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infistar server time resets after 5mins

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  On 2/1/2017 at 2:27 PM, looonytoonz@gmail.com said:

apparently he has stopped using the current help desk ticket system he has and is no longer offering help......

:(    he just released this version jan 20th for 106 ....


That version was released on 26th of December.

The problem with how he sets the server time/night/day etc is that epoch overrides it every 15 minutes (which it needs to do to keep stuff in synch) so you would need to change a bit to get this working correctly.


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it will say the date you download it, always reference it based off the version he has on his site.

I personally wouldn't mess with that file, I was just linking it to show where it is, @icomrade and I talked about changing the server time synch around but decided it could cause a lot of problems.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was pondering on how to deal with this... still some work to do but maybe someone else has ideas to add and maybe @salival knows if changing the actual server time will screw with the server timesync. if the last sync it was 1:00am and the next sync its 15 mins later and suddenly its 1:15pm...

The theory is to call a batch file with /vote day /vote night in game that gets the current server time then adjusts the server date time by 12 hours +/- depending on the vote and resync with windows time later.  If its 8pm and vote day the server time changes to 8am.  This (in theory) would allow BEC to continue with scheduled restarts. mine are 10 2 and 6pm/am

set hour=%time:~0,2%
set min=%time:~3,2%
set sec=%time:~6,2%
if %hour% lss 12 set fixhour=09 // havent sorted this part yet
if %hour% gtr 12 set fixhour=22 // havent sorted this part yet
echo %time%
echo %hour%
echo %fixhour%
time %fixhour%:%min%:%sec%

w32tm /resync //prob requires run as administrator 


so far just speculation.

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