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AI Missions, AI is vunerable to VDM.


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Playing on the ZENITHOVMEN servers, they have great A.I missions running.


Only issue is, 90% of the time the AI protecting the crate / objective just get mowed down by someone in a vehicle.


Ive seen other mods where being run over just knocks you over, doesn't hurt/kill you.


Anyone have any idea of a script or fix to make the AI invulnerable to Vehicle attack?


Many thanks for reading,



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You made it too easy then. Our ai wreks vehicles pretty quickly and to help prevent this issue further we also added a sniper team with a 50cal. 


it dont combat it 100% but it does pretty well. obviously its ai and their not the smartest in the world.


Only problem i seem to be having is their not attacking helicopters unless you got people shooting out of the helicopter.

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Add 'handle damage' event handlers. If the damage is from a vehicle, ignore it, otherwise pass the damage on through the call.

(Note, you don't 'return' the damage in the EH, the AI become immune to all sources!)


As an alternative, add code the 'killed' EH that tests if you are in a vehicle, and if so, deletes all of the AI's gear.

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The 50 Cal idea is great, as is the Launcher idea, but that then leaves us with people with Launcher's and .50 cal's running around :)


I know its possible to make em invulnerable to vehicle squishing, just looking for the means to do so.


Yeah would never allow launchers myself and im pretty sure hes joking around but epoch is already floooded with 50cals left and right haha


And the way you describe it would probably best be resolved by an event handler i just love players getting shot to pieces while they try to do this trick X)

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Add 'handle damage' event handlers. If the damage is from a vehicle, ignore it, otherwise pass the damage on through the call.

(Note, you don't 'return' the damage in the EH, the AI become immune to all sources!)


As an alternative, add code the 'killed' EH that tests if you are in a vehicle, and if so, deletes all of the AI's gear.

Great answer, helpful to the community and the game as a whole.


many thanks mate.

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Hello All,

Just introduced this mission set into the live server. I guess we should have recorded it  :D

Players were warned via hint and still they drove head on into the minefields

in search of the glorious loot.

It finally took about 20-30 players being sent to the under-god before they started taking the cautious route of tip toeing 

and some were even crawling into the minefield.



This much fun should be illegal!

I will record it for all to see next time!


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Hello All,

Just introduced this mission set into the live server. I guess we should have recorded it  :D

Players were warned via hint and still they drove head on into the minefields

in search of the glorious loot.

It finally took about 20-30 players being sent to the under-god before they started taking the cautious route of tip toeing 

and some were even crawling into the minefield.



This much fun should be illegal!

I will record it for all to see next time!



Bahhahahahah Please please post this, I'm at work for Nameless IT company and need a good Cack.

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In addition to snipers with anti-vehicle weapons and RPGs, and deleting AI gear when run over we added a counter that tracks the number of AI killed by vehicles and at mission completion compares that number to the total number of AI spawned for the mission. If that number is greater than some percentage, say 75%, than a function is called that destroys any vehicles, deletes any loot in the crates, and sends a message that the bandit leader paniced and destroyed the loot. Works great as a deterent.  Mines also work very well when we ran WAI on one server.

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