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Random Spawn Script


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I can't for the life of me get this to work on Altis.

	class Markers
		items = 3;
		class Item0
			position[] = {6968.658,324.48145,8345.914};
			name = "center";
			type = "Empty";
		class Item1
			position[] = {1024.82,0,2023.51};
			name = "respawn_east";
			type = "Empty";
			angle = 23.608498;
		class Item2
			position[] = {1024.8502,5.858802,2023.5204};
			name = "respawn_west";
			type = "Empty";
			angle = 23.608498;
	class Sensors
		class Item0
			position[]={1024.8502,5.858802,2023.5204}; //Spawnpoint coords (same as respawn_west & east)
			expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT) < 50;";
			expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;";
			expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;";
			class Effects
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I can't for the life of me get this to work on Altis.

	class Markers
		items = 3;
		class Item0
			position[] = {6968.658,324.48145,8345.914};
			name = "center";
			type = "Empty";
		class Item1
			position[] = {1024.82,0,2023.51};
			name = "respawn_east";
			type = "Empty";
			angle = 23.608498;
		class Item2
			position[] = {1024.8502,5.858802,2023.5204};
			name = "respawn_west";
			type = "Empty";
			angle = 23.608498;
	class Sensors
		class Item0
			position[]={1024.8502,5.858802,2023.5204}; //Spawnpoint coords (same as respawn_west & east)
			expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT) < 50;";
			expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;";
			expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;";
			class Effects

Is there another }; at the end of the code you sent here?

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Is there another }; at the end of the code you sent here?

	class Markers
		items = 3;
		class Item0
			position[] = {14939.934,0.053499073,15083.272};
			name = "center";
			type = "Empty";
		class Item1
			position[] = {23600.639,3.19,18000.72};
			name = "respawn_east";
			type = "Empty";
		class Item2
			position[] = {23600.611,3.19,18000.768};
			name = "respawn_west";
			type = "Empty";
	class Sensors
		class Item0
			position[]={23600.639,3.19,18000.72}; //Spawnpoint coords (same as respawn_west & east)
			expCond="(player distance SPAWNPOINT) < 50;";
			expActiv="inSpawnPoint = true;";
			expDesactiv="inSpawnPoint = false;";
			class Effects
class Intro
	addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
	addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
	randomSeed = 13802307;
	class Intel
		timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
		startWeather = 0.3;
		startWind = 0.1;
		startWaves = 0.1;
		forecastWeather = 0.3;
		forecastWind = 0.1;
		forecastWaves = 0.1;
		forecastLightnings = 0.1;
		year = 2035;
		month = 6;
		day = 24;
		hour = 12;
		minute = 0;
		startFogDecay = 0.013;
		forecastFogDecay = 0.013;
class OutroWin
	addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
	addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
	randomSeed = 4712975;
	class Intel
		timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
		startWeather = 0.3;
		startWind = 0.1;
		startWaves = 0.1;
		forecastWeather = 0.3;
		forecastWind = 0.1;
		forecastWaves = 0.1;
		forecastLightnings = 0.1;
		year = 2035;
		month = 6;
		day = 24;
		hour = 12;
		minute = 0;
		startFogDecay = 0.013;
		forecastFogDecay = 0.013;
class OutroLoose
	addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
	addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"};
	randomSeed = 10755213;
	class Intel
		timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
		startWeather = 0.3;
		startWind = 0.1;
		startWaves = 0.1;
		forecastWeather = 0.3;
		forecastWind = 0.1;
		forecastWaves = 0.1;
		forecastLightnings = 0.1;
		year = 2035;
		month = 6;
		day = 24;
		hour = 12;
		minute = 0;
		startFogDecay = 0.013;
		forecastFogDecay = 0.013;

Nope, I had the wrong coordinates first snippit of code above but it still doesn't work. I take it I need another }; at the end? I don't even get a half assed message about it trying to teleport me or something. Nothing at all happens.


By the way in the OP you say to make a spawnpoint.sqf but you call a spawnpoints.sqf in your init.sqf.

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If you want to check brackets, grab Notepad++ , it draws nice lines to connect bracket pairs.. IMO it's an essential tool for modders.

I use sublime and it looks to me like they're all correctly bracketed. I'm not sure what's going on. It's in the main mission class and after markers.

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How would I spawn at the same places just in the air so they can paradrop? i got them to spawn with the parachutes but when they pick a portal i want them in the air.

not entirly sure but i think you have to adjust the "0.1"in oure spawnpoints.sqf to youre desired height


_spawnpointsarray = [



would become something like this


_spawnpointsarray = [



i used just 1 line you have to adjust it in all the spawnpoitarray lines 


not sure if 300 would do it dont know how long it would take to open youre parachute you should try this out


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actually my randomspawn.sqf looks like this.

if (isNil "inSpawnPoint") then {
	inSpawnPoint = false;
while {true} do {
	waitUntil { inSpawnPoint };
	waitUntil { player == vehicle player };
	thePlayer = vehicle player;
	systemChat "Calculating spawn point...please be patient";
	_randPos = [getMarkerPos "center",1500,10000,1,0,20,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //spawn on shore only
        //_randPos = [getMarkerPos "center",1500,10000,0,1,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //spawn off shore
	_posX = _randPos select 0;
	_posY = __randPos select 1;
	_spawnpoint = [_posX,_posY,0.1];

	sleep 1;
	systemChat "Spawn point selected. Teleporting...";
	sleep 1;
	thePlayer setPos _spawnpoint;

	waitUntil { !inSpawnPoint };

calculating a position didn´t took longer than 10-30 secs on Stratis. Must test on Altis too. 
In Case something goes wrong or someone does want to spawn at a trader i kept the teleporters at the debug location.


requires to add !"findSafePos" to scripts.txt in line 1 to avoid a scripts #0 kick on join

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