed by the build script, we do not need to know the variable names: v1, v2, v3 will work just fine and yes you may have the source code. see last item below. Cudos for getting this up and running, double it for releasing it for free!, add four cudos points for instructions which actually work, and throw in another for introducing me to grepWin (handicap final cudos by .666 for using the double damned thing on your package {I meant your code, not your 'package'}) Seriously, well done. thx For about 2 months I was developing this non-stop but recently I keep focusing on other stuff and this project is on hold for the time being. At the time I didn't want to release the plain code before fixing my noob mistakes (as it's my first script) however it appears I will not be able to come back and improve this super soon therefore I am happy to release the code as is. Once released as per GPL license feel free to do whatever you want with it. When I do come back to this, I will finish the bus module first so it would be good for you to fix the aspects you believe needs fixing first. I will see if I can release the source code this weekend. Darce 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darce Posted June 4, 2015 Report Share Posted June 4, 2015 I was in a mood. Cheers for the quick reply though, may I take it the Americanisation of the soon-to-be-ever-so-miserable tribal people is well on the way? Regarding the first kil. The cab smacked me in the head as it suddenly took off and flew in roughly a westerly direction. It then vanished. Perhaps a setPos immediately before deletion? I've seen a number of scripts do that for some reason. It's like a sanity check, "Is the cab actually there before I delete it?" Who cares, vaporise the sucker! The second kill was when Fangio masterfully took a left turn, and a section of wall and a tree, nearly a house with a small child playing out front. I was ejected, no seatbelt, and splatterated across the aforementioned house. The kid thought it was funny. I had no intention of getting out of the cab, I got spat out. Regarding pathing, perhaps you could have a chat with Donnovan who released the snazzy which uses a nice little routine for finding crossroads. Then the dummies only have to path between; works for his convoys (who, incidentally, are also guilty of running over pedestrians). Yes please, I'd appreciate getting into your script, tearing it to pieces and seeing just what can be done. I run strictly enthusiast, no pay to win, no don't give me money, I'm not paying for it anyway, buy yourself a lot of booze and do funny things on the server type servers (look up "Mullet Mayhem" for A2 or A3 if you want to see some bad scripting hidden behind pretty graphics). I'd also be keen to learn more about the encryption process you used, I take it was done in grepWin with a regex script? Chainsaw Squirrel 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted August 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 7, 2015 <snip>I'd also be keen to learn more about the encryption process you used, I take it was done in grepWin with a regex script? Hello there after a couple months! Thanks for detailing your experience and mentioning a potential path-finding improvement. I knew things can be done to improve it but I haven't finished building the basics yet [e.g.: Public Buses not ready yet] so that will be done at a future date and when the time comes, I sure will investigate the script you mentioned. In response to your question above: in my make world process (which does other things and in the end obfuscates and packs the new version of script), I am using a single cygwin command which in turn is a massive chain of commands 26.000+ characters long - you can see a picture of it. It takes a double click on the script and about 5 seconds to obfuscate all instances of everything I want to hide in 117 files, I would say it's efficient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted August 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 7, 2015 Hello All, Just a quick note to let you guys know after about 4 months of break, I am now back to actively developing TfA. Last night I have already tested the code on latest Epoch (v. will now focus on three things:Re-enabling TaxiAnywhere service -which was known as clickNGoTaxis up until now-. As reported earlier it was working fine but it got disabled in the dev branch during the painful migration to the custom GUI.Developing (currently non-existant) hop-on/hop-off Public Bus service.Cleaning up source code and releasing it in unobfuscated form.I am keen to hear from you if anyone is running TfA (or just interested in testing it out). Thanks DigitalPurge and simon1603 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DigitalPurge Posted August 30, 2015 Report Share Posted August 30, 2015 make it so @) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monkeebhoy Posted August 31, 2015 Report Share Posted August 31, 2015 I would be up for testing it out for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted September 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2015 make it so @) I would be up for testing it out for you. great to see some interest on a project I spent so much time on - thanks guys!tbh i did diverge from planned release time of TfA slightly due to reaching top of the food chain in world of tanks BUT epoch is my love and i sure will be back soon & will post an update then. monkeebhoy and DigitalPurge 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinboye Posted September 7, 2015 Report Share Posted September 7, 2015 may i get a reservation on this script, id like to test it out on my private server please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chainsaw Squirrel Posted September 7, 2015 Report Share Posted September 7, 2015 This sounds like a fun script , I can just see a bright yellow bus full of players, and me with my lil rocket launcher .. LOL . Id like to have just the bus, and not the taxi .. Like the old