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VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework


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It should work on every map, but like DZMS, maps without a defined center point may have issues.

I don't think Chernarus from AiA is working then. When I remove the Allowdamage fix it works but I take no damage. When I add it back in, server never loads.

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strange, try and redownload VEMF from github and see how you get on https://github.com/SMVampire/VEMF/archive/master.zip


it works ok for me, had a few issues but not with loading into the server.



I am getting this exact same error. I have tried re-downloading it. To clarify, I place initServer.sqf in the mission folder next to my init.sqf and Scripts folder? I have copied your init.sqf and added it to the top of my init.sqf. I have Simple Epoch Missions running as well and added your VEMF.pbo to my @EpochHive/Addons folder. I also have EPOCH_alloedamage.sqf there. How do I call that?

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I am getting this exact same error. I have tried re-downloading it. To clarify, I place initServer.sqf in the mission folder next to my init.sqf and Scripts folder? I have copied your init.sqf and added it to the top of my init.sqf. I have Simple Epoch Missions running as well and added your VEMF.pbo to my @EpochHive/Addons folder. I also have EPOCH_alloedamage.sqf there. How do I call that?


allowDamage gets called by itself just being in the folder.


I'm assuming the issue is how the allowDamage calls itself. I'll make a different version that should work.

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allowDamage gets called by itself just being in the folder.


I'm assuming the issue is how the allowDamage calls itself. I'll make a different version that should work.


I really appreciate it, this is the error in my .RPT

17:22:06 "#EPOCH_allowPlayerDamage: Waiting for Server to initialize."
17:22:06 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
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Vampf, love the missions, is it possible to add/change:


1) Mission Markers

2) Top Right Notifications that missions are live?


My Reasoning:

1) We have them running, work great however we don't really pay much attention to the lower Left Messages, that's just people connecting etc.

2) And when i leave and rejoin im not aware that a mission is live - markers would be super helpful.


All in all, these Ai are bat crazy! They flank, fight and dude they are fierce!


Love it!!!




The reason for not using markers is that I want to try to split up missions to different players in the future.

You could get a radio call that there's X mission while someone else on the map is running Y mission and neither of you know.

More of a "quest" system than the mission systems of past, I just need to find the right way to do it.


I'm going to work out using customChat instead of systemChat, but if that doesn't pop enough to get the players attention, I'll switch to structured text hints like Wasteland.

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Vampf, love the missions, is it possible to add/change:


1) Mission Markers

2) Top Right Notifications that missions are live?


My Reasoning:

1) We have them running, work great however we don't really pay much attention to the lower Left Messages, that's just people connecting etc.

2) And when i leave and rejoin im not aware that a mission is live - markers would be super helpful.


All in all, these Ai are bat crazy! They flank, fight and dude they are fierce!


Love it!!!



I VOTE For this!!

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All in all, these Ai are bat crazy! They flank, fight and dude they are fierce!


Love it!!!



I was in my test server running this and I headed to the town they were in.  I stalked in close without being seen and took out one of them.  Soon as the guy I shot dropped, the other units all moved toward my position and totally surrounded me.  I had to fight my way out of the building I was in.  I thought for sure they were going to come pouring through the door!  Hearing them walking around outside got my heart really pounding!  I took several hits and if the damage had been working I would have been dead several times over.  It didn't feel overpowered though.  I can guarantee you that in a firefight a single shooter isn't going to take down 8 armed guys.  It felt real and well balanced.  HUGE kudos to Vamp!  You've knocked this one out of the park buddy!  And it's not even done yet!  :D 

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It should work on every map, but like DZMS, maps without a defined center point may have issues.

I have confirmed that the allowDamage fix does not work on Chernarus from AiA map pack. I changed my server to Altis and everything works fine. Change it back to Chernarus and it locks up at "Server initializing... please wait."

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Hi Vampire.
I have uploaded the newest files. and it just seems to load and then nothing?

