DirtySanchez Posted April 17, 2015 Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 Nice work, I'm sure many would love to hear about it. mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 ..Transport for Arma v.0.3.2 Get it from the usual release location. Changes: Hit 'm' (map key) 3 times rapidly and you will be ordering a Taxi! Upgrade Notice: Upgrade strongly recommended due to the above. ..FORMAT In 7zip format - Giving 7z another go BTW, hopefully it will not corrupt anything again!..HELP ME! I am aware some people can spit out scripts every week(jealous!) however it took me a long time to develop this to the current usable level and I am keen to keep going but I need help, please spare a moment of your time and post a brief feedback message!..ADDITIONAL 1. 'hotkey' method of ordering taxis is still enabled if you prefer that and due to your 3rd party antihack if it's working for you, you don't have to change anything. Just disable the new method in settings (or keep both enabled). 2. I am aware of the reports that Fixed Destination Taxis working at Central but not working in the two other Taxi Stops - I will take a look at this weekend. 3. There are several other minor changes, consider upgrading... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen0cide Posted April 17, 2015 Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 Looks good MGM I'll throw the new version on my test server later and try it out. mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted April 17, 2015 Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 DOH, did a bunch of work tonight..... Oh well its expected, thanks for the update MGM. However tomorrow is a wash for me, so look forward to Saturday reports on its progress. mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 From client side package I've removed things that we do not use, such as mission.sqm, initServer.sqf. I've also removed the client side PBO completely I think, not too sure as it was 4AMish lol Main idea moving forward: drop the client-side 'custom' directory in to your existing epoch.Altis folder/PBO and add the one-liner injectors to initial.sqf. Should be pretty straightforward but I will update docs nevertheless. Sanchez & Gen0cide let me know what you think when you try the new clickNGo key system :) On other news can't wait to get home tonight. I finally had a breakthorough on route drawing on map without using 2750 separate markers. Buses coming this weekend. I can almost see them blipping on the map, coastal line and the highway express almost in perfect in synchronisation :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 On TEXTURING/MODELLING [WIPalot]Baby Steps As you know Transport for Arma project in a never ending quest on improving TRANSPORT aspect of the game. A project like this -in fact any project- can be as detailed as you want it to be of course and I want it to be reasonably detailed. The scope of the work span a multitude of domains (scripting, AI, UI, performance, ...) which I learn in due course and take one at a time. One of the things I want to do is creating custom model and/or textures for service units (Taxis, Buses, SeaTaxis). Admittedly I am not up to speed with modelling and/or texturing so I have been reading tutorials and forums on the matter but haven't actually started practising on advanced software such as GIMP/Photoshop just yet. I did however had the chance to practice little bit on an entry level drawing software today and I am posting below version 0.0.1 of some of the vehicles - let me know what you think! Don't be too cruel in your comments, remember these are preliminary versions and will only get better :) land taxi (stationary) most detailed work so far. notice the utmost attention to the detail particularly the taxi stripes (compared to other models, relatively speaking) public bus (stationary) having so many wheels on this object has been the greatest challenge so far air - heli taxi (hovering) this one didn't cause me much trouble air - business class/plane (during take off) absolutely the easiest one. I can do it with my eyes closed I think colours and LOD are the two keypoints I should focus on, what you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 Mods - Please delete this, thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 Hi MGM Thanks for releasing this script it is awesome. I have no errors in rpt but I am having a couple of issues. I could anywhere on the map press ins and would call the clickngo, worked like a charm, but after a restart this has stopped working ? still no errors in rpt.. Also I can only get the centre spawn taxi to work, the east and west don't ? Any ideas ? Thanks Insem With regards to the Call-A-TaxiPoints outside Epoch Altis spawn traders East & West unusable issue: he is refusing to present the FixedTaxiDestinations menu etc?, and at his feet I see the epoch inventory circle thing.... The central one works great With regards to it went bonkers after restart issue: yes this is a test server, I have a few extra mods/scrips installed etc earplugs/lootspawner and some extra vehicles.... I did restart about 3 times without luck ? I am at work now and I will test your suggestions later then report back, Cheers Thanks for your nice words in top post, I will add it to feedback section on 1st page - let me know if you're stage shy and want me to take it down lol With regards to the issue #1 - INS key sometimes not working & unable to call a clickNGo Taxi In my experience it is something to do with the AntiHack software which I cannot change of course. Last night by adding an additional method of calling