A2 Epoch Bus Script for Chernarus .. or be able to use any vehicle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted September 23, 2015 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2015 may i get a reservation on this script, id like to test it out on my private server pleasereservation number 73, write it down lolThis sounds like a fun script , I can just see a bright yellow bus full of players, and me with my lil rocket launcher .. LOL . Id like to have just the bus, and not the taxi .. Like the old A2 Epoch Bus Script for Chernarus .. or be able to use any vehicle yea it's very configurable (too configurable some might say). so you can change your vehicle to whatever model/colour you want. bus module is not ready yet though. it will be in the next version as it is the main next goal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 7, 2016 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2016 After a short 9 month break I'm back to this project. I worked on it last couple of days and now there is something to share with Taxi lovers! Source Code available: I have cleaned up the project source code (in terms of structure & comments) it is no longer a crypto. Ready to be Open Sourced and I will post the links soon. Bugs Fixed & Payment System moved to server side: I have also reviewed the code overall and fixed a couple of minor issues. Also updated the payment function to use proper server side transactions. Big thanks to LordAwol for providing the nice function from experimental branch of Epoch. Updating a couple of showcase videos to YouTube now, visually showing what this script can do for you in its current state. EpochAntiHack News: In the past, one frustrating issue with this script was that it worked wonderfully for admins but not for players (hence the WIP in name). In fact it got so annoying I wanted to take a break from this. I noticed in my absence both Epoch+Arma got nice updates. Most importantly Epoch AntiHack got a critical update. I haven't looked into AntiHack in detail yet but I will soon; from a couple quick tests I had very good results however! Now 'normal' players (i.e.: non-EpochAntiHack admin status) can use the open-the-map-three-times method, click on a point on the map and this way "call a taxi". I have completely disabled BattlEye for tests as it was never a major issue (just a matter of putting the effort to create proper filters). To be updated shortly... P.S.: if anyone is interested in testing this on test/production server please let me know. theftgun 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 8, 2016 Author Report Share Posted May 8, 2016 download links added to the 1st post. & two new videos added to 2nd post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theftgun Posted May 12, 2016 Report Share Posted May 12, 2016 On 7.5.2016 at 1:57 AM, mgm said: After a short 9 month break I'm back to this project. I worked on it last couple of days and now there is something to share with Taxi lovers! Source Code available: I have cleaned up the project source code (in terms of structure & comments) it is no longer a crypto. Ready to be Open Sourced and I will post the links soon. Bugs Fixed & Payment System moved to server side: I have also reviewed the code overall and fixed a couple of minor issues. Also updated the payment function to use proper server side transactions. Big thanks to LordAwol for providing the nice function from experimental branch of Epoch. Updating a couple of showcase videos to YouTube now, visually showing what this script can do for you in its current state. EpochAntiHack News: In the past, one frustrating issue with this script was that it worked wonderfully for admins but not for players (hence the WIP in name). In fact it got so annoying I wanted to take a break from this. I noticed in my absence both Epoch+Arma got nice updates. Most importantly Epoch AntiHack got a critical update. I haven't looked into AntiHack in detail yet but I will soon; from a couple quick tests I had very good results however! Now 'normal' players (i.e.: non-EpochAntiHack admin status) can use the open-the-map-three-times method, click on a point on the map and this way "call a taxi". I have completely disabled BattlEye for tests as it was never a major issue (just a matter of putting the effort to create proper filters). To be updated shortly... P.S.: if anyone is interested in testing this on test/production server please let me know. I am glad you are back!!!!! I I can't find " readme" in download or here in forum. sorry my bad english! mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 12, 2016 Author Report Share Posted May 12, 2016 7 hours ago, theftgun said: I am glad you are back!!!!! I I can't find " readme" in download or here in forum. sorry my bad english! hi there. I am working on this script pretty heavily. trying to get the new version out sometime soon - definitely sometime this weekend. I didn't put time to write down a proper readme, let me write it here... basically at a very high level (in terms of "taxi anywhere", "fixed destination taxi", and "public bus service" modes) we are still at the same spot where we were a year ago. however when you look closer, there have been a lot of improvements - here is a couple: * probably one of the most important changes: all financial transactions are now done on the server-side. *there are more CONFIGURATION options you can take a look at them here: * feedback from the system standardized & shortened (it is much more clear now), added a WHO'S TALKING? section, so every message you see in systemChat area starts with the source, such as: [RADIO_OUT] TAXI BOOKING REQUEST SENT [RADIO_IN] YOUR TAXI IS ON THE WAY. PLEASE WAIT [DRIVER] PLEASE PAY THE SERVICE FEE... * error handling in GUI is properly done now. if you're not in a taxi and try to pay, you will be refused and you will be notified. if you're in a taxi (say FixedDestination) but try to pay TaxiAnywhere refused & informed. If in the correct type of Taxi but already paid