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Elevator Script for Players and Vehicles [WIP/Prototype]

Axe Cop

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@calamity: yeah I would say is still a missing feature of GitHub..


usually you can download only the whole repository as a zip file. e.g. here https://github.com/vos/dayz that is the repository root and you should see the download links on the right side (Download Zip)

so it is not possible to download a sub folder as zip unfortunately and most user don't know how to use GitHub if they aren't developers :(


the other option is to click on each file and then on the "raw" button, after that you see the raw file and can download it with your browser (right click on the raw-button and "save link as" from the browser might also work without opening the file)

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Hab da n kleines Problemchen...

Bei mir läuft das script vom Boden zum 1 Stock einwandfrei...

aber wenn ich jetzt z.B nen 2ten Stock einrichten will bekomme ich keine anzeige zum upgraden..?

In deinem video klickst du ja auf "upgrade to elevator stop" was bei mir aber nicht kommt...

Ist das noch nicuht verfügbar oder hab ich was falsch gemacht?



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Hab da n kleines Problemchen...

Bei mir läuft das script vom Boden zum 1 Stock einwandfrei...

aber wenn ich jetzt z.B nen 2ten Stock einrichten will bekomme ich keine anzeige zum upgraden..?

In deinem video klickst du ja auf "upgrade to elevator stop" was bei mir aber nicht kommt...

Ist das noch nicuht verfügbar oder hab ich was falsch gemacht?



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if you want do it yourself, that's not hard but I would keep the moving object count as small as possible, because ArmA2 scripting is really bad for animation sadly.. so it will desync like hell for other players, so that's why I only use 1 platform.. just no better way with ArmA mods I guess :D

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Hmm just a suggestion here... Would be awesome if you could "link" elevators together...So you could build a big 2 by 2 vehicle elevator for example.. Or have a big opening roof etc etc.. So many possibilities for it...

From my scripting knowledge we would just need to have a link script that makes the 2,3 etc elevators move at the same time to their location if 1 of them is called... I think for you it is pretty easy Axe Cop :P or isn't it?

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Hmm just a suggestion here... Would be awesome if you could "link" elevators together...So you could build a big 2 by 2 vehicle elevator for example.. Or have a big opening roof etc etc.. So many possibilities for it...

From my scripting knowledge we would just need to have a link script that makes the 2,3 etc elevators move at the same time to their location if 1 of them is called... I think for you it is pretty easy Axe Cop :P or isn't it?

theoretically easy yes, but please read my last post above yours about the issues with the ArmA engine.. :/

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Oh sry did not read that :P yes it is desyncing as it is already for other players..but well if it works and after the animation is complete it is fine again, i don't think it would be a big problem for the players.. i mean we all know the limitations of Dayz and still play it right? :D

I just think that it would be a cool feature to have, but it is and stays your script so implement it or not it is your call :P

If i should get the time though do i have permission to modify it that way?

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Would it be possible to replace the 6976 with a number generated by the player_build.sqf vault lock generator?  Then we could lock/unlock an elevator/elevator stop by using a similar routine as the vault unlock and make elevators secure.

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Would it be possible to replace the 6976 with a number generated by the player_build.sqf vault lock generator?  Then we could lock/unlock an elevator/elevator stop by using a similar routine as the vault unlock and make elevators secure.

you could change the 6976 numbers but that is like an id to identify an elevator and should be the same for ALL elevators.

essentially that's just the encoded elevator "save state" with the elevator number and stop number following the ID.. so you could say the poor mans solution to a proper database table for elevators, because for a special database table like that you need a custom Hive database and DLL and other things sadly.. so this is much easier als also it would be much harder to install for admins otherwise. (I have another mod which requires a custom HiveExt.dll so just more problems haha)


if you have a better solution or something feel free to share it :)


about locking the elevator, that would be possible with a custom script for the keys I guess, it not like keys are bound to vehicles, they just use some weird number calculation to get the key matching the vehicle id :D

in theory you would just need a custom small key script if you wanna use the default epoch keys.

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alright im still new to the scripting for server side things what type of script would i wright in the init.sqf file to make it run for admins only ?

Well that can not easily be answered because it depends on how you define your admins?

There is no default admin settings or something in Epoch, so you have to do that yourself with an admin tool script or anti hacks or soemthing..


the simplest way is to have a list of admin player ID's and then use it like this:

AT_admins = ["12345678","12345678"]; // list of admins
if ((getPlayerUID player) in AT_admins) then {
    // everything inside this block will only be executed if the player is defined in the admin list
    ["elevator"] execVM "elevator\elevator_init.sqf";

keep in mind other players and objects can still "use" the elevator if they are standing on it, they can just not build or activate it etc by themselves. :)

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unless you know any bigger objects from Epoch/Arma it's gonna be hard, I can't just use custom models because you need a custom Epoch client to use and new models.. also read above somewhere I posted why it is a bad idea to combine multiple small objects to an larger elevator, but theoretically that would be possible of course.

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Hi Axe Cop

Firstly incredible script. Thanks!
I would be interested in an elevator with locks too.
Do you think that this would be easy to make?
or could you implement the key funktion?

Would appreciate some help, because this would give the option to actually protect your base :)


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Hey Axe Cop, thanks for this fantastic Script! ;)

I had made an video "how tu use" (Youtube KLICK) with a link to this thread.


One question: Is it possible to use more than one basic item to use as "Elevator Start"? I think about Wood Half / Quarter for the ATC (for example), the Metal Floor ist to big for the lift shaft but is good to use for Elevators outside. So it would be good to have a selection / choice...


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