a clickNGo Taxi I have worked around the problem. Basically you (any player) open & close their map 2 times, on 3rd mapOpen cilckNGo Call a Taxi function will activate. It does not matter what antihack you have on the server, does not matter whether player admin etc etc. it should be rock solid. The only problem is it is not very elegant but functionality trumps elegance every time in TfA. With regards to the issue #2 - Two of the Call-a-Taxi-Points, outside Altis spawn traders not working Having done my lab testing this evening, I can confirm this was a bug in this script in version 0.3.2. The regression was introduced on a marathon testing night trying to switch from metal container "taxi callpoints" to "AI agent Taxi Dispatchers". It did work in the end but it appears CATPs 02 and 03 never got updated that night, or later, until now. Please upgrade to latest version and all your troubles will go away. In this bugfix release, no new code introduced so new troubles should not appear either. I have however deleted 2 files I do not modify - no point in re-distributing Epoch default files so they are deleted now. Official release notification will be posted below shortly. Git repo has already been updated with with release package and CHANGELOG so you can dive in straight away ;) Skin 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2015 . . . Transport for Arma v.0.3.3 Get your free copy! Changes: This is a bugfix release and the most important change is Issue #16 fixed! - Issue Tracker - CHANGELOG Upgrade Notice: Upgrade strongly recommended for all users .. .......... USUAL HELP CALL I am aware some people can spit out scripts every week(jealous!) however..........it took me..........a long time..........to develop this to the current usable level, still in active development as of today, and I am keen to keep going. .......... I do definitely need your help though, please spare a moment of your time and post a brief feedback message. Paying 5 krpyto for each message come find me in West Taxis. . . . OTHER NOTES 1. Special thanks to Insem who 2. Also special thanks to the two main testers: DirtySanchez & Gen0cide keep it up guys! :> . . . Skin, monkeebhoy, DirtySanchez and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen0cide Posted April 18, 2015 Report Share Posted April 18, 2015 Well the taxis seem to be called fine at all 3 locations now.... click and go using the map key "M" for me fast 3 x's did not work but the "Insert" key still did. BUT I had no option with static or ClickNGo taxis to pay so that is where the testing ended for me. Also all the "service" markers on the map remained so after calling 6 taxis my map was littered with info from old servicer calls. Keep up the work MGM this is going to be a awesome piece of work when your finished! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 18, 2015 Well the taxis seem to be called fine at all 3 locations now.... click and go using the map key "M" for me fast 3 x's did not work but the "Insert" key still did. BUT I had no option with static or ClickNGo taxis to pay so that is where the testing ended for me. Also all the "service" markers on the map remained so after calling 6 taxis my map was littered with info from old servicer calls. Keep up the work MGM this is going to be a awesome piece of work when your finished! The on-going issues you are experiencing is certainly not the user experience TfA set out to provide thanks to you Gen0cide and DirtySanchez for taking the blunt of the alpha testing punishment! :) With regards to your current issue: In 0.3.3: (I've fixed the Issue #16) + (did not move any new code from the development branch) + (removed these two files L61 & L62 to prevent unnecassary re-distribution of untouched default Epoch code). Underlined bit did look like a good idea at the time however it could be the reason you're having different results than the last version -- there are no other modifications, so that must be it.. Next Actions: I suggest you take a backup of your settings file delete all TfA code from the test server download the custom package 0.3.2_mHotfix20150418_1057.7z here which is now generated just to address this issue activate this hotfix version & give it a test The package above is previous code 0.3.2 (which I understand did not give you any trouble with 'pay now' button in taxis). Issue #16 fixes played on top of that code. It does not however remove the L61 & L62 Epoch files. If that works for you: Please report the results and I will release it as the new version. If that does not work for you: We will need standard troubleshooting steps. I would suggest testing with turing antihack off for test first. if still an issue, remove BE filters for testing purposes again. that would leave out the usual suspects. shutdown game server and your arma3 client, set verbosity to level 5 in _settings.hpp, delete both server & client RPT logs, restart the server, join the game and attempt again. then after a few attempts and runiing the game about 5 minutes, upload logs to http://pastebin.com/separately and give me the 2 URLs so I can investigate what's going on. Cheers DirtySanchez 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 18, 2015 Hi MGM Thanks for releasing this script it is awesome. I have no errors in rpt but I am having a couple of issues. I could anywhere on the map press ins and would call the clickngo, worked like a charm, but after a restart this has stopped working ? still no errors in rpt.. Also I can only get the centre spawn taxi to work, the east and west don't ? Any ideas ? Thanks Insem Thanks for your nice words in top post, I will add it