16:44:19 Error: Object(3 : 3) not found
16:44:27 No speaker given for Abdul-Aziz Ghafurzai
16:44:29 Speaker Male02_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Starting Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: isServer:true / isDedicated:true / isMultiplayer:true
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Setting VEMF Relations to make AI Hostile.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Looking for the Config. Ignore the associated File Not Found error.
16:44:39 Warning Message: Script VEMFConfig.sqf not found
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Loading Configuration File.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Configuration File Loaded!
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Currently Running Version: 1.0.0-PreAlpha
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Server is Running Map: altis
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Loading Compiled Functions.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: All Functions Loaded.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Loading Any Addons.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: Mission Timer Started.
16:44:39 [VEMF]: AI Watchdog Running.
16:44:40 "#KS-DEBUG: AllowDamage set true on "Epoch_Male_F" : "Seeks" : 76561198052891021"
16:48:42 "SKN AdminRequest [555,[[["VehicleRepairLg",7]],"2:1675"],B Alpha 1-1:1 (aFuzzybuny) REMOTE,"kwcyptu"]"
16:48:42 "SKN2 AdminRequest [["16:48","aFuzzybuny"," -----","Spawn: ["VehicleRepairLg"]"]]"
16:49:55 Error: Object(4 : 6) not found
16:50:04 Error: Object(4 : 7) not found
16:50:19 Error: Object(4 : 8) not found
16:51:47 "ADMIN: 76561198052891021 maintained 44 base objects at [2080.5,22185.3,0.597816]"
16:52:01 "STORAGE: saved to hive StorageShelf_EPOCH Pos [114.099,[2078.63,22182.7,0.288792]] Owners [] Parent -1"
16:52:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Sheep_random_EPOCH Pelt_EPOCH type:magazine"
16:55:01 [VEMF]: Running Dynamic Town Invasion Mission.
16:55:01 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:55:01 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:55:36 Error: Object(4 : 10) not found


16:55:01 [VEMF]: Running Dynamic Town Invasion Mission. - This is the last mention for VEMF in the rpt.

I will try reinstall and see if I did something wrong.


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I have confirmed that the allowDamage fix does not work on Chernarus from AiA map pack. I changed my server to Altis and everything works fine. Change it back to Chernarus and it locks up at "Server initializing... please wait."

Same issue here. Still totally wet for this though.

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How often does the message come up when the mission is running, I have only seen it at the start of the mission, Obviously if someone picks up a Radio after the mission has started, how do they know where the mission is.


It only goes out to one set of radios (There are 10 of them).

It only gets sent to players once, I have yet to add a timeout.

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This was my alternative workaround to the no-damage issue, it's to be used in a .sqf called only by the server. Try it out if the onPlayerConnected workaround doesn't work.

if (!isNil "A3EAI_allowDamageFix_active") exitWith {};
A3EAI_allowDamageFix_active = true;

uiSleep 5;

while {true} do {
    private ["_playersModified"];
    _playersModified = {
        if ((_x getVariable ["noDamageAllowed",true]) && {!(_x isKindOf "VirtualMan_EPOCH")}) then {
            if (isPlayer _x) then {
                _x allowDamage true;
                _x setVariable ["noDamageAllowed",false];
    } count playableUnits;
    if (_playersModified > 0) then {diag_log format ["DEBUG :: Applied allowDamage:true to %1 players.",_playersModified]};
    uiSleep 10;
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This was my alternative workaround to the no-damage issue, it's to be used in a .sqf called only by the server. Try it out if the onPlayerConnected workaround doesn't work.


I had just added a modified version of it to my server to test :P

I'll let you know how it works out. Global Var intact and such.

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Well i'm handing it off since i've been working at it all day, and have things I need to get done before the SO get's home.


Current issue I'm having is that I can't find the damn crates, but I'm convinced they are there somewhere.

(They aren't null, they have cargo, but I can't find them)

So with that I am releasing the "Pre-Alpha".


You can download the PBO from github, which goes in your "@EpochHive > Addons" folder.


The "initServer.sqf" goes in your mission pbo (or folder), and the "init.sqf" you can put in the mission, or just copy the content to your existing init.sqf.


You will also need the AI damage fix KiloSwiss posted here:

It's a PBO you just put in the same folder as my PBO.


You can put a copy of VEMFConfig.sqf in your Mission.pbo (or folder) and edit that instead of needing to unpbo my PBO whenever you want to edit the config.


If you run into issues (I'm sure you will), post them in the Github issues section.

I hold no guarantees of my AI getting along with other AI, but I'm interested in feedback on it.


I'll try to fix issues on the github as fast as possible.




where is the initserver.sqf mate? just got home from work nice to see this up!!!! good work

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Well i'm handing it off since i've been working at it all day, and have things I need to get done before the SO get's home.


Current issue I'm having is that I can't find the damn crates, but I'm convinced they are there somewhere.

(They aren't null, they have cargo, but I can't find them)

So with that I am releasing the "Pre-Alpha".


You can download the PBO from github, which goes in your "@EpochHive > Addons" folder.


The "initServer.sqf" goes in your mission pbo (or folder), and the "init.sqf" you can put in the mission, or just copy the content to your existing init.sqf.


You will also need the AI damage fix KiloSwiss posted here:

It's a PBO you just put in the same folder as my PBO.


You can put a copy of VEMFConfig.sqf in your Mission.pbo (or folder) and edit that instead of needing to unpbo my PBO whenever you want to edit the config.


If you run into issues (I'm sure you will), post them in the Github issues section.

I hold no guarantees of my AI getting along with other AI, but I'm interested in feedback on it.


I'll try to fix issues on the github as fast as possible.

I am lost.  I downloaded the .pbo

Really need a step by step guide. AD/HD does this to a person head lol

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