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Elevator Script for Players and Vehicles [WIP/Prototype]

Axe Cop

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So is this considered a RELEASE now? I'm thinking about adding it to my server.

Yeah you could say that, it's more or less the best what can be done with custom animation in an ArmA mod as far as i know..

so it works great, the animation is good for the player who triggered the elevator, but for all others players the moving platform might look a little choppy. that is because of the desync in he engine and no better way to do local animations as far as i know. just try it yourself :)

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Thx Axe Cop! I'm definitely going to be trying it out on my server. I just wanted to make sure everything was finalized before I go ahead and make the leap! :) I've only had my server for about 10 days but you are a valuable contributor to the community and just want to thank you for that!

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Ok fixxed it^^ was my fault.



Ähm hi, so ive got it working but i have a problem now. I have build an Tower so and i needed there 3 elevators to get up^^. The first one is working completely, but than cames the massage u cannot build more than 10 stops, so i build a second one. I selected it, so that the next following stops should took the id of the second elevator, but if i call the elevator now, he tolds me that there is no stop available and than, elevator arrived. But nothing happend. The first i've build is perfectly working at anytime. How could i get the other 3 working? Should they build by an other player because of the uid?



No support?

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Hey sorry I didn't see you changed your post.

anyway how high is your tower, 10 stops should ne enough for most building thats like 200m high or something?? lol

I don't know if that is a bug what you describe but it works with all my tests and different elevators next to each other.

what you can try if you just want to travel longer distances is change the config variable ELE_MaxRange to some other value (default 25m)


set this in your init.sqf config section:

ELE_MaxRange = 100;

or some other value, then the elevator can travel 100m between each stop point.

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Ok we have tested it. So i can maximum Build 2 Elevator Stops, and than it tolds me, if i want to build the last i needed, the stop already exists or i have build more than 9 stops. What definatly not is true^^. My co admin is unable to build the stop because the elevator 1 is too far away. But we builded elevator 4, after he selected the new builded elevator he get the same message like me. Dont know why this is happening.

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Sorry I don't know and can't help you at the moment, it is very complicated how my script detects an elevator in the first place (see the first post I explain it a little with the elevator ID).

I don't have the time to test everything at the moment. :/

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We have now deleted the other two levels and now drive directly to the top. So this is further no longer a problem. Its ok, that you do not constantly have unlimited time to eliminate errors. Perhaps there isnt an error in the script and only my Server tolds me there is one. If u have time maybe u can visit the script. Keep up the good work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

don't start it on the server haha, I added that error message for a reason (as you see many people try to start it wrong and then it is not working)!

that is a client script and doesn't work if you run it on the server, show me your init.sqf where did you put the elevator_init.sqf?

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don't start it on the server haha, I added that error message for a reason (as you see many people try to start it wrong and then it is not working)!

that is a client script and doesn't work if you run it on the server, show me your init.sqf where did you put the elevator_init.sqf?


Thanks for the quick reply Axe!


Well, That might explain why it isnt working....




[] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf";
[] execvm 'scripts\AGN\agn_SafeZoneCommander.sqf';
[] execVM "scripts\fastrope\BTC_fast_roping_init.sqf";
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";
["elevator"] execVM "scripts\elevator\elevator_init.sqf";
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Thanks for the quick reply Axe!


Well, That might explain why it isnt working....




[] execVM "debug\addmarkers75.sqf";
[] execvm 'scripts\AGN\agn_SafeZoneCommander.sqf';
[] execVM "scripts\fastrope\BTC_fast_roping_init.sqf";
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";
["elevator"] execVM "scripts\elevator\elevator_init.sqf";


you should read the instructions... I see at least 2 errors there (assuming that is the end of your init.sqf I don't know...) and you only have to put one line of code in your init.sqf lol


first the parameter seems wrong, you changed the path and therefor have to change the path in the parameter too, like this:

["scripts\elevator"] execVM "scripts\elevator\elevator_init.sqf";

it is described in teh instructions that the first parameter to the script is the path, if you change the default you have to match it there for ArmA scripting reasons there is no better way of doing that.


secondly you should only strart the script on the client, so in this block:

if (!isDedicated) then {
   // other code
   ["scripts\elevator"] execVM "scripts\elevator\elevator_init.sqf";

its hard to describe that if you don't know what a code block is or anything you know :D

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Axe Cop,


great script as always.



Hi Affraid,


I got an email saying this from you:


   I installed the script and when I make the elevator (metal floor on ground) & then make elevator stop option (floor above) , the floor above disappers and then when i get on the elevator all it does is give me an option for "Select Elevator" , thats it. This is happening on both servers. Any Idea why this is happening? I did not change any part of your script . I kept it default.


Did you manage to fix this problem as i'm getting the same problem.



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Hi Affraid,


I got an email saying this from you:


   I installed the script and when I make the elevator (metal floor on ground) & then make elevator stop option (floor above) , the floor above disappers and then when i get on the elevator all it does is give me an option for "Select Elevator" , thats it. This is happening on both servers. Any Idea why this is happening? I did not change any part of your script . I kept it default.


Did you manage to fix this problem as i'm getting the same problem.



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just remember the "MetalFloor_DZ" is not translucent so you will get crushed if you put it on top of each other and use the elevator. :P

on the other hand you can just walk through the "MetalFloor_Preview_DZ", that is the reason i used it in the first place..

you just have to add the item to the allowed objects so Epoch won't delete it when you place it (as described in the first post..)


you can also try this method if you don't want to use a custom variables.sqf file,

add this to the init.sqf, this line has to be after the variables.sqf is loaded or it won't work (after call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";).

dayz_allowedObjects set [count dayz_allowedObjects, "MetalFloor_Preview_DZ"];
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just remember the "MetalFloor_DZ" is not translucent so you will get crushed if you put it on top of each other and use the elevator. :P

on the other hand you can just walk through the "MetalFloor_Preview_DZ", that is the reason i used it in the first place..

you just have to add the item to the allowed objects so Epoch won't delete it when you place it (as described in the first post..)


you can also try this method if you don't want to use a custom variables.sqf file,

add this to the init.sqf, this line has to be after the variables.sqf is loaded or it won't work (after call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";).

dayz_allowedObjects set [count dayz_allowedObjects, "MetalFloor_Preview_DZ"];
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Hey Axe, just a quick observation and sorry if this has already been mentioned. Basically, if you build an elevator inside your epoch base with any other object touching it then call the elevator to somewhere else, anything thats touching the elevator will be moved. i noticed it moving a door from my base.

could you setup an exclusion list for things that the elevator will ignore and not attach to?

loving the idea and concept so far!

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Hey Axe, just a quick observation and sorry if this has already been mentioned. Basically, if you build an elevator inside your epoch base with any other object touching it then call the elevator to somewhere else, anything thats touching the elevator will be moved. i noticed it moving a door from my base.

could you setup an exclusion list for things that the elevator will ignore and not attach to?

loving the idea and concept so far!

oh yeah that's not so good, but I don't think it is possible to exclude anything with the modding capabilities in ArmA2. :/

you have to make sure there is nothing in the way, the elevator won't stop for nothing :D

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But how do I download the whole folder I see no zip file just the individual sqf files

I rarely find a zip file to download on github  so I just create sqf files and copy paste each sqf





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