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What's wrong with survival?


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For the last 9 months I've been hosting a survival server. At this moment it has over 30 custom mods, 100's of scripts, harsh weather, reduced food spawns, custom crafting/building, Ai, trained dogs, cold/dark nights...the  is lengthy.


I have a few regular players who all state that the server is the best survival server they've played. Looking around at other servers it's clear that most prefer the pvp or pve elements with custom load-outs, tanks, jets and such, but I've been careful not to impose rules as surely the point of DayZ is such freedom.


I have built a website which provides a batch file to join effortlessly. There are a few permanent military vehicles and I've also created several YouTUBE videos detailing some of the features. Needless to say I have strived very hard to make my server appealing, but I consistently see players join then leave within a few minutes? As such I get no feedback as to why?


I absolutely adore this game and I challenge anyone to find an admin more committed. I'll keep the server open for as long as I can afford to, but I'd love for some-one to let me know what they think, to perhaps spend a day or two exploring what I've spent many months crafting/coding/inventing?


Surely the point of DayZ is survival. If there's any survival spirit left in the player-base then you could do much worse...


Is survival dead? Is DayZ/Epoch no more than an extension of Arma II/III?

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It's perhaps a desperate attempt to draw attention, but the theme of DayZ/Epoch certainly no longer feels like a survival game, more Arma II/III with building. I remember when I started playing DayZ, there was a much stronger emphasis upon survival and it's that I think which drew in the players.


Everyone seems to have advice about what they'd do to survive if a zombie apocalypse were to happen. But there appears to be less servers providing a genuine survival theme, instead pushing the more militarised version for the sake of gun-porn/pvp.


Epoch on Arma III is a little outta my PC's league, but having browsed the available videos the flavour is distinctly of the military variety. Are zombies dead? Is survival no longer appealing to the masses?


I'd loathe to add too many weapons/tanks/jets but they are available. In war there's an element of survival; you can't run around shooting all day without considering the environment. Almost anyone can shoot straight, so wouldn't you want to test yourself against the odds? Isn't that is more interesting?


I respectfully disagree with the notion that survival is not popular, one only has to browse google and you'll find an entire industry catering for just that.

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I personally love the survival aspect of the game and I was originally drawn to the Day Z mod purely for the extreme survival conditions. The trouble with Day Z (and associated mods) though is the more you play, the more you need to focus on longer-term goals and  I just think a lot of the survival elements are often over looked or seen to be superseded by more fun/multi-player/PvP friendly elements that are introduced to tackle these player needs.


Soon core survival elements become just an inconvenience and you start to attract more and more of the lazy players who have found the mod based on it's later features struggle with these "hardcore" features. I know from experience how unpopular it is on servers to have strong survival emphasis - people just seem to want auto refuel stations, free starting gear, target reticules, maps, immediately deployable bikes etc. etc.  So then you get to the point we are at now where you get a split community whereby the original hardcore players tend to hate the "gimmicky" mods such as epoch (that personally I believe offer some fantastic advanced features on the original) and the gamers of epoch look upon many of the hardcore elements as an inconvenience and unnecessary. 


Anyway, the server looks very good, I'll check it out and if it's any good a few of our players may want to come along too. 

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For me; the passion for survival is the key reason why I started playing. Before DayZ I was playing Kerbal Space Program, and even there I'd add/write mods which would make the game difficult; for example adding O2 consumption and realistic weight.


If I wanted to have an uber gun, helicopter and instant base then surely I'd be playing Arma II. I'm not a reactive gamer, pro-active I'd say. Before leaving my home base I have to consider where I'm going, what I'll need and where the resources are, should I find myself in trouble. That for me is my buzz. Nothing beats getting chased through a forest in the rain at night with fog rolling in, becoming so disorientated and desperate. Should I survive it becomes a tale to tell the grandchildren.

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I will say that I am HUGE on the survival aspect... but you are in the incorrect forum, UNLESS, you plan on testing out the wonderful works of the Epoch team on Arma 3 and try to open up your server to hosted, with the help and approval of the team.  Once they allow for other to host the "OWN" Servers, I'mm sure that would be the place to start for you.  But again, till that time, download the launcher and test the AMAZING changes that the team has done for Arma 3 Epoch.

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Unfortunately, people killing people is a reality of real survival situations. 

Morality only works when everyone feels safe and protected by society.

Take away that veil of protection and a lot of people go back to kill or be killed very quickly.


If you don't believe me, check out some sociological studies done in long-term catastrophy areas (floodings etc.).

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