to feedback section on 1st page - let me know if you're stage shy and want me to take it down lol With regards to the issue #1 - INS key sometimes not working & unable to call a clickNGo Taxi In my experience it is something to do with the AntiHack software which I cannot change of course. Last night by adding an additional method of calling a clickNGo Taxi I have worked around the problem. Basically you (any player) open & close their map 2 times, on 3rd mapOpen cilckNGo Call a Taxi function will activate. It does not matter what antihack you have on the server, does not matter whether player admin etc etc. it should be rock solid. The only problem is it is not very elegant but functionality trumps elegance every time in TfA. With regards to the issue #2 - Two of the Call-a-Taxi-Points, outside Altis spawn traders not working Having done my lab testing this evening, I can confirm this was a bug in this script in version 0.3.2. The regression was introduced on a marathon testing night trying to switch from metal container "taxi callpoints" to "AI agent Taxi Dispatchers". It did work in the end but it appears CATPs 02 and 03 never got updated that night, or later, until now. Please upgrade to latest version and all your troubles will go away. In this bugfix release, no new code introduced so new troubles should not appear either. I have however deleted 2 files I do not modify - no point in re-distributing Epoch default files so they are deleted now. Official release notification will be posted below shortly. Git repo has already been updated with with release package and CHANGELOG so you can dive in straight away ;) Hi Insem, During testing of another feature, by chance I have succeeded in reproducing the issue you reported. It isnow tracked under issue #18 <-- click for the details and workaround. Skin 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 19, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 . . . . PROJECT UPDATE . . EDIT: SORRY FOR BEING UNCLEAR IN THE ORIGINAL POST. I HAVE JUST *STARTED* ON WORKING ON BUSES BUT IT IS NOT READY YET AT ALL. THIS POST BELOW (HOW TO ADD YOUR BUSES) WON'T WORK JUST YET, IT IS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE WHEN BUS LOGIC IS COMPLETE. SO FAR IT IS INCOMPLETE AND DOING 'HOWTOADDYOUROWNBUSROUTE' WILL NOT WORK. I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED. . . Hello All, I had a beautiful day working on this and wanted to post a technical update on the project. . . Finally started working on the Public Bus feature. I've been postponing this for a long time now. The first step was writing the functionality to traverse a (long) list of points in map (which I call routePoints) to define what a Bus Route actually is. To do that I started with a hotkey -> click on map -> write to log function which I already had for clickNGo 'where would you like to go?' function. The hotkey captures the next clicked point on map and writes to client RPT log after which Notepad++ quickly saves it as a long array. With the help of this script I managed to gather about 400 routePoints for two test-routes as you can see below. . . ROUTE PREPARATION STAGE Route Preparation is something I will need to do only once to create the list and you won't have to do it at all. I will however provide the script so if you want to create your own routes (or just want to modify bits of the routePoints I will publish) you can easily do so by clicking on map and using the coordinates in Position3D format; coords go to client rpt log which then should be imported to Transport for Arma Settings file. . . They say a picture is worth a thousand words we might as well... . . Prep. Screenshot #1: High level screenshot of The Coastal Bus Line routePoints (it's not coastal yet, this is just test phase) Prep. Screenshot #2: Mid-level zoomed screenshot of The Coastal Bus Line routePoints . . Prep. Screenshot #3: High level screenshot of Victoria Bus Line routePoints . . Prep. Screenshot #4: Mid-level detail screenshot of Victoria Bus Line routePoints . . . . ROUTE READY PlayerReadyState Screenshot #1: Close-up screenshot of The Coastal Bus Line routePoints . . PlayerReadyState Screenshot #2: Close-up screenshot of Victoria Bus Line routePoints . . . . All these horrific dots in screenshots #1,2,3,4 obviously won't be visible to players - it is there only for preparation stage. Players will only see the 'final state' route -- what you see in the last two screenshots. Well the observant amongst you might have spotted the quality difference between the Coastal and Victoria Lines. . . This is because of routePoint density just like images getting pixelated as quality goes down, being cheap on the number of clicks causes a bad output so in the public release of the script I will take my sweet time to produce really high quality route for the default routes. If anyone wants to help with this not so glorious please let me know and I will arrange a 50% discount for you on all future Transport for Arma installations lol . . The actual line Coastal Line will be all around the island and the Victoria Line you see there might get modified to cover a more sensible actual route - this was just a quick test. . . . . . . How to add your own routes? I bet this will be a FAQ so let me cover that first, below is the relevant configuration options from Transport for Arma's only configuration file the magnificient _settings.hpp: I have updated the _settings.hpp file in git repo with relevant snippets from the development branch so if you click here you can see all the current Public Bus System configuration options. This is the skeleton and many options I am