the same. If in the correct type of Taxi but in a different vehicle than you ordered (e.g. you order a Taxi, before you pay, you hop out, and hop in to your friends Taxi and try to pay) you will be refused to pay & informed and so on. Kind of boring but the permutations add up quick, coding all took some time! * I have removed all addActions (except one) and GUI is now mandatory. you need to use the gui to use TfA. to bring up the GUI our weird method still working fine with or without Epoch AntiHack. I bet it will work with any anti hack. (you quickly open & close your map 3 times and TfA GUI magically shows up!). * (apart from Bus buttons) Two buttons left in the GUI that are currently not functional: 1. Please Stop Vehicle 2. Set (new) Destination. I am working hard on these tonight and trying to finish up. It will be ready for the release. * One last thing - I haven't done this yet but I am planning to take another look at the "press a hotkey to bring up the Transport for Arma". Epoch's main developer vbawol gave me a tip, I will try to follow his tip and make it work. if it works great, simply press your hotkey (which is configurable - such as INSERT key or F4 key) and GUI in front of you. If it doesn't work, we will continue using the current weirdo triple-map-open-close method. This is currently developed by one guy, with zero feedback, I'm just following my notes (I have about 500 ideas/TODO items) in the notes, adding one at a time as time allows. if you have any suggestions, please let me know! theftgun 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted May 12, 2016 Author Report Share Posted May 12, 2016 10 hours ago, theftgun said: I am glad you are back!!!!! I I can't find " readme" in download or here in forum. sorry my bad english! updated the documentation (in experimental branch), here it is: theftgun 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theftgun Posted May 12, 2016 Report Share Posted May 12, 2016 4 hours ago, mgm said: hi there. I am working on this script pretty heavily. trying to get the new version out sometime soon - definitely sometime this weekend. I didn't put time to write down a proper readme, let me write it here... basically at a very high level (in terms of "taxi anywhere", "fixed destination taxi", and "public bus service" modes) we are still at the same spot where we were a year ago. however when you look closer, there have been a lot of improvements - here is a couple: * probably one of the most important changes: all financial transactions are now done on the server-side. *there are more CONFIGURATION options you can take a look at them here: * feedback from the system standardized & shortened (it is much more clear now), added a WHO'S TALKING? section, so every message you see in systemChat area starts with the source, such as: [RADIO_OUT] TAXI BOOKING REQUEST SENT [RADIO_IN] YOUR TAXI IS ON THE WAY. PLEASE WAIT [DRIVER] PLEASE PAY THE SERVICE FEE... * error handling in GUI is properly done now. if you're not in a taxi and try to pay, you will be refused and you will be notified. if you're in a taxi (say FixedDestination) but try to pay TaxiAnywhere refused & informed. If in the correct type of Taxi but already paid the same. If in the correct type of Taxi but in a different vehicle than you ordered (e.g. you order a Taxi, before you pay, you hop out, and hop in to your friends Taxi and try to pay) you will be refused to pay & informed and so on. Kind of boring but the permutations add up quick, coding all took some time! * I have removed all addActions (except one) and GUI is now mandatory. you need to use the gui to use TfA. to bring up the GUI our weird method still working fine with or without Epoch AntiHack. I bet it will work with any anti hack. (you quickly open & close your map 3 times and TfA GUI magically shows up!). * (apart from Bus buttons) Two buttons left in the GUI that are currently not functional: 1. Please Stop Vehicle 2. Set (new) Destination. I am working hard on these tonight and trying to finish up. It will be ready for the release. * One last thing - I haven't done this yet but I am planning to take another look at the "press a hotkey to bring up the Transport for Arma". Epoch's main developer vbawol gave me a tip, I will try to follow his tip and make it work. if it works great, simply press your hotkey (which is configurable - such as INSERT key or F4 key) and GUI in front of you. If it doesn't work, we will continue using the current weirdo triple-map-open-close method. This is currently developed by one guy, with zero feedback, I'm just following my notes (I have about 500 ideas/TODO items) in the notes, adding one at a time as time allows. if you have any suggestions, please let me know! 2 hours ago, mgm said: updated the documentation (in experimental branch), here it is: Thanks so much! I will test now on my server :) mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theftgun Posted May 13, 2016 Report Share Posted May 13, 2016 3 hours ago, mgm said: updated the documentation (in experimental branch), here it is: custom\mgmTfA\psczvuznuilitltt.sqf no found. Quote STEP #4: ADD CLIENT-SIDE INJECTOR to init.sqf Copy the 3 lines below and paste into the init.sqf file you have in your MPmissions directory: <ARMA_3_SERVER_DIRECTORY>\MPmissions\<yourMission.yourWorld>\init.sqf //==================Transport for Arma client-side init========================== // copy & paste these 3 lines into your existing file as shown on the right side. (if there is no such file, create a new blank text file first, and rename it to what you see on the right). ==> ARMA_3_SERVER_DIRECTORY\<MPmissions>\<yourMapWorldname>\init.sqf if (!isServer) then { [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\mgmTfA\psczvuznuilitltt.sqf"; }; //==================Transport for Arma client-side init========================== I found out that there is nothing psczvuznuilitltt.sqf on mgmtfa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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