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[Release] DayZ Mission System


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Fix this, then run again:

18:07:15 Error in expression <xecVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";

You messed up, it should read:

ExecVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";

Since you made this typo everything else underneath sarge will fail to load as it's stopped reading data from the sqf. That's why these rpt logs are needed and why almost anyone can see quickly what's wrong.


BTW you need to fix this too:

18:07:15 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found

and this:

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M119.turnCoef'.

Something is wrong in your CfgVehicles script.

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thanks for the help with the sarge thing i beleive i have fixed that, but the server_monitor.sqf IS where it said it is not,should i execute that file from the mpmissions init file?


If it says your server_monitor.sqf is missing it means your pbo packer corrupted your server pbo.

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How can I black list an area? 

I am running Panthera and don't want missions spawning on the island.

Can I change the map area? If so to what? 


Read your DZMSConfig.sqf

// Blacklist Zone Array -- missions will not spawn in these areas
// format: [[x,y,z],radius]
// Ex: [[06325,07807,0],300] //Starry Sobor
DZMSBlacklistZones = [
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Guys ive had this installed for a long time, and it works great, but i recently added in custom crates:




And after a while it makes these crates despawn.


I think that when the DZMS crates get cleaned up, so do the custom ones?

If DZMS is the culprit or not, does anyone know how to fix this?






DZMS has code that makes its crates stay permanently until DZMS decides to clean them up.


SectorFNG doesn't have this code so the crates are despawning as any other crates added to the map would.

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Fixed it...


Have DZAI and DZMS working :D


It was because I was unpacking the PBO completely then adding all the stuff then rebuilding a new PBO.


Just working within the PBO itself with PBO manager did the trick.




Now to figure out how to get my server to auto restart every few hours :P

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Anyone know if it's possible to create a consequence of not finishing a mission, such as Namalsk Storms if installed happening (every half hour) or a large area of radiation lasting until the next restart. My missions time out after two hours or so, and I'm wanting to punish the players on the server for not getting a particular mission finished in time.


I know how to set up a static area of radiation, but not how to make a random area radiated, or make a 1km area around the failed mission radiated, so to speak. 



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Cool. Well, I know the area to put the code in the individual mission file. "if (MissionFailure) then {" onwards..


But I'm stuck on how to actually call in for example a 1km area of radiation around a vehicle spawned when the mission started. That vehicle probably being some kind of collection of barrels and obviously would be excluded from the cleanup upon failure of the objective. Looking to add a map marker too. Might be overlooking something easy, will try tomorrow after work and if I crack it I'll post here. Thanks.

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I don't know the specific code for rads area but you just find where it gets spawned to a specific spot then work that spot into your reference code. If you look at my sqf explained post you will find how to harvest the location data from a mission file and how to call it where you need it. This won't be any harder than spawning the vehicles at the mission once you find the spawning class you need.

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We use the radiation variable for an irradiated bunker. I have put a trigger around the area that puts the variable

DZE_Quarantine = true;

And false to disable it. If you're looking for it to be temporary and not restart persistent, I think the following is the way to go:




Add a trigger that activates the variable, and since you want it lasting until the server is done as to create a "lasting effect", you don't have to make a delete for it!


Good luck!

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Hello there. Now, I may be a little slow here. I've recently set up a server and am using DZMS with no problems when set up "vanilla". I tried to change the skins the bandits spawn with like this:


// Array of skin classnames for the AI to use
DZMSBanditSkins = ["Skin_GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ"];
// Array of AI Skills
DZMSSkills0 = [
However, I must be missing something as when i start the server, the mission run but no AI show up. My error reports show like so:
15:39:32 [DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM5.
15:39:35 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Skin_GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ,
15:39:35 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Skin_GUE_Soldier_2_DZ,
15:39:35 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Skin_GUE_Soldier_2_DZ,
15:39:35 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 0 AI Spawned, 0 units in mission.
15:39:36 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Skin_GUE_Soldier_2_DZ,
15:39:36 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Skin_GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ,
15:39:36 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Skin_GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ,
I've probably done something obviously wrong but would anybody mind running me through it?
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Hey Guys,


the DZMS is really nice and works fine.


But I got a little question about it.


How Can I get the supply drops to spawn, I mean these ones which got the building stuff for epoch in it. Havent seen one since Im running the DZMS system. Would be very nice if someone knows an answer.


How can I add NV_googles and Rangefinder to the AI that they will got It in the Inventar on death.


Thanks guys,



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