hoping to implement is not even mentioned in the settings file. If you click here and jump to line 712 that's where the Public Bus System settings begin. . . I have also copied the comments stripped version below -- for the commented one use the link above. mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRouteIsEnabledBool = true; if (mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRouteIsEnabledBool) then { mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRouteConfigNameTextString = "AltisCoastalBusLine"; mgmTfA_dynamicgv_publicBusSystemTotalNumberOfCurrentlyActiveRoutesNumberDONOTMODIFY = mgmTfA_dynamicgv_publicBusSystemTotalNumberOfCurrentlyActiveRoutesNumberDONOTMODIFY + 1; mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRouteGUROIDNumber = mgmTfA_dynamicgv_publicBusSystemTotalNumberOfCurrentlyActiveRoutesNumberDONOTMODIFY; mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRouteAnnouncementIDNumber = 1; mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRoutePublicNameTextString = "The Coastal Bus Line"; mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRouteLineColorTextString = "ColorGreen"; mgmTfA_dynamicgv_routeCurrentRoutePointsPositionArray = [[4081.41,13743.5,0],[4155.77,13844,0],[4227.25,13896.4,0],[4504.66,14044.1,0],[4621.39,14145.1,0]];Basically you will need to change the above or copy & paste and modify the new copy just under this block. I have removed 195 or so routePoints as the above demonstrate the idea adequately. Important thing to remember is more routePoints = better looking PUBLIC BUS ROUTEs on your map so that your players will admire your professional work lolPerformance should no be an issue as Service Units (buses, taxis, helis etc.) should only process the next n items and not 1000 routePoints should give that many. You will see the announcement ID bit, that's a feature which I believe will increase extensibility especially other mods' integration to TfA. An authorized mod, for example, can take a public bus line down (temporary or permanent) or up, change its map display to RED (the universal service disruption color?), remove it completely or perhaps just one part of the line. . . This also opens the door to players receiving service updates at bus stops and/or anywhere on map: The next Victoria Line Bus will be here in 1m48secs. . . What about the bus map markers? They will have the same markers you see in this video below, note that this video is from 300 commits ago and it has been much optimized since and marker display is much smoother. . . I will risk going too technical but would like to cover one last aspect, namely data transmission. The route information is being sent to player on join as a big packet and after that the only information being sent is: nothing. Unless there is a change to the bus network, there is no need for server to send anything and client to ask anything. Everyone is happy. Should things change, server will send the magic 'update your routes' packet which initiates a busy period on all clients. By the time they receive this, they have already received the relevant updates so they already 'know' what to change, they tear down the relevant route only and re-create it from scratch thus reachig perfect sync in a matter of seconds. Well at least that's the plan, we shall see soon. . . This all for now - hope you like this :) DirtySanchez 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted April 19, 2015 Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 Prepping for 0.3.3 test with Bus route added and depending on how late, the 4th fixed destination added. Edit will come soon hopefully. 115am...... EDIT #1(211am) Got the newest 0.3.3, checked all my settings and made same changes as needed Did the last one early and just finished up the instructions for adding a 4th Fixed Destination from and am about to add in the code for the bus routes 235AM added in the bus routes as is. ps. Forgot to mention, Thanks for those instructions in post 87 as linked above, for me those directions are perfect! though there are a couple of type-o's that needed to be changed on my end before repack and if anyone else would use them they will probably error out. BLOCK F: the 03 needs to be 04 and the 3 in the addaction to 4, otherwise fantastic instructions I really mean it. FINAL EDIT for evening: Used release_package_v0.3.3.7z for this test. Added 4th destination to my trader city following post#87 instructions Added the bus routes info directly from Gitlab starting at line 712 (copy and pasted all info for test) About to test now and add last bit for the night 350am All 3 CATP are in fact working called a taxi from each. My added in 4th point is not working, I will go over my edits in the morning to find out if I went wrong. Bus stuff is added into server but I am not sure what to look for in game, i went up and down the main roads but nothing jumped out at me. Not sure if its added in or not. OH, and in regards to the 3x M key, IT WORKS. its just relying on your full keydown and keyup for M 3 times. So you have to click map on map off map on map off map on map off and it will then trigger the same as INSERT. Hope all this helps so far. Catch up in the AM. mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 19, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 Prepping for 0.3.3 test with Bus route added and depending on how late, the 4th fixed destination added. Edit will come soon hopefully. 115am...... EDIT #1(211am) Got the newest 0.3.3, checked all my settings and made same changes as needed Did the last one early and just finished up the instructions for adding a 4th Fixed Destination from and am about to add in the code for the bus routes 235AM added in the bus routes as is. ps. Forgot to mention, Thanks for those instructions in post 87 as linked above, for me those directions are perfect! though there are a couple of type-o's that needed to be changed on my end before repack and if anyone else would use them they will probably error out. BLOCK F: the 03 needs to be 04 and the 3 in the addaction to 4, otherwise fantastic instructions I really mean it. FINAL EDIT for evening: Used release_package_v0.3.3.7z for this test. Added 4th destination to my trader city following post#87 instructions Added the bus routes info directly from Gitlab starting at line 712 (copy and pasted all info for test) About to test now and add last bit for the night 350am All 3 CATP are in fact working called a taxi from each. My added in 4th point is not working, I will go over my edits in the morning to find out if I went wrong. Bus stuff is added into server but I am not sure what to look for in game, i went up and down the main roads but nothing jumped out at me. Not sure if its added in or not. OH, and in regards to the 3x M key, IT WORKS. its just relying on your full keydown and keyup for M 3 times. So you have to click map on map off map on map off map on map off and it will then trigger the same as INSERT. Hope all this helps so far. Catch up in the AM. thanks for the detailed update. I owe you an apology if I was not clear enough in the original post above.Buses are not ready just yet I only started on them and posted that bit above for future reference. See the massive edit in RED fonts in my original bus update post above. I will try and finish preliminary version of buses ASAP and will keep you posted. On other news, I am happy that hitting M key several times (open/close the map 3 times within 8 seconds) method is working for you. It is a temp worakaround for 'Epoch AH blocking INS key press detection issue'. I can help with adding a 4th Taxi Fixed Destination, can you give me the coordinates you require? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 19, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 I have received first ever interest from outside Epoch world (the one and the only true mod). The question in its pure form 'works Altis Life?' leaves much to be desired in grammer department nevertheless I apprecite the interest and posted my response to the bottom of the 1st post in the new FAQ section. Basically 'it should work' but might require some minor (15 min tweaking). I am happy to give a hand if anyone wants this... . Connected to the above, it is my understanding that we are now search result #5 in Google, for the keywords: arma taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . That top search result (Arma Cabs in Armagh, North Ireland) will be a tough nut to crack but hopefully we will be #1 by the time we reach version 1.0 :) . . . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted April 19, 2015 Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 pure response in a few words....Altis life :P, play Epoch, grow balls!ps. Almost finished with my rebuild, then I am moving back into my chernarus project.I will be wanting to add Chernarus for this script so I will probably try making those edits on my own to see how far I get with it first, then report back here with my attempts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 19, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 pure response in a few words....Altis life :P, play Epoch, grow balls!ps. Almost finished with my rebuild, then I am moving back into my chernarus project.I will be wanting to add Chernarus for this script so I will probably try making those edits on my own to see how far I get with it first, then report back here with my attemptsCool, if you need help with anything let me know and keep me posted on Cher progress :)I'm working on public bus feature at the moment - fun times! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 20, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 A tiny project update: of security implications of call compile so the new version will do all missionspace set/gets via setVariable/getVariable. more security review and improvements on the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hakimos00 Posted April 20, 2015 Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 Hi, Thx for script its a good one but when i install the last version 0.3.3 i have the building the npc the taxis but no menu to call the service & i have this error on my rpt 11:43:56 "[mgmTfA] Starting Transport for Arma..." 11:43:56 "[mgmTfA] [njrzfwvqzbhlnvnb.sqf] VERSION INFO: Transport for Arma 0.3.3 [VerRevSumNum: (33)]" 11:44:03 Error in expression <eep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit3 setDir mgmTfA_configgv_catp03DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error position: <mgmTfA_configgv_catp03DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error Undefined variable in expression: mgmtfa_configgv_catp03directiondegreesnumber 11:44:03 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\hzbkedsoaqsuchuk.sqf, line 1 11:44:03 Error in expression <eep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit2 setDir mgmTfA_configgv_catp02DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error position: <mgmTfA_configgv_catp02DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error Undefined variable in expression: mgmtfa_configgv_catp02directiondegreesnumber 11:44:03 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\iiszgkwlebrzjcpu.sqf, line 1 11:44:05 Error in expression <"; uiSleep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit2 setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp02Location> 11:44:05 Error position: <setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp02Location> 11:44:05 Error 2 elements provided, 3 expected 11:44:05 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\iiszgkwlebrzjcpu.sqf, line 1 11:44:05 Error in expression <"; uiSleep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit3 setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp03Location> 11:44:05 Error position: <setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp03Location> 11:44:05 Error 2 elements provided, 3 expected 11:44:05 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\hzbkedsoaqsuchuk.sqf, line 1 any idea plz ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 20, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 Hi, Thx for script its a good one but when i install the last version 0.3.3 i have the building the npc the taxis but no menu to call the service & i have this error on my rpt 11:43:56 "[mgmTfA] Starting Transport for Arma..." 11:43:56 "[mgmTfA] [njrzfwvqzbhlnvnb.sqf] VERSION INFO: Transport for Arma 0.3.3 [VerRevSumNum: (33)]" 11:44:03 Error in expression <eep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit3 setDir mgmTfA_configgv_catp03DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error position: <mgmTfA_configgv_catp03DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error Undefined variable in expression: mgmtfa_configgv_catp03directiondegreesnumber 11:44:03 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\hzbkedsoaqsuchuk.sqf, line 1 11:44:03 Error in expression <eep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit2 setDir mgmTfA_configgv_catp02DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error position: <mgmTfA_configgv_catp02DirectionDegreesNu> 11:44:03 Error Undefined variable in expression: mgmtfa_configgv_catp02directiondegreesnumber 11:44:03 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\iiszgkwlebrzjcpu.sqf, line 1 11:44:05 Error in expression <"; uiSleep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit2 setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp02Location> 11:44:05 Error position: <setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp02Location> 11:44:05 Error 2 elements provided, 3 expected 11:44:05 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\iiszgkwlebrzjcpu.sqf, line 1 11:44:05 Error in expression <"; uiSleep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit3 setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp03Location> 11:44:05 Error position: <setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp03Location> 11:44:05 Error 2 elements provided, 3 expected 11:44:05 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\hzbkedsoaqsuchuk.sqf, line 1 any idea plz ? This is a lingering issue. It is a continuation of the issue that was reported earlier and got fixed in 0.3.3. In previous version 0.3.2, 1st Call-a-Taxi-Point was fine, 2nd and 3rd points was missing. In this version 0.3.3, I have added them but it turns out a tiny parameter (direction) is still missing from the config thus causing issues. what to do Either wait for me to release 0.3.4 or add the values to your _settings.hpp yourself. I think this two lines should do it: mgmTfA_configgv_catp02DirectionDegreesNumber=0; mgmTfA_configgv_catp03DirectionDegreesNumber=0; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted April 20, 2015 Author Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 I'm on tablet now and can't give you exact working lines. Basically the issue is a few lines missing from the settings file if you add them that errors will go away. I understand catplocation and catpdirection both missing from catp02 and catp03.. You can open your settings file, copy the missing catp02 lines from working catp01. Repeat for catp03. All in all 4 lines you will need to add I think. I will release fixed version when I get home tonight Edit: typofix Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hakimos00 Posted April 20, 2015 Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 Thx for reply I'll try that & informed you if it works or not :) mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted April 20, 2015 Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 Tons of work got done yesterday, at the end of the night I ran a 2 restart live test of the rebuild And TfA was a hit. I had about 5 members play around with it with success. Going to continue my test with the 4 th fixed location this afternoon mgm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hakimos00 Posted April 20, 2015 Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 same pb no menu to call taxi & those error this time in rpt: 15:45:56 Error in expression <"; uiSleep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit3 setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp03Location> 15:45:56 Error position: <setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp03Location> 15:45:56 Error 2 elements provided, 3 expected 15:45:56 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\hzbkedsoaqsuchuk.sqf, line 1 15:45:56 Error in expression <"; uiSleep 0.05; _mgmTfA_CATPagentUnit2 setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp02Location> 15:45:56 Error position: <setPosATL mgmTfA_configgv_catp02Location> 15:45:56 Error 2 elements provided, 3 expected 15:45:56 File x\addons\custom\serverside\mgmTfA\iiszgkwlebrzjcpu.sqf, line 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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