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New Epoch tool... the Headlamp



So I've been working on a script using the extra_rc.hpp script to make a new tool function.  A headlamp or lantern if you prefer. (In effect it is really more like the latter.)  The lamp part works perfectly, but I am unable to shut it off afterwards. Here is what I have so far:

if (isNil "headlamp") then
	headlamp = 0;

if (headlamp == 0) then
	_hlight = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos player);
	_hlight setLightAmbient [.15, .15, .15];
	_hlight setLightColor [.15, .12, .10];
	_hlight setLightBrightness .25;
	setaperture -1;
	_hlight setDir (getDir player);
	_hlight attachTo [(vehicle player), [0,0,1.5]];
	Sleep 0.1;
	headlamp = 1;
	hint "Headlamp ON";

	Sleep 0.1;
	detach _hlight;
	_hlight setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];
	Sleep 0.1;
	deleteVehicle _hlight;
	Sleep 0.1;
	headlamp = 0;
	hint "Headlamp OFF";

It never makes it to "Headlamp OFF". It is having trouble detaching the light from the player and it can't delete it while it is attached.  Any ideas? Am I just using the command wrong?

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