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Random Spawn Script


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Anyone know how to add a 4th portal or get the coordinates to add one ?

 cant u just go inside and add lets say a object u can then pull cords from the DB i did that to add more random spawn points around my map



....make three different spawnpoints.sqf (spawnpoints1.sqf, spawnpoints2.sqf....)

In your init:

if (!isDedicated) then {

    [] execVM "spawnpoints1.sqf";

    [] execVM "spawnpoints2.sqf";

    [] execVM "spawnpoints3.sqf";



And in your mission add three Sensors, like this:


class Sensors



        class Item0


            position[]={6325.6772,0,7807.7412}; //Spawnpoint coords left TP






            expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT1) < 2;";

            expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;";

            expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;";

            class Effects




        class Item1


            position[]={6325.6772,0,7807.7412}; //Spawnpoint coords middle TP






            expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT2) < 2;";

            expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;";

            expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;";

            class Effects




        class Item2


            position[]={6325.6772,0,7807.7412}; //Spawnpoint coords right TP






            expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT3) < 2;";

            expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;";

            expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;";

            class Effects






Hope you understand the way i´m thinking....

You have the three Teleporter already in this Box, but the player couldnt use it, cause the Sensor on the TP is about 2m, wich is activate the spawnpoints.sqf.

And in the three spawnpoints.sqf you take the coords you wanna have

So this is only basic, not testet, but if you spend a little time for test, youll figure out how to make this work....




i like this idea is it still the same script or is it been edited differntly for spawning randomly

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 cant u just go inside and add lets say a object u can then pull cords from the DB i did that to add more random spawn points around my map


Nope, I can't find where the debug is loaded from to get its coordinates :unsure: anyone know the location of it on Chernarus ?

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Nope, I can't find where the debug is loaded from to get its coordinates :unsure: anyone know the location of it on Chernarus ?


debug is left of kamenka, left ot tihaya bay. it's on the coast. 


Coords u can find in the server config pbo : ) , in the config.bin file

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My config.bin only contains the loot table, I don't see the world coordinates for the debug area with the spawn tubes.

its in that area on that pic very hard to miss its a very big BOX Shaped building on the ground  by the coast but the cords are 010 133

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You find the coords for the Teleporter here: @epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings\config.cpp

You have to scroll around to find your map... in this example I take chernarus

First coords after Transport_W_EPOCH are the coords for the Teleporter west an so on...

class Chernarus : Default
        worldSize = 12000;
        traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };
        telePos[] = {
                { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 1009.76, 2023.75, 0.224995 }, "", { 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431 } }, // South West
                { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 1040.27, 2023.47, 0.224995 }, "", { 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958 } }, // South East
                { "Transport_N_EPOCH", { 1024.91, 2031.31, 0.224995 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East


The Coords for the DebugBox is binded on the coords for respawn west, I think.... Cause, if I change this coords in my mission.sqm, the Box will spawn there... ;-)

Just have a look into this file:


_debugLocation=getMarkerPos "respawn_west";
_debugLocation set[2,0];
_debug1=createVehicle["clone_male_static_F",(_debug modelToWorld(_debug selectionPosition "2")),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_debug1 setDir-90;
_debug2=createVehicle["clone_female_static_F",(_debug modelToWorld(_debug selectionPosition "5")),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_debug2 setDir 90;
_debug3=createVehicle["clone_male_static_F",(_debug modelToWorld(_debug selectionPosition "7")),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_debug3 setDir 90;

_debugLocation=getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; ........IYKWIM


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I think I should describe my problem better. So the problem is the following. have the script running successfully, after clients spawn in the debug box they get teleported by the script. normally it should teleported the clients to one of the cords I defined in the spawn script but it just spawns them into the middle of the sea. (nearly same area all the time. does anyone know how to get this working? Respawn West, Respawn east and the sensor which calls the script have the same coordinates.

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when i look at this all the code is on one very very long line :-s how do i make it separate on separate lines like above spoiler ??

Open the File with Notepad++

Now, sorry for my bad english... will upload a picture, my Notepad++ has german language, but pics say more than thousands words...


Press CTRL + F

This open a search-window click on the second TAB ?replace?

Now write a ; in the "search for" textbox

And in the "replace" textbox you need to write ;\n

You need to enable the option on Step 4 of the picture

And then you click to "Replace All"..... tada



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I think I should describe my problem better. So the problem is the following. have the script running successfully, after clients spawn in the debug box they get teleported by the script. normally it should teleported the clients to one of the cords I defined in the spawn script but it just spawns them into the middle of the sea. (nearly same area all the time. does anyone know how to get this working? Respawn West, Respawn east and the sensor which calls the script have the same coordinates.


Have a look to your mission.sqm, I think you have the wrong format of the Grid... Coords

In SQM the Z is in middle, in SQF the Z on the end (Z=height)


From the spawnpoints.sqF:

1745,2107,0.1 ---> 0.1 = height


From the mission.sqM:

6325.6772,0,7807.7412 ---> 0 = height


So, just check the right Format and I think it will work

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, 


I'm still trying to get my hands around server setup & maintenance, so I apologize if it appears I'm wasting your time. 


Firstly, I've applied what seems to be all necessary changes to init.SQF, mission.sqm and spawnpoints.sqf. I've uploaded them to my dropbox for convenience, but if someone prefers I can post the text here as well. 


Second, I've tried hiding the default spawn crate (with teleports) outlined in this forum, but it seems I'm doing something wrong here as well. I've unpacked the "a3_epoch_server_settings" pbo and made changes to the config.cpp, outlined below. Note - the PBO is found under "@EpochHive\Addons" to my understanding.



class Altis : Default

worldSize = 20000;
traderBlds[] = { "Land_Kiosk_blueking_F", "Land_FuelStation_Build_F", "Land_CarService_F", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", "Land_i_Shed_Ind_F", "Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F" };
containerPos[] = {
{ 8599.97, 24513.6, 0 },
{ 6282.61, 22654, 0 },
{ 3431.42, 22447.1, 0 },
{ 3524.53, 22718.1, 0 },
{ 3528.63, 22747.7, 0 },
{ 2185.4, 21454.6, 0 },
{ 2180.42, 21429.5, 0 },
{ 2105.21, 23439.7, 0 },
{ 2352.68, 19379.2, 0 },
{ 3022.73, 13520.1, 0 },
{ 2997.03, 13502.6, 0 },
{ 1940.41, 10095.8, 0 },
{ 7454.79, 9247.77, 0 },
{ 7485.66, 9255.52, 0 },
{ 12060.5, 6203.39, 0 },
{ 12059.2, 6183.42, 0 },
{ 14205.4, 7549.47, 0 },
{ 14373.1, 7688.5, 0 },
{ 14376.8, 7715.9, 0 },
{ 13115, 9491.82, 0 },
{ 13666, 11913.7, 0 },
{ 13682.8, 11890.2, 0 },
{ 15209.5, 14341.1, 0 },
{ 15326.2, 14361.6, 0 },
{ 15340.7, 14291.1, 0 },
{ 15351.3, 14278.1, 0 },
{ 15419.5, 14287.1, 0 },
{ 15951.8, 9707.72, 0 },
{ 22199.6, 5697.94, 0 },
{ 22279.2, 8641.17, 0 },
{ 26135.7, 19798.5, 0 },
{ 27908.6, 24460.4, 0 },
{ 23164.5, 24046.1, 0 },
{ 21016.3, 20024.2, 0 },
{ 18776.8, 18291.9, 0 },
{ 17361.2, 18792.1, 0 },
{ 17598.9, 18813.6, 0 },
{ 17560, 18928.3, 0 },
{ 17702.8, 19466.5, 0 }
telePos[] = {
{ "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 23600.5, 18009, -50.233421 }, "", { 13326.5, 14515.2, -50.16426 } }, // Trader city 1
{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 23585.4, 18000.7, -50.233424 }, "", { 6192.46, 16834, -50.00154114 } }, // Trader city 2
{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 23615.5, 18000.9, -50.233423 }, "", { 18451.9, 14278.1, -50.00143814 } } // Trader city 3
telePosCenter[] = {23600, 18009, -50}

As always, any help is appreciated! 





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I think I should describe my problem better. So the problem is the following. have the script running successfully, after clients spawn in the debug box they get teleported by the script. normally it should teleported the clients to one of the cords I defined in the spawn script but it just spawns them into the middle of the sea. (nearly same area all the time. does anyone know how to get this working? Respawn West, Respawn east and the sensor which calls the script have the same coordinates.

If you have recently changed maps you will need to wipe the database so the new map database can be made active ?

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so i went into editor...placed soldiers around map for spawn points...copied the cords over to spawnpoing script and all i get is spawning in water.


did not have this problem on cherno

Remember that in the mission.sqm it's xzy, in .sqf it's xzy, are you sure you've changed the coordinates correctly ?

So basically the height is the middle parameter in .sqm but in .sqf it's the last

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone have any altis spawn points? im being lazy here :P


thanks in advance :D


if (isNil "inSpawnPoint") then {
	inSpawnPoint = false;
_mPos = [
while {true} do {
	waitUntil { inSpawnPoint };
	waitUntil { player == vehicle player };
	thePlayer = vehicle player;
	_clothes = [
		] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
	thePlayer addVest "V_1_EPOCH";
	thePlayer addWeapon "ItemMap";
	thePlayer forceAddUniform _clothes;
	_selectspawnpoint = _mPos select floor random count _mPos;
	_randPos = [_selectspawnpoint,0,500,1,0,25,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	_posX = _randPos select 0;
	_posY = _randPos select 1;
	_spawnpoint = [_posX,_posY,0.1];
	thePlayer setPos _spawnpoint;
	waitUntil { !inSpawnPoint };


this is my altis randomspawn. feel free to use as u like it. Spawnpoints are mostly nearby cities. Players spawn usually at a max distance of 1km